Puzzle and Dragons

Did you roll your beach waifu Yea Forums?

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Other urls found in this thread:


>Puzzle and Dragons
>nobody cares about actual dragons
fucking japs

>implying I'm going to whale for a meme lead just to push the tippy-top endgame content
Fuck that. I'm fine with B&J.

What if I told you she's more fun then B/J?

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>all I see are anime girls
is shit

She's not. I hate orb hungry leads that constantly rely on actives. If I can't reliably sweep every floor in A2 without using actives (fujin active excepted) then the team is a failure.

I don't know if you know this but Veroah is actually a base x36 which is enough to kill stuff almost everything if you have a triple c7 sub or a B/J

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36x puts you in threshold territory for a lot of content even with 7c and killers. 36x with 1 applicable killer means 108x with one sub. I'm not going to debate this with you. I don't like any lead that makes you match 9 orbs of a single color in order to fully activate. The only reason this card exists, just like Zela Kitty, is to give players an answer for the combo shield + damage void bosses they keep releasing. They're creating a problem and selling you the solution.

Man I miss it but I can't go back to the grind.
Anything close to this on PC?

Understood, as long as you recognize that Veroah can sweep a2 while never matching 9 orbs then we good. Honestly I thought she was trash also but after getting lucky and rolling Veroah and 2 extra B/J in only 10 rolls I've come to really like the way she plays

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I miss /padg/

Not yet, I think I'll roll a few more times before it ends though.

Me too user.

I have no idea what constitutes a good team nowadays. There's so much new shit since I last played in 2015, though I've been logging in every now and then. All the new mechanics just hit me with choice paralysis, and I don't know what's good and what's not.

At least, are there any viable rainbow leads? They were always the worst, since they can't focus on a single color, but they were so much more fun than anything else.

how many years as a f2p would I need to catch up to the meta those days

I picked this up again but I have a hard time doing 50 STA dungeons. I can't even understand what's being said on this thread.

How should I be building my teams? Just by stacking as many multipliers as possible? The best I can handle consistently is 18x.

I pulled this. Doesn't seem too good.

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same type multipliers and extra orb move time
then get characters with good active skills

Should I roll the beach gacha twice more or no? Is there good stuff on it?

They’re giving 7 stones per day for the week of PAX West. Best to join back on soon if you plan on picking it up again.

Also new dungeon is absolute cancer. Well only Eris. Who thought it was a good idea to switch leader and never give them back unless you use one of those leader switch cards.

Depends when you start and if you're willing to reroll, sometimes they give away a very large amount of stones like 50-100 and if you use that to reroll you can get a meta team instantly.

You would be right, she's not that good as a lead but she is a amazing sub if you have a good water lead. As for team building advice only 2 leader skills are active when you go into a dungeon, the card you have in the lead position and whatever friend you bring, so try and have the your 4 subs fit under what the leader says. Maybe you already knew this already but it sounded like you think all of your leaderskills are active on a team

B/J and Veroah are 2 of the best water leads in the game, so if you want to play water then yes

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I knew that already. My teams right now are basically comprised of leads that give 4.5x and then I bring a friend with another 4.5x or similar.

I did as you said and got her. It seems that I've got some really good luck at this game. Last event too, I pulled Cloud with only 2 rolls.

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Here's your dragons be careful what you wish for

Okay I'm just making sure, if you're just messing with 4.5 then that one card with the twins you was saying you had would be good for you. If you meet both conditions on her leader she's a x15 and if you go with a friend that has the same then that's 15x15=225

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Sweet congrats bro

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Yeah I assembled that team just now. I am really lacking in water subs though. I've got Rincarnated Neptune, the twins and Awoken Noah.

You'll get some better water eventually and like I said the twins are super good as subs so you're not completely out of luck.

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Man, I haven't played this since Ra Dragon was top dog. Looks like the powercreep never stopped.

That is a long time, Ra Dragon is complete trash now while the new best rainbow lead happens to be Dkali which is kind of funny I guess since she use to be Ra dragons best sub

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How can people reliably match 5+heal orbs? I have a hard time matching 4 types.

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>spent over $4000 USD
>haven't played in years
whats pad like nowadays I left when myr was still a kinda relevant.
I'm sure everything has been powercreeped into oblivion and arenas are a thing of the past

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There's a lot of good rainbow leads nowadays.

Technique. It helps that running 2 dkalis gives you 4 seconds more move time by default, and subs that give you move time are more common now. Start at the bottom with whatever orbs you have the most of. Make 4 horizontal matches at the bottom and then make the remaining 6 matches vertically. Once you get in the habit of doing this you'll reliably make 8-10 combos before skyfall on every normal board.

