Apart from Hollow Knight, is there any other good indie game?

Apart from Hollow Knight, is there any other good indie game?

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i guess

Baba is You

I liked the one with the skeletons and the flamboyant robot

Define indie game

Yume Nikki

Unironically undertale

>start Hollow Knight
>have 1000 coins or whatever they are
>accidently die because got too cocky
>ok whatever
>die by some honing jellyfish faggots on my way to get my 1000 coins back
I haven't played the game since

So long as it isnt the seqeul

1000 coin is like nothing in this game

Some of my favourites:
>For the King
>Baba is You
>Slay the Spire
>Ultimate Chicken Horse
>The Messenger
>Ittle Dew 1 & 2
>The Banner Saga
>Axiom Verge
>Knights of Pen & Paper
>Shovel Knight

I loved darkest dungeons

>at the point where you get to the jellyfish
Why didn't you deposit that money in the bank?

Shovel Knight
Cuphead (if you consider it indie)

...and that's all

I wanted to like Iconoclast, but I couldn't bring myself to finish it. I dropped it after the moon events
How's the banner saga? People always recommend it, but I dunno if it's my type of game

Hyper Light Drifter

Absolute Drift
Devil Daggers
Environmental Station Alpha
Fight'N Rage
Hyper Light Drifter
Kero Blaster
La Mulana
Lethal League
Pharaoh Rebirth
Rym 9000
Valdis Story

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High-pressure game. It's a mix of Oregon Trail and a tactics RPG, with your decisions, even minor ones, having long-reaching consequences. For example, a brief decision in the first game determines whether someone lives or dies in the third game. I enjoyed it, but kept it on easy mode because I didn't want to deal with injuries disabling my fighters battle to battle.

Cave Story

There is no sequel.

Is CrossCode any good?

It's the same mechanic as in Dark Souls and all the other games that copied it like Shovel Knight or Diablo.

Simply quit to title when you're at 1 mask.

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Sucked cock. Very good pixel art, but the gameplay is just terribly boring, and the shitty "story" is forced down your throat every 2 minutes.

>Axiom Verge
All around mediocre. Fun enough to play, but very derivative of Super Metroid, almost feels like a romhack of it.

>Shovel Knight
Actually good.

Haven't played the others, though I did buy The Messenger the last sale.

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La-Mulana 1 and 2.

I've never played this game before, sell me on it. I like Metroid, but I like the exploration and replayability aspect more than action. Does Hollow Knight deliver? It's on sale.

corpse run is a mediocre mechanic at best and it's annoying as shit that so many games use it now because souls did
if you want to have loss of resources on death then have it, the weird middle ground is just dumb

rogue legacy
va11 hall-a
nuclear throne
slime rancher
enter the gungeon

>sell me on it
Just watch this:

And there are like 30 boss fights in this game, all on the same level of quality. E.g. here's another one:

If you're just playing for boss fights you may as well just play Rabi-Ribi.

Hollow Knight is fun but the world is so damn big that I never know where to go next

Like I said, I care more about exploration, replayability and fun movement mechanics more than I do about action.

>Apart from Hollow Knight, is there any other good indie game?
Wait, are you implying that Hollow Knight is a good game?

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Sounds like you're looking for Rabi-Ribi. It railroads you during the prologue, but after that it's free reign. In fact, if you know how to use certain secret techs, you can sequence break the prologue and get away with some crazy stuff (and even nab some achievements for it)

>I care more about exploration, replayability and fun movement mechanics
Then Hollow Knight might not be for you, it's literally 2D Dark Souls, it's all about gitting gud with the bosses, there's minimal platforming in the game, only the semi-secret level on the true ending route really tests your platforming skills, the rest is all super simple, you just fight enemies in rooms and don't do anything crazy movement wise.

>Sell me on it
Well you sure as fuck did an abyssmal job of doing that, and that's coming from someone who actually likes the game.

