
Whens mahvel?

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never you nerd lol fuck marvel

never also

why is CSB so shit

What the fuck is this stupid nigger tier meme supposed to mean

Fucking never lol

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fuck off zoomer

I'm 32 faggot.

Now! check cnn

Play Skullgirls!

>Gain X-Men and Deadpool again from buying Fox
>Lose Spider-Man thanks to Snoy
It wasn't supposed to be this way

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>thanks to Snoy
Stop sucking Disney's cock for three seconds



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you're too old to be playing videogames, fuck off and get married you piece of shit

I like how you faggots constantly use the exact same dozen examples that are all like five years old.


when tho?

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When your podcast is not shit, neber.

Why are they in Britain?

Maybe the real MAHVEL was the friends we made along the way.

More importantly, wheres the video games itt?

Because you are nigger

melty blood >>> mahvel

user this is a MvC thread you damn retard

How the fuck am I supposed to know that? Reads off like your typical cape shit thread on Yea Forums

Actually this is a pretty reasonable question to be asking right now.
>inb4 meme replies saying marvel is trash

But really, hate it or not, we should really be getting a new MvC to make up for the fuck heap that MvCI was. Marvel is one of the biggest franchise right now, and Capcom is miles better than they have been in years. It just makes sense to do it now and not fuck it up this time.

Play fighting games you fucking cracker.

Because this is a stealth e-celeb thread. You have to know the reference to know it is talking about MvC.

I guess anyone can be an eceleb then because I have no idea who this nigger is

Sounds like someone needs to lurk moar

I'm an e-celeb.

Good riddance

They became broken records, I haven't even bothered listening to the new podcast because I know exactly how it'll go. All I have left are the old LPs from the old channel that I use as background noise but it isn't the same. Fuck, their new content is utter trash.

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He was the pet nigger in a let us play cohort called the Super Best Friends. They broke it off and they all independently fell out of favor. He and a small ginger started a podcast that caters to literal Gaymers and such fags.

I think Capcom is taking a step back and actually polishing their next game, be it a vs game or SFVI.

Next year we have: UNICLR, new guilty gear, and the Riot games fighting game which may be huge as fuck. I think we can expect something for capcom between late-late 2020 and mid 2021.

As for mahvel, I think they might wait until marvel is no longer the hyper-inflated behemut that is right now, seeing how much of an influence they had in the last title's failure, they might wait and see if they want to just hand over their characters and not actually try to make an ad for their shitty movies.

>Carnage never ever
>Lady never ever

yeah he and pat talk over each other constantly, i only watch the highlights

>and not fuck it up this time
i dunno if marvel will allow that

A real monkey's paw situation, many such cases. Sad!

never after mvci

I don't hate CSB.

Do you Rike it?

It's true. They're going to shoehorn MCU into it, and it will make it worse. Infinite was such an awful, forgettable game, but it will definitely not be forgotten for how bad they fucked up.

>Woolie thinking he can make it on his own without Pat and his mushmouth gang of retards
>Pat slowly becoming a disgusting ball of lard and redbull while shoving his head up his ass with his twitch paypigs
>Only every come together to do the podcast, don't bring on guests so it's just 3 hours of circlejerking
>Woolie is so busy doing ???? every week so he can't fact check anything which allows Pat to completely speak out of his ass and actually just tell lies about every topic Woolie doesn't know

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Probably like 2022 at the earliest.

Ok marvel fucking sucks and they won't allow a MvC game without pushing in their popular characters from the movies.

So what other franchise would you want to replace Marvel? what about Capcom vs Jump

first answer: Capcom vs SNK
real answer: Hokuto no Ken

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He done said the gamer word! he just done gone and said it!

Pot calling the kettle, faggot zoomer.

>Spider-Man is more popular than ever after Homecoming, Far From Home, and Spider-Verse
>Future of the MCU is uncertain and tied to horse shit like Eternals, Skinny 40-Year-Old Jewish Woman Thor, and PG-13 Blade
>Blaming Sony for doing the smart thing and taking their chances on their own with the property

you hate to see it

It's about time we got Capcom vs. ArcSys.

