Why does this game get shit on?
Why does this game get shit on?
because its shit
Not as good as the first one
how isn't it?
The destruction wasn't nearly as good. It was as if they had a perfect formula to work on and threw it out the window.
>first game lets you basically blow holes in everything
>second game becomes super restrictive on what can be damaged
2 different kinds of destruction and the physics based destruction of the 2nd is far superior.
it sucks
>boring weapons with no feel of impact. I'd say it's 90% of reason. If shooter has solid gunplay, everything else can be forgiven
>amazingly bad levels design. I think only Chaser came close, to how bad they were
>piss poor PC port compare to first one
>story no one cares about, cringe characters
Obviously not since the game was shit
I think I stepped into nega-Yea Forums
This game was/is the shit was even FOTM on here
>first game takes place in indestructable, metal hallways for 95% of the game
Anyone denying this either didn't play the game or didn't get past the first 5 mimutes where they show off the destruction then take it away.
take off nostalgia googles and try to play it. It's shit.
I played remarstered last month is that close enough? The game is a physics sandbox and you have a sweet hammer. Nothing else matters
user RF2 isn't Guerilla
>Nuh uh because its bad
Actual fucking retard
You really want to know why OP? Because the story is maximum cheesy autism, otherwise it's a great successor to the first in nearly everything else. Oh and I couldn't give two shits about the destruction
Between the game being chopped into small segments, the pace with which you go through hundreds of enemies and the rail-shooting levels it has a watered-down arcade feel - different from the first game's slow unfolding into quite epic proportions
Different wouldn't be bad if it also didn't come off as quite rushed: barely related to the first storywise, short, ugly, simplistic and twitchy
Fuckin aces MP though
Because it's shit.
The FOV is minuscule, the UI is convoluted, guns feel awful, bosses are bullet sponges that don't require any strategy, levels are linear and make almost no use of destructible environments and the final boss, sweet Jesus that final boss is an absolute piece of shit and I'm convinced he can't even be beaten in the harder difficulties. He has unavoidable damage, the boss arena is a cramped room and the only cover is destructible.
Fuck it's awful. I blame consoles.
The World
Has Abandoned Us
People remember the 1st game being a lot better than it was. They're both decent but neither are gems desu
Personal low points are literally every encounter with railgun mercs in RF1 and the final boss of 2, both took the piss something awful
Can you guys at least admit the cover is sick?
It has nothing to do with the first one that's why. Great game plays nice but what the fuck happened to RED FACTION that was about Miners and Ultor?
Guerrilla was the third game ya moron.
What if they wanted each game to be different rebellions?
Having to scan upcoming areas for mercs with your own driver was annoying but everything up to that point shits on RF2, the intro levels are night and day
Never understood that argument since for practical purposes, it had more uses and you saw a lot more of it in 2. 1's destruction was mostly relegated to the first few levels, and even then it was blindly tunnelling through specific terrain with limited explosives for the novelty of it. You couldn't skip anything
That's retarded because RED FACTION is about Mars only.
>One game previously
>People remember the 1st game being a lot better than it was.
Played it like year ago, RF1 is a great game, fast paced gameplay, good guns, nice maps.
>every encounter with railgun mercs in RF1
yeah, you have to strafe constantly and railgun them, and it gets boring after a while. It would be more balanced without thermal scope, because way it is any tactic other than above gets you oneshot through wall
The first game qas fantastic the fuck are you talking about? Yeah there was that pendelum swing at the midway point where enemies were replaced with those aimbotting railguns and DMR fuckers but the gameplay was solid as fuck.
I've said it's one of those games Yea Forums lies about for years. Everyone reposts guard dialogue, nobody mentions the phoned in entire last third of the game there just to extend playtime or the mandatory stealth levels
At this point I don't think most people on Yea Forums have even completed it
The last sections of the game is impossible to complete without admin commands unless you like sticking to corners and wastong like 70-80 bullets blindfiring to kill rhe aimbotting railgun fucker that can one shot you.
I went with the latter and railgun countersniping because I'm a faggot and play everything on giga nigger mode, it didn't help the game's impression on me. You can get revenge against unsuspecting squads in the final stretch if you've got the ammo (you should) but the damage is probably done
can we agree 1 had top tier shotgun
No. One of the worst shotguns in video game history. Feels impactless even then.
RF1 had a bunch of top tier weapons.
but it was reliable in the early levels, even on the hardest difficulty
Yes, you could use it like a fucking sniper rifle and a spray and pray
three games in one!