Other urls found in this thread:
>m-muh knighthood
she should just go get a husband, fucking autist
Ingrid is a thinking man's choice
okay now post the time skip version
Her ending with Ashe where they become knights and have tales made of their whacky adventures and scholars don't want to believe they did something scandalous like fucking is her best ending.
Timeskip looks fine, I don't know why so many people shit on it. She's just tying her hair up so it doesn't get in the way during battle.
>not letting her die, forgotten, pre-timeskip
You have been visited by the Laura of mediocre threads.
This thread is about to die with only 10 replies. OP, hopefully you got what you desired out of it and that it wasn't a total loss.
Ingrid has the best legs and best smile.
Her bangs were great, and a bun braid pretty much always is awful.
Free my nigga Dedue
>Byleth is busted dude!
>Nearly done with my second run.
>Byleth fell off hard in both.
I don't get the hype, he sucks outside of his busted weapon.
>cutest girl is the least eccentric
Who'd of thought?
*laugh track*
I don't think I ever saw Byleth not double up or not score a crit on one of his double hits, with any weapon from the middle of the game onward.
My Byleth keeps getting speed screwed, and his crit rate, while high, isn't consistent.
>Gets memed on by a loli
Name a less threatening FE antagonist.
You can't.
Is she gonna say it?
FE5 Veld.
I hope the gundum autists don't derail this thread. Imagine having a containment autistic board and still going out of your way to talk about gundums.
Why can't dykes leave her alone?
Who is best Dancer in Golden Deer?
Probably Ignatz since he isn't filling a critical combat role like everyone else.
Making Mercedes a sniper!
But she's better as a Dark/Holy Knight.
But he's better as an Assassin.
forced lesbian is the kinoest of booru tags
how the FUCK do I maximize stat boosters from gardening?
Her stats are
Why is Ingrid such a bigoted hothead? She hates blacks and gays. It's problematic.
Flaynn, Marianne likes to use physic too much
>exposed legs
>Faith means she can pull double duty support.
>Sword skills synergize well with her relic.
She's a good dancer though
Disgusting. Dimitri belongs to Marianne
What sense does that make? Ingrid is Dimitri's childhood best friend, the foundation is there for true love. They look perfect together.
Because she's based and pure
>Childhood friend
Bro, that is the red flag that tells you she is never going to be successful in romancing him.
t.Ahemd Massoud.
Dimitri is for Annette.
But Annette and Sylvain have good chemistry.
Dimitri is for brotherhood ONLY, NO homo.
Mercedes' supports are best with Sylvain and they have a pretty good end card together.
Sylvain is for Dorothea
But Mercedes is for me!
Marianne is for Byleth
Dimitri is for Dedue
Sylvain needs the mommy more he's borken
Judith is for m...
>You can't recruit her
So am I ;_;
>BL gets playable Gilbert with Felix’s dad as the Story NPC
>GD gets Judith as story NPC
>BE and Church get nobody.
Annette can’t marry Sylvain
BE gets Randolph and his sister
Gilbert is supposed to replace Dedue since he dies during the time skip if you fail to do his paralogue.
I did his paralogue though, and I did it well.
Wow, a little girl who just stands around looking cute. What an intriguing character.
Have sex
No. Ingrid is too pure for sex, she has to die alone.
What did she mean by this?
i want dorothea to smother me without my consent
>Gilbert is full on playable with supports and being Annetes source of character development
>Rodrigue has one of the biggest impacts on the story, being integral to both Dimitri and Felix's arcs
What the fuck did Judith even do? I thought she was Claudes mom but it seems like they just didn't really care
how to make sure mages don't get stat screwed?
if youre playing GD or BE, Lysithea or Hubert will rape everything anyways. Dont know about BL, but why bother if you can just get lys
Is it worth it to do NG+ or just base NG for other houses?
NG+ lets you continue to build up stats/masteries for fun runs later on.
Ingrid is for Sylvain, Marianne is for Dmitri.
That is all.
BE gets Randolph and Ladislava
Gardening yellow flowers
Annette is a very good mage that can actually tank some damage and high crit chance.
She doesn't have the spell variety of the other two but any spell will do when it's a crit.
ingrid and marianne are both for me
She shows up on one map in GD, and one other in BE where you have to murder her.
That's about it.
go find a husband
She didn't even show up for me because my armada of broken flyers had killed everything in sight long before she spawned.
BE deserves nobody
She's also in one map on the BL route.
>mfw made my Felix a mortal savant, that crit spam and the fucking lazer beams and with his insane speed it's always 2x
I pretty much had Mortal Savant Felix and Falcon Knight Ingrid take turns tanking Hegemon Edelgard to death with heals from a dying dark knight.
BE gets Randolph, Ladislava and Fleche though. And Church gets Rhea's S rank. Also, doesn't Nader appear on GD as well?
Catherine and Shamir
My Ingrid was too damn flimsy, and god forbid she goes near anyone with a bow
are good buddies and that's it.
I gave her that one shield that disables the flier weakness. She still took some damage but her AVO was pretty stellar for the most part.
how can she be perfect if shes a racist?
butt buddies*
Because her fans are retarded, not only does Ingrid get a shit time skip design but she's also a dice roll in terms of having kids with a Crest.
I want to see her get DUSCURED
Marianne is for Byleth, Ingrid is for adventures with Ashe, Sylvain is for Mercedes, Dimitri is for broventures with Dedue
Hope flierfags are ready for close combat on all archers and bows in infantry inventory for Lunatic/Infernal :^)
>finish route
>go into deep melancholic state
whores are never perfect
No! You don't give up the holy long-braid look! You just don't!
>Dorothea Ingrid B support
>Dorothea starts gradually ramping up to a lezz-out
>Ingrid shuts her down
Why didn't Byleth just rewind time and save Rodrigue?
mutts are mentally ill
Excellent taste
Now imagine how you feel after finishing all 4 routes
That’s me.
Racism is wholesome
>implying Byleth hasn't already explored every possible timeline and realized that Roddy has to die in order for Dimmy to get his character development
Hey man you know lolifags will love that
literally bred for Duscur cock
Meme autistic racist Aryan waifu, but the best part is she isn’t even racist. Just bigoted by Duscur natives via their location rather than their race.
Pair her with Claude and he’ll get that stick out of her ass thankfully.
Okay now do them all again with self-imposed challenges
We need instant loss 2koma of Ingrid getting mating pressed by a Duscur native for talking shit.
I’m just waiting till Lunatic/Infernal and the DLC scenario. I’ve played nearly 300 hours I’m pretty burnt out as it is
Imagine her getting raped and impregnated by a Duscur and the sheer terror she'd feel during the act and the shame of carrying a half-breed inside of her
brb I'm gonna go fap to BLACKED
blacked eagles seething
Enlightened One strong
Why does he have unique dialogue with Mercedes?