After MvCI, never ever

Disney kneecaped the project and after its abysmal performance the house of mouse will never use capcom as a dev again most likely.

How the fuck would you translate Ryu into an anime game?

>Pat beating the dead horse that was fallout 76
>and then anthem
>and now the epic game store
If he didn't have the most brainlet commentary level input I wouldn't mind but hes just ginger Jim sterling.

put him in an anime, then put him in a game. solved.

Pat's streams are decent when his GF is around.

Never, I hope. Fuck Marvel and Disney

Paige's solo streams ended up being the best. The FF4 playthrough was enjoyable until Pat came and ruined it by which then I stopped watching the two all together. I tried to take a glimpse at some of Pat's FF7 streams recently and by god he's gross to even look at now.

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Guys what the fuck is this thread, an e-celeb or a capeshit thread?
Where are the videogames?

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It's not capeshit it's anime

the latest MvC title left a lot of things to be desired. there's not much to discuss, because the situation is simple: gameplay good but everything else bad makes a bad game.

Every thread talking about video games is just disguised for what they really want to talk about (unless it's in the title of the thread). So if you see a thread about Marvel vs Capcom, it really just means "Hey this is a thread for people who used to like Super Best Friends, but we can't make that thread, so we'll pretend it's a video game thread"

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>that dislike bar on Woolie's FE3H videos
I wonder if he'll actually address this

He's probably just going to cry about it being because it wasn't with Pat like he always does.

Will we ever get back to the timeline where he in fact does play with Pat?

I don't even know why Woolie even bothered to play FE3H if he was so uninterested in the game that he wasn't actually going to pay attention to it during the playthrough


It wants to know when it's time for Mahvel

Capcom vs Capcom. So fighting jam but doesn't suck

I can't breath

Yeah when DMC5 gets dlc

holy shit, why didn't they ever think of this

>marvel makes their own fighting game
>capcom makes their own fighting game
>go on Yea Forums to discuss which is better
This is true MvC

They did, I just said the name, it was called Capcom Fighting Jam. It wasn't all that good.

but you said doesn't suck as well. that's what they didn't think of

All the games they could be LP'ing under the CSB logo whilst being marginally entertaining and giving what's left of the SBF fandom something to live off of

people shit on mvci but umvc3 was technically a flop too. the only way mvc was profitable was if it went esports mode like umvc3 and they made a bad gamble thinking people cared about gameplay more than glitz and glam. i liked mvci from what i played but i was on PC so it pretty much instantly died in a week and im never buying a fighting game ever again, lol

Maybe when P5R comes out they'll play it. Pat will almost certainly stream it if not.

Ultimate 3 was a flop because it came out only a year after the original version of the game which wasn't a flop and tons of people bought, and they didn't want to buy the game again only a year later.

To be fair, if you buy a fighting game to actually play it online, PC isn't the most optimal choice.

Woolie said it himself in the goodbye video, they all kinda got tired of LPing and we're focusing more on their individual projects by the end.

>those Fire Emblem videos Woolie put out
I can't wait for him to spend an hour complaining about how harsh the Fire Emblem fanbase is because he's too stupid to understand literally anything about the gameplay in a piss easy game like Three Houses

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The Original Avengers ended but aren't still going full steam ahead on replacing them all with legacies?
I honestly think that Marvel are going to milk this for a long time and succeed.
Might even be another decade of this stuff.

Capcom vs Dark Horse
It'd mostly be Hellboy, Goon, and Black Hammer characters but it'd be fun.

It sucks that MVCI actually has fun gameplay. Does anyone think they'll do a 5 now that they have the Xmen licenses?

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Pat actually talked about Woolie's Fire Emblem videos on the stream today

He seems exasperated at how much Woolie got wrong

They'll do 4 and pretend that infinite never happened

they became friends with eyepatchwolf instead of mechagamezilla, who is actually funny and interesting

Why do people watch eyepatchwolf anyway? He has a real talent for talking for an hour without actually saying anything

>He doesn't know about Spidey and Venom's UK roadtrip
Absolutely disgraceful.

That would be a weird mix but I'd love to see it. Everything Mecha does is gold.

