>say bad words/toss people
pcbros will defend this
>say bad words/toss people
pcbros will defend this
>say bad words
you clearly didn't ready up in time faggot
clean the cum off your monitor
>say money
>nigger stolen
defend this
Then don't say bad words, is that so hard?
not my pic. I'm banned 6 months from dota2.
also you're retarded for agreeing with being banned for not readying up. Wouldn't expect more than a pc cuck
You get locked out of your entire system for wrongthink on consoles so I don't know why PC Chad's have to defend themselves.
>not my pic
fuck off then retard
dumb nigger too stupid to take a screenshot
>Why yes I play valve abandonware trash in 2019, how did you tell
>time remaining:Tuesday
I don't know why I found that so funny
Free to play game. If you paid for a beta key then you're retarded and valve owes you nothing because they were never selling them in the first place.
I don't play multiplayer shit so I don't care.
found the redditor
No low prio anymore?
I just don't get why you have to use "the bad words" all the time, if they are such an important part of your vocabulary then perhaps you should take a look at your life
No, now they just ban you for a 1-6 months for wrongthinking or trying new strats
pc master race everyone. I'm glad Epic is beating Valve, hope they go bankrupt
>Time remaining: Tuesday
How long is that?
Imagine being so fragile that you can't keep your cool during a match, and get reported for disruptive behavior.
If you weren't a neet neckbeard incel you would know that people aren't nice to eachother all the time. Infact people swear and curse at eachother all the time, specially in traffic.
also have sex
feeding mid because someone else did something you didn't like isn't exactly new
>trying new strats
picking support then going mid isn't "new strats" you tard
>I'm banned 6 months from dota2.
Haha what. I didn't even know bans could last that long. You must have ruined a lot of games, you fucking nigger, which means you deserve the ban. I'm harassing people in 100% of games and I've never been banned. I've been chat banned for like a day but never restricted from playing. Trolling and ruining matches will get you the most reports though so that's definitely what you did. Justice was served.
>play dota
>don't get banned for saying nigger
am I missing something??? how can valve let these toxic people play?!?!
Do they actually ban for chat messages now? When I was still playing they only muted you for a while which is perfectly fine.
>go into a club
Keep my cool? Do you actually think I'm raging at teammates in a dead game? I just queue rank and toss teammates. Still I should be able to do that and Valve can't lock me out of my own fucking game. Fucking jews.
through extensive research I have arrived at the conclusion that tuesday is 24 hours long
>also have sex
And loose my wizardly powers, NEVER!!!!
Holy shit.
This guy needs contrapoints
You can't be 6 month banned for saying nigger in Dota. If you're 6 months banned it means you're a faggot game ruiner that feeds mid and tiny airlines every game or two.
>it should be illegal to not play like everyone else
go back to china, commie
You are just making an ass out of yourself op
Maybe if you didnt stop losing your every match for someone not playing how you want, you might now get "EXCESIVELY" reported.
Get fucked, retardo, nobody wants to play with you.
>playing dota
exfoliate incel
>yes pleave valve ban everyone I don't like XDDD
kys retard. He should be able to do WHATEVER the fuck he wants in game. Or do you like someone walking in your house and telling you what to do with your shit?
>playing dota 2
how fucking embarrassing, they did you a favor
Yep, I love dota 2! Especially Artifact and Underlords, get out tranny!
valve should permanently ban them
>i play dota 2
you can spam nigger as much as you want playing with ai :)
>the internet is exactly like real life and should be treated as such
This only happens when you are throwing literally every game. I've got an account banned for 6 months when I did that. Btw on my new account I talk trash every game and throw like one game a day but still don't get anything more than a few LPs.
So you must be trying really hard to throw literally every other game for lulz or whatever.
behaviour score 1 btw
>He should be able to do WHATEVER the fuck he wants in game
That is true for SINGLE PLAYER GAMES which Dota is not. There are OTHER PLAYERS in your dota matches. If you don't care then you are what is called A DUMB SHITSKIN NIGGER CHIMP and you will get a 6 month ban like OP if you decide to ruin the match for four others because you're le epic 2 digit iq troll master current or future mcdonalds worker.
It is really hard to get reported like that in Dota 2. I rage tons and I've been muted twice and NEVER put into low prio. 8000+ hours.
Dota is one of the few based games left, retarded Yea Forums tards will never learn.
you retards realize this faggot he is some chimp "trolling" you
sigh.. here on Yea Forums
you are already an embarrassment to your parents, now stop making us all cringe too.
trolled kid, we were just pretending to be trolled
damn is that the real Yawar? How the frick is he not banned yet from tournaments.
I bet you play MMOs and have e-friends. You sound like a total faggot that wants to have "fun" with other online people, pathetic.
you've never been in d2g, dota players are this retarded
ITT: it's ok when gabe does it
literally no one cares until reddit starts sperging out that some pro says racist words
its not treated as such though, because in real life you could get arrested or fined for disorderly behavior
>playing multiplayer games in current year
>He should be able to do WHATEVER the fuck he wants in game
>being a biot
you deserved it really user
>enter a social gathering
>everyone hates you
>get kicked out
>rts for braindead chinks
so this is your brain on ASSFAGGOTS
I say bad words all the time and I have a behavior score of 10k
maybe don't abandon or feed mid you ultra cuck.