>mfw /padg/ was the only reason I went to /vg/
Why did the 3ds game have to suck so much bros

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>implying it wasn't discords fault

I miss it, but everything I like has been power crept to shit. I even heard that the supposedly new and strong new evos for leads like Bastet and Sakuya are pretty much worthless compared to the whale event shit.

I'm saving for Monster Hunter. I pretty much only roll in collabs these days.

>still no amatsu or zinogre

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Same, user. Hopefully I'll get them next time, plus Alatreon.

>put $4000 into gacha
How do people even get to this point?

Puzzle and Dragons? More like Puzzled that Faggots would play this shit!

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How is it still so popular?

Myr actually got a evo recently that helps her keep up to date with the new stuff
>I'm sure everything has been powercreeped into oblivion
That's one thing that's actually nice about pad, they do a good job of keeping old stuff still relevant. For example Dkali is probably the best rainbow lead right now and the green/blue Sonia's are possibly the best subs for green/blue teams, and that's just off the top of my head

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It's the highest IQ mobile game there is. You actually have to git gud on the gameplay and the game will kick your ass if you don't.

Once you get past a certain skill level the matching itself isn't challenging but the team building takes precedence.

>like the matching gameplay of legendary game of heroes better than the sliding one piece all around the board like in p&d
>legendary is probably one of the most disgustingly jewish games that has ever existed and is not worth bothering with for non-whales

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i've been wanting to try this
anyone specifically i should reroll for?

Bastet is actually in the top 3 strongest wood leads in the game, it's just autism of people only wanting to play the #1 lead, sakuya is trash tho but definitely still usable if you wanted to use her

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Rex is better than that and you could have gotten Rex for free.

>bindable leader

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Depending on how many stones you get when you start you could potentially roll a really good water team by getting either B/J or Veroah, these 2

>Being stuck playing only dragons and not being able to play the best wood sub in the game Zela
>What are super awakenings or weapon equips

Nice try guys

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I wish Fenrir Viz was a bit better.
Feels a bit shafted honestly. Guess they don''t care because it's not a waifu or collab shit.

>roughly $3500 just to get multiple veroahs

I actually like his new ult, my only real complaint is that you can't really play him in 3p which sucks

Guess I'll reinstall
I distinctly remember getting lucky during the last days I played by rolling some big boobed girl in chains, and also some high rarity character that shows off her ass
And some collab girl too, but don't remember what that was
Some character called Ronove had recently been introduced

Sorry too busy playing the better game, FGO.

I couldn't roll her

>still defending a leader that only becomes viable if you have the best sub in the game
>acting like it's preferable to waste the inherits on your leaders to make them unbindable on a team where you need to use skills to activate
Nobody is saying Bastet is bad. But you said she's in the top 3 wood leaders and you're full of shit. She has no RCV multiplier and no shield, and you need to activate every turn on top of her being bindable and not needing FUAs on 2 cards. Her active also isn't useful so you would be relying on whatever you use to inherit on her to not waste the slot but you've already got that reserved for the equip to mitigate her shit awokens. Who the fuck do you think you're talking to?

>bastet is actually in the top 3 strongest wood leads in the game
>when yoh, dark raizer, and zela kitty exists.
>jp side has komasan, black rx
bastet is almost unusable if you don't have tardis, aerith, or any other monster that's 1CD. you can blame it on people wanting to play more meta leads, but you have to know why bastet isn't better than them to begin with.

>seeing someone in two sides running Bastet with Zela and fucking Super Gunma because they don't have any relevant 1 cooldown cards

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I wish this game released some easier dungeons so I could run them with jank teams.

This game died so fucking hard it's not even funny I also miss /padg/

Okay, just got her. What does a DKali team look like?

Gods only. You need red, blue, and yellow covered. Preferably unbindable so that you'll always be able to activate. The sub pool is deceptively small.

I havent changed my team since sanrio my life has just devolved into rolling godfests to hoard trade in fodder

Send help

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>want to play 3p with friends
>cant play Kuroyuri loop


did you atleast roll in ff?

I hate the 3x3 meta Gungho wants to make a thing. L matches were cancerous enough.

Depending on your old box it may actually be better to reroll as you get 50 stones when starting out now.
and of course old players got shit when they implemented that.

I pulled Aerith out of the 7* pack and left it, I had a lot of valuable 7*s like Cloud Lightning and Cecil from the last time it came anyways

Nah, old pantheons are still pretty much shit and the new Super Reincarnations aren't helping them much (plus all of them require ass cancer boss drops, and if you can defeat them easily then you don't actually NEED the SR cards in the first place).