Because he made the zombie Simpsons video

>"if every problem is addressed, then it isn't a problem!"

>Fire Emblem comes out, hottest thing in YT at the moment
>Pat put in multiple hours and knows how the game works
>Woolie decides to instead do a 3 parter with his ESL and ETL friends who all have no idea how the game works and just talk about how every character is a Naruto and get everything wrong about how to play
That's even leaving out that he has a cheat sheet for the weapon triangle which isn't even really in the game. the FE playthrough was mocked for only having 13k views, but this one is sub 5k and it's part 3. He really needs to realize that his friends are LP poison.

I didn't watch it. I click on a video and if I see "featuring Minh" I turn it off. How bad is it? Does he have any units left?

It took him three hours to get to the mock battle and that was as far as he got

That's not so bad, he has a tendency to explore every milimeter of a map so it's nothing new. What's so bad about this one in particular? It's been a while since I've seen people this upset.

Not paying any attention to the game and getting nearly everything wrong

It was basically everything people hate about Game Grumps, but with Woolie instead

>uses Marianne as a front line unit
>never uses Marianne to heal
>doesn't use trees for cover
>assumes the weapon triangle still exists despite there being no indication of it in combat
>literally never looks at stats or combat predictions
>never pays attention to enemy range or placement
>keeps calling Claude as "Clode"
There's a LOT more but these physically hurt me

>After MvCI and the fandom's "good" idea to do a massive shitposting campaign as a form of """""constructive critism"""""
>Still fucking think they are going to afterwards
>"T-t-there's gonna be a new one around the corner j-j-just you wait!"
That's really fucking funny you Capkucks fucking think that you're gonna get a new Mahvel after all of that shit you fucktards, Marvel, and Capcom caused. Now since your massive dick sucking towards Goku FUNCTIONS now Arc is gonna fucking ruin Guilty Gear to pander to you sub human nu-males. Take this fucking L Capkuck you fuckheads don't deserve a new fighting game for at least 10 fucking years for all the mental retardation for to were off from you fuckhead. But hey you now got your precious X-men back in a shitty hack n' slash and utter shit FGCuck Capcom characters in a shitty digital card game. HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

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It's basically a Woolie and Matt RPG bumblethrough, only this time Matt is even less interested in a game and doesn't speak English.

Also it's Woolie and two Matts

>Arc is gonna fucking ruin Guilty Gear to pander to you sub human nu-males
This isn't gonna happen and if it will, why are you happy about it if you hate capcomfags so much?

You trying to say Arc fans can't hate Goku FUNCTIONS and hate you sniffling Capkucks at the same time? I knew Krappa Chimps are just jizz skull low IQ Capkucks, but man you faggots really do keep on giving me proof.

The worst part for me is that's he's probably going to shit on Fire Emblem and its fans endlessly on the podcast, due to being called out on his incompetence

Jesus christ I despise brainwashed Disney/Marvel fanboys. Fox and Sony were never the problem. Disney wasn't blocked from using the X-Men and Spider-Man. Contracts just meant they'd have had to give some royalties to Fox or Sony if they did. But Disney is greed incarnate and would sooner toss their beloved characters in the trash bin and ignore what their fans want than honor a contract and give someone else money. They literally killed Wolverine's popularity, who was arguably more popular than both Spidey and certainly Ironman in the 00s, because they refused to use him or any of the X-Men in anything to spite Fox. Until they finally just said fuck it and bought Fox entirely. All companies are run by greed, but Disney is a whole different level.

Here's hoping Pat will call him out on it.

I thought it was just me, this guy meanders forever and uses the same few phrases every time he tries to make a point. His recent Simpsons video was putrid shit.

>This isn't gonna happen
You Mahvelfags are reasonable for this.


Half those characters are still in publication

Wakey Wakey Arc Sissy

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Nah, he is a hack. I'm sure the only reason he's popular was because hoddit and doddit shilled his potato ass and he's a mimbo with a breathy voice

>my dad works for nintendo

Still not wanting to admit it?
has solid proof right there.