Anywhere you can go is a good way to go until you decide to go somewhere else. That's how metroidvanias work. Your brain got turned to mush playing linear games.

if you like puzzles

>If you're just playing for boss fights you may as well just play Rabi-Ribi.
>Sounds like you're looking for Rabi-Ribi.
Well one of you is lying


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Yes, that sounds like exactly what I'm looking for.

Isn't Hollow Knight pretty linear, consideting that afaik there's little to no sequence breaking? A game doesn't stop being linear just because you aren't going on a literal straight line.

>it's, uh, a fun game, I played it for the gameplay I swear haha

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There’s usually 2 to 3 different bosses you can pursue at any given point in HK, so I’d say no.

It definitely delivers on exploration. The map is huge, there is a lot to explore in every direction, and if one area is kicking your ass you'll always have other options.

The movement mechanics are responsive and have a lot of depth to them, especially with pogoing. But you'll feel kind of sluggish before you acquire the dash.

It's pretty good for replayability, there's sequence breaking available and different routing, it's good for speedrunning.

imagine being this triggered by fanservice

Why did I think rabi ribi was a shmup

It's pretty much a bullet hell metroidvania, so you're not too far off.

great, another game where i have to alt tab when mum walks in the room

Oh really? The other anons made it seem like it's pretty linear. If there's good variety with sequence breaking and routing then I'm interested. Having a big map isn't as important to me as having a map with interesting routing.

It's about as linear as Dark Souls 1. You can choose from like 3-4 locations depending on where in the story progression you are.

I mean, it's literally just Dark Souls. If you want Dark Souls in 2D and with bugs, then play HK, otherwise pass. It's a hard game, don't get it if you get easily frustrated.

One of two areas are pretty "obligatory", but other than that you have a lot of freedom. For example, there's a power up you need to enter the Crystal Peaks, but if you manage to get an iteam early in the game (and easy to get), you can go there even before going to greenpath. You can explore other maps too doing the same thing.

You always have multiple options after getting the dash and claw (which is basically the end of the tutorial). And there is sequence breaking, but that isn't required for a game to not be linear. If you design your game to be entirely open from the beginning and literally anything can be done at any time, there is no sequence breaking in it, but that doesn't make it linear.


>implying the boss fight leading to that scene isn't top tier boss design
>implying the characters talking don't have excellent boss fights, one of which runs on a pretty effective horror theme

Please for the love of god play Rain World, it's game of the decade

That actually sounds pretty cool. I guess I take back what I said.

>muh horror themes

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Don't listen to the other idiots. They're doing an awful job at selling the game. Holy shit
I'm like you. I care about exploration mostly. And this game delivers. I'm not going to say it's the deepest of exploration. But it definitely has that Metroid quality, where the make is mig and maze like, with a bunch of little hidden stuff everywhere. So you're rewarded by looking around. There are even sequence breaking designed into the world, so if you're crafty and daring, then you can play portions of the game out of order.

People who only play for bosses often shit on exploration in this game, because they're just retarded ADD faggots with no curiosity. To them, exploration is slow, because they only care about what they're fighting, and not how they get to their fight. It's a nice long game too. If you take your time to really search around, then your first playthrough could be over 40 hours. Mine was over 60, because I nearly 100% the game prior to the final boss. I was having that much fun just searching around, finding trinkets.

Replayability is a bit lacking though. Since the game can't be beat in a short time like Metroid. New games require a time investment. But like I said before, there are sequence breaks to explore. And on subsequent playthroughs, you might be skilled enough to actually pull them off.

>implying you aren't just showing the cherry on top of an already good game

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>where the make is mig and maze like
I meant the map is big and maze like.

again with this fucking game
its boring, bland and unimaginitive, mediocre at best.