>aigis in helper slot
i'm still mad at rolling 6 closet gays in a row. i hope the collab gets renewed when p5r comes around.

Only diamond egg I rolled in that was Ren.
It is unusual it's taking so long for the collab to come back, maybe they're waiting for R to release so they can throw the new girl in.

I'm gonna whale so fucking hard when Persona gets reran, I hope my boys get buffed good

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I hope for assist evolutions at the least. Shaman King's collab should be the norm where every REM egg had an assist evolution.

>Ronobae and the heart cross thots meta

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not yet

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Yes. I’m still a noob at team building but I’m really glad I pulled her.

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any tips for eris?

Burst and pixel because fuck that.

This from arcade or radar?

tifa x dkarin and an edward with vdp sa got me through it consistently.

if a machine has silver in it I'm not wasting my stones


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50% chance for silvers. It's designed to extort whales who need Veroah to clear shit like annihilation descends and A4 thanks to all of the bullshit damage void and combo shield at the same time gimmicks.

Just roll a second one and set it as a helper, silly goose.

I haven’t played since 2015. How big is the power creep?

ive been TRYING

What happened to /padg/

>have 2 ryunes
>haven't even evolved them

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in 2015 bursts were usually 1-3mil per card in a team.
now in 2019 bursts are usually ranging between 200-500 million. there's a quest dungeon that requires multiple cards to hit the 2bil damage cap.
so pretty big

Just roll a carat bro

No Bastet in swimsuit so no.

>Extreme Challenge Arena
>run a Kiri cheese team
Yeah, it takes half an hour but fuck cross leads and fuck Amen too.

Cross leads probably never coming back outside of radar Myr

Died during a dry season and never came back

I'm sure we could make the general again and have it run faster than a lot of the dead ones on vg but honestly just use the discord

But I want to post Bastet pics on /vg/... (and discord doesn't work on phone for when I'm at work)

we must revive padg

someone do it

*muffled "hage" echoes in the distance*

No please no

Do it. I'll post in it. Let's start. The hardest part is getting the news right

should we have jp and na news?


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I don't know why you want /padg/ back. It was actually revived a few times after it died but it only got a few posts as nobody even knew it came back.

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This is why it's the best time now.

we just need people to know, because clearly waiting for a new game isn't gonna do it

there also isn't nearly enough people in this thread to sustain a general for even a thread or two

It worked for disgaea general for 10 threads or so.

if this thread can't even hit bump then there's no reason to make a general. at best, just keep making pad threads on Yea Forums whenever you want to chat and if it ever gets to the point where this board get's sick of it then we can try a general. I'll try posting in all the ones that I see.

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I want bveroah simply because of a piece of lewd fanart I saw ok pixiv

and that's what's going to happen to /padg/. You don't remember all the slide bumps people had to keep doing in it's last several months of life?
As much as I miss it's never going to be the same.

probably this. the only reason it keeps dying is because it's basically smothered by any other general, and the person who makes the threads just give up on the first thread.
the game has gotten a lot better anyways, so maybe it'll get attention, maybe it won't.

So drop 200 stones and exchange.

I want swimsuit Bestcat.

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>the game has gotten a lot better anyways
I can't tell if you're joking. All new content is so insanely disproportionate to what most people can do without stoning and the rewards for completing it is irrelevant and not worth the effort. This is the opposite of better.

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was it this one

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>too shit a player to SR my Bastet or Artemis
>can only barely do the middle difficulty of Qilin and only ever had her drop ONCE

Sucks that I've been playing for years and I'm still mediocre.

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and that wasn't supposed to be a reply. Oh well.

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new content can be endgame because there's enough content for new players to run through for months, trade in mechanic allows for people to continually get what they really want without having to roll gacha and just being smart with resources, godfest rates are better than 90% of gachas on the market, and the meta right now primarily revolves around awakenings and equips, and making sure your team can deal with the hazards dungeons throw at you rather than continual stat checks and no counterplay bullshit


You just gotta make it.

arcade. Sprite rips never.


Good bye Sara, Athena nons, and Valkyrie ciel. Hello tight brown cunny

and also meant Minerva instead of Artemis. Probably won't be able to SR Arty either.