I legitimately don't understand how capeshit and the "MCU" is so popular. Especially considering how ugly they look for being billion dollar movies. The special effects and costumes are straight up embarrassing. I think Endgame is the first superhero movie I've watched since the first Ironman or the Nolan Batman movies and Thanos looks like he walked straight out of a B tier scifi flick. Even Toad and Mystique from the shitty 00 X-Men movie looked more believable.

It's competently made drama with comic book characters. They gave up all the soul and style of classic superhero movies in exchange for meme writing with actors that tumblr is obsessed with. The actual content of the movies doesn't matter. As long as it has meme moments with Whedon dialogue.

Neo Geo Battle > Skullgirls > DBFZ > MvC2 > MVC > UMVC3 > UMVCI > BBCTB

Did anyone from SBF ever do anything with mecha?

Also I miss fitz.

well, if we knew for sure we would be product development superstars but I think it was because it got the right mix between explosions, soap-opera drama and sitcom humor

This desu.

Kill yourself old faggot

I'm still 100% anally annihilated at how they handled X in Infinite, especially considering how well they treated Zero since TvC

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There's some mutual friend crossover but beyond that I don't think so.

They did two mecha-themed weeks. One week with "Real Robots" and the other with "Super Robots".

Every post I see about Woolie’s FE videos makes me really glad I skipped them.

Pat can at least be tolerable if you skip the first hour of donation dicksucking. He's still gone to shit, but he's a hell of a lot better than the burning circus Woolie has become. Reggie and Minh have absolutely no chemistry with him and can't hold a conversation for jack. Especially about whatever game they are playing because neither seem to have a strong interest in video games in general. But Woolie keeps forcing them along for the ride because his brain is on autopilot trying to keep the "LP spirit" going. He's constantly trying to set up jokes or segways that linger and fall flat because he still thinks he's playing ball with Pat, or even Matt, who would catch it and keep playing. But Reggie and Minh just watch it fly by their head and wonder why Woolie threw it at them. They don't know how to commentate, don't know how to handle bantz, and don't how to entertain. They clearly aren't cut out for it and Woolie doesn't seem to get it. Their unintelligible accents wouldn't even be an issue if they had the personality and charisma to make up for it.

Because it’s the hot new game that’s getting tons of views, and he’s desperate as fuck.

Kill yourself gramps

It's comfy. But then again the biggest enjoyment I had from the SBF podcast was when they went on weird tangents. So with more of the same on CSB, I'm pretty content

he means mechagamezilla but that's fine
mecha should have been there for real robot week, he's a huge gundam fan.

Every time Woolie talks about Fire Emblem on the podcast I die a little more inside

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I might have to check that out.

Here's a timestamp

How bad is it?
Thanks user.

I don't have especially strong opinions about 3H but I can already faintly feel myself preemptively seething about whatever retarded shit Pat has to say about the story.

>Man Emet-Selch is such a piece of shit
>Wow guys Edelgard is so cool and perfect

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Wow I wasn’t expecting Woolie’s incompetence to affect him like that.

He's pro Edelgard? That's not surprising but is definitely embarrassing.

brainlet newfag don't ever post again

Who would have though Pat would side with Griffith.

Lmao, you could tell how much harder he wanted to shit on him.

Marvel Infinite was so bad it killed Marvel hype pretty much infinitely

>And that............
>My friends............
>Is why tuna sandwiches...........
>Are the most delicious............
>Kind of sandwich.........

why the fuck did you have to make me think about how much better everything could be now?

>those dislikes on his shadowbringers finale

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I recently unsubbed from Woolie.
why does all their new stuff suck so much.
Matt's stuff is boring but its the least bad in my opinion.

Has Liam killed himself yet?

I'd rather have matt lp with pat and or woolie than this nightmare.

Sounds like he wanted to say about stuff beyond just FE there.

>they do Capcom vs Capcom
>it's a Smash clone

He is very clearly bothered by Woolie’s inability to pronounce shit.

>It's another "Pat can't mention FE without complaining about the lack of LGBTQ romance options" podcast

Gee it's almost as if gays are only 4% of the population and it'd be both wasteful and highly unrealistic to make half the cast gay just to pander to canadian liberal obsession.