Give it to me straight, Yea Forums. Is this game fun?[/spoilers] Is the game good?
>made Ferdinand a gorgeous white knight
>made Hubert edgy dark knight
>Have them ride out into battle together
>supported them to max
It’s a beautiful sight, the yin and the yang
It's her half brother. If you have both Mercedes and Casper you get a paralogue about him, he dies in Mercedes' arms.
You think they could give you a decent paizuri?
Yes, I got Awakening a few years ago and dropped it but loved TH.
>i'm gonna fucking murder you you cunt, fuck you
>C rank achieved
god I love hubert
My Dedue just died to the death knight on classic. I'm I doomed to reset or can I still rewind time/get out of jail free card after?
>the only support where you can find Hubert actually blushing is his male support with Ferdinand
Why is this house so gay
Absolutely, unequivocally, garbage taste.
It was the Imperial Decree of Edelgard
I was just wondering why people didn't make one of these today.
I wonder why.
It annoys the shit out of me how people in the game pronounce Mercedes
Who will be the guy Edelgard and Byleth invite to the threesome?
Wasn't it her full brother, just not taken in by her adoptive father?
Hubert will be there to offer refreshments, of course.
Which route is the worst?
Right now I'm on my first playthrough as the Blue Lions and it's fucking great. I don't want my last playthrough to be the worst route, rather I want that to be the second and third playthroughs and save the remaining good/good ones for the last playthrough.
it's Japanese please understand
I hope Byleth doesnt get stabbed by those horns
What a good retainer he is
>tries this with Shamir
> replies with fucking come at me bro
>backs off like the homo he is
Hubert is cool. He makes me afraid to S rank Edelgard because I'm pretty sure he'd hide in the closet to watch us fuck.
everything he does is gold, he's comically evil
BE, but do GD right after BL, you'll end up having a ton of plot questions and BE will give you the wrong answers to them.
One of the BE routes
Is Felix really that good as Mortal Savant? I've just had him in Swordmaster all the time. I'm on chapter 19, too late to make him a mortal Savant?
Americans can't pronounce it either way. Murceydeez is not the right way.
Who should I recruit to Blue Lions?
I'm not gonna min max and I hear the plots more interesting if you actually leave the houses mostly intact for the time skip thing.
Was thinking of grabbing Hilda because I hear she's a fucking beast.
>I'm pretty sure he'd hide in the closet to watch us fuck.
People say this but some of his supports imply he cares more about her well-being than actually fucking her. The only thing that makes me feel it's romantic at all is their A rank which is pretty out of place.
>'wait Byleth I need to get some lube"
>Hubert bursts into the room with lube in hand
>'No need to worry yourself with the busywork Lady Edelgard, here is the lubrication you require'
Dimitri was moments away from running after Edelgard and getting speared ala GD route. Rodrigue dying was the only thing that stopped him
I think you need Caspar for one of your important paralogues so make him a priority
Do yourself a favor and recruit Caspar, I wish someone would have told me that when I did it.
Church has an abhorrent about of overlap with GD so I’d say that
Marianne is a great recruit, if you don't plan on marrying Dimitri, she's a great wife for him.
Casper is a must for a paralogue.
Hilda is kinda redundant because you have Dimitri being a fucking beast.
Guess I'll have to go GD then.
Lysithea and Felix are the best units in the game. Hilda's pretty cool too, but she's a lower priority.
Spaniards pronounce it the same way, at least from what I remember of Pan's Labrynth.
Take all the golden deers girls + Bernie and offer them to lionchad harem
No, it was her half-brother by the same mother. Mercedes' father died quickly after her birth, her mother remarried into imperial house Bartels and gave birth to Emile/Jeritza in the following year. Since Emile was born with a crest, house Bartels didn't need Mercedes' mother all that much any more and pushed her to the side. Afterwards, Mercedes' mother took Mercedes and fled to the Kingdom with her, where Mercedes was raised in a church for a long time and eventually adopted by her (current) father.
What's the plot difference if you confront Jeritza immediately or not
Respond to me you FUCKING DIGGERS
What does Caspar's paralogue get you?
Definitely not like americans, I can tell you as much.
Who thought it'd be a good idea to make the CF route so damn short and also letting you recruit Dimitri's childhood friends for the route, it seems like a major oversight to me.
>Take all the golden deers girls
But then who is Claude supposed to fuck? You cant cuck the guy out of his harem
Alright, thank you for the heads up.
I'm at the end of the second(?) month, about to start the ambush mission regarding Lorento
she is but I'M struggling a bit because BL is already so melee monster heavy
then again
>Punished Boar, War Jesus, Gigaknigga, literally Sasuke and Lazy Wargod charge the enemy lines
Church is just a copypaste of GD, with the final mission being the only different one.
I've been playing Blue Lions with the english dub and it's pretty phenomenal.
I'm going to play the rest of the routes after
Which is better for Golden Deer, dub or sub? And which is better for Black Eagles, dub or sub? And which is best for church?
Plot stuff, pretty important too.
Scythe of Sariel
Rafail Gem - nullifies user’s movement-type weaknesses, prevents foe’s critical hits and may halve damage received.
>Never recruited Caspar because I didn't plan on making Byleth a punch mage and no way to recruit via support
>Can't do Mercedes paralogue as a result
>Death knight just dies with no fanfare or unmasking
Was disappointing af that he just dies and nobody even acknowledges it
He can fuck some Almyran girl
pls help anyone
I thought Jeritza was just a red herring, I guess I was wrong. It's amazing how Mercedes is older than him though.
play Black Eagles with dub or Bernies Japanese chalk on glass voice will make you want to strangle her
Get yourself lysithea
Annette isn’t nearly enough to do all the mage work herself. I mean mercedes can be a good mage but her spell variety is shit and she’s probably going to be spamming heal every turn anyways
Petra is Claude’s best pairing and I refuse any other arguments
Just get your favorites. For me I get only Bernie and Marianne because I love them, they have happy endings with Byleth and Dimitri, and if you don't they have rather sad endings in the BL route.
I went in being a faggot that wanted everyone but I actually thibk its better not too, killing former students adds genuine tension.
Depends what you like. If you like VNs or anime drama you'll love it. Gameplay is meh and its very easy to break so don't expect anything challenging. It's a solid 8/10 if you're a storychad.
If you finished the mission you're fucked
I have enough Mythril to forge one (and only one), which should I do?
Parthia, Dragon Claws or Hauteclere?
