RuneScape 3 thread

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Inb4 osrs redditors bring up eoc

You niggers know you can play legacy, right? You niggers know you can opt out of microtransactions, right?
You niggers know Reddit decides the fate of osrs right?

Opting out of micro transactions doesn't solve the problem at all. Not even one bit. Like not even 0.01%.

thanks, this is now an OSRS thread.

what's the lowest effort, non-combat moneymaker for a 2k+ main? I assume blood runecrafting but I've already hit 99rc and have the pet. Trying to passively fuel bonds for an ironmeme but have no real motivation to do real content on the main right now.

Imagine still playing AFK-scape in 2019. You know your game is a problem when people say, "Oh just watch YouTube and movies while you afk bro!"

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this game is absolute garbage and the game developers rather pump out microtransactions and "fix" what isn't broken. And they STILL won't update the engine because 2% of the player base still plays on Java

i didnt even know osrs had cheat detection until recently lmao

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Is PVP and warbands still dead?


it's like you looked at wow and went "nope, not bad enough for me"

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When the fuck was Runescape 2?

just make it a rune dragon alt, you practically afk for an hour and make bank

Minecraft Runescape resource pack, if anyone's interested.

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risk absolutely fuck all because the combat is unbalanced, yes it's dead
free xp out of your fucking ass, no.

RuneScape 1/Classic was 2001-2004
RuneScape 2 was 2004-2011(?) which is the one most people are familiar with
RuneScape 3 is the "current" version with OSRS being a backup of RS2 from 2007 that turned into its own game

thats unironically why i play runescape. i feel like a worthless piece of shit if i sit around and watch videos all day, but if i do it while grinding i feel like i still accomplished something

>free xp out of your fucking ass, no
Im talking about the afterwars not the actual minigame.


>accomplished something
Like raising arbitrary numbers?

I really wish I could get into it again, but it just doesn't click with me as well anymore, and all my friends that still play are obviously max level since years and just start a new HCIM every other week or something. Same applies more or less to OSRS.

It works for 1.14 Minecraft -- the latest version.
I recommend using fancy graphics, fast clouds, and turn off smooth lighting. That's how I play it.

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Still find this game charming, working on my smithing and mining. Taking it slow and steady.

Yeah, you still see groups of people duking it out after warbands.

Does it work on older versions? Need it for mods on 1.13/1.12

That's good to hear, maybe I'll try it out again.

Post stats/wealth.

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Not sure, but I recommend just swapping the "pack.mcmeta" with another "pack.mceta" mod from that update, or something. I haven't tried it. Test it yourself.

I'll check it out. the few times I've done them for tasks I was getting slapped around enough to not want to afk though.Perhaps I should just invest in some justiciar

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Public chat is dead
Public skilling(fishing) is dead
Endgame is paytogrind and 99’s are now the norm because it’s so easy to get so boosts and double xp weekends
EOC sucks ass and the engine still runs like shit to accommodate it
Lodestones killed any need for law runes
Divination is the worst designed skill humanly possible and they made invention and endgame quests tied to it

>included untradeable wealth
its ok poorfag

All of life is just raising and lowering numbers user.

>Lodestones killed any need for law runes
Why hasn't their price crashed then? They're still worth over 400 gp

Are you accounting for inflation? 400gp in RS3 is like 50gp in OSRS (where law runes are worth less than 400gp mind you)

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EOC was unironically the best thing that happened to rs before they ruined it with legacy.

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>have one of the most successful MMOs of all time
>nearly torpedo it with a retarded years long crusade against RWT
>after halving your membership count you introduce your own microtransactions in the most laughably retarded way possible
>RS3 is such cancer that you're forced to revert to a version of the game that existed over a decade ago to prevent your game from vanishing completely

Jagex has to be the biggest fuckup in the past decade

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Utterly meaningless in RS3.

>go to OSRS
>forced to partake in LGBT pride parades
>get permabanned for wearing desert clothes
Yea Forums will defend this, just check my replies

i tryed to get back into it when osrs came out on mobile but when i logged on all my shit was level 1. so i checked runescape 3 using my old login all my stuff was there. this is bull shit i want my old account back

OSRS is separate. Everyone starts out at lvl 1 stats.

I opt out of mtx but others dont. How does that solve anything fucktard?

Are there RS sounds too?

Hey osrs redditors, wanna hear a funny joke?
A new skill

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Soundtrack, but no sounds.
I thought Minecraft sounds would be good enough anyways. I have a soundpack with all the sound effects, but I'm too lazy to sort through all 2800 sound effects to find individual sounds I need. I wanted to, but it just seemed like too much effort.

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never ever

why is it so dead bros?