>say bad words
>video game
>social gathering
why the fuck to people play trash where this can happen, honest to god I swear you're the same kind of person who shits on normies for play cod while willingly consuming this trash
Dota really has a social score? LMAO holy fucking shit.
>video game
>your home
>where this can happen
You literally have to be TRYING to get banned in Dota to get banned in Dota.
>tfw chinks will get Tiananmen Squared again tonight
>Why, Yes I don't play dota 2 past 2013 or watch it, how did you know?
But you're the one walking around in their house, you idiot. That's what you don't seem to get.
what do you expect from a braindead game for chinks?
It has a behavior score, not a social score. Those are fundamentally different things.
reminder ppd said he voted obama, and then hillary clinton after that, and was only wearing the maga hat to make fun of them due to sumail being a muslim immigrant
Yes, that's what multiplayer games are. A gathering of people who will socialize in some aspect. Same with meetings, clubs, events, etc.
If you're at a movie theater, where being social isn't even important at all, and everyone hates you being there based on the way you act, you being kicked out is your own fault.
because.. HE
it's literally his, his property, retard
get help
>Pimple juice all over the screen
its free and you dont own ANYTHING on steam you delusional valvecuck
>He should be able to do WHATEVER the fuck he wants in game
No he shouldn't.
That pic is an "or" list with 3 options, you unironic fucking illiterate NIGGER.
>spouting off your stupid autist garbage outside of the secret clubhouse in the current sociopolitical climate
I have just as much contempt for you as the kids that ate Tide Pods. You should know better, and you have no one but yourself to blame.
Why do faggots throw games at all? Blows my mind. It's the ultimate baby tantrum play.
take it as a warning I guess
I got banned for 8 years, 6 to go due to excessive reports for more than 3000 games
I wasn't aware that Valve changed the ban/report system to become more harsh since I had been throwing games for at least 3 years
I pretty much stopped playing all garbage that does this shit. Even games I paid for, hell I got like 200 hours or more in some of them before this chinkoid culture infected games so I got my money's worth. I mainly stick to singleplayer games, fighting games or autism simulators.
Fuck all these big corporations controlling your behavior online, it was so much better when you just got banned for commiting actual crimes, cheating or scamming players. Remember player-run dedicated servers? You could have your own CS 1.6 servers and shit and do whatever you wanted.
I'm so happy when I see these posts
I know faggots like you making the game unbearable for everyone get b& and seethe so fucking hard. It's like music to my ears
All 3 of those things are bad retard.
>quit, get reported or fail to ready up 10 games in a row
>Wtf why can't i play!!
Why would you play Dota if you dont want to play with other people?
>this same thread for 6months
buy a different fucking game and fuck off with your retard childish shit
This is why I only play TF2 for my multiplayer vidya experience. Came from a time before the industry was cucked but also not archaic boomer shit.
>it's a bitchy OP that can't stop being a cunt so he posts on Yea Forums
blame yourself
multiplayer games are not like IRL social gatherings you fucking nigger zoomer faggot. They are VIDEO GAMES you play with OTHER PLAYERS. You literally can't hurt people in a video game and games usually provide a mute function.
>biggest crowd funded e-sports prize pool in all of history
>prize pool consistently growing larger over the years
>9 (NINE) multinational tournaments that bring in players and viewers from every corner of the globe
>two new heros this fall
>engaging meta, many different strats possible
>custom game scene birthed the newest hit meme game since battle royale
>user says it's abandonware trash
It can be argued as trash but it is not abandoned. However, I would say that Valve doesn't give Dota2 the spit and polish it deserves for how much commotion it creates. Might be on purpose though.
These threads always make me happy to know that I'm not a mental disorder ridden faggot who does everything to worm himself out of bearing responsibility for his garbage-mannered actions in a fucking _video game_
absolutely based
>get angry
screaming child
Act like a child, get treated like a child.
These kinds of posts make me feel like trying the game again, since I haven't touched it since 2015 because of cancerous faggots making the game a headache. Glad to see valve is FINALLY doing something about them
>game has built in BM mechanics
>not using them
>flaming your team instead
If the "excessive" qualifier is meant to apply to all possibilities, then I'd argue only the reports one is unjustified faglord shit.
Stop ducking lobbies, you little bitch. If you don't want to play, don't join in the first place.
manchild simply must say bad words like the faggot they are
you have to be a man or an alpha to understand
>caters to bugmen who pump money into the game now
>leaves english commentators in the non-soundproof pits
Only wh*toids give a fuck about the feelings of niggers.
>at movie theater
>yell "nigger" over and over so people can hear you
>security doesn't do anything because no one has complained yet
>15 people go to security and tell them you're bothering them
>security starts escorting you out
>"You retards! I'm not hurting anyone! I paid for my ticket! This is theft!"
imagine caring this much about being banned from a video game
take a shower, fatty
>talk trash: 50 points have been deducted from your social score.
>abandon games: 500 points
>abuse spells, abilities: 500 points
People with low social scores cannot participate in matchmaking for days or months.
its there to match feeders with feeders and faggots with faggots
to each their own
you act like it's any different on console
this is why dedicated servers should be mandatory
You are still comparing real life situations with a video game you absolute pozzed faggot.
That's not how it works and you know it nigger.