Yiff in hell furfag
Dimitri really is stellar. It's a good thing too, because the plot hinges on him.
I'm biased towards sub but pre-timeskip Bernie is pretty terrible.
>marrying Bernie
>happy ending
maybe if you enjoy taking care of autistic children
I gave her to Ignatz
I just had to see how the pale white boi would manage to fuck this (literal) queen
Can I just get a harem route?
>Gameplay is meh and its very easy to break so don't expect anything challenging
You make it sound worse then it is. If you're not autistic and look up how to become ridiculously OP it's fine on hard/classic for new players. For veterans it'll be easy but that's just FE in general.
>mfw Dimitri's strength growth
Isn't Marianne x Byleth canon
Give her to Linhardt for Major Crest of Autism
Is there anyone she can marry who isn't a fucking enabler? I liked her with Felix, but their ending is just embarrassing for Felix.
I do.
Byleth and Bernie have a good ending on BL. She follows him everywhere and become a chief advisor for the church.
I'm still at the turn just after he died. Can I rewind time or is that no longer an option at this point?
Yeah, but only as Femleth and it involves 1 girl and 2 boys.
Was Petra's pairing with Ignatz nice?
for me it's that the character supports with byleth never feel like enough... i need more scenes with flayn
Do tell.
this, the difficulty is actually really good on hard/classic in this game.
The enemies will punish you if you don't pay attention to positioning and the abilities of plot characters, it would be shit without divine pulse.
This please. I don't want to have to pick between my waifus Dorothea, Mercedes, and Marianne
Byleth, see Also Raphael, he helps her overcome her shyness.
>tfw he got outclassed by Caspar, Felix and Hilda in STR in my run.
I mad. Everyone was hyping him up to be some murderbeast but mine got RNG fucked so he can't double and his crest barely procs.
Just rewind then bro
Quite possibly the cutest video game character to have ever been created in the history of video games across the multiverse
>set her up with Ashe because the support convs are cute
>Ashe somehow gets Dedue'd and Ingrid dies alone
Why did they remove S supports between side characters?
>that little bit of cleavage
I cant be the only one that wanted a scene post marriage right?
It was kind of weird considering half of the support revolved around his glasses. But they both connect in their extremely-sincere attitudes, curiosity, honesty etc
It’s also his only support with any of the Black Eagles. He’s just too pure.
If you have a divine pulse charge just use it.
Seteth here, open up!
>getting str cucked by 60% base growths
I'm sorry, really.
Linhardt is a fucking savage in most of his supports, he's great. He literally convinces Lysithea to marry him and do mad scientist shit on with a food analogy.
The fact some characters got cheated out of supports is a damn shame. I wanted a Marianne and Bernie support badly.
Seteth wait I'm just giving Flayn the fish she craves
looks like laura got niggered
Eh, I thought it was fine. Dimitri's ending ending on such a sudden and bitter sweet note was kino.
>~220 hrs in
>completed male byleth route support conversation wise not including S ranking yet I will do that within the week for all that remains.
>completed golden deer conversation route
>70% complete blue lion conversation route. Didn't take Gilbert into account outside of Dimitri
>80% complete black eagle conversation route
Well once I'm done with my current golden deer save I will move onto female byleth and work on her starting with blue lions.
It seems that there has been an increase in people on this site site who want to do inappropriate things to Flayn. Please seek these individuals out and report them to Seteth so they can be dealt with accordingly.
Go for BE next since its short, then GD for last because the final map is kino. I’m saving church for another time after getting burnt out. It's pretty much the same from what i’ve seen and heard aside from the final map.
>Doing everything I can to not kill the Golden Deers at the Battle of Gronder reunion
>Divine Pulse to see all the possible timelines
>Realize their deaths are inevitable if I want to succeed
>Realize Claude sent them all to their deaths because of his stupid "Just fight whoever isn't us" order
>Raphael's death quote
>Ignatz's death quote
Fuck Claude
Limiting supports is a good thing, most are good because you don't need to write every single combination.
>Check up on mine
>31 Str at Lv 35
>Tied with Byleth and Petra, 3 points below Dedue
>Fucking Lv 28 Seteth at his starting class that I never used is only 2 points behind
Is the Boar gone?
Are we going to have to do a new run whenever we want to experience DLC?
If he married Femleth, the final picture is their post marriage scene
>both working side by side to create a wonderful Faerghus
He told the Deer to run at the first sight of trouble.
Is Mortal Savant any good?
I miss blue lions bros
Yep, you got miraculously screwed.
Mercedes is the oldest student, she’s 22 pre time skip
Best pairing for Claude and Edelgard? I'm giving Marianne to Dimitri since I'm Manleth.
>Claude fights Byleth
>hey teach I don't even know why we're fighting when Edelgard is right there
>anyway, I'm going to shoot you now lol
What was his 4D chess scheme here?
Annette had a lot of fun being on BE.
>Kills her best friend
>Kills her goddamn father
Yes. Seeing Felix btfo fortress knights with thunder magic is pretty fun.
Why does Yea Forums hate the Black Eagles?
The game should outright ban you from recruiting BL students in BE if you go with Edelgard, or have them all work like Hilda.
Min is at 33 STR at 38. SPD is also fucked, so any swordguy styles on him. At least he crits a lot, so that's something.
How conflicting.
shit taste and autism
I restarted the entire fight to avoid killing them, had rush left side to take out Edelgard then gambit stun Leonie and shoot down Claude with a lucky crit. Honestly, there had to be a better way to get all three houses fighting in BL other than "the fight is so chaotic lol" just makes Claude look like a fucking retard
It's a yes for Felix only, he's an absolute beast as savant.
Because they're gay for Dimitri.
>0 battles
>Rhea shows up in Beagles to kill us all
>absolutely fucking decimates everyone
what the fuck guys pick up the slack stop jobbing
It's fun
Unless if you're on lunatic or maddening, you can feel free to do some wonky builds.
I have an axe Annette in the works right now. She has a fucking strength in it.
Dugger, just give him a rapier or an armor slayer. He punks pretty much all of them in one hit and is untouchable to them.
alot of people here went blue lions, and dont feel her routes does enough to justify her treatment of dimitri
also they're jealous of his obsession with edelgard, and want to be the ones he gives a dagger too
It's short, rushed as fuck and Edelgard is a huge retard doing stuff on literal fake news.
Also you don't actually fight the guys who are supposed to be the villains and instead it all goes to the epilogue.
People hate Edelgard not the house, hell some people love Hubert and want him in their house, most people like the characters they just hate the driving force
Edelgards route is dumb considering Edelgards goal was to kill Rhea in her route but keeps her alive and captive in the other routes.