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At least those aren't super valuable. Athena's equip is kinda nice I guess but that's mostly worth it

>bride Bastet will never be improved

>godfest had shit rates and still had the chance of spitting out farmables and silvers. same goes for collabs
>every event only gave like 10 stones for a great two pulls every godfest.
>guerilla dungeons like xp dragons were far apart, being the only way to farm xp besides the god awful pengdras
>no plus bank
>+eggs were only +1 and you can only get them from that shitty guerilla dungeon
>skill up monsters was a literal 5%
>piis were an insane invade rate that you couldn't even guarantee to drop even when it did.
>evo, tamadras, and enhance materials didn't stack
the game is in a significantly better place in terms of QoL and the problem you have is that the rewards from dungeons aren't good enough? the game never had good dungeon rewards. the older dungeons has worthless descends monsters that were only used as evo materials for pantheon monsters. at least now they're being turned into assists for niche uses, or even niche leaders like reiwa.

Just wait next year Yama P will roll her and she'll get like a time extend

I'm referring to new dungeons. Actual content. Not the monetization and QOL that they should not be applauded for when those problems should have never existed in the first fucking place.

YamaP truly hates Bastet still.

I'm sorry for you user

The only mobage with loli nipples. Meanwhile most mobage censor stuff.

Ah yes? Post examples, in that case

Mutsuki has nipples showing.

It's bullshit the favoritism they show certain characters. She should have had an ultimate by now as her bride card is about 4-5 years old now.

At least Bastet gets more attention than poor Nepnep. She still hasn't even been in any seasonals.

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You're a liar.

That's shading, retard.

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Super reincarnation evos were a mistake. Massive fucking waste of XP just for a stat boost.

>some big boobed girl in chains, and also some high rarity character that shows off her ass
Eschamali and Uruka?

There's a reason why they didn't show her during the stream back then.
Nah its her tiny nipples. There's no shading here.

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I just called you a liar. There are no nipples there.

They're clearly nipples.

Bro, all of the evidence you have wasn't enough to convince me. You think your bullshit pleading with me is going to do the trick? Get some fucking glasses.

>shield tied to orb match instead of combo

You were so close my sweet summer child...

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Report the image and see if the mod think it's a nipple or not. I say it is. Mitsuki is completely flat, so it can't be breasts shading.

>don't have 3 reds
No shield.
>don't have 3 blues
No shield.
>don't have 3 greens
No shield.
>don't have 3 yellows
No shield.

Enjoy your consistent 25x leader with no move time, no HP, and no RCV multiplier

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I don't report images unless they break the rules. That image doesn't break the rules.

>game improves to give the player a better experience
>"it doesn't count because it should be there in the first place"
that's why it's gotten better you fucking retard. sure you can make the argument that it should have been there, but it didn't, and now it does. that's called improvement and the game is better for it.
i already mentioned the new dungeons too. the rewards were never good. the descends were filler and almost all of them were just used as an evo material. now they're starting to get assists forms, better awakenings, and unique leader skills. these things make the game better.


Tsk. I still think they're nipples. As a nipplebro that's my way of life.

Not good enough for me to consider it getting better when as far as I'm concerned it's one step forward and two steps back. They keep releasing new gimmicks and then half a year later release a handful of cards that can possibly have an answer to that gimmick just to compel people to spend money. Don't act like this isn't their recipe to extort you.

Hopefully next year bro

Bitch my eyes are open for yogg and Kaede because I know those bitches are gonna break the game

I still remember her NA release. Everybody thought she was crap back then (she kind of was), but I still wanted her and I ended up getting her on my first roll.

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I use Kaede for co-op button farming shit with Liu-Bei just to stop skyfall from eating up time.

>They keep releasing new gimmicks and then half a year later release a handful of cards that can possibly have an answer to that gimmick just to compel people to spend money.
this argument can be made for a lot of games, not just pad. but even then, pad has a bunch of farmables that are able to jump over those gimmicks.

>pad has a bunch of farmables that are able to jump over those gimmicks.
Do you even play this game's new content?

He's not entirely wrong, there are farmable fujins for those that really need it and even Eir is one of the best awoken unbinders, the idea is just that they need like 40 skill ups

Fujin actives were needed for endgame back when endgame was A3.

If you were really desperate for a Fujin active you could just outright buy Thancred during the FF collab too.

What I hate the most is the damage void actives as I can't make blocks and combo for the life of me and barely have any cards with the VDP awakening anyway. I do have whasshisname from Shaman King with the active that dispels the barrier but as usual they tacked a ridiculous charge time on it and most dungeons now rarely have floors you can stall on safely.

You basically can't use him without a rainbow team because 30 turns is useless for anything except arena. You're meant to charge every turn to bring it down to 15.

That's why zela kitty and beach veroah are being whaled for. They're releasing bosses that are behind combo shields and damage voids with 200 million HP. Leaders that gift you extra combos for matching a 3x3 are the most reliable way to get past this stuff, and it's becoming commonplace for all new content to include shit like this.

