Get mad when his adopted daughter said she doesn't want to date a black guy

>get mad when his adopted daughter said she doesn't want to date a black guy
What did Kiryu mean by this?

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black guys can be samurai too

That being racist doesn't make you cool, unique, different, special, interesting or smart, you fucking nigger.

But it does make you based.

Is this real? I'm not surprised, japs only like their own or white guys

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That's not haruka

He has like 4 daughters and 5 sons.

>not wanting to fuck black men is now considered racist

I'm surprised you didn't throw in a homophobic tag in there too.

What the fuck?
I don't like Kiryu anymore.

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Ugh like i literally can't even.

It's 2019 and you're a nazi?


It's real but it's only in the jap version.

>but it's only in the jap version.
It was changed in the rerelease. It got a new translation.

dumb 0fag

Responding with the stock "x doesn't make you interesting" doesn't make you interesting

Doesnt this happen in Yakuza 3, during the early game segment? Or does a situation like this happen twice?

It's alright, Kiryu still beats the shit out of the only nigger like two minutes after meeting him.

suck my cum

Who wouldn't want to have their shit beat up by Kiryu?

Even footfags?

this fucking game makes me mad, don't play this if you're playing this after a far better game like Judgement.
the combat in this game is fucking terrible. low level shitters can infinite block. falling animations will repeat if you hit or get hit during its course. all boss fights are just "dash to his back lmao." one fighting style thats complete shit.
the story goes completely off the fucking rails in the last quarter. characters die just cause. we have the "guy gets back up trope" THREE fucking times in this game. this is the third game, maybe make sure to get the gun away from them Kiryu you stupid retard. what the fuck happened Yokoyama? how'd you fuck this one up so hard?

I remember when Kiryu used to tell women to get back in the kitchen
People said this would happen when 0fags got to 3.

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man fuck you, this game sucks and you know it. its such a weak installment story wise.

That's what happens when you play a series out of release order, retard. I'm sure someone attempted to warn you at some point.

Maybe you should've started with 1 instead of bitching about muh styles, 0cuck.

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Only to 12 year olds like yourself.

>this forgives it for having a terrible story somehow

If you had been in these threads before 0 you would know that 3 is one of the weakest games in the series.

retarded 0fag detected

>3 considered the worst in the series by everyone for the longest time
>"ugh anyone who hates 3 is just a 0fag ughhhh"


Everyone who complains that 3 doesnt play like 0 is a 0fag.

people say its story is fucking terrible you absolute mongrel

Its Akiyama time

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His Bakamitai is almost better than Kiryu's.

YOU were the one complaining that it only had one style and that it doesnt play like 0 so dont give me that shit. You got called out for being a retarded 0fag so you fall back on ''m-muh shit story :(''.

The story across all games is terrible, partly because they just repeat the same shit with a slightly different cast of mostly expendable characters
if you liked 0's anime bullshit you'll like 3, don't worry about it sweaty

her body, her choice, also she is based.

>for years people have said that 0 is by far the best game in the series, that 3-5 are weak, that 3 in particular sucks, and that 0fags will have a rude awakening if they try to play the PS3 games
Did you think it was a joke or something?

yes dipshit, pickout literally one of my points among a dozen, latch on to it and continue to sperg. you're not worth the you

This only applies when you want to kill your baby, not when you don't want to fuck black guys.
Let's be honest, black men are entitled to prime white teen pussy.

he wants his grandson to be well endowed

>white guys
they like latinos more, specially mexicans, dunno why, but thats a fact.

Kazuma became such a pathetic cuck holy shit
More reasons why Majima is the superior Yakuza

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>the combat in this game is fucking terrible. low level shitters can infinite block. falling animations will repeat if you hit or get hit during its course. all boss fights are just "dash to his back lmao." one fighting style thats complete shit.
All these points reveal you're a retarded 0fag. Your only valid complaint is that the story is bad which is what people have been saying in Yakuza threads for years.

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help me understand, do you actually like this fighting system of this game?

Where do you think you are?

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Says the guy who beat up a bunch of grown men in diapers.

that's his fetish

Not having sex with a guy because he's black is racism, you are not giving him a chance just because of his race, which is racism.

Literally worst than tripfags. Fucking kill yourself you massive fucking pussy

>beats up diaperfags, trannies and crossdressers
>0 rolls around
>ummmm sweaty all kinks and fetishes are valid :)
Is this in the original Jap version or is this another Scott Strichart special?

Not Dating someone doesn't mean you don't fuck them

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Majima is the ultimate cuck though, he allowed his wife to cuck him out of his unborn child. I can't think of anything more dishonorable for a man.

Japan knows what's up, on a global demographics level and what's required for the survival of their race.

>give me my YOU >_

Stealing is bad, nigger

If someone is not sexually attracted to someone with dark skin, then there is nothing this person can do about it.

>actually imported 5
Where's your Kenzan and Ishin, nig?

0 goes before 1

white incel thread?
white incel thread.

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>no Dead Souls
Niggardry of the highest order

>being a pussyfaggot for no reason
Why even bother replying you cock gobbler?

Funny thing is that a single one of those goblins will contribute more than a thousand nigs anyway.
Not that it's a big achievement or anything.

Are Saejima, Akiyama and Tatsuya the only non-cuck protags in Yakuza?

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based loli

The guy who has the urge to post a pic of his hand in every thread is the least bad part of Yakuza threads on Yea Forumseddit. Makes you think.

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>I can't think of anything more dishonorable for a man.
Having a daughter.

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in your head canon maybe.

He's a cuckold who literally raises another man's kid.
Of course he'd be upset.