>grug get mad
have sex, fatty
I don't people multiplayers games, most the people who play them are squeaker kids.
if you hate free speech you shouldnt be on Yea Forums
Yes, that's why I emphasized _video games_. To make the tantrum-throwing monkey children seem even more moronic.
If you can't understand comparing flapping your massive niggerlips during a movie and trolling in-game calling people faggots when they tell you to stop being an asshole and to play the fucking game then you are just trolling here as well. And you're not a very good troll at that.
imagine weighing this much
iirc behaviour score just tries matches you up with players of similar behaviour scores
Except playing a videogame is a real life situation, retard.
only a basedcuck would consider that "bm"
what a beta way to disrespect
> 8 years
>make new steam account
>get back to same mmr in 100 games
nuthin personnel
i don't even care about the nigger bit, but i'd definitely want someone to leave if they were screaming over the movie
>I have no idea what BM is
neck yourself
OG have been spamming unmuteable sprays, tips and changing their profile pictures to tilt the enemy this whole TI.
Serious question: HOW ?
did dota2 rules change ? I get a fuck load of reports and i never get banned.
Get a load of this dumb nigger
Incorrect low prio still exists.
forgot to @
You need to be a supreme cancer lord, like op
>also you're retarded for agreeing with being banned for not readying up
Just click "Accept", nigger. How fucking dumb is you? Do you just compulsively go for a piss and to get a drink every time you join queue?
>Act like a slobbering faggot
>Get treated as such
Useless Bitch
I say nigger in every match I play and I've never fotten banned
Thank god
>Yea Forums gets baited into defending a literal 0.1% giga faggot that trashes literally every game he interacts with
holy fuvk how cancerous are you dude. I was a cunt right from the beginning of every game and only got banned once for 6 months.
Don't act like a faggot or go play some singleplayer experience that'll tolerate your presence.
I'm glad these retards get banned, I hope OP isnt trolling because laughing at these angry losers is fun
You have to be detected as regularly ruining games on purpose and have an abysmal behavior score. If you get 6 month'd you're someone who literally no one wants to play with.
How can you get banned in Dota? I've called people niggers so many times I've lost count.
teleporting teammates to enemy's fountain is my favorite past time
>lobby full of pieces of shit
>try your hardest to give them a win anyways because you're beta as fuck
>even if you carry they'll still report you and call you shit even though you had every reason to just throw your hands in the air
gee user I wonder
Ask M. Bison.
anyone have that image of that RS6 player getting super mad?
>he said bad word
>must be exiled
neck yourself incel
queue for game
instalock io
steal mid
hit 6 and start teleporting allies to enemy fountain
kill yourself over and over waiting for ult cd
repeat 50 times
lol ok
No, I have this though.
How the fuck do you even get banned in dota? I call people nigger almost every game and I've never even been muted.
show us the ban summary faggot. Oh that's right you wont because it exposes you
kinda bummed about the ban but i'll do it again for sure if it's lifted
now all I do is ruin games with fresh accounts
>Agree to not say bad words when installing the game
>Say bad words in game
>Get punished for bad words
>Cry on Yea Forums like a little bitch
>Violate TOS
>Get banned
It's that simple user. Yes, I am defending a game company. You were probably being a whiny bitch, shouting racist shit to get attention, and ruining the game for everyone else. You got what you deserved, you whiny bitch.
imagine being this fat and caring about a game so much you cry
>Game keeps crashing
>Can't rejoin match in-time because I had to restart my PC and it's taking forever to re-launch the game
>Get put in low priority
Had to quit Dota 2 because of that.
yeah, you MUST be exiled
because we, and the rest of the fucking internet, hates you and wants you to fuck off with your boring shit. We actually look forward to you saying "faggot" in a game so we finally have an excuse to fucking ban you.
How does it feel people cant stand being around you irl and online?
>You might not agree with my actions since I know you're not a racist, but I am and I don't care.
>such a fag even people online hate him
When did Valve start doing this kike shit? The last time i played all they did was mute you.
>restart my PC
>can't even put up with low prio
That guy is right. Trashtalking is funny, and if you hate it yoh can mute. Hell, even chat bans are acceptable. But outright bans from playing a game should only be reserved for cancer lords like OP who do everything in their power to make the experience a headache for others
Not good considering all my interactions with other humans comes from the internet and gaming.
What am I supposed to do now? Go outside and meet people?
>shit and the game AND annoying
yeah you deserved the ban. you were trash
>play for 6 years
>often use chat
>suck at the game and get horrible 2/15/10 scores as support
>never get punished or put in LPQ
guess what? all you have to do is stop calling people niggers and then feeding the courier.
Dota really does keep crashing, and it's different every time. Sometimes it stutters and stops, sometimes the screen goes blue, but when it hard crashes it really fucks up my computer momentarily. I feel like I've tried everything and I have no clue what's causing it whether it's my graphics card or Windows 10.
This. Arabs have been shitting nigger since before the stone age and to this day take fat steaming dumps all over their faces.
This is why we need white shariah.
Calling someone a nigger or a faggot is the lowest effort shit. Might as well tell them to cope or dilate.
Someone last night disconnected on me when I was about to kill them in Dark Souls 1, and he sent me a super assblasted message about how I was a virgin. I replied with "How can I be a virgin after what I just did to you?" and it set him off.