That's why I'm starting to get increasingly jaded with the game. It's going beyond what my simple mind can manage and half my box is 'ancient' and near useless now since everything besides GFE and modern collabs got power leaped into oblivion.

I also don't understand the point of cards like Super Awakened Bastet and Sakuya. You need great teams to get the dungeon drops, but they still aren't up to par with current leaders so what's the point besides the artwork? They even lose their sub-attack so they make mediocre subs too (and Bastet's active has always been shit and not sub-worthy).

>Echidna gets a new fancy REM card.
>roll her and still hardly ever use her since delay is almost unusable due to everything you want to delay having shields.

At least she pretties up my box.

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I uninstalled the game when I dropped 300 usd and didn't get Halloween Verdandi, I miss my bestcat.

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wasn't this game kill? what the fuck happened?

I recently picked up 2 HVerds and it wasn't even during Halloween. I've actually been using her active as an inherit too because it's pretty sweet.

>decide to try it again after having quit once after playing for 3 months
>just roll a bunch of random summer waifus and end up with a water team
>finish off endless corridor and true endless corridor in one go each
Jesus fucking christ, this must be the mobage with the most ridiculou power creep I've seen in my life.
I played for like 2 months back then and I couldn't finish the normal endless corridor.
I'm gonna guess there's retarded level challenges with bosses with around 1 billion+ hp, isn't there?

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It never died in japan and is still a top 10 mobage, though the rough spot in 2015 killed EU and did some damage to the NA playerbase, we're largely back now

Left number is how quickly they attack.
Next is how hard they hit.
Next is how much defense they have.
Last is how much HP they have.

These are the bosses in extreme challenge arena.

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That game has an awful UI
Why do so many mobile games have shit UI, the only decent one in recent memory is Dragalia and even that one is only good compared to other mobile games
Theyre always so ugly and slow and tedious I really hope they aren't designed that way on purpose to keep people in the app longer but goddamn I can't find any other reason for it

>That game has an awful UI
Yeah, PaD needs an overhauk

Well, I'll stick around for a while. the dragon and pink dyke seems like a pretty good leader and I got two other water/fire girl that seems to have some synergy with them, so I think I'm set to fuck around with the mid level stuff, pretty surprised 10 rolls got me such stuff, the rates are quite higher now.

It's the same interface since 2013 and they don't want to drastically overhaul it. Maybe they think it's iconic or something.
Think there was a Chinese version that had a whole new interface that looked really nice but it didn't come out or died super early or something.

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Are you perhaps trash that doesn't own a Juggler?

I never bother with endgame stuff.

Sounds like you got Barbara and Julie, congrats they are one of the strongest cards in the game


Game's still held together by plywood and duct tape, they probably can't do drastic changes without breaking everything.

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Actually, I forgot they did major changes to the training/evolution menus awhile back which was nice (but still cumbersome). I really wish they would let you change your team comp on the screen before you enter dungeons. It's annoying to realize you need a certain sub and have to go all the way back to the temp comp menu then go all the way back into the dungeon select screen again.

>newfags will never know the pain of only seeing Tamadras once in a blue moon and the fuckers usually didn't drop either

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Is there a difference between JP an EN? what should i play?

>just farm for king tamadras in one afternoon and now I never have to worry about the entire mechanic ever again

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>REM used to have golems
>10-minute stamina
>2x skill-up chance bonus at most, and it only happened on certain events
Dark times.

Not to mention the prolonged periods with no events going so no stone a day or anything.
2014-15 was godawful looking back on it.

JP is generally better if you know moonspeak, they have some collaboration event stuff that never makes it to NA due to licensing bullshit. The only real benefit of playing in NA is that you get 2 to 4 weeks to prepare for new content because that's how long it usually takes for them to port it over from JP. There's a few events that get released in all servers at the same time (Christmas, for example) but they're not that common.

I'm going to be pissed if NA doesn't get Yokai Watch collab. There's some monstrously useful equips that I actually want for a couple of teams.

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I don't play JP as much after PADGuide died and I don't want to go through extra effort to decipher JP websites to see what the fuck is going on. All I've basically done on it for the past year+ is log in, get my stones, roll on whatever godfest/collab is up, then log back out.
My luck there's been terrible anyway, haven't pulled a GFE in so long I can't even remember who it was.

Ever since I got ZKitty, I've been on cruise control for all the endgame content. For the first time in my PAD history, I cleared every dungeon. Then the ultimate training dungeon came out and now that's no longer the case.