Dude, for fuck's sake, HK is not an igavania, there's only one (1) weapon in the whole game, the fuck you're going to autistically "explore" the map for? Charms? Half of them are useless trash and most good ones are either in shops or guarded by bosses.

sounds like your post son ayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

Lobotmy Corporation, Baba is You, Factorio, Don't Starve, Darkest Dungeon, Rainworld, SCP Secret Lab, Va-11 Hall-A, Cuphead, etc...

you're a fucking retard

>worrying about coins
just dont die casul

Spell upgrades, weapon upgrades, health upgrades, magic upgrades, dream bosses, and more. Did you play the game?

>sell me on it.
I can't, because it's not a very good game:

>charms are a poor customization system, since they have very boring effects that are extremely situational or even downright useless, like 'removes the slight knockback you get from attacking' (this is actually detrimental, since your muscle memory will heve adapted to the knockback by the time you get it) or 'slightly increases movement speed' (useless, since you already have a dash that is faster) or 'lets you dash downward' (why on earth would you need this when you can just fall down). And the notch requirements are far too restrictive and prevent you from using more than three or so charms at a time, so you'll just stick with the safe options and never experiment

>the death mechanic is an inferior version of what Dark Souls does. In Dark Souls, normal enemies can still pose a threat, and you only have a limited amount of estus flasks, so dying during exploration is a real possibility and having to recover your souls is a relevant gameplay mechanic throughout. In Hollow Knight, like most metroidvanias, exploration is relatively easy, especially since you have unlimited healing, and only boss fights pose a challenge.

>music is boring. It's all very cliched ambient melancholy stuff that lacks any memorable theme or melody. And while the boss fight music is obviously more uptempo, it's literally what you'd expect if you asked someone to compose 'generic boss fight music'.

>if you fall of a ledge, you are teleported to safety, which undermines the challenge of platforming. Often, you'll be teleported ahead to the place you were trying to reach, so you're actually rewarded for failure

>most health/soul upgrades, charms and key items that let you bypass obstacles are bought from stores rather than found, making exploration feel unrewarding

>upgrades are just the bogstandard 'dash/super dash/walljump/can survive water' Metroidvania stuff. there's nothing original or creative here.

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The opening to the battle (not shown in video) subverts your expectations
The game takes away one of your main mechanics, making you feel vulnerable
One of the protagonists may be dead
Boss has defensive buffs to make you feel at disadvantage
The lower Miru's health gets, the faster the music goes, generating a sense of urgency.
This is further reinforced by her defensive buffs swapping for offensive buffs once she is nearing death.
But sure, it's just mindless fanservice for you.

cave story is my favorite game of all time

shovel knight more like jank trash

>i like exploration more than action
play Rain World, its similar to Hollow Knight but has more exploration while combat is fairly optional if you know what you're doing

>start playing Hollow Knight, having a good time
>get stuck in the early game after finding the dream nail
>put the game down for months over it
>try again last night for the fuck of it
>still can't find a solid path forward
>go full casual and look up a map because goddammit, I just want to not be stuck
>somehow, someway, miss the drop into Fungal Wastes from Greenpath despite having been in the goddamn room before

I'm chalking this one down to looking so hard that I miss what's right in front of me. I'm still reevaluating my life choices over my dumbassery.

Why are you spoiling the whole thing? Are you just retarded or genuinely malicious?

>Rain World

It got a lot of 5/10 and 6/10s. Another case of brainlet videogame press?

Do you need a carrot on a stick to keep you playing an exploration game?

>the fuck you're going to autistically "explore" the map for?
The exploration in of itself is the fun part. I'm not some fight fag who only thinks of the next battle. I enjoy the simple pleasure of discovery.

It's quite possibly much harder than anything you've ever played. So a lot of people drop it super fast.

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>one boss, completely out of context
>caring for the plot of fucking Rabi-Ribi
If you are that user and you ran out of screenshots (and "arguments"), you can stop bothering me.

Yes. Because of journalists not wanting to learn how to play the game, they gave Rain World bad scores across the board. I wish people wouldn't assume a game is terrible just by review scores made by retards who hate playing video games that do not have a casual mode

Hotline 1/2, Furi, and Outer Wilds are my favorite indie games.