That is how you trashtalk. You niggerfaggots have zero creativity.
Wow. What a loser. Too bad it wasn't perma
nah, its more of an autism containment mmr, and it's also quite hard to lose it/get banned for it. I played with my 2k conduct score friend and those games were full of arguments from the start
You don't really have a point and just posted this to stroke your dick over something clever you might or might not have said
>vidya is real life
Yep, you're really that fucking retarded.
Its a relevant anecdote that happened less than 12 hours ago and I'm right regardless. But that is sweet of you to think I'm clever.
Point is, most of Yea Forums is too dumb for trashtalk. These are kids raised on XBL who think screaming NIGGER FAGGOT is both their freedom of speech being represented as well as top tier bants
I am glad when devs are proactive in banning shit players. Not everything is Yea Forums, keep that autistic behavior here and not bring it everywhere else. Also, imagine being unable to control your emotions over a VIDEO GAME. Unless you're making legitimate dosh playing video games, literally stop acting like a child.
And this is what happens once you trigger a virgin.
work out, fatty
pedophile pls go
imagine seething this hard. how much do you weigh, fatty? 200+? only a 200lb virgin would care this much about a video game ban lmao
that's literally the opposite of what happened
this is automated
Oh I'm going alright. Going to nut all over my screen.
>3 friends at same house, or different houses, enjoying an online game
Nu valve is just embarrassing at this point, suck more chink sich gayben and create more hats to squeeze out the last cents of Dota
yeah, its not, because you're only allowed to play AI games right now ;) enjoy calling a bot a nigger
The quality of the trash talking is irrelevant. The point is that it shouldn't be bannable. Chat ban at worst, but even that is kinda dumb when you can mute a player manually. Bans from playing the game should be reserved for those who abuse that priviledge- cheating or intentionally abusing in-game abilities to make your team lose (in games where it actually matters, that is)
>adaptive AI used in games
>they eventually learn to spam those banned players back with NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER whenever they join a game
>whyy are these asian and black people getting more pussy than meeee
>hey guys i just got friend zoned again today because of chinks and niggers. still not having a shower though, those SLAG WHORE GIRLS CAN FUCK OFF
>nice guys such as myself
>The point is that it shouldn't be bannable
lol maybe dont agree to the TOS you dumb faggot nigger.
what the fuck is this gameplay
>some guy comes and smashes one of your plates
>what is preventative measure
I hope you're baiting, no human bean should live like this
>implying I'm buying games
cope more jewben and suck more chink dick
You can't get banned for shittalking, only muted. OP's full of shit.
Stop acting like a nigger and you won't get banned retard.
> pay for membership to a club
> rules say that if you act like a total faggot you'll be kicked out
> act like a total faggot
> get kicked out
I don't see the problem
Everybody but wh*toids dont care about niggers
Based. People who can't play by the rules are called criminals and criminals belong in prison. When retards like OP are forced to be among like minded individuals, they quickly learn that they were in the wrong all along.
The problem is that OP was banned from dota and has another avenue (Yea Forums) to cry. The ideal situation would be that he gets banned from Dota AND Yea Forums. Then he'll really be able to reflect on his poor decisions.
I don't have a problem with trash talking. Why? Because I can just mute you if I don't like what I'm hearing. Game ruining on the other hand - there's no real solution for it. If I leave the game to get away from you, I'll be penalised instead of you which is why people are far more likely to report game ruiners than trash talkers.
why hasn't autistic_frog killed himself yet
Explains it all
as in, "muting" people isn't effective because you already have to listen to their shit before doing it. As in, you didn't know you had to put a cushion on the floor before some fucking retard comes and smashes your plate.
Banning people is a much more effective preventative measure. As in, that plate smashing retard never got near you or your plates because he was banned from entering your space (great success)
take your own advice, crying spotty fat virgin whiteboi ;)
Thats what you get for acting like a obnoxious faggot, faggot
Okay, then ban them from the chat. Locking out the game as a whole is shitty if they didn't misbehave through gameplay
she doesnt even know you exist
I personally don't mind seeing all the profanities and racism. I've been seeing and hearing that shit since the early 90s. You can't breed this behavior out. HOWEVER, what I, and most of the internet, can't tolerate is the autism. It's one thing to say a "bad word" here and there, it's another when there's an autistic freakout and the chat is just spammed with sexless hate filled rants. It's not "bant", clever dialogue, or whatever the fuck you guys delude yourselves into thinking. It's just spamming the same 4-6 words over and over and over and over and over again, spending more time whining about something that could easily be corrected throughout the rest of the game instead of actually playing the fucking game. Your teammates just want to play and win, not calm down a baby rageout.
More games should do permanent bans to filter you idiots out. I'd rather have a game with a low population of actual players than a game filled with autistic idiots using said game to vent their frustrations because they were too pussy to even look at their crush that day.
>have to be directly told not to be insufferable
Go to your doctor's and take an autism test.
Explain how a movie is a real life situation but a game isn't.
Nah, its hilarious. You sound like you cant handle the dev bants
Alright bros. What are some games(pref free) where I can mess around and make other players mad?
or, maybe just get rid of the shitty vermin. yeah that sounds better
I have literally advocated for ethnic genocide (of peruvians) and told my teammates they were fucking retards and to kill themselves, also fed, also AFK'd, said nigger, and have never gotten even a warning in Dota.