It's been like over a year already, it's never coming to NA

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>franchises that never got a foothold in the US like Shaman King comes to Global
>Yokai Watch, a franchise Level-5/Nintendo has been desperately trying to get to catch on in English doesn't

I'll never understand it.

>NA gets an "exclusive" Voltron collab that's just a reskin of some manga collab JP had a while ago

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Annoyed it never came back, I wanted Allura but kept pulling the silver shitters. Crows has been back on JP about 3 times now since then.

gintama has better equips, regardless, we'll just have to wait for other equips that serve the same purposes

revive /padg/ or i'll cry

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They should have kept doing the reskinning thing. Back when I played Tower of Saviors (is that even still going?) they had a Disney Villain collab on Taiwan or some other version that ended up getting reskinned as OC donuts for the English version.

This thread is barely active, a general will die within a day or two.


I'm not saying they're the best but they're useful for specific things which is why it pisses me off that NA doesn't get them. Like an equip that gives 2 fire resistance. The only one in the game. It opens the game up to all sorts of cheese team options. With one of them equipped on each slot, and 3 Fire+ resistances on everybody as latents, you're looking at 105% fire resistance without sacrificing anything. Put Kiri on your team anywhere and you can stall indefinitely on just about everything.

>Also a year old
Never ever but don't worry Monster Hunter is coming back for like the 4th time and I know how you guys love MH

Ay but that new gear be hittin my dick in places I didnt think

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Have they revealed anything about that PaD Gold game?

oh god yes shiny boobplate.

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>getting a collab license exclusively for a region that doesn't spend much compared to their own
maybe if NA was a cash cow like japan, but that'll never ever happen.

I'm sure they could pay some hobo living under a bridge a six pack to whip up some OC donusteels for collab replacements. Doesn't even have to be another license, just something that lets us have the cards with the same stats and abilities.

Live dammit

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I wish pad had more merch. The last thing I got were a couple of doujinshi

there are a humble amount of figurines in Japan

>JP gets a McDonalds collab
>we don't
what in the sick fuck is this

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Cotton and Bastet get to eat out while we don't.
Land of the Burgers can't even get a burger girl.

She's trash but she's cute trash I want her so bad

I want to never have to worry about damage voids or absorbs ever again and I run primarily DKali. Who do I need to roll?

Uruka works nice for damage absorbs especially if you get the haste SA so you can have her up in 12 turns. As for damage voids I'm still trying to figure that out myself since I don't want to use 7x6 for easy vdp set up

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Hao and Shelling Ford have actives that bypass damage void without needing a pixel. I'm sure there will be more actives that do this soon.

That works nicely, now time to actually roll her.

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sephiroth equip turns top row into dark and gives 3 of each color without changing dark.

that shit's getting rotated off at some point so dont skill up but if you want to use it temporarily go for it

Pad is the only mobage I ever liked.
Too bad it went to shit with unfun garbage like preemptive one shotting and bosses absorbing damage if tou go over X combo.

I'd rather have 150 floor marathon arenas with all spawns instead of the bullshit damage absorb / damage void shit.

>DMC collab soon
I'm gonna save my stones to get everyone.

Is it coming soon?

That's endless corridors or arena. Or the new normal arena thing.

No. It's not. It's why I specifically mentioned 150 floors and called it a marathon. The training arena and extreme challenge arena are both 11 floors. Endless corridors is just for practice. Why don't you read the posts you reply to?

Then run them multiple times. Do you want a 150 or 200 stamina dungeon? Do you want some kind of dungeon that you can put a team into and then stop every so often? If you put yourself into a dungeon that long you either leave and lose rewards or miss out on urgent dungeons or whatever their called.

>puzzles never get harder
>just have to get higher numbers from gacha
What's the appeal of this game?

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leaders change the way you play
teambuilding is surprisingly deep and flexible
cute girls
a fuck ton of collabs so you're gonna find some units you like
live co-op multiplayer

>leaders change the way you play
oh boy, have to go for blue and purple orbs instead of red and green ones..

You're chronically incapable of reading the fucking post you replied to. I said I would prefer it over having to deal with bullshit gimmicks like damage absorb and damage void. I'm not asking for a 150 floor arena. I'm saying I would rather do 150 floors than have to only use meta teams just to bypass card checks.

Dude just calm down, it's just a game.

No. This is Yea Forums. Show some respect.

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I still miss it. Good to see alot of you guys are still around though.

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never ever

it's been "coming soon" for like a year

So any day now.