>the fgc community totally rejects the last marvel game over nothing
>when's the next game??
capcom didn't kill the series, YOU did

>>the fgc community totally rejects the last marvel game
>over nothing

Well, at least he acknowledged that he fucked up with FE.

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Not part of fgc, but isn't the Roster ussually a huge deal in fighters?
Cutting a large part of it that was iconic to the series seems like a big deal.

If you think real life stats should be how we decide who gets representation then we should have a lot more black people and a lot less waifus. But let me guess, you only like bringing up these percentages when it means including or excluding what you want?

and they forget they were sponsored by Anthem and FO76 back in the SBFP days

you should really just ignore retarded /pol/ posts user. do you seriously think you're going to get a halfway intelligent or honest response? he's probably reaching for his meme reaction folder right now. prepare to be called an SJW just for pointing out how dumb his point is.

Maybe don't spend more time talking about Naruto, OMG CHIE, and Minh's family history than Fire Emblem in a Fire Emblem video.

Take Snoys cock out of your dilate hole already

Actually there'd be less blacks, retard. Or even none at all.

I unironically love CSB because of the shitshow it is but holy fuck they NEED new blood in, and not reggie or mihn for the love of god
Woolie shitting on Eyepatchwolf was amazing, and Paige is great

if only those fucks gave a fucking chance to other people to help them out instead of being so fucking stubborn

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I can’t tell but that feels passive aggressive.

Just go suck Disney's cock. It needs cleaning after they pissed on Stan Lee's grave again.

Yeah haha there'd be less black people in videogames if we tried to make them realistic, because in the fantasy world I invented in my head black people don't exist lol

Go ahead and tell me about all the blacks who were knights in history.

I actually prefer off-topic threads more than actual vidya threads because I have a chance to talk about other things with people I feel are on a similar page than me

I sometimes like to discuss planes, but not with the simfags ultrarealism guys from /n/ or /simg/ and etc, sometimes you just want to talk about something else with your vidya bros

Oh so you're fighting for more chinese representation in videogames? Also fat people? And indians? And arabs? Thank you user, you are a hero.

Fantasy ancient europe would indeed have less black people, and less gays too.

Play a game set in modern LA or something if you want a bunch of niggers and faggots so much. I've never complained about GTA san andreas having lots of black people, you know why? Because that's actually a realistic setting for them.

Boy you must feel silly now

>Fantasy ancient europe
There's something about these words... I just can't put my finger on it... almost like there's some sort of clue

Haha yeah this fake fantasy world should have less gay people in it because ancient Europe, a place the game is not set in, didn't have a lot of gay people which is the truth because I say so lol
Also all the characters with fake anime hair colors and styles are totally realistic as long as they aren't gay.

Okay so just to be clear, you're literally annoyed that Fire Emblem games do not use modern day (American) representation statistics when deciding what characters make it into the game, and you're calling others retards for questioning you? Just want to be absolutely sure that's what's happening here.

Serious question user: what goes through your mind while playing a fire emblem game when a green haired 1000 year old loli turns into a dragon to cast a magic spell? Answer honestly.

The point that was made that if it was more realistic it would have more black people. Which is objectively false. Stop being intentionally stupid.

The fantasy aspect is they use completely impractical armour, weapons and fucking magic. Not niggers in europe.

Well whatever. There's no arguing with people like you.

Either way, FE doesn't feature an all LGBTQABC123FADCACDCBBQNFL789+ cast, because Japan doesn't care what western liberals think. So you're all welcome to enjoy games made by western liberals, like mass effect andromeda. You know, good games that understand that diversity and politics are the most important part of game design. You don't have to play nasty bigoted japanese games any more.

>what goes through your mind while playing a fire emblem game when a green haired 1000 year old loli turns into a dragon to cast a magic spell?
"Ahhhh, I'm glad Japan doesn't put FUCKING NIGGERS in my comfy anime games."

So you admit your use of real life stats only applies when it suits your argument

Haha yeah Fire Emblem is totally set in Europe lol

I bet you have a really good job because you're so smart

My girlfriend likes to play as a girl and date other anime girls while going to war, because she likes cute anime girls. Does your girlfriend agree with you that there shouldn't be gays or black people in Fire Emblem games?

