Bros... They actually did it

Bros... They actually did it.

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Other urls found in this thread:

I wish I was an eceleb :(

cute white couple


Kill self faggot

God this is so disgustingly narcissistic. If she was the only one who wanted this, he's an idiot for not seeing the red flag.

Fake shit for youtube views. Why haven’t you realized it yet?

Felix is 100% pure aryan


my favorite cringe youtuber just married?

Yes. and That's a good thing and you are supposed to talk about this online, and Here's why

kill yourself and why isn't this trash deleted yet retard jannies

You can almost imagine sad lonely orbiters in their dark rooms watching the lives of their surrogate friends through their digital screens and feeling fake happiness
what a world we live in, huh?

>You will never have the wedding of your dreams.
If you ever decided to actually marry someone, your marriage would look like a complete sad piece of shit compared to the one this guy just had. Live with the knowledge that you'd basically just end up hosting it in some average shit hole where everyone else had their marriages held in before, there will never be anything unique about it, no one will ever remember it as being anything special aside aside from just another weeding. Nobody will hold that even close to their hearts or in their memories because it'd just be another average event with nothing special or unique about it.
>You will never have the wedding of your dreams.

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Are you a roastie? No man gives a shit.

Bets on when she divorces him and runs away with all his money.

Literally only women care about weddings this much


I'm asexual thus celibate

*insert ryan gosling from br 2049 screaming*

If he has any working braincells he's got a prenup. You should literally never marry without one.

just woman problems

Kill yourself already jesus. MODS DO YOU EVEN EXIST

I think you missed your Kojima thread.

are you gay or is america putting estrogen secretly in the soda?

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where is cross, where is priest?

It's time to go sleep, jimbo

Is this what passes for copypasta on /cgl/?

why are you seething?

his wedding was nothing special

t. used to work at 5star hotel that hosted events like those

i dont get what he sees in her


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Felix is an atheist, just like me. I still don't give a shit about ecelebs and my mind is beyond your knowledge because pantheism is more real than theism, your shitty god.

Women are a waste of time.

Literally who?

That's my favorite gh3 chart

Seriously. There's something wrong with your shit if you don't recognize pewdiepie.

You have to be 18 to use this site

You know how i know it's more likely pantheism? Pic related

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Are you a girl? No dude gives a shit

Are you retarded? Are you fucking stupid or just some sociopaths?
If you were to love someone and maybe decide to marry them, wouldn't you try to make the wedding be as great as possible? I'm not even talking about women, marry a faggot if that's your style but you just make it sound like you have no compassion at all.

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>arises when a country's regime – or, more rarely, an individual
They should update this.

It was clear they had a very small ceremony. I don't know why people expect everyone to go all out and throw some massive thing.

The worst weddings I've gone to are the ones with 80+ people. It's an absolute clusterfuck. Meanwhile when it's like 20 or so it's way nicer for everyone I feel like.

As long as she didn't do it for the money.

this isn't the Elon Musk thread, check before you post semenbrain

Now have lots of kids

Guy friend orbiters, no less.
At least we know thot orbiters are just being controlled by their dick. Either we have to accept that this is entirely voluntary, or there's some other form of hypnotism going on.

love how people are seething over this. and it comes from what you expected, single people who done nothing worth in their lives either are feminists, sjw, incels, the kind of people who spend more time on internet wanting to unperson anybody they don't like instead of doing something productive in their lives.
im single, who knows if i ever get a family but i don't mind, im happy for pdp, he deserves it and wish him the best, stay mad and continue seething over someone's happiness.
just remember, is not anyone's fault over your unhappiness

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We need internet celebrity board /incel/

Hello Mr. Weddingberg
>yes goyim make sure you spend no less than $50,000 on your wedding or otherwise your fiancée will just have to look elsewhere for someone better than you

>heavens, why are men not particularly passionate about a ceremony that is ancillary to the biased legal accord into which they were nagged and threatened by their girlfriends
oh princess

They've been dating for years and years.
That said, she's totally doing it for the money.

who the fuck cares

you will also not have 200 million dollars on your account

>he thinks prenups stop divorce lawyers from raping you
Oh how I wish I was still this young and naive.

I mean, if you want to think poorly about it, sure.

Marriage is an imposition to men. Nothing more. We play along, because it makes women happy. But we only want to do the bare minimum.

How young are you?

They met when pewdiepie was a nobody.

Zoom zoom

The fact some of these replies are so triggered proves the point.

Women aren't people.

>love how people are seething over this
What? it's literally not video games, do you talk about VYDIA in this thread? are you mentally challenged?

No, the money is much better spent elsewhere. Great honeymoon, downpayment on a house, etc. You have to be retarded to blow it on some one day party that will drive you nuts for months while you plan it.

Because as men all we have to do is suit up and show up for weddings and we'd like to keep it that way.

women only like weddings because they get to show of their husband's wealth infront of all their family members and friends

>The wedding of my dreams :)
--no man

Yes but she's a woman. Money gets the blood flowing down to their sex parts.

She's not white though she's Italian. What a waste.

this must be a woman. it must be.

>you have no compassion at all
Why would I have compassion towards others, especially women? You must be a beta bitch.

Try 120.

And that actually wasn't even a wedding, it was just some retarded neckbeard with rich as fuck but also stupid parents throwing him an ''adulthood'' party or some shit like that once he became 18.
They fucking cramped all of us inside some basement level ball room build on the side of a castle. Piece of shit must've been the cellars or torture chambers in the past or something.

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