Not being tied to the marriage system is the best thing to happen to supports in modern FE.
Now they don’t have to write contrived scenarios for people who would never interact
>30% Mag growth
Felix is still much better as Swordmaster. Or Assassin if you want range and Mv.
Savant is just
I wasn't into ingrid much at first but her post-timeskip look is almost perfection. Would be my best girl looks-wise if it weren't for Shamir.
Contrarianism. Reddit loves BEs so they must hate it.
Also the fact they got two routes
>Edeltard can't imagine another person that doesn't just think with their dick
Help me narrow down my S-support.
These are the candidates who I've chosen to be among the esteemed few with the possibility of marriage
You're thinking of Marianne x Dmitri
Catherine by a mile
Shamir will be down for threesomes later down the road
>it can't be bad or dumb, it must be contrarianism, contrarianism I tell you!
>from the moment the game came out and people started playing it!
Shamir, I guess.
He's a dumbfuck who keeps fighting you even if you manage to defeat Edelgard and rout her entire army without touching a single GD soldier.
EVEN WORSE than that is you having to save his retarded ass a couple chapters later because he took too many losses in the three-way battle and left himself open to getting invaded by the empire.
It's beyond retarded.
>literal fake news.
The only part she gets wrong is saying that Seiros went to war with Nemesis out of jealousy, rather than revenge and this detail has nothing to do with why she starts the war. She's correct about literally everything else.
>get a few anime pictures of a chick
>draw a few samey facial expressions
>write some cringey jap dialogue
>record a few giggle voice clips for it
>toss it in a romeance plot
Catherine is bro and wife and has the body of a breeding goddess
loves money more than you
closet lesbo
loves Rhea more than you
slobby floor sandwich eater
Flayn is cute! Cute!
The first 11 chapters are becoming a drag. I'm almost done doing it for the golden deers.
Really don't want to do them again.
Mercedes already was down for fucking you in her A support, just reward her.
>half the people who picked BL just did it to romance dimitri
you know it to be true
Yeah user I decided to do a clean playthrough with no recruitment and it shafted me too after the timeskip, wasn't aware I couldn't recruit them after part 12
Hey thanks I'm doing this mission right now and was was too lazy to get that dialogue.
>Is Mortal Savant any good?
Short answer: Yes
Long answer: Save cost due to magic spells. Range + Sustain, fucks armor. Potential to nuke from across the map, spells that can fuck flying, horse, monsters.
Range: 2-20 depending on who you use.
Spell types: Nosferatu heals. Effective against horses, flying, monsters.
Unless you are gonna have the gold to heavily invest in 3x on the same weapons not including repairs for ur Swordmaster variant to spam astra enough Mortal Savant is there to make it less taxing.
I personally prefer the advance classes for their unique skills but advance classes are heavy maintenance. Master classes are there for their utility. Only real Master Class I care about is War Master for quick riptose then I revert back to advance and with NG+ you only need to invest there once.
I thought she thought the Church did the whole Crest tests, and blames the Church for her shit childhood.
Least BE isn’t the otome pandering route
hey bro it's not my fault she's so thirsty and curious about these things, maybe you shouldn't have kept her in isolation for 1000 years
That’s not true
She's completely wrong about everything related to Nemesis and crests.
And that's pretty fucking important, yes, because she ironically ends up becoming Nemesis herself.
>Manleth gets to put her ankles behind her ears and pump baby batter into her womb
Nigger BE is the LGTBRAAAP route filled with queers
The route is shorter and has less neat cutscenes. Also since you're always in a position of superiority it's not really FIGHT THE POWA like GD or BL.
Edel is for story-related reasons really distant to everyone unlike Claude and Dimitri although of course it's really nice when that mask breaks when people manage to get to her
The shadowy game of pretend with the slitherers was beyond the authors capabilities or their possibilities whatever and it falls way short despite a few good scenes:
>"Nah we totally didn't just kill your subordinate on purpose"
>"It's okay don't come to Arianrhod tomorrow haha"
The biggest offense is that the major plot point of allying with the slitheres to BTFO them later gets resolved in the epilogue. That really fucking sucks.
Will we get a DLC route where we play as Nemesis and hang the damn dirty dragons from the elm tree?
>loves money more than you
in her A-rank she already says she wants to settle down, and in other supports she mentions she's only fighting because she feels like she owes Rhea her life. This isn't Anna
Anyone have the image of people being mean to i grid and her saying nothing, than Dedue talking nicely to her and her calling him a nigger?
imagine how bonker strong the baby would be
BEagles route was missing things, needed a couple more chapters, at least one actually dealing with the Slithers, should have had Death Knight be recruitable as well, would have led to some good supports.
>no longer have to hack in DK to drink tea with him
That would be nice
we got fates dlc that focused on anakos, so probably
Edel may have been right in theory about needing a revolution but she was a fucking retard who picked the wrong enemy to fight and teamed up with the most obviously evil people on the planet to do so
>should have had Death Knight be recruitable as well, would have led to some good supports.
Death knight Lysithea alone would have been worth it
Nemesis was a fucking retard and couldn't have fucked up harder even if he tried.
This one?
In the case he wins the battle, he could conquer Fodlan
>Death Knight and Manuela
>Death knight Lysithea alone would have been worth it
>it's just a bullying massacre
No, she knows that was the Slitherers, which is why she doesn't really want to hang out with them. Thales even talks about how they worked to give her the powers she has now to her face, when she's still masquerading as the Flame Emperor.
How so?
She isn't. She knows that relics were created by humans and Seiros fought against the 10 elites, rather than alongside them, and later falsified that history. She also knows the church is spreading a false religion to maintain its power and Rhea is an ancient dragon monster, which is the primary reason she goes to war.
>Have Bernie kill Catherine
>She picks up Thunderbrand
>Is suddenly a fucking monster with an E rating in swords
what the fuck is this weapon
The only thing he did wrong was that he lost.
>should have had Death Knight be recruitable as well,
After the paralogue it makes slightly more sense.
context is important user
Having an antagonist that isn’t hurr durr black and white evil and actually being able to side with them in a FE game is a huge step in the right direction and pea brained autism’s cant seem to handle that.
Edelgard’s methods are unquestionably authoritarian and it’s easy to see how some would be disgusted by them but learning the full backstory behind it you can completely understand why she’d go for it. It’s not written perfectly (Christ that pre fight dialogue with Dimitri) but relative to the series I can respect the attempt.
The real travesty in this game is the church route which is just a soulless husk of GD with one scene that hits harder emotionally since it actually makes fucking sense
Annette is for Felix.
She actually mentions that she had a nice conversation with him and he apologized profusely if you play Beagles. Then she complains that she couldn't get into a fight.
