>Out of the more martial/warrior oriented races(Orcs, Redguards, Nords, Imperials), which one of them is the best at magic( Mages, Battlemages, Spellswords, Necromances, Healers, and etc). Also, in general what's the magic culture like for these races.

I loathed reddit so I wanted to ask this here, I tried yesterday but I had to go so I couldn't follow thread up.

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Ancient Nords were hella good at magic but nu-nords are scared of it because it's seen as something only those tricky Mer use

Orcs and Nords are more suited to the battlefield Redguard more suited to dueling or 1v1s.
All of them magic is secondary.

Dunmer are the best overall and can beat anyone

Are you a hist licker fan trying to get the party started?

I'm so pissed that Bethesda is retarded and doesn't follow it's own lore. Why the fuck Orcs have such awful arms and armour. Their armour should look like Renaissance full plate armour, or like Japs armour when they started to trade with Europe. Their weapons should be functional and elegant.

If I had to rank those races in terms of magic users it would be:


The Imperial province values magic heavily, however, its a cosmopolitan province. Their mage guilds is very racially diverse and its common to find non-imperials as the top mages. The same is true for their army and battlemages. So imo I suspect their talent with magic matches their talent with warriors...they're just okay.

And while it’s true that Redguards are, over all, less inclined to practice magic than some other races, they’re definitely not against it - just against magic that is seen as cowardly or evil. So, summoning Daedra, necromancing the dead, or setting up bunch of trap spells is frowned upon, while slinging fireballs in the middle of battle or healing wounds is totally fine. Redguards excel at being high quality spellswords and battlemages, they probably match the Bretons in this Redguard. Imo, this puts them ahead of imperials overall.

Nords are just too anti intellectual/thinking as a people for magic. They value simplicity and straightforwardness. They'll choose a axe over reading a book any day of the week. And yes, they have the thum but they don't view that as magic.

Redguards would destroy Orcs/Nords in the battlefield and in dueling.


It's canonically pretty good armor.

Bretons, don't let their lack of innate martial skills fool you that just leaves them less pigeonholed than the "true" martial races while having innate magic resistance.

Lol gay

>Loses to a race of Manmer
Might want to rethink that Redguard

Probably Imperials because they're more open minded and also they can assimilate magical knowledge from all the races due to Cyrodiil being more cosmopolitan.
Redguards are good too, but they supposedly shun Conjuration and Illusion but are OK with the rest.
Orcs and Nords have potential to just as good but don't use it so much because of their culture.

Dunmer gang rise up.

Nigga, the Ra Gada slaughtered pretty much everyone they came across in Volenfell. Bretons, Orcs, Nedes... didn't matter what race. They sailed in and took everything they wanted, including the women.

and they got humiliated during the War of Betony

To answer the first part of your question, Imperials are the best at magic of those races

Why is Bonemold the most aesthetic armor type?

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hard to say, if they stick close to the lore Redguards have the "singer sword" thingy, which one single swing from a blade could wipe batallions
then again they might have over sell that part

old-nords had the thuum, thats pretty fuckin op if you have an army that could shout fus-ro-dah, nu-nords are just vikings but rather die in battlefield since they get to go to sovengarde, i would too
die fighting knowing an orgy is waiting for me

hard to say about orcs, magic wise they probably suck cuz they dont have the discipline for it
im pretty sure they can stand their ground against nords and redguards

imperials are most likely to use magic, since they are nor the strongest physically or mentally, so taking advantage of any sort of combat would be better for them.

but ill go with the Ka-po' tun

cuz its made of skeleton's pieces, skeletons are2spooky4us

Nigga, that conflict was between two individual kingdoms not province vs province. If highrock had to go against a united hammerfell they would get demolished and their women would end being mothers to black redguard babies.

Thats not how breeding works in TES

For the human races, yes it works like that. Redguards black genes override Bretons white genes just like irl.

Of those 4 Imperials are the most magically inclined, followed by Redguards, Orcs, then Nords. Nords use to do magic, but they regressed and now fear it like cavemen fear lightning. Imperials are big on destruction (imperial battlemages) and restoration.