Instead of spewing memes and bringing up trash fires like Andromeda out of nowhere, how about you stop being a pseudointellectual faggot and admit you don't give a fuck about 'realism' in games unless you think it suits your point in the moment.

>bringing up trash fires like Andromeda out of nowhere
It's not out of nowhere. It's a clear example of what happens when studios pander to people like you.

I wish evo still had mahvel and KI. UMVC was still coming up with new teams and players and KI was never boring.

>replying to /pol/tards

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He's been in multiple anime games user, what are you talking about?

I'd play the fuck out it if it played more like Rival of Aether or Slap City.

We're not talking about Andromeda you absolute nigger, fuck diversity and fuck progressive politics. We're talking about how you're a pseudointellectual redditor hiding behind the facade of 'realism in videogames' so you don't have to own up to your own bullshit.
Bringing up dead horses like Andromeda and trying to put words into your opponents mouth and imply they're virtue signaling sjw leftist lgbtqiaa++& diversity pushing allies just because they see through your thinly veiled niggardry doesn't constitute a fucking argument.
You are intellectually bankrupt and a true adherence to 'realism' has nothing to do with any of this.

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Knights came from europe you limp wristed, soi blooded cretin

Sometimes they're annoying, like the obnoxious faggot in this thread, but I always like to step back and think about how miserable they are. A gay romance option in a FE game doesn't bother me, like it doesn't bother most people. Hell, it's more content. I probably wouldn't go for it, but whatever. But to a seething /pol/fag it's another "battle" lost. And it means another 6 months of petulant diaper-shitting on Yea Forums. These people make their own misery with their obsession. And the fact that they find it so hard to enjoy anything because everything is "tainted" in their eyes brings me much pleasure.

>Please fuck my girlfriend tyrone

This argument was started because you were angry half the game wasn't minorities and gay romance options actually, bub.

SFxT had fun game play too.

Capcom really has tried every shitty move in the book with their games. I'm surprised they can still release good games honestly.

The argument started because someone used real life gay statistics to try and prove that they have too many gays. The other user responded with "if we used real life statistics there would be more blacks." Then the /pol/nigger descended into mindless shit flinging.

reading this thread...is 'whens marvel' really associated with that woolie fag nowadays? jesus christ..kill me

Yeah this is something I definitely remember happening.

Paige needs to learn to just tell the drones surrounding her to fuck off, she seems to get off on fighting idiots. Someone says your racist for having a friend that isn't on the left or god forbid retweeting some shit? Tell them to eat brick and be done. Some follower feel like they deserve some tail for donating? Send them a pic of Pats' ass. I love the Picarto streams with Plague because he'll call them on their '15 years too old for this shit.'
I mean yeah I guess a new MvC would be cool but I don't play fighting game.

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care to direct us to that post, user? or share some more of your delusions with us at least

>prove that they have too many gays
The exact phrasing was that pat was complaining there weren't enough gay romance options, which I said It'd be stupid to have more when most players aren't gay and thus the effort of making so many gay options would go wasted for the majority of people playing the game.
Nobody was even talking about black people until that second guy got randomly defensive about them for quite literally no reason.

This. It's something more people need to realise before they waste their time arguing with them. Just leave them to stew in their own piss.


I said half the cast of FE shouldn't be gay because it's both unrealistic and wasteful. They (possibly you) got angry at the idea that half the cast of FE shouldn't be gay, meaning you clearly believe half the cast SHOULD be gay. You also randomly got defensive about black people for no reason, probably because liberals truly do see the world as divided between straight white people, and everyone else.

"When's Mahvel" is Woolie you wannabe internet memelord. "Mahvel Baybee" was yipes.

>this fantasy game that doesn't take place in Europe should be like historical Europe
Bring out the leeches I guess

If you're using knights clearly inspired by european knights in a world with the same geographical features as europe, then yes, you should populate it with europeans aka white people.

Niggers in Fire Emblem or any medieval fantasy doesn't make any sense.