Edel doesn’t really have a choice, especially before ascending the throne,
>she owes Rhea her life
Nope, she considers that debt repaid and stays for friends and because she wants to settle down already.
This. It's cute as fuck.
>The biggest offense is that the major plot point of allying with the slitheres to BTFO them later gets resolved in the epilogue. That really fucking sucks.
The writers wrote themselves into a corner.
BE simply cannot deal with the slitherers without undermining the entire narrative. If you give them the shambhala map it’s going to play out like in GD: which doesn’t work because Rhea was still alive to stop the nukes. If you don’t give them the shambhala map, and Thales jist pathetically jobs (like in BL) it makes you wonder why 1) edelgard ever allies with them and 2) how are they even a threat in the first place.
They should have made it where there was an actual reason, beyond edelgard’s autism, to conquer the entire continent before dealing with the dubsteppers.
>She actually mentions that she had a nice conversation with him and he apologized profusely if you play Beagles. Then she complains that she couldn't get into a fight.
Anyone done the paralogue version and have manuela fight him? I missed my chance to attempt that.
>mfw during Marianne's prologue
Oh jeez oh fuck, stop with the wolves and beasts and shit, I can't deal with this
>Trying to keep that suicidal bitch away from the monsters and phantom faggot
>Rhea is an ancient dragon monster
The problem is that Rhea being an ancient dragon isn't bad per se, you meet more dragons in the game, and in the series, and not all of them are bad.
Seiros is just really fucking butthurt about the whole
>protect the people who killed your mother, family and used their corpses for crests
even if she does her job, somewhat.
Look at her baby doll hand
Bernadette is for Felix
Annette is for Manleth to impregnate and love unconditionally.
Seiros killing Nemesis for being a dick isn't enough of a revelation to reconsider the millenium of secret reptilian rule that followed desu
They're popular
I was waiting on something like this. Needs some work but otherwise nice
trying too hard
How do I get a tulpa I can marry, bros?
What a fucking overreaction, the nations are pretty much autonomous
am i the only one who constantly interprets "cha" as charisma instead of charm?
Because realistically no one would support Edelgard and her retarded ways, but for the sake of gameplay every student you've recruited at that point goes full retard.
Sex with Sothis consists of masturbating and talking to yourself.
>secret reptilian rule that followed desu
The slitherers are objectively more active in fodlan politics than the church. Rhea is so irrelevant compared to them it’s almost comical.
I'm pretty sure by the time the game starts, the slithers have more control of the continent than Rhea, considering they are fucking everywhere.
To be fair, I'd be pretty butthurt too if someone used my sister's vaginabones to clobber people with.
Isn't that basically the same thing?
I'll take any suggestions, I'm not a very clever man.
Have a crest shoved in you.
byleth has that eternal youth though, it's mentioned in the ending with flayn
Based MrT poster
Yes, absolutely
Now one for husbandos, no one ever does them.
Why don't you use paragraphs?
Stride Battalion helps a ton
>finish BE
>marry Edelgard
>have to kill her 3 times
he's pretty threatening in his first encounter outside of NG+
Not to mention the other dragons besides Rhea are farting around in exile, seteth and flayn weren’t even in the monastery until very recently (as per jeralt)
I think it goes away in BE's ending, but at that point Flayn isn't even with you.
Don't know what you're talking about
>the only character in the game who explicitly impregnates edelgard in their ending
Based and Aegirpilled.
>married the worst girl in the entire game
You deserve it
I do it to, but its basically the same thing anyways
>not putting this down
She deserves everything that's coming to her in every other route.
I had him get with Manuela. It's hilarious.
>Everyone loves Manuela but not him
>SHE becomes prime minister instead of him
>He just ends up staying at home and watching the kids like a housewife
>marry Edelgard
Fucking why.
does he come back as a zombie to cuck me or something because being the immortal god king and making her my warrior queen as we slaughter heretics and bandits sounds pretty fucking based to me
still would
>closet lesbo
Lesbians don't usually fuck dudes casually.
>finish Golden Deers
>notice I didn't get a paralogue with Lysithea or Leonie
>you can't unlock them unless you recruited specific students from other houses
So does Edelgard's cancer form burn through her life or what?
Every house has that, the game really wants you to recruit everyone.
It does, it's just like Lysithea's situation.
>What a fucking overreaction,
Wind caller, Saint Macuil, Saint Indech,
Don't even recall what "those who slither in the dark" race was called.
Essentially their are threats in this world but others are self-made because of idiots being consumed by or desiring power that isn't theirs. Such as crest beast. All this seems to be exclusive to fodlan right now but outside of that there's still normal shit like bandits.
Regardless, while I understand this isn't very well explained because "muh 2000 year history. Yet it is a damage done by varies parties.
1 Nobles 2 Rhea 3 secret groups 4 the constant non ending battles.
Which is explained in the game but it isn't really meant for us to ascertain this amount of stupidity.
>Literally never played a game like Fire Emblem before
>Buy Three Houses on a whim
>65 hours gone in 6 days
B-bros, it has consumed me.
Not if the GD recruit everyone first!
Shamir only likes you because you remind her of her first love.
>You aren't her first is very boring. Why not just say used goods or slut?
>Yawn is very low effort.
Say she is a secret lesbian or something.
yes, its why she fucks off in most of her endings, and why
>the years that were taken from them
are in her ending with lythisa
Yeah, it's mentioned in every other route, including the church one.
I can't even tell what the fuck you're trying to say here
NOW I get why I like his design, he's prez, but a psycho instead of normally crazy.
Why did they make a bloodthirsty psychopath so handsome?
more like BESL
gonna draw the teacher
Yes this one. Thank you user
which one?
Reinhard will always be best, no matter what series he's in.
>I can't even tell what the fuck you're trying to say here
You have to take a lot of stupid shit into consideration to consider the state of fodlan as a possibility.
Daily reminder that Byleth rapes all of their students and then rewinds time.
I know we're building the image up, giving user ammo, but just to clarify because I haven't supported her. Doesn't Shamir say that you're not like her first love but better or some shit in her S-Support?
The artist knows her psychos are always her most popular boys.
the pretty lady
Go write your doujins somewhere else.
Is the joke that Sothis is one rewinding time?
I only hate Edelgard. I wish I could recruit Hubert, because he's fucking great.
Most popular house in the west. Just contrarianism
Pretty much. But isn't it the same idea as Glenn? You'll never forget your first love and they'll always be more important yada yada.
>more like BESL
its how your mom speaks to me every night.
Yes, although we don't know how long she has. In her paired ending it says she enjoys a happy life with Byleth so I'm guessing a decade or two.
