When you look at a half beast always remember that some human had to take one for the team

When you look at a half beast always remember that some human had to take one for the team.

Attached: Lila Decyrus.png (1189x1126, 1.32M)

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Would tapping that still be considered furry since she is half beast?

Attached: 76009306_p0.png (552x1000, 592K)

Consult your local furry chart


Attached: EAkbWQcVUAAfLZi.jpg (707x994, 76K)

disgusting, almost as bad as the traitorous half elf parents

this should be the main character

Attached: furry or not furry.jpg (720x560, 100K)

I want to die between her tits

>half beast
She looks more like 1/8th or so

Damn those beast genes!

Attached: darkqueen_01s.jpg (627x886, 237K)

So does she go into heat?

Attached: 20a54a29ee34cf3d7c26ad597a0e04a9.png (828x1169, 930K)

It's a human with fluffy arms

So everyone is safe for now.

Attached: 021.jpg (838x1000, 127K)

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Without doubt, that'll be a common theme in doujins featuring her.

Motherfucker, she looks human enough that if the game said she gets mistreated for being a monster, I would fucking laugh my ass off and not take that shit seriously.

This, how the fuck is she considered a half beast if she only has a small part of that half showing? Can she transform? Does she transform?

>Asanagi is going to destroy her one day

I already miss Hidari.

Velouria stinks

She's not fully covered in fur, nor does she have a snout. Qualifies as a monster girl if anything and just barely at that.

I want to pat her head and touch her fluffy tail

Attached: b921cf6bbc4c99ccffe22f95e3f592de.jpg (1164x1104, 124K)

>Humans hates beasts/sub humans
>Yet they won't waste time trying to bang one

Attached: 75956790_p0.jpg (896x1200, 582K)

>japanese /r9k/

imagine if she grew a beast cock haha and used it to impregnate raiza with half-beast babies haha

This game has some pretty cute girls.