You must have done some really horrible shit to get banned by Valve. Valve doesn't even have a word filter.
How about you go see a psychiatrist instead of ruining other people's games, you fucking sociopath.
>imagine being this assblasteed because some random user from the void called you retarded
Thanks for proving my point, retard.
>(pref free)
ah, I see. poor aswell as unattractive. No wonder you blame other races for you being an incel
>Yea Forums dota
>archon or only up to legend
I'm not surprised since most people on Yea Forums aren't good at videogames, nor do they have the mental capacity to get good since they can't think of how to improve themselves and dwell on other people's mistakes, shittalking and saying they're better than other people.
If you think you have any obligation to "free speech" then they're delusional, play the game, not the players, you're no special than any other person that you're playing with, better yet if you're gonna dick around go to normal matchmaking or arcade, not that you will since you're so fucking entitled.
T. 6.2k immortal faggot with 1.4k games on techies dotabuff.com
>i have a dark sense of humor
>"nigger" >:)
oh the edge
>Going to nut all over my screen.
Can I join?
>doubles down like the retard he is
Thanks again.
Its like a 5 mins delay between your next queue time, you were a cunt so you got banned.
>Time remaining: Tuesday
Literally me
>Alchemist main here
Why are you linking my profile fucking faggot?
Piss off.
You're probably some 2k shitter who doesn't even know how to use his left hand.
>Posts that abortion of the one true king SK.
nah nigga
Communication reports get you chat banned in this game but they don't stop you from queuing.
OP is a faggot.
>oh no someone might tell me what to do
Nigger you already can't do a lot of shit despite owning everything.
Literally slobbing peoples balls in some regards while trying to pretend to be a badass when it comes to video games like a moron.
Hmm, who's more assblasted: the dude who got banned from his favorite game, or the people laughing at him because he cried about it on a Mongolian cave painting forum?
I'll let all the lurkers decide.
How do you legitmantly get banned in dota.
You can call people faggots and niggers and easily keep a 8000 score.
weak bait, made me reply anyways lol
If you waste 5 minutes of my time you deserve a 6 month ban. It's just that easy. That's how my time exchanges to yours in terms of value.
>time remaining: Tuesday
Is Valve a bunch of ESL niggers?
Don't you love this timeline where grown addult man are so fucking scared of "bad" words that they need some other entity to protect them from it? On the fucking internet of all places where some random they have no connection to says them? Truly the best of possible times to live in.
They don't.
That screenshot is old and it's from a guy spamming abandons.
>not only retarded but a newfag at that
Isn't summer holidays over?
>reverse search
>it's a 2 year old screenshot from reddit
kys OP
>dude they banned me because theyre scared of me!
That is an impressive cope
Are you illiterate?
>behave like a nigger
>get treated like a nigger
based as fuck desu
How about growing up and stop being a sperg? How fucking hard is it to just shut the fuck up and play?
How do you get banned in Dota
You can say what you want, Russians don't care
OP is a dumb nigger but the slippery slope fallacy is actually true and giving politically correct game administration nazis the go ahead to start nixxing people over hurt fee-fees instead of legitimate abuse of the game's systems is even dumber niggery
Have you ever played Dota? If not you won't understand. Sometimes you NEED to call your teammates niggers, it's not a choice.
The people in companies doing this are narcissistic control freaks
They could just mute you for an amount of time, but they want to hurt you so they do this
Yes, cry some more for daddy gaben to protect you from the mean internet.
And thanks for showing once again that you're mentally around a 6yo who can't discern reality from vidya. My sides thank you for it.
You tell the bigots, comrade!
OP: 1
butthurt incels and valve: 0
>Sometimes you NEED to call your teammates niggers
dota 2 does just mute you, OP is a faggot
Kek the person whining is calling out others for crying.
Says the guy crying about his ban
I don't know about you guys but there is nothing more cathartic than shutting down some whining little spambot bitch boy and only making him go even more nuclear. If he's on your team challenge him to a 1v1 and mop the floor with him.
...Unless you mean to say you're a worse player than these mad kids? Oh no, oh nonononono....
Be like notail
If you can't be like notail then either find a different game to play or hang yourself
>behave like a baby
>get treated like one
>Implying you can get VAC'd over bad words
Sell your shit if you're so mad nigga
>meanwhile retards still treat the internet as real life and whine over it
Keep it up boys.
>pcbros will defend this
Console cucks are the ones always eager to gulp down corporate cock though, as shown by their defending paid online at every opportunity.
Everyone move along I a 10000 goodboy points player know this nigga don't save his toxicity untill the game is about to conclude so that you have zero repercussions.
Also being fucking bad is a choice don't forget that.
>Thinking the internet is a safe space where you can do whatever you want.
Stop it please, your making my sides hurt.
>paid for a free game
>still thinks the internet is real life and needs his feefees protected
Come on man, I know you can do more then just copy my shit and sell it as your own.
1) clean your monitor screen you fucking animal
2) you didn't get banned for "saying bad words," I don't know why everyone who gets banned from a game is so dishonest with themselves and others about the reasons for it happening
>copy my shit
Copy you, kid you were calling people out for crying when you did it yourself. Now you copy me because you can't hide your butthurt.