Gambit their assholes. It’s a good source of I believe mythril and umbral steel. You can just not move Marianne until you’re good and ready to take on the beast and she’ll be perfectly safe. It’s honesty a lot better than sothis’s paralogue who has eagles spawning on all corners which can fuck you if you’re not ready for them. Oh right, don’t forget your torches, it’ll remove any surprise attacks.
that's not her
Yeah, I'll admit I had no idea what to do for Shamir and Mercedes. I'll try reworking all three of those.
It was very disappointing to find out they didn't have the balls to make that form permanent.
I love these edits
because world of strength
My Felix one shot wolf health bars.
>not wanting to save her with the dick
>let's try using a torch, there cant be THAT ma-
>oh fuck
>always be more important
If you've got some unhealthy fixation. You'll never forget them that's true, but typically you move on.
It was Sothis bones and the final scene in BL wouldn't have worked otherwise with a behemoth-size Edelgard.
Ingrid is for Alymarians.
Yeah but it all memes.
You can disprove most of the image.
Well they probably didn't know how to make the ending scene with Dimitri and Edelgard work if she stayed in Hegemon form
Thought claude was okay during my first run, but now i'm doing my second run as GD and i'm starting to get fed up with his stupid smug shit.
>Someone saved my meme sketches
I'm going to have to ask you politely yet firmly to delete this.
But seriously, Manuela is best girl and it's kinda surprising to see my work again.
>not colonizing petra
the beast form always dissipates upon beatdown, leaving only the human body left, so its consistent at least
It's a good thing Japan has better taste in this one, and that Edelgard isn't even the most popular female in the game.
I wouldn't downplay the Church's influence so much. For one, the Church has historically enabled and legitimised the divide of Fodlan, when the Kingdom seceded from the Empire and the Alliance seceded from the Kingdom. It's mentioned that, a hundred years before the game's events, I think, a faction of the Church straight-up organised a rebellion in the Empire. The Church is keeping a standing military force and using it to suppress rebellions in other territories. Monarchs apparently need to be crowned by Church officials, which is why Edelgard drags you out to Enbarr on her route. All that clearly shows the Church still has a large influence on the continent.
The Slitherers do too, of course, and Edelgard was always planning to get rid of them as well, but she couldn't have really done it the other way around. She needed the Slitherers' to wage war against the Church and she's able to defeat them afterwards. If she had gone to the Church first to ask for help against the Slitherers, that would've still left the Church in a strong position, with its Knights and Kingdom allies.
Also, the Slitherers are an unerground organisation, whose existence is basically completely unknown. Meanwhile, the Church is an authority not only because of its direct power and influence, but because of the societal system put in place as a result of Rhea spreading its teachings. When gonig to war with the Slitherers, there is only a tangible enemy to defeat - the molemen conspiracy. Edelgard's goal with her war against the Church wasn't just to defeat the tangible enemy - Rhea and her knights - but to destroy the old system and beliefs they represented in the public conciousness. That's why she refers to it as a "revolution".
>Same route twice
Why though
The Black Eagles are alright, I just hate Edelshit.
so if you do Church do you actually kill Edelgard in the scene where you get the option to pick routes? Do I get some "sensei..." shit like an edgy fanfiction?
>go into the game thinking I'll 100% go for Manuela
>end up liking Petra and Dorothea as well
>can't decide who to go for
>in the west
The west has shit taste, what's new?
>playing as a stealing nigger
no thanks
Axe Annette is super fun but you dont even need Strength because she gets Lightning Axe and you can give her Bolt Axes.
>same age as Lysi
I need to plan a trip to Brigid
>For one, the Church has historically enabled and legitimised the divide of Fodlan, when the Kingdom seceded from the Empire and the Alliance seceded from the Kingdom.
Stopped reading there. The idea that one dynastic empire can lord over a continent for a millennia and no one will want to govern themselves is a completely absurd notion.
Are units with A+ support more likely to get together at the end?
No, that comes later.
Japan has shit taste as well. Have you looked at any of their polls?
> Edeltard
> Golden Queers
> Lionfags
Why can't we have nice things. Is it so hard to just discuss a game without having a 1/3rd to half of the thread being shitpost?
>no thanks
but you get to run from the police. I mean church.
If the church ACTUALLY wanted to control Fodlan, it's so easy it's not even funny.
Teach the actual thing humans did to their goddess and guilt trip them into being subservient followers, add some fear too and you have a whole continent of sheep.
Petra is nice. Dorothea fears turning into an old hag as her looks fade. Manuela still looks stunning for her age, but doesnt realize her shitty habits are what scare men away, not her age. It's pretty funny comparing the two
>look up a support conversations on Youtube
>remember how shitty the dub is
Why do burger companies even try. Every single character sounds so stale compared to their JP counterparts, like they're not even acting. I can't believe what they did to my boy Lorenz.
Go for Manuela. Petra is for Dorothea
I think you misunderstood.
sub is pretty hit or miss this time even if I prefer it way over dub
Church has almost nothing to do with the system of nobility beyond founding it.
It’s a self-perpetuating system. Those born with relics and crests have the strength required to rule.
What is Flayn's issue?
>The idea that one dynastic empire can lord over a continent for a millennia and no one will want to govern themselves is a completely absurd notion.
That's not what I'm saying at all. I'm only pointing out that the Church has historically supported the efforts that led to the creation of the Kingdom and the Alliance, which shows the Church's influence. Loog, the first king of Faerghus, made an agreement with the Church - they will legitimise him a monarch and he'll allow them to proselytize in peace. If the Church had been inconsequential in Fodlan politics, Loog would've had no need or motivation to make any agreements of this sort.
sub is the same translation as the dub retard
She likes the fishe.
Incidentally, Byleth also like the fishe
the fish...
The point is that the church has lost a lot of power during said millennia to the point the leaders of the three houses of the game absolutely abhor what it stands for and all want to reform it deeply or outright abolish it.
The moment the game starts, the influence the church has is completely irrelevant to the slithers, since they have full control of the empire and key people in Faerghus and the alliance.
I kind of like it. It reminds me of old /agot/ threads.
Move Marianne to the little cabin on top and go around the forest and Maurice won't activate.
> can't be her momfu as F Byleth
Ah well, at least we can fuck all Lords.
The idea that one dynastic empire can lord over an entire continent is utterly ridiculous-of course ANY third party is going to support secessionists. If anything preventing the kingdom from forming is more corrupt, since the church founded the empire in the first place.
If the church wanted to exert power, they would’ve never left the empire, and ruled fodlan as a theocratic imperialist state.
Why does Edelgard look like a psychopath in her end screen?
>Why does Edelgard look like a psychopath
She is one, not even magical jesus cock can heal that like Dimitri's case.