What about Shina-
>lusts after a literal prostitute
Never mind.

they have a chance to get attracted to a person with dark skin by giving them a chance though, just like many yellow fever fags weren't attracted to asians before giving asian media such as anime a chance
and yeah, not giving someone a chance because of their race IS racism

>mooooooooooooom he still wont give me my (you) >____________

Why do you have like two dozen pictures of the same dude?

you know damn well the only thing they do is stay inside all day and just shit post about "muh white race", they are useless cucks leeching from society

Kiryu likes black cock and doesn't want his daughter to be deprived of it

he only beat up the diaperfags because the guy was trying to force his fetish onto Kiryu

Ichiban will be the true chad of Yakuza. Just watch

>useless cucks leeching from society
Yeah, unlike welfare collecting pavement apes, right?
Those fucks at least may have a future as code monkeys or some shit.

>having a nice Yakuza thread
>wh*Toid cucks show up and start whipping themselves for being white

Why are Asians so racist?

He's right, just like how if you don't give your same sex a chance at a sexual relationship, you're homophobic,
You don't know until you try.

/gif/ is such a fucking cucked board lmao

Get fucked.

Yakuza 3's combat fucking blows so goddamn much. Every enemy, no matter how weak, blocks over 50% of my attacks. You can't dash around most of them because they turn to face you in literally a single frame. You can't grab most of the enemies without having to mash EVERY time or they just throw you off instantly/jump on top of you. And the bosses are fucking sponges that take way too long to finish off.

I'm playing on Hard and I wish I hadn't picked it, this just sucks.

they have a chance to get attracted to a person with the same sex by giving them a chance though, just like many fags weren't attracted to fags before giving fag media such as Aniki a chance
and yeah, not giving someone a chance because of their sexual orintation IS homophobic

It's racism, which is fine.

But youre still giving them yous...

It's /pol/ bait but it's technically still on-topic. You know you're fucking up hard when the black guy is more of a participant in the thread subject than you are.

Yakuza 3 is kino, anyone who says otherwise is a faggot with shit taste.

Yeah that's my #1 annoyance with Yakuza games in general, Yakuza 3 seems particularly guilty of it making harder difficulties not worth playing. I'm glad they minimized that aspect on later games.

*sigh* This. This so much. I played 0 and I REALLY wanted to like this game but the clunky combat and the casual racism(see OP's pic) really ruined it.

Git gud.

ITT: People who haven't learned Tiger Drop
just spam that shit they can't block it


There is a sizeable japanese diaspora population in brazil, theyve succumbed to magnum 3rd world dong

I've gotten good, the game just sucks. There's no point in using regular attacks and most Heat moves, the quickest and most reliable strategy is to just throw them repeatedly. There's no difficulty, it's only tedious.

Welcome to classic Yakuza combat faggot. Equip weapons.

If you got good you wouldn't be whining.


it's a problem with the PS3 games. The PS2 games seriously have better combat. The way they nerfed weapons on bosses into the ground pisses me off, it's like they want you to sit there exchanging punches and spamming healing items.

you're right, if the game was better we wouldnt be whining

>they have a chance to get attracted to a person with the same sex by giving them a chance though, just like many fags weren't attracted to fags before giving fag media such as Aniki a chance
correct, this is true
>and yeah, not giving someone a chance because of their sexual orintation IS homophobic
homophobia is only for same sex discrimination, not sexual orientations as a whole

T. Mexican

>being racist doesn't make you cool, unique, different, special, interesting
being racist is completely normal
only tryhard hipsters pretend they're not racist

Why would a girl date a black guy and end up with a huge chance of getting beaten or being a single mother?
There's no reason for a smart girl to take that risk.

So you would fuck anyone regardless of what they look like to give them a chance? Why are you not giving a chance to your lonely 90 year old widow neighbor right now?

A smart girl wouldn't fall for tribalism

>homophobia is only for same sex discrimination
wrong, the very definition is irrational fear
there's nothing wrong with gays, and there's nothing wrong with trying it to see

The girl knows the toll for burning coal. Kikryu is too bluepilled.

or niggers

jokes on you, i do have a granny fetish, but a 90 yo grandma would die in any sexual stuff that not 0.111 Mph missionary, so I won't tap her because I don't want to risk becoming a murderer


Fucking racist bitch.

This isn't about tribalism. Statistically, being with a black guy is almost always going to end up with single motherhood or domestic violence. Why take that risk?
Judging people individually is a waste of time and bandwidth. Only dumb people are so frivolous with their time.

I tried gay porn
became bi sometime later
that means i become hard when i think of you, user

American hood blacks? sure
but the few black guys in Japan are FAR from being as susceptible to crime like American blacks are

The irony of telling people off for being racist and then signing it off with "you fucking nigger" is actually hilarious, this is a really underrated post. You get a based from me.

She want to date daddy.
Racist lolis are cool.

kek'd because this is true

How do we solve Japan's racism problem?

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Mate, Japanese blacks are almost entirely Nigerian bouncers working for the Yakuza. The few that aren't are American black soldiers who are arguably as bad as organized criminal blacks.

Kiryu confirmed to be a cunnybro!!!

>the female version of this meme

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Too bad the US stations their feral army niggers in nipland. Google "Kurombo Gama" for a laugh.

what about black weebs, the most dangerous thing about them is going on everyone's nerves with their shonen anime obssession

they're harmless sure, but then you'd get into
>wanting your daughter to date a weeb

I (my dick) like the cute black girls that do cosplay.

I wouldn't date a black guy either.

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I'm not buying this shit until Yakuza 4 comes out

you mean if pic related would do cosplay, you would go into impregante mode?

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what mean this