>still doesn't realize the internet is a facet of real life and his personal conduct matters just as much online as it does off
Really, guy? This isn't a hugbox.
>playing MOBAshit
Maybe you should realize what the real problem is.
MOBAs are for braindead children or those with the mentality of braindead children, that's why if you act out you're treated just like a child to be given a time out.
Stop giving shitty games your time and grow up.
It's not even 10 minutes ago Yes, ban wrongthink as you go because this shit is exactly what happens next. Not that you would care, since you're only a "goodthinker", right? Fucking faggots like you are the reason why the internet has gone to shit in the first place since thinking mere 5 seconds ahead is just too much.
>This isn't a hugbox
That's ironic, right? You can't possibly be this stupid?
>Fucking faggots like you are the reason why the internet has gone to shit in the first place since thinking mere 5 seconds ahead is just too much.
You don't own the internet kid, Boo fucking hoo something doesn't pander to you. Then again i don't know what i expect out a child. Always gotta throw a hissy fit when you don't get your toys huh?
>not my pic. I'm banned 6 months from dota2.
Does it matter? You have a smurf account anyway
>still keep on crying that others don't want to live in his hugbox
Oh boy, that's gonna be hard on you once you grow up.
>You don't own the internet
>Always gotta throw a hissy fit when you don't get your toys huh
It's almost as if you didn't read what you wrote before kicking yourself in the nuts. But keep it up, crying like the little child that you claim everyone else to be is just in line for someone as dumb as you.
>Yes, ban wrongthink as you go because this shit is exactly what happens next. Not that you would care, since you're only a "goodthinker", right? Fucking faggots like you are the reason why the internet has gone to shit in the first place since thinking mere 5 seconds ahead is just too much.
I like how you have to invent a bunch of ideas to argue against because you realize that if you engaged with what I actually said there's no way to come out looking like you won. This isn't about "wrongthink" or banning anything; all I said was you don't get a free pass to act like a cunt without there being any social ramifications just because it's happening online. "It's just the internet bro" isn't a meaningful comeback when somebody tells you to fuck off because they think you're a twat.
>still thinks the internet and real life are the same
Go on.
>has comfort breeds weakness as a tag line
>while coddling the player base from mean people
You only got baned when people report you, have you tried to stop being a asshole and behabe youself?
It's a control thing. If you can't win the game with the rules set out you just redefine "winning" to something really easy so you always get your way. For most people that means "if I improved this game that's a win". For emotionally stunted children it means throwing.
You must be really desperate for replies
how the fuck do you get lo prio in dota without being the biggest faggot
I join games and say nigger in all chat for hours and get commended
If you truly believe notail doesnt flame in his pubs you're delusional.
Kek the only one whining about others not being in their own hugbox is literally, you. WAAAH i can't say what i want online! Internet has to be my way.
You've just proven that thinking ahead just for a fraction of a minute is too hard for you pea-sized brain.
I used to think this wasn't right in some small way but it's grown to become one of my favorite things in gaming and I report as many people as possible these days because they are emotionally fragile little shits who freak out over games and they deserve to take a break. I usually add names of people I report and laugh when there couple of days offline turns into a week which turns into a month. Some never come back and it's hilarious.
>wants a hugbox
>whines that others call him out for it
if you got banned for 6 months in dota you were probably actually instigating race wars on a global level.
People are less likely to report a good player. I only report shit players who run their mouth. You have to earn the right to talk shit.
By being shitters who can't handle the truth.
Clean your fucking monitor and stop eating in front of it you animal.
It's hilarious how everytime you retards respond you have to literally copy what i post. It's hard to come up with things on your own isn't it?
>contradicts himself within two sentences
>gets called out for it
>thinks it's an achievement that it happens constantly
The only thing contradicting is your attempt at intelligence. Before you use a word, make sure you know the actual definition.
>doesn't even try to clarify what he wrote
>almost as if he really believes the shit he vomited out
stop feeding then idiot
>go to subway
>sandwich artist asks what you'd like
>tell them you want the mystery sandwich option, agreeing to the terms that for a set price the artist makes a random sandwich
>get the sandwich
>hey wtf this isn't what I asked for, make me a new one
>I'm sorry sir that's how the mystery option works
>start tossing and breaking shit
>get banned from subway for toxic behavior
>make a post on the subway forums about how you got banned for no reason
>sandwich artist posts proof of your actions
>can't respond in anyway without losing your subway membership so you stay quiet
>try to show your friends but you don't have any
>show your "friends" on 4fries
>everyone on 4fries ignores your post and makes fun of you for eating at a shitheap like subway in the first place
>get triggered again and start lashing out
why are gamers so dumb?
>food analogy
>say anything you want in any game, most big name AAA games have a couple of GMs who might come and put you in an ingame prison for a few hours like a time-out corner if you do something like go into a populate area and chant NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER over and over again
>saying "nig", even if it's just a part of a larger word, gets you automatically and permanently banned by a bot coded by someone who unironically shits in the street not because they're too poor to afford a toilet but also because they're too stupid
how ironic that now you're going to be banned on Yea Forums for being a libtard troll
look how many triggered leftist faggots replied to this when he's right
if you SAY something, you should never be banned from playing the game, at most you should just be chat restricted
also >hate speech
riot is a fucking riot alright, with how fucking cucked they are
>it's a good game mechanically
What alternative universe was this written in?