It's [CURRENT YEAR] and you for some reason still follow review scores?

There are plenty of good indie games out there. Honestly I play more indie games than big budget ones these days. What kind of genre are you looking for?

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Rain World is a game for tryhards, and ONLY tryhards.
You might be thinking, "I play games on hard mode sometimes, I can handle it". NO! Shut up. You have to always be playing at your peak, or you won't make it.


(M) is for masochist, it means that this game is going to try and make you want to kill yourself and have no fun typically for the sake of ludonarrative consistency.
>Nice platformers, absolute must-plays.
Shovel Knight
Cave Story
>Nice platformers that aren't necessarily must-plays
A Hat in Time
>Earthbound style RPGs
Undertale (This gets fucked over a lot from simpletons coming in with high expectations.)
LISA (only one on the list I'm recommending without having played)
>Fast paced purple games
Hotline Miami
Hotline Miami 2 (M)
Hyper light drifter
>Nice puzzle games
Return of the Obra Dinn
Baba is You (M) (Not a pretentious kind of M, you're actually going to feel like a retard)
>Roguelikelikes (M)
Dead Cells
Darkest Dungeon
Slay the spire
Enter the Gungeon (I really didn't like this one, it's too slow, bullet spongy and bullet-heavy)
>Muh 2d zelda style pixel art wankfest with thoroughly mediocre gameplay
>Muh boring as fuck cinematic platformer that's also kind of a pixel art wankfest
Rain World (M)
>Yes I'm unironically recommending minecraft in a list of indie games

Also The Witness and Braid


How do I get into it? It felt too difficult and very easy to gimp yourself needing a restart

Also remember Touhou counts as an indie game. So does everything made by Orange Juice (yes, there is stuff other than 100% OJ please go play those).

aren't the other games in the oj verse all shmups?

Actually under the same section as minecraft, I recommend Terraria (Haven't played but heard very good things) and Stardew Valley (use a furry mod to avoid seeing black people)
Games like that are balanced around you knowing good loadouts so look those up and try to get them.

You can summon some kind of witch snail to get back your coins in exchange for some rotten eggs

Well, yeah. AoS 1 and 2 are more like a shmup/fighter hybrid, though. I suppose 200% Mixed Juice is an RPG, but it's not like you'll get much of it unless you're familiar with their other stuff.

>(use a furry mod to avoid seeing black people)
while the standard
the western art is garbage but being a furry isn't much better

>LISA (only one on the list I'm recommending without having played)
I can vouch for LISA.
It's pretty short, the combat is turn based JRPG with extra mechanics which make it more engaging. Great soundtrack and fun story, with a lot of suffering.

Yeah I'm fucking with you, the only mods that are 100% mandatory is Topless Miriam for Bloodstained and speed mods for Darkest Dungeons

It gives a relaxing-anxious cycle where you are relaxed when you haven't died and anxious/adrenaline rush when you do rather than having you be anxious all game which is exhausting. Of course it could be less of a grind so you aren't as anxious in the first place and using other mechanics to provide that feeling like loss of a reward rather than a punishment.

Speaking of shmups ZeroRanger is worth a shot. It has pretty begginer-friendly mechanics.

What does Yea Forums think of Angela's game?

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I played it casually, it's quite easy you can save all the time.

Freedom Planet is nice if you can stomach the hilariously fanfiction garbage story or just go classic mode

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Play Lobotomy Corporation.
Play Rain World.
Play Darkwood.

Rain World isn't even notably difficult, Unfortunate Development, before rainfall, being a notable exception, but you can easily bypass it.

I love how they marketed it as Sonic inspired when it's clearly Rocket Knight.

I got into it because of the former but stayed because of the latter. Now I'm desperately waiting for the sequel because it looks like a colossal improvement in every way

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Developed by five people or less?