what went so right bros?
What went so right bros?
so a baby fighting game, a tennis game and a kirby baby game is enough to satisfy you?
Mario maker is the only good game on this list, also there is no new f zero you fucking retard
why are you mad?
I can't wait for Astral Chain, and my dick gets massively hard at the mere thought of BoTW2
I wonder what happened to SMTV though, shit's been dead silent for a while. at least Prime4 had an official announcement regarding it's development
great response, very thoughtful and it really made me think
enjoy your garbage OP
Literaly every single one of these games are shit OP. All literal baby games
Based and redpilled.
meanwhile sony gets the odd movie game and the yearly call of duty. lol
Sage for shitty baby games Yea Forums hates
Yea Forums never liked these shitty baby games retard, it was just discord trannies forcing it.
At least they don't have baby games for cumbrians
Based. Sage in all fields
Sony has actual games tho. Still mad that they censored your jizzskull shits?
you should try writing sentences where at least half of the words aren't buzzwords
it's embarrassing, user
cope harder nintendie, literally all those games are shit
Wow nice non argument. enjoy your garbage OP
>Wii U ports
>games coming to PC
>stale Platinum games
but why are you so mad, though?
More impontant is, how things are going sonybros?
I will, thanks!
Nintendo went and actually made games after failure of Wii-U. Guess making what your consumers want is good for business? Go figure.
Now where is SMT5?
wtf are you on about? actual games like what? whats came out in the last year that wasn't mediocre
>chill nintendo thread
>somehow sonyfags are seething
Why this happens so often?
Wilm the Switch revive Mario Strikers or is it just never happening again?
>for 69.99
Yea Forums is more interested in platform wars than the actual games.
Because nintendchads refuse to recognize sony's movies as videogames. Master slave dialectic. Sonynegros want our recognition.
Damn it feels good to be a gangsta
it's so cute how mad you are, user
>xenoblade 2 and torna
>star allies
>mario tennis that's worse than the GC version
>fire emblem
>Zelda: Link's 60 bucks down the drain
>all of this garbage gets a happy face
>implying prime 4 2020 and that it wont just be a better experience on the next 300 dollar brick
you have smash, mario maker, odyssey, and an open world zelda. Shut your bitch ass up.
polished shovelware is how you succeed in mobile, so why not do it for everything
Feels good to be an idiort
Nintendo are currently succeeding because they usually only announce games within 5-12 months before their launch, Sony did a really shitty thing by announcing all of their late PS4 exclusives during the tail end of its early era, making so fewer and fewer games were shown, and it seems its only the start as PS5 will get even fewer games than the PS4.
all of that is still better than sony has put out lmao
but muh last of us 2
>Copy and paste of 1st game with some lesbians
but muh death stranding
>Boring as fuck game that the most appealing thing in the game is you can piss.
they will probably delay last of us 2 and ghost of tshitma or whatever its called, and launch it with ps5.
yes thats sony's problem, they announce games 3 years before it comes out. i remember everyone freaking out about the last guardian because of how long it took. Look how that turned out. A shitty game with dated controls.
>but muh death stranding
>>Boring as fuck game that the most appealing thing in the game is you can piss.
yes, kirby, xenoblade and bing bings. I DEFINETLY enjoy these titles and have played them with passion. Can't wait for funko zelda next. We keep winning switchbros
>we keep winning
Hell yeah, man
are you also looking forward to animal crossing soiwitc- oops, switchbroooo??? can't wait to pick items from the ground and color my dress (male) yellow :) my friends tell me it's a women's game and I look absolutely pathetic excited for this but what do they know
I am excited about it! Thanks for asking.
Seems like your friends are insecure soi cucks of middle schoolers if thats the case.
Right? holy shit I'm gonna pick up so much things from the ground and collect them that game looks SO CUTE. and don't get me started on my excitement when Pokémon sword shield comes out. My face is literally opened wide and large rn while I type you this message
Damn, add to that Wii U ports, since no one bought a Wii U, and some third party ports it's nice to play on the go (Crash, waiting for Ni no Kuni and Ghostbusters, LA Noire was nice), I really love how good the Switch is as a portable. The addition of playing on a bigger screen whenever I want to is maybe something I use 15% of the time, but it's A+ for parties.
is ghostbusters good? never played it. i just assumed it was bad as games based on movies are generally bad
>switch: exists and has a lot of games
>Snoys seeth endlessly
The game is the third movie we never got.
Its the third movies script turned into a game, and its one of the best movie based video games alongside the 2005 King Kong one
whats the gameplay like? is it anything like luigis mansion?
>4 games in a YEARS LINE UP
>kirby game (boredom ensued playing toddler shit ACTUALLY designed with toddlers as target audience for 2 hours. that's how much a kirby game lasts anyways)
>mario tennis
>a dlc for that horrible waifu rpg (being counted as a full game)
was this image really made by a Nintendo fan and not a "subtle" consolewar hater?
>Prime 4
>Bayo 3
Kinda, its a third person action game where you use different gadgets to catch ghosts and whip them into the ghost traps, think of a mix between Gears of War and Luigis mansion.
2018 was a garbage year, Smash aside. But yeah so far 2019 is great, 2017 is the GOAT.
Hoes mad
Hoes mad
2018 a shit. 2020 might also be rough since we have no definitive release dates for any of those games
back to twitter
You cannot imagine my excitement to clear all the dust gathered on my switch since I got bored of our monthly game (fire emblem 2 days after release) just to pay 60 bucks for The legend of Funko Pop. I might do some stages in Super Bing Bing Maker Wahoo 2 later tonight while my wife is away just to cool things off. the downgraded dq demo at 720p completely let me down disappointed and I'm still waiting on the persona 5 announcement (it's coming right?), but HEY, at least we have a JRPG made by GameFreak to look forawrd to, rirght? R-RIGHT?
man im probably going to get it now, i didn't really need another game to purchase in the next month. already got like 9 games plus a switch lite ordered in the next month. wish they spaced this out better throughtout the year.