>asks if you want to see all of her tattoos I n her C-Support
>wears a short skirt to class to show off them legs
Someone wants to have their professor's baby.
Alright, made a few changes based on posts itt, will probably change more later assuming I don't forget about this.
What route does Byleth become King again? And who is his best Queen?
>edelgard = coca cola
>dimitri = pepsi
>claude = mountain dew
>rhea = monster zero ultra
So she becomes your Seteth
Church or GD.
>5 years
>still can’t speak proper Japanese
Church and GD, I think? In BL he becomes the Pope and in BE he just goes back to being a merc.
That's Seteth, someone post the image
After the timeskip, I'm sure she pretends for the sake of gap moe.
GD I think
The ultimate boomer is actually Gilbert
With Ferdie and Lorenz’s tea notes, I’d like to respond with Byleth being able to help, just so it seems even more like Byleth has some personality and really likes tea now
She's in the top 10 for sure.
I went through the Support Convos for the women.
>Manuelas was actually really touching and I liked it the best. She's so used to being thrown away and used she is in disbelief you could love a mess like her. She lets her faux bravado fall to the side and admit she is flawed and insecure but will give you all of her love to make up for not being good enough.
>Marianne overcomes her depression to propose to you and is addorably sweet.
>Dorethea has a massive redemption arc from gold digging ho to someone who found love and happiness for someone who isn't just trying to pump and dump. The whole line about "you still love me even though I'm no longer a songstress, I have no land or wealth, or noble name? You could have anyone in the world and you still want me?" gave me feels
>Ingrids knight story is one of my favorite.
>Bernadetta is addorable in how being by your side makes her fearless.
>Cathrines story gave me feels as she's so used to being feared that she didn't think you'd fall for her
>Shamir is adorkable in how little she says, but when she finally admits the feels are more than a simple logical decision she gets emotional its funny and sweet.Keeps light hearted and sweet
>Your dick can't cure her depression
>When your dick literally cures her depression and she actually has a different personality in Part 2
>Lysithea dying of aids
>You cure her of aids on her ending, it's literally the only note of her ending
Apply yourself user
Doesn't he also become Pope in the Church route, though I guess it's more like Pope King.
Any opportunity that arises for people to pick arbitrary teams and colors will end this way. It's part of the fun when done jokingly like Skub versus Anti-Skub, but it can get stupid fast, like average console war threads.
fodlan has to be small, they all speak the same language and the you seem to get anywhere on the continent with an entire army
Both GD and church is pope-king.
BL is archbishop and queen if you marry Dimitri.
Marianne is Byleth's best support by a mile
God I love Manuela, bros. I've never felt this way about a fictional character before.
Is this what they call finding your waifu?
Catherine's S-Support was fucking great, which was surprising because the rest of her supports weren't great.
Ingrid's telling you she wanted to wait til the war was over to say she loved you was great too, the VA did a great job.
Petra's S is great too, but I have to say Annette's is probably the best. She is so happy that the love of her life loves her back, cute shit.
>translation is the same thing as dialogue
also no it isn't
The Church's political power may have waned, not disappeared, but it's still influential among the populace, since pretty much everybody in Fodlan is a follower of its teachings. The Slitherers' power stems only from using the positions of authority they have weaseled themselves into. And nukes too, I guess.
>If the church wanted to exert power, they would’ve never left the empire, and ruled fodlan as a theocratic imperialist state.
The Church was never part of the Empire, but a separate organisation. The Empire was founded by Wilhelm, who was an ally of Seiros, but then his successors grew increasingly distant to the Church and vice versa.
>If anything preventing the kingdom from forming is more corrupt, since the church founded the empire in the first place.
I don't understand the reasoning here. Helping one forming state means you need to help every forming state? You could just as well argue that the Church acted wrongly towards the Empire, since it initially supported the Empire's rule over all of Fodlan, and then recognised their secessionists as legitimate.
When lunatic comes out
Should I start a new game on NG+ or a fresh save so the statues don’t make the game too easy?
This femleth is lewd.
>The Slitherers' power stems only from using the positions of authority they have weaseled themselves into
And they have the most power thanks to this. They have the empire itself which is the strongest, most anti-church organization.
The only really religious country left is Faerghus too and it's in shambles.
Slithers>>>>church as far as Fodlan, by the time the game starts, is concerned.
Try it without first, and if it’s too hard then restore to uses your saved files.
>user is saying I'm his waifu? It's probably just to make me feel better after my last date vanished. That's scoundrel didn't even pay for his drink and left ME with the tab. It's alright, user. I know you didn't mean it, but I'm thankful for the thought.
>spoiled to death just from OPs on Yea Forums before I decided to buy the game
I hope the last DLC is a final ending so I can play unspoiled.
You're the only one to blame user.
>comes to Yea Forums
>is surprised that people post spoilers
What the fuck are you doing here then faggot?
Why did you click the threads user?
I think the statues are nice, and allows you more leeway in builds you want to do. The only thing I hate is the exp gain, puts you far ahead on a game that’s quite easy and is especially annoying with how slow mastering classes takes. I’m on NG+ now and while I know the abilities aren’t that used end game, I basically had to accept I’m not mastering beginner classes before level 10. Instead of increased exp gain, I’d prefer increased class exp gain
I didn't? I knew the whole plot outline before deciding to get it from seeing OP images on Yea Forums
>yeah just quit Yea Forums over a game you're not sure if you'll buy yet
Alois is the water empress
that sucks why visit threads for games your gonna buy the whole game was a ride
>fled before paying
Absolute cunt move
You are supposed to master those classes on their regular play through first and then buy them back again on NG+
I'd just go NG+. Statues shouldn't help so much and you can always just apply unlocks whenever you need to.
If you’re worried about statues making it too easy why did you upgrade them to begin with?
I don't know why you would do this, finding out Jeralt was the Death Knight was one of the best twists I've seen in a game in a long time.
Shamir is my wife.
You should do it user. For all gays and women of the world. Also bisexuals, but we are forgotten.
I'm so happy people love her
>That skindentation
Stop, my penis can only get so erect.
I wish instead of exp+ it was class mastery+. Would be a lot less tedious to get them pre knowledge gem
I guess. I don't see much reason to disagree with that point in any case. What I said in still stands though, since Edelgard's goal was to get rid of both the Church and the molemen anyway.
I'm 100% saving this pic.
>mfw I offhandedly checked through he classes and saw her in brigand/Warlock
Jesus Christ she could give Cornelia a run for her money
Are there any A Rank endings that end in stupid platonic bullshit like in Fates?