Literally describes doto.
Best moba, shit community.
>Boot up any multiplayer game prior to mid 200's
>ESRB content warning: parent company is not responsible for online content
>Say whatever you want and only cheaters get banned
>Professional whiners just get to seethe on the forums
Now you get banned for not playing how other people want. Really miss the old days.
Ahh so what, you fucking whine too much. I got a week ban for initiating votekicks on afk people in my matches. Modern gaming companies are only invested in perpetuating your stay in the trench, game enjoyment is a secondary concern to fleecing you for lootboxes.
holy kek. How does that even work? If the vote kicks are successful it shouldn't be a non-issue.
>can't say anything at all anymore, global voice chat is a relic of the past and canned chat is the only thing the game is streamlined for in communications
You would think that. Given that all 4 players on the team unanimously agreed that the 5th was a piece of shit and needed to be excised. I'm very much over the centralized matchmaking cancer. It has given the developers far too much power over the communities.
You know how bad you have to fuck up to get any punishment worse than low priority in Dota 2? You'd either have to be account boosting.and/or calling everybody in all of your games niggers and EVEN THEN I don't think you'd get banned.
You can't even say you got banned for casual BM because the game actively monetizes and encourages BM with the chat wheel and tipping
Normies basedboy plebbit faggot detected pls die a niggers death
>Real life and the internet are the same and should be treated the same
May your family be raped to death and their children raped and so on
>call teamkiller a faggot
>get banned
>call intentional feeder a faggot
>get banned
>call any griefer a faggot
>get banned
The defense is always "lol it's their game you should've read the 500 page EULA fuck consumer rights" but you have to ask yourself if this should be the standard. Should we really trust Mr. Corporation to not abuse their power here? Considering they can change their EULA on the fly without informing the customer, what makes you so sure that good behavior will keep you out of trouble? All it takes is someone having a bad day to falsely report you from 500 bots and now you're on the chopping block.
All these basedboy plebbit niggers being a contrarian. Jesus summer never ends for these faggots.
It's a fine analogy. By your retarded logic online social interactions in games have no parallel to compare to, and can have absolutely no criticism thrown towards it, which is pretty convenient for pathetic edgy retards like you
Yes, I think people will understand very easily who is the upset one here.
imagine actually spending time to make this post
It's almost like uttering faggot or nigger triggers the most basic and average person which means less effort for the one trying to emotionally fuck their day up since physically fucking them up is illegal
Must be hard discerning reality and the monitor
>trying to emotionally fuck up their day
user I dont know what life is like for you but when a kid calls me a nigger or a faggot I just assume he does it because his dad beats him.
Meanwhile you are triggered because your dumb tantrum gets you kicked out of the game.
>Wasting time atyping shit
>Good analogy
Yes yes waste your life away you'll die soon enough
>faggots still sperging and raging coming here to cry their eyes out
entertain me more
so what's your solution? give no control to the creators of the product?
Imagine being OP
>Defending corporate online censorship
Tell me about it.
people going apeshit (real or staged) is always funny like in
And it becomes even more funny if it was genuine anger and they come here when they get buttfucked.
>All those assumptions
Women aren't allowed here. Also I explained a pretty apparent truth either accept the truth or remain delusional
>go to movie theater
>act surprised when security kicks you out
>Pizepool funded by peruvians and slavs buying battlepass to sell whatever they can en masse
>Implying 9 Internationals is impressive when every fucking game now has it's own World Cup format
>Meta is the same as always
>Only 2 (two) new heroes that are going to be as forgettable as the last two anyway
>Auto chess is already a dying meme ever since it went to Epic and Riot's clone is now the most popular one
>Dota is completely dead in the west and only poorfags, slavs and bugmen care about it
>and LoL and PUBG are still more popular in both China and Korea no matter how much Valve is shilling for them
>Even within Valve, CSGO is getting more shit done alongside more Majors and tournaments overall
Dota is so fucking pathetic, no wonder they keep seething about LoL
Nice false equivalency. You can mute the dude in game but instead you want another man to deal with the guy. Kys
How the fuck do you get suspended in Dota 2? I yell at my allies and call them niggers all game and still have a 8k conduct score.
Behave like an adult and not like a teenager who just learned swears
That's your argument? Fucking really? How about we expect adults to be you know actual adults, and not fucking rage at video games and have to shit talk cause they are upset?
This post has been deleted by jannie
you do this
offence is taken, not given. Yesterday calling someone a fag in game was rude and got you banned, now if you ping someone in dota its also considered rude so a couple too many and you get reported. Whats next? Saying you dont know how to play will also be bannable? Theres no end to this bullshit but you and a lot of fucking casuals are too soft skinned and cant see how its gonna end
Oh. Well then I wish he was just permanently banned. The only people I ever report are people who feed.
>dude slippery slope if we ban people for saying faggot and nigger then we're going to be fucking kids tomorrow
Nigger I have literally spent the past like 100 games getting pissed at people and calling them niggers and faggots and spamming ping on them and still have a 7500 Behavior Score.
The only real thing that actually gets you reported is feeding, and honestly I wish you motherfuckers who feed would be punished far worse than a 6 month ban. Being crucified on Mt. Calvary would be a start.