Vivec lives! Dumer will rise rise from the ashes

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Hence the Imperial Battlemages

>Magic ability
Imperial>Redguard>Nord(incoherant yelling)>Orc

>martial ability

Imperials are more of a jack of all trades so if you include them in this list then you must include them in a list of magic oriented races(altmer,dunmer,breton), also I'm not sure why you say redguards are a martial race.

this. a very easy answer

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Unironically Nords have been the best mages throughout history in Elder Scrolls before they started hating it for literally no reason even before the Oblivion Crisis.

Anyone saying Imperials are above Redguards when it comes to magic need to reread the lore.

First, the idea that Redguards are anti necromancy seems to come from a writing flaw from Oblivion—an exaggerated quote from one single character that conflicts with the established lore on Redguards and basic common sense.

Let me outline the facts:

Archmage Voa and Saban, both from Elder Scrolls Adventures: Redguard, serve as good examples of magic in Redguard culture. Archmage Voa is, well, an archmage in service to the crown prince A’tor. The “arch-” in front of his name indicates that the crown employs a lot more mages than just him. We see him practicing powerful destruction and restoration magics, which would probably be the standard skillsets of court wizards.

Saban, on the other hand, might better be described as a witch or a hedge wizard. She is versed in western, Yokudan magics rather than eastern Mages Guild teachings. We see her guiding a soul through to the afterlife as well as performing a sort of necromancy and/or enchanting.

Voa was also A'tor best friend and trapped his(the prince) soul into a sword when said prince died(Necromancy) which Cyrus and the Restless league(Redguard pirates) followed as a leader(prince's soul in a sword).

Also, there were Mage guilds all thru out Hammerfell before they became defunct. When Voa died, the next arch-mage(Jaganvir) was seen training for the Shadow Legion( Imperial Battlemages).

Sentinel is notorious for necromancy, and Redguards have been interacting with Tamrielians—Bretons especially—for three millennia.

Alik'r is known for its sand&wind wizards. There is the Wind and Sand spell book about Alik'r wind magic. Skyrim also shows Redguards as having a proclivity towards Destruction/ Alteration now, which TES: Legends expands on.

You must be a /pol/fag. Orcs and Nords are NOT ABOVE redguards in martial ability.


As a society and in terms of military power they value magic the most, but that doesn't mean the actual people excel at magic in particular. There is no reason not to think that the Imperial Battlemage unit isn't heavily racially diverse. We know from TES:Redguards that mages from any of the mage guilds in Tamerial could try out for that unit, which means that the Imperials had no problem outsourcing for their magic power. This is also why Borissean(Redguard) and Gaspar Stegine(Breton) were seen as the most powerful mages in all Cyrodill. Imperial outsourcing.

Those low iq ice niggers never had the brains to do magic lol. That's why the snow elves tried to genocide them. At first they welcomed them but then they saw how barbaric, uncivilized, and unintelligent they were and then realized that these sub-humans with the Eye of Magnus meant the whole world was at risk. Imo, the snow elves gave the nords too much credit--those snow apes had no idea how to use that power, those savages probably thought it was just a big rock.

t. butthurt falmer

>must be a /pol/fag

Secondary actually, I never played Daggerfall, Arena, or Oblivion.

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Yes because TES history is chock full of the martial exploits of the Redguard and next to nothing about about the Orcs and Nords prowess.

Didn't need magic to slap the Falmer around like little bitches did they?

Let's look at the facts, the two attributes used for magic are Intelligence and Willpower. Looking at Morrowind for reference we can safely say that Redguards are the least suitable for magic.
Both male and female Redguards have an abysmal 30 in both stats.
Going up, we have Imperial males sporting 40 Intelligence and 30 Willpower, as well as male Nords having 30 Intelligence and 40 Willpower.
The next best specimen are also equal in total, but different in distribution. Orc males and Nord females both have 30 Intelligence and 50 Willpower, while Imperial women are much more balanced with 40 points in each stat.
The best suited for magic combat would be an Orc female, she has 40 Intelligence and 45 Willpower.

Regarding the magic culture I think it's save to say that Nords have their Voice while Redguards have swordsinging. Imperials are well known to enlist the best human magic users due to their position at the center of the Empire. Only the Orsimer don't seem to have a magic culture as elaborate as the others.

>Orcs and Nords are NOT ABOVE redguards in martial ability.
Do you have a single fact to back up that claim? Nords are the decendants of the 500 while Redguards conquered miles of sand that nobody else used

>magical ability
Lowest Intelligence and Willpower of all races