How is this game?

Are the graphics blurry like the DOOM port?

Is the game actually good?

Attached: DiabloIIINS_PSLarge.jpg (500x824, 90K)

It's by far the best version of the game.
I mean D3 is still shit, but this version is the least shit of them all.
Runs wonderfully trough black magic fuckery, can play offline, has quick local co-op and working multi, and so on.
It kept me busy for a couple of months, playing almost 24/7.
But once i "finished" a couple of characters and geared them up propely and finished their build, i don't feel the reason to go back to it.
It was fun while it lasted, immensely superior experience compared to the PC version wich i hated back at launch, but ideally you want it massively discounted if you can.

switch or PS4?

Diablo 3 or Torchlight 2?

diablo 3 fucking sucks

PS4 has more active online, but switch has couch co-op and portability.
Pick what is most important for you.

Diablo 3 sucks but it has more substance than Torchlight 2 at least

i got the bone version for the 4k. I only play on hardcore after so many vanilla runs. It gives you reason to be excited while playing. Game is not hard and every character usually has an oh shit talent or ability to cheat death once or twice so its not unforgiving.

Torchlight 2 is pretty bad compared to the first game.
D3 overall has more meat on it's bones.

>D3 is still shit
>It kept me busy for a couple of months, playing almost 24/7.

Why does it suck? I played D2 for years but never had the opportunity to play D3, until the switch port.

Why so much hate for this game?

Get it on pc if you want to play it like a normal person and not a pleb.

>always online

>on or offline

pc version is games as a service

Take everything good about D2
The expansive skill tree, the items and loot system, the gems + runes used to upgrade slotted gear, the genuine difficulty, and good pvp play.
Now throw all of that out the fucking window and replace it with the most dumbed down, worst attempt at revamping all of those systems.
That's Diablo 3 even after all of the expansions

I picked it up due to a total lack of self control maybe 6 months ago or so, and I played the absolute shit out of it for the next couple weeks. I also got it on release with some friends on PC so it's not like I hadn't played the game before, but I did stop playing before getting into the real heavy grind of the game and also had never played the expansion content.

Say what you will about D3, it's fuckin polished. All your skills feel responsive and flashy, they've made sure loot feels plentiful and meaningful, you can actually find a good balance of difficulty with how many different options they have now, and there's plenty of grind, not to mention a pretty fun main campaign if you've never been through it.

The portability of the switch just cinched it for me. I take the train to work and I was playing it constantly, and it was nice to be able to cozy up in bed with it.

So yeah, I recommend it.

>Why does it suck?
Because it ranges from "meh" to "i guess this is ok" in it's best moments, and whiters and dies a lonely dead when even remotely compared to D2.

Is the Diablo 1 remake included in this version?

You're talking about the Anniversary Event?

Personally, I'm convinced the people that shit on D3 are the people who feel hurt by the changes from D2. Speaking as someone who barely played D2, and not until years later, D3 is fine.

It's not an amazing game. They also fucked up a lot of stuff at launch and along the way. But I can play it for hours and have fun with it, especially with friends, and I have some fond memories of launch time running through the campaign with a couple buddies. At the end of the day, despite playing it for hours and hours, I don't really come away from it feeling like "oh man this is such a great game" but I definitely had fun, if that makes sense. It checks all the right boxes but doesn't really do anything beyond that, but frankly that's ok for me.

Yep, can you play it offline?

>Personally, I'm convinced the people that shit on D3 are the people who feel hurt by the changes from D2. Speaking as someone who barely played D2, and not until years later, D3 is fine.
I mean, you do realize this entire opening statement pretty much invalidates everything you have to say on the subject?
It defeats your own reputation in one move and makes listening to what you have to say completely useless.

If you barely played D2 you can't make any accurate comparisons for why none of us like D3.
It's like playing OOT in 2019 and wondering why it doesnt play like BoTW. You missed it during it's heyday and that's fine, but dont expect those of us that remember D2 to take you seriously when you can't comprehend why D3 was such a massive disappointment

That's my point. I'm saying that on it's own, separate from the rest of the series, it's fine. Not amazing, but fine.

I understand not liking the game based on the series as a whole, I've been dissapointed by a lot of sequels before to some of my favorite games. I also don't think people are just whining, I totally get it and frankly I think complaining about D3 is completely justified. But I when someone asks about D3, I happen to have the perspective of just that game, on it's own. And it's pretty fun like that.

I think the worst part was how overacted all the VAs were in this game
Go listen to Deckard Cain from D2 and then compare it to his D3 lines
Jesus christ it sounds so bad

How is the music in the game?

Actually pretty good considering the rest of the game.
it sounds kind of like the D2 soundtrack but obviously newer
Some of the tracks are little too noisy and generic for my tastes but like I said it's probably one of the better parts of D3

Thanks i think i will get this game.

Exclusive Ganon armor makes it the definitive version.

>black magic

Diablo 3 ran at 60fps on Xbox 360, you fucking idiot