>most players of anime dating bullshit games aren't gay
That's where you're fucking wrong though
A ton of the degenerates who like those kinds of games would love to be able to pick a dude to fuck.
Plus the more dudes that are gay the stronger the whole waifu thing gets because there are less straight dudes around the girls making it harder to sustain a shipping community

>the fantasy magic game about anime teenagers with colored hair should conform to my conception of medieval Europe but only with how it pertains to the number of black people present
Ok kid, I can tell you're very smart

MvC is anime.

It's funny because Woolie is the definition of a wannabe internet memelord. He's constantly making up words and phrases and saying he hopes they catch on. Most embarrassing was when he thought he "created" the term "shlooter" and then got butthurt when Borderlands 3 used it in a trailer not realizing (or realizing and thinking he could take credit) it existed long before he thought of it.

Are you denying the game was inspired by european knights?

Your woke politics doesn't change common sense. Niggers don't belong in medieval fantasy, end of story. It's absurd. And Japan agrees, so enjoy your lack of games with shoehorned niggers cuckboy.

More like when's Darkstalkers?

When's VF5?

What the fuck is this thread?
E-celebs? cape shit? fire emblem? Fighting games?
Do they pay the mods in peanuts or something?

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Pat actually grew up with RPGs like the older Final Fantasy games and Chrono Trigger and such. I can scarcely remember any mention of RPGs by Woolie that wasn't about muh waifus or muh s-links or something about flashy presentation. I imagine that gets on Pat's tits pretty badly.

Hey Einstein
it's fantasy
not real
Europe didn't have pink and green haired people throwing fire and lightning, and yet there they are in FE
but for some reason black people is just TOO crazy

Pink and green haired people throwing fire and lightning is cool though. Niggers are ugly.

>Niggers are ug-

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He's middle eastern if anything. Definitely not african.

Why does Pat show a complete lack of empathy in the games he plays?
>hates Junpei
>no reaction whatsoever to Asgore
>hates Kenny
Guy shouldn't even be touching rpgs/jrpgs with that mindset.

>it's fantasy
>not real
*Within reason.

You wouldn't put random white people in Wakanda, would you?

What do you fucking care faggot. Get a life.

Is that you Woolie?

Your dreads smell like shit faggot. Your channel is fucking dead. Kill yourself and your coalburning white trash wife.

Wakanda is in Africa
Fodlan isn't a real continent

That guy is an arab, not a nigger

I always will fear this shit. infinite gameplay is the best capcom could offrr and it show they still hace passion to do FG but the mess up badly with the artstyle, and the normies came to say its all shit...fucking
Still any marvel is marvel so I hope they do another one and at least aknowledge the newcomers from infinite and the combo possibilities

how would you fix Pat, Woolie and Matt's current online situation?
they all suck now
Liam doesn't deserve anything

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Wakanda isn't a real place.

So it's one rule for blacks and another for whites, isn't that racism?

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Wakanda is within a real place, Africa
Fodlan is within a fictional planet

Doesn't matter if they suck. All they need to to appeal to at least 10-15 loyal pay pigs and they will fund their lives forever.


Fucking lefty's, hypocrites all

you retard

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There's nothing wrong with namecalling.

>hurr I'm a mature adult I don't call people names
Fuck off retard, I'll call you a faggot or a cunt or a cum dump and it doesn't diminish my arguments at all. Being overly concerned with appearing mature is the sign of an insecure child.

I dont know, the mcu has a lot of new shit that they can to the games like Misterio, Starlord, Falcon, Scarlet Witch, etc.

Matt does a Code Veronica X playthrough with pat
Woolie gets an actual guest on the podcast

>White male who spent the last hour defending why blacks should be in medieval fantasy europe likes Undertale
What a surprise

>hurr durr namecalling is an argument
you are a faggot

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Just because modern comics are highlighted with degeneracy, doesn't mean comics are shit.

Those too much good shit (mostly classics)

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I didn't say it was an argument, I said it doesn't diminish an argument. Learn to read before you post online. ok champ?

