Are healers really the "pussy shit" classes...

Are healers really the "pussy shit" classes. I have never considered myself beta but just play healers or other supports because i like them. Is there anything wrong with that .

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If you aren't a pussy or beta you don't want to stand in the back and support other people who kill things instead of killing them yourself.

How about you do both, retards?
Buff, heal (actually healing is kind of a waste, focus on buffing...), do damage, all in one.

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liking actual success doesn't make you a pussy. the strongest link being the healer will get almost any bunch of shitters through content. tanks/DD just mad they barely matter and their individualism never stands out.

Playing support is fine by me but don't expect me to compliment you for something that takes 0 skill.
>b-but i save you!
You are doing your job, I'll do mine wich is carrying betas like you.

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Depends on the game.
In plenty of mmos trying to keep your entire team healed is a difficult and engaging task.
In other games like tf2 or overwatch healing is completely braindead.

Tank: leader, chad, the core of the team
Dps: can hold on his own, can kill others on his own will
Healer: dependent on others, easily bullied

I fucking hate Lucio shitters who don't speed boost after the first five seconds of the game or wallride around points when playing time.

This is exactly what I think. Healers shouldn’t be thanked for doing their job just like tanks shouldn’t be thanked for tanking but I just don’t want healers/supports to be mokced.

>I have never considered myself beta
>that pic
You should start.
>Is there anything wrong with that
No, but there is with denial.



depends on the game, but healers can pull shit out of their ass where the party should have wiped three times over

healers and tanks hold more value in general just because not everyone plays them like they do with dps. Heal all you want but you should have the capacity to fill any role you want on the fly. Nothing is worse than dps-only niggers that think they’re hot shit but would cause a wipe if they actually tried to tank or heal.

>Are healers really the "pussy shit" classes
No more than any other class, really. Just depends on how you play them
>beyond braindead tier
Can't keep anybody alive
>shit tier
Can only keep tank alive. Constant overheals cause aggro problems. Expects to be thanked
>adequate tier
Keeps whole party alive, buffs if applicable
>skilled tier
Everybody stays alive, buffed, does dps/cc as well

I play many games but mostly try to heal in ESO(elder scrolls online) And despite being a healer I can also deal some damage. I just asked because most people seem to treat healers as something useless .

the people who tend to treat healers or tanks as useless tend to be the people that can't play anything but a dps role

>MMO flowchart loops
>not briaindead

The Medic class in Killing Floor 2 is pretty based, they have a good balance of healing your team mates and being good at combat.

I do it because I dont trust anyone else to.

I try to keep everyone alive and give them buffs buffs but sometimes a moron who despite not being a tank thinks he can just rush in die. Can you really blame me for that?

No more than I could blame a tank for letting the healer die after the dumbass threw HoTs up before the pull

Don't forget the people who've dealt with a lot of useless healers and tanks

Real healers are big dom alphas who get shit done while the kids play numbers games.

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They are pussy shit unless your heals are just some extra bonus added to an ability and your primary objective is making engages/cc and shitting out damage.

Pic related is a turbochad healer.

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>OP right now

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In the vast majority of cases, yes.
If you are able to crush the enemies skull AND heal, then it might not be pussy shit, but the vast, VAST majority of the time, you can't do that because muh balance.

So yeah, healers are, by and large, for pathetic cucks.

Is there more of that girl?

I don’t think that healing makes you better compared to other choices but I just don’t want It to be treated like some irrelevant shit.

I can deal some damage(like all
Healers should do) but I still can’t deal ALL
THE DPS .and I think that’s OK.

Healing is a role left to girlfriends and literal sissies and trannies. If you value yourself please play something else.

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Depends, theres more games where Damage is nerfed for Healing/support classes. I loved playing nu-battlefront 1 and throwing lods of banta grenades and healing droids just to keep the enemy at bay or playing as Zenyatta even thought OW bores me it's fun with his purple orb and memeing on tanks

>kumbrain incel talking about being alpha

Then you're a pussy broke back bitch.

Healers are pretty good in ESO thought, plus you're always required in those strikes thingies

I always stay up front to make sure braindead tanks don’t fuck around and DPShitters don’t overextend themselves.

>user and various others take this advice
>supports suddenly become an endangered species

>playing healer in XIV
>spam Cure on my tank while looking at my phone the whole time
>get 3 recommendations when the dungeon ends

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>tfw your tank starts hitting you because you were slacking off

I was playing a healer in WoW till 5.2
>have to take care of 25 ppl
>watching their health every time
>watching your health
>buff and rez ppl
>go out of void zones
>watch out for tank
>press 1 2 3 4 rotation for 10 minutes
>go out of void zones once in a while
Hmm which is better I don’t even know

the role or class a player plays tells you nothing about that player except they maybe thought that the class was kind of cool or it plays nice
other than that it just tells you what the fuck that player is supposed to do
I've seen hungry supersubmissive bottom sluts who main tanks, autistic number obsessed retards who play healers and motherly female players playing tank like a fucking chad rolling through the hood and beating all the niggers to dirt in a drive by committed with a sword

>female players playing tank like a fucking chad
Next time try to make your stories more believable, retard.

you imma break it down for you.
my lucio runs around leaping from wall to wall, an untouchable force of nature. All while giving my team EPIC boosts in health and speed. When all hope seems lost I pump it up and give them MASSIVE temporary health, saving them all. All of this whilst blasting holes through the enemies skulls racking up dozens of eliminations.

My boi lucio AINT no pussy as you so callously put it.

>being bootybustled because a female once actually did something video game related properly

Get a higher rank then, after that your only concern will be tip top tier osu! players using nothing but Widowmaker and/or 6-players stack sucking each other benis

>admitting that he was generalizing from extreme outliers

are you esl? because that was in no way even implied

They can suck each other off AND beat everyone else at the same time?

With that OP image, yeah

Reread your post champ

BF1 Medics were the ultimate warriors.

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I did
it states that you are upset because an event happened atleast once, but it doesn't refer to the frequence of the event

No, it stated that an event that you previously generalized happened once.
Next time you get btfo, just do what everybody else does and ignore the post instead of proving that you only passed 3rd grade English by sucking teacher's dick

That's the true power of /lgbt/ for you, but playing against a tight knit group is pretty much a lost game for me anyways

I'm the girl in the pic wiseguy

Nah, trannies often can't get it up and are offended about having their dicks touched.

Truly, the most chadiest class

just play what you want dummy

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there's no need to get upset just because you misunderstand something

M-maybe they were a strong bonded group of heterosexual /fit/ browsers playing OW and giving each other especial protein shakes for maximum concentration

>strong bonded

You can't play the 'that's not what I said' card when your post is in plain view. This isn't Twitter

Did they all say no homo?