>The point is that the church has lost a lot of power during said millennia
How so? The Church still regularly indoctrinates children from all the royal families to their cause, still rules with an iron fist across all the branches in the furthest reaches of Fodlan, their soldiers are doped up on gene therapy, and Hubert even says the entire Empire army is no match for the Knights of Seiros.
Rhea may not have complete dictactorial control in the traditional sense, but it's clear she's still running Fodlan both behind the scenes and centre stage. Also Dmitri never really thinks about betraying Rhea and Claude resigns from doing anything since he couldn't see a way to stop her. Only in GD does he take advantage of the war started by Eldegard to start reforms.
Don't look at fire emblem threads then you stupid nigger
>How so?
The slithers being the ones actually in control of Fodlan. What you say is nice, but they are already in every corner and influencing every single political decision in the continent all while scheming.
There's a reason the whole continent goes to shit once they start acting, they are deeply ingrained everywhere.
>dislike her methods and tactics
>disagree with most of her views
>is a huge cunt
>too idealistic
and yet I still love my dearest Empress El and married her despite all of that. What is wrong with me?
save it, it's all yours my friend
Shamir is Catherine's wife.
Do they? I mean sure Adrestria might as well be renamed New Shambhala and they are currently trying to wrest control in Faerghus but what about Leicester?
you like incEL because she's a dork
Daenerys fetish?
You've recognized that being a short, cute conqueror makes her the best girl.
You've caught Waifufag.
Your better judgement is clouded by your penis, your only cure is do a flip off a bridge with a noose tied around your neck.
You'd contracted the waifufag virus, I'm sorry it's untreatable.
How did Yea Forums and /vg/ react to the Flame Emperor reveal? I was busy playing the game back then so I ignored the internet completely to avoid spoilers
I'm talking about the catalog, user.
Plebs will say Ashe and Ingrid's BL ending is like this because they don't get married (they do in all the other ones), but for both characters what they really wanted was being knights and have stories written of their exploits. So even if it's the platonic end, it's their best end.
homo fantasy
>lol imagine if its Edelgard? Wouldmt that be stupi-
>oh no
At least that was my reaction doing GD, its apparently much more obvious on BE and BL
Dimitri's NUCLEAR scene dropped, people loved it and it's been /ourhouse/ together with GD ever since.
Someone didn't do their support.
I sorta glazed over the Flame Emperor so I didn't notice anything hinting towards Edelgard.
I care much more about Dimitri's neck snapping adventure that followed the reveal, fucking kino.
> Same speech pattern as Edelgard
> Color scheme
> every action taken
> "reveal"
People actually thought it would be someone else?
>2 AM
>need to get up early next morning
>spend my time arguing about fantasy politics in a fucking Fire Emblem title
Three Houses is a good game desu
>Travel the world together
>They're gay now because I want them to be
>Marianne proposes first
If ever there was any doubt she was best girl
It's annoying how some girls go gay but not for you. Petra, Shamir, Catherine...
I still dont see how people realized the flame emporer was edel unless you played BL and saw that dagger
The catalog can't spoil everything, I didn't find out Alois was the Water Emperor until my second playthrough and doing his paralogue.
Then why did my shamir killed catherine
If you dont look at them you couldn't reply to them like you're doing now you stupid retard bithc
>psycho laugh
You can become her mother-in-lawfu though.
I imagined Edelgard fans would be in denial due to he implications of their waifu being evil honestly
Catherine's support with Manleth is toptier shit. They become a power couple and Catherine finds a man who loves, not fears, her. She's so happy in her S-Support.
Homeo and Juliet
Nah I went with the OG dragon. I might do Seteh once but eh, too much work to do every single romance
It's not like they cared about her being evil anyway!
>it was the slithers, she's innocent!
I'm gonna do 4 playthroughs.
>Dorethea is my 1st current choice. She's the closest I'd come to a wifu in this game and IRL is the most like girls I would date.
I actually didn't wanna like her since she's such an obvious choice. However she's very charming and you learn she isn't really the slut rumors make her seem, she is just terrified of going back to having nothing again. She's a great person who deserves a happy life.
>Manuela will be my choice for either the church or blue lions play through
Manuela is charming even with what a mess she is. She's the one night stand that you take out on again and begin liking more when you see the facade lower.
She puts a brave face, but it's clear she just wants some one to genuinely love her and tries so hard to be a desirable woman. You learn she tries so hard because she is insecure and feels she missed the window for anyone loving her no matter what she has to offer and she thinks there is something horrible and wrong with her that she can't see and no one has the heart to tell her. When you propose she giggles and admits now that she has you after trying to get you for so long you make her feel good about herself.
>Marianne is gonna be the next girl I choose after that
I have a soft spot for depressed girls that find the strength to be the people they want to be despite the crippling pain of the depression still holding them down. When she proposes to you, only to find you feel the same and admit she told you how she felt inspite of mental illness holding her down, it gives me feels. I wanna dick her depression away.
Edelgard is my go to choice and I prefer her views. But in no way you can be "that can't be El". It's just too obvious
the game is pretty obvious about it
>Shoves Byleth's hand off him and marches forward
How can anyone hate Dimitri.
Anyone has a screencap or the thread archived? I kinda wanna see people losing their minds
Edelgard literally is never on screen at the same time. There's also dialogue (at least on Beagles) where an NPC says that because Monica was evil that means Edelgard was also definitely evil.
I did BE first and I honestly didn't catch on until Remire Village, when Flame Emperor teleported away and Hubert ran in asking where Edelgard is. I had been wondering why she wasn't present for the catacombs mission earlier though.
She's the romcom choice. I warmed up to her a lot. She's so blunt yet also terrible at wording her own feelings despite this. The S rank ending was pretty funny and really sweet. It was probably the only one that was a genuine light hearted feel good ending.
>Also I'm a sucker for chicks in corsetts and chokers with short hair.
In BE Edel literally tells you in the most indirect way possible she's the Flame Emperor
The alliance is harder to control due to how power is distributed, but they’ve already integrated into lysithea’s house at the very least.
>Dimitri mentions a knife in his supports with Sylvain and that he gave said knife to Edelgard in a support with Byleth I think
>Flame emperor then drops a knife which Dimitri reacts to but doesn't say why
It was extremely obvious but the cutscene was kino
Same here. I was just wondering is some anons were salty about El subverting their expectations or sonething, especially during the game's first weeks
I paired her with Hubert. Peak autism. I loved it
>but what about Leicester?
For what it's worth, when the war breaks out half of Leicester's great houses support the Empire anyway.
Lysithea's house fled from the empire (probably because of the slither experiments) though.
Should I play this game as female or male?
Sub or dub?
but you get to manage the empire with Edelgard in BE