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Who's the most fun leader in the game and why is it Amen? I've been playing him since Extreme Training Arena came out and, honestly, compared to the half of the meta leaders these days that are just "hurr i match 7 combos i win!!1!" it's so refreshing to play a leader where you have to actually look at a board and think for a while how you have to solve it.

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Too many retards run into Two Sides with him thinking they're hot shit but then they realize they only have 30 seconds to plan.

Amen is really fun and has a super high skill cap, he's essentially current year version of Anubis, pure damage and nothing else, you just run subs to deal with whatever gimmicks the dungeon has

I miss my daughterwife Bastet

I stopped playing years ago. Has my girl gotten anything after her reincarnation?

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It's been the same skill since uruka came out, i doubt they'll rotate it

Those skills rotate often. Don't count on it staying that way forever.

I have 4 of these bitches (5 before I traded one for Cotton). She'd better be amazing or I'm trading all of them.

i haven't played in years, but wouldn't anubis still be good if you are some combo master

She got a super reincarnation with animated art pink?

That's literally the only card that doesn't rotate, it's been uruka skill for like 3+ years

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Not 3+ years. Not even close.

>mfw another gachadra fever coming up

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Fine 2 years, it's been the same skill for 2 years

Still trash, maybe his super reincarnation will make him good again tho

The biggest issue with Anubis is that there's a lot of boards that don't even have 8 combos on them. Natural 10 combo boards are extremely rare, and even using a bicolor board changer far from guarantees one. Before Diablos came out and made him actually good he was basically "pray for skyfall: the leader"

Amen is basically the antithesis of that. His only criteria is that you don't have more than 3 unmatchable orb. As for skyfall, the fact that his leader skill cancels them out means you never have to rely them.

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What are the good leaders these days? I bought Dark Athena almost right before I quit playing. Is she good now?
Or what about characters like ? I have like 3 Reincarnated Hakus. Should I evolve them to that super version and use them with Athena?
Wish there was an easy + fast way to just export and post the whole box

Current aggregate tier list
Based on the "JP Aggregate Leader List" you can currently get Barbara & Julie, Beach Veroah, and maybe Dark Metatron.

Dark Athena fell off hard like a few months after she was huge. She got a pity evolution later on but still she never recovered. Still a okay sub in some contexts. Super Reincarnated Haku is generally not worth pursuing, if only for the fact super reincarnations take absolutely retarded amounts of exp to level. Also look into padherder, not sure if it still works but I used to use that. Or just take a bunch for screenshots

Lakshmi a CUTE

>nothing I have is on any of those lists
>except Myr
>Myr is cross shit
>no magic stones
RIP, it was nice while it lasted (15 minutes)
Also those lists are just sad to look at. Looks like a whole bunch of collab garbage... that's not a good thing

I quit playing this years ago, I was a LuciferCHAD

Which one?

This one, I still have it installed but I haven't played it

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>sao collab
>japanese va
>japanese va
>street fighter
>japanese va
>their own fucking monsters
>english va with no choice to switch to jp
exactly why can't they just give the option to switch?

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Once upon a time collab cards were actually underpowered compared to regular cards with Juggler being the horrid horrid outlier (and to a much lesser extent Vegetto). Think the FMA collab was around the point that collab cards started being stupidly good and it's been that way ever since.

>no magic stones
Maybe you can trade for something.
>Looks like a whole bunch of collab garbage
Not just collab garbage, but 5 of them are JP EXCLUSIVE collab garbage.
His reincarnated form still has some uses actually as a God killer but you really can't use him as a leader anymore.

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English floof is a crime against humanity.

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Honestly looking at end game tier lists doesn't really tell the whole story. Having a decent leader but really great subs is a lot better than having the best leader in the game but shit subs. If you go to any of those individual websites, say game8.jp/archives/24106 and pick out an 8.5 or above leader whose core subs match your box you'll be able to beat 90-95% of the game's content. Of course someone will probably point out that many of the game's best subs are just as if not more whale-y than the best leaders. Not really a way around investing either a lot of time or money into this game

Do you still love your quilt, /padg/?

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Her best use (other than being qt cheerleader) is for ranking, honestly.

>a fuck ton of collabs so you're gonna find some units you like
>Hanayama, Baki, or Yujiro fucking never

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I could buy Barbara & Julie apparently. But like said it doesn't matter much because I don't have the subs anyway, looking at their page

You don't need the perfect subs; part of why she's such high tier is for her versatility. Just filter for Water and Fire and shove in the best units that show up.

>I could buy Barbara & Julie apparently
What units can you trade for her?

Dantalion, Eschamali, Sylvie, Ryune, Ilm, Typhon, Blue Sonia

IMO, I'd trade Danta, Sylvie, Tyhpon, and Escha. Ilm and Blonia are too good if you don't have dupes. Ryune can be interchangable with Escha, depending on your taste.