You have to be trying really hard to get banned for more than Low Prio
its actually great. if you're not a fucking neanderthal and just play the game, you stay at the default 10k max score and play with other normal people
lose a lot of points, you get longer queues and play with other spergs.
I can't tell you the last time I played with a fucker that abandoned or just fed couriers. Yet when I play with my cancerous friends in low priority, its so common.
>archives are down
>cant showcase how autistic the 1 guy who posts this pic is anymore
>say bad words/toss people
>banned from walmart forever
We live in a society.
>implying this isn't how it went down with LoL
Keep it up, sooner or later you end up on the same trashheap as they're on now.
>im talking to a LoLfag
of course
based Valve
get fucked OP
i've played with obnoxious "hey guise i browse 4chin.. NIGGER XD!!!!" faggots like you before. enjoy your ban retard.
I love seeing russian dotalets cope.
Maybe you shouldn't be such an attention seeking faggot
You should see what Ana said.
It was actually more nuanced than that.
Solo threw a bitchfit about Ceb calling Russians animals, so some redditor dug up all the chatlogs of pro players he could find containing bad words.
The results were as you would expect from dota.
Nothing ever came of it.
>doesn't even try to understand the problem
Not even surprised.
ahahaha get fucked retard
they should just permaban your ass
People getting banned for saying nigger isnt a problem.
>PAID (3rd party) FOR THE BETA KEY
who's fucking fault is that, ragecuck?
>taking a pic to your monitor
lol you deserve it just for that
Ever notice how the retards that end up getting banned for being retards are always the most sensitive faggots alive, despite how hard they insist everyone else is too sensitive?
Because they are.
They don't know how to handle pushback so they resort to screeching obscenities.
it's a couple days you queer
Me and my buddy have been larping for the last two years, when a game seems lost, as two boomer Hungarian investment bankers that on their little free time from the hard world of international banking, the only way to feel alive is to either play low mmr dota or get watersported by Moldovan prostitutes and then snort coke from their assholes...never ever banned
how the fuck do you get banned for 6 months? You have worse issues than you think. Stop being a cuck
In real life 100% of you kids throwing shit fits online acting like edgy little kids would get the taste beat out of your mouths. That's why you keep it online and are quiet in real life.
why are you calling people pc cucks when you clearly also are a pc cuck?
Being shitter must be your calling. Not only is it hard to get banned in dota 2, you managed to get banned for half a year. Good fucking job.
it's not an investment you goddamn idiot. you don't get any money back out of it, or any of what you put in in the first place.
>Might be on purpose though.
might xd
it is because they see themselves and don't like it
dude, i say "nigger", "faggot" and other offensive words all the time when I play and I had no problem. Well, not really all the time, more like once per month and only if there is a reason. Anyway If you go and spam and are annoying all the time expect reports. If you play your game and from time to time you say 1-2 offenisve words you should be fine.
>All of this racism outside of Yea Forums
Mods? Janitors? Going to do your jobs? I got banned for saying this shit last week and now everyone is free to say things like this or worse?
just from your name and the text you posted I know that you probably deserve the banns. Not a 6 month one, but more like a week long 1 and to be muted in most games.
>kys retard. He should be able to do WHATEVER the fuck he wants in game. Or do you like someone walking in your house and telling you what to do with your shit?
if you play like my last viper - 1/15/2 and talking shit in chat whole game, expect people to want to murder you and you to get banned.
Alright dude I see you are ranked, do you have any advice for someone like me who wants to get into ranked but is worried of what my teamates might say if I don't know how to pull at the right times or if I mess up somehow?
hold up, nigger. OP is a crying son of a faggot bitch, but you seem like a blue haired 20 something woman.
you absolute double nigger, so it was your retard ass who ruined my necro game. I'm glad to see you got fucked this hard. granted after I'd reached acceptance it was hilarious to watch our allies panic once you linked up to them and started glowing
hello i am the most based character in ASSFAGGOTS history
>don't worry. We're just locking your money away :). Just for a couple of days/weeks/years queer :)
You already gave them your money. Why are you pretending that a service you agreed to is now considered currency?
Don't tell me you bought cosmetics
guess you should've acted like a functioning adult
clean your fucking filthy screen, you sneezing smoothbrained drooling brainlet mong
i used to play seriously when ranked was introduced. Mainly supp. got to 5.2 mmr which was really good at the time. Idk just go for it, expect to play supp a lot(wasn't a problem for me).
But now I have a job and family and don't have time to do much stuff anymore, so the most enjoyment I get out of videogames is to piss people off. Mainly play fighting games now since I've always been good at them.
Also watch youtube, anyone can become decent by doing that.
>There are some people who preferes HoN's typical ass and tiddies compared to this based as fuck bug assassin
He's so good.
Back you go, sweetie :)
no, I bought a HUD years back, but I can't seem to use it now. Still money invested. I wan't them back.
>account banned for calling people faggots and niggers
>not silenced, banned, can't play
Chucklefucks like him are bad, but they bought their games.
They should make it so if you're often muted in games then you're auto muted for a time. It will notify people in your game if you're muted. It then allows them the option to listen to you or others who are muted.
i literally say nigger every day for 7 years in dota and never get banned. you got banned for ruining games, not for what you typed. and you deserve it. its also a free game so you lost absolutely nothing.
yes you can. just play with bots :)