I do have an evolved and levelled: Blonia, Ryune, Typhon. So dupes of those.
So I'm definitely trading away the dupe Ryune instead of Escha
Should I trade away the dupe Blonia instead of my one and only Sylvie?

>bunch of rainbow medals expiring in mail soon
>nothing to spend them on as I already have two Odysseus and nothing's used the spirits since they first came out

I love how they come up with a method of buying monsters then abandon it once they realize people have too much of the currency in question. Monster points are near useless once you buy a specific few of them (yet evo mats are still way too expensive) and there hasn't been an actual good use for rainbow medals in ages.

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Sorry, I didn't mean to imply that a good leader is completely useless without the right team. Just that a less good leader will play a lot smoother than a theoretically better leader if you have the right subs.

I'd personally keep Eschamali in case her mega awoken evo is really good.

Blonia is pretty much the best blue sub in the game, unless you have a green team you like that plays the Sylvie I would dump the Sylvie

Blonia got buffed to triple 7c recently so she's pretty valuable.

>Should I trade away the dupe Blonia instead of my one and only Sylvie?
>I'd personally keep Eschamali in case her mega awoken evo is really good.
Fair reasoning. Good thing for dupes lol
>just two Odysseus
Get more ponies or pre-emptively make some into gems for Super Revos.

Mega Typhone would actually work great on your B&J team, if you decide to trade.

>two trojans
i have 10. not including a yoh and lightning assists. i just hate switching assists for that fucking thing all the time.

Best post here, tired of so many people only pointing at stuff on the tier list when there's so much other good stuff to play, like Kenshiro, that's a real mans lead

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Based lazy horse corral

>FotNS and DB:Kai never coming back
>cards forever power crept with no hope of revival

Shit sucks. Never got Kenshiro on US or Raoh on JP either.

>remember fotns, dbz, and bleach collab existed
>also realize they'll never get a rerun

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I want Bleach to come back so bad.


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Cool. Apparently I have Mel as well. But no Scheat. I got Eschamali instead whenever those got released
Still not sure about trading away Sylvie over dupe Blonia

People still play this game? I thought it died once power creep went absolutely bonkers.

the game is alive because gh stopped being faggots and started giving out more stones. they've given about batches of 100 every couple months. hell finishing the tutorial gives out 50 stones. they also added a monster exchange system so chase cards in collabs aren't just locked behind a gacha.

Trade the dupe. I only recommended Sylvie since she's worth less than Blonia and I didn't know you had dupes.

What the actual fuck

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Can't wait for them all to go to dead reroll accounts.

There gots to be some system in place where you only get chosen if you logged on in the past 24 hours or something. At least I would hope there is

it says right there that you can only get the stones when logging in.

I was hoping to get her off the bench, but Reeche has spoiled me way too much and is now my new mistress.

rainbow has always been the shittiest playstyle right next to fucking match 5 with OE

>right next to fucking match 5 with OE
I loved this meta

it hasn't held up, we have its derivatives (match 5, match L) that are way too superior
oe in general is just not good, it's needed an overhaul for years now but greedy gooks don't care, just slap on 7c and call it a day

It's almost like you forgot about cross cancer

heart cross was busted as hell, regular cross is useful in those shitty challenges with max hp enemies
rainbow and match 5 with enhance is just useless overall

7c ruined the game's awakening balance (what little there was). It's a too powerful catch-all that elevates any card into the upper echelons when stacked with them and doesn't need anything fancy other than 7 combos. Prongs and Rows have basically died because of it. Then they make it worse for rows with the VDP awakenings and Ls.

oh, and can't forget the bonus attack awakening which is totally incompatible with rows. 90 percent of bosses have resolve now too.

7-combos is peak PAD. Fuck 10-combo awakenings though.

>most bosses now have resolve or some kind of damage void/absorb as punishment for doing too much damage or getting skyfalls
I hate it.

>PAD thread in 2019

God damn 4 am Yea Forums is wild. How can I get max hazard immunity as early on as possible? Seems like all of endgame boils down to eventually having 5x Trojan Horses on-demand at all times.

mh is coming back soon so you just need the three equips that covers 60% hazards and you can get away with two trojans, or even one if you got a friend that uses trojan horse which most people do.

>GH collab rerun with cheaper trades for Zeta, Karin etc
>Now MH is coming back

Jesus Christ I hope a stream happens soon

Moogle, Droidragon, and ninjas/ninja equips depending on what you're trying to resist.