CastleSuperBeast just got so repetitive. Like I knew exactly what Pat was going to say a minute before he says it. My god it was never this boring during the SBFC, even when it was just Woolie and Pat.

I stopped watching their LP's after Ride to Hell, but I figured at least the podcast will still hold up. Expect nothing deliver less, I guess.

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just admit it: you lost

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Pat turned from lovable subhuman into obnoxious faggot who only considers people human beings if they're one of his twitch pay pigs and everyone else is a troll

There was nothing to lose because I'm right and you're mentally ill. Why do you, a white boy in his 20's, defend the rights of niggers on the internet on a saturday night? It's pathetic.

wrong, idiot
im in my 30's

>im in my 30's
That's even worse. Shouldn't you be watching your wifes son?


he already stuck a fork in the outlet, i dont have to worry about that little brat anymore

Just conveniently ignoring the wastefullnes part, I take it?
A mainstream game just has the best chances when it doesn't use too much resources on something that only a fraction of the userbase will be interested in. Having actual, good gay content isn't just flipping a switch so that both genders are accepted.

I still like the Castle Super Beast. But only when it's the "Childhood Trauma hour" like when Pat rants about how his Mom stole all the pie or how Woolie would talk about his college days with Pat playing Indigo Prophecy

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why do nigs love fighting games so much. It was such a mystery to me.

Cringe comeback

>posting a clearly ironic meme based on something means you like the thing said meme is based on


Actual comic book fans do not care for the MCU, heck the actual comic books are dogshit now as well, but there's more hipsters, disneyCu.cks and Normie's.

cringe ""human""

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Everyone and their dog loved them in the 90s. It's more of mystery to me why so many people stopped liking them in the time since.

Matt won.

It doesn't help that he's going senile in his 30s.

His memory is so goddamn awful, he's constantly forgetting everything he says after less than a week. In the last few podcasts, he's been bringing up the same couple stories or jokes that he's said multiple times before, but he always says them as if it's the first time anyone else has heard them.

Matt and Liam LPs are the most kino comfy. Can't wait for more hipster bullshit

not enough fartgas

MCU is the most overrated shit in the history of man. Batman is the only good superhero. Fuck capeshit.

>Matt gets Max in his videos
>Woolie gets his ESL sperg friends
>Pat gets his cripple girlfriend and his cat

>its a matt gets pissy because woolie and pat are talking about video games podcast

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>Playing any Castlevania game.
>"huhrhur that one episode of captain n hurhur BLEH ALUCAHD"

Wait he has a podcast? Shit man I just thought he had livestreams with Liam and Rocko

Crazy hair color is just part of the medium and magic has been a core part of the genre since forever.
Black people existing isn't the issue, it's that their inclusion is done completely removed from any consideration for the setting. Part of a normal fantasy setting is that there are feudal structures and traveling far is very cumbersome, so the vast majority of people don't do it, which leads to less diversity.
Just because magic is part of a setting, doesn't mean you can just do whatever you want. If it goes against what people expect, you'll have to provide them an explanation, or it will just seem contrived.

Never forget

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Sherlock Holmes didn't take place in Britain because there was no John H. Watson who served in the Afghanistan war. It was fantasy and not real. Yet, if Conan Doyle decided to throw in a knight in full plate armor, critics would respond that his story was not accurate to the setting, despite the setting being fantasy since the real world England did not have the historical events that exist in the Holmes universe.

As it turns out, people can determine the accuracy, inspirations, and tones of a setting without the setting actually being real. You're being a pedantic faggot splitting hairs to try and justify the obviously incorrect statement that 'western medieval fantasy settings should not adhere to western medieval conventions'.

As a point of interest, do you ever actually win these types of arguments or do you just spew the same retarded shit and just assume that the other person was enlightened by your supreme wisdom?

Just rewatched the RE5 LP and he suddenly gets real pissy halfway through. I know the game gets progressively worse but at least Pat was able to keep talking.

There are white people in Africa my dude.

Wakanda isn't in a real place. Earth 616 (and every other Earth in the Marvel universe) isn't real and is a fantasy setting.

god, i would ____ her so bad

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Make her easier to play please

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rape and kill

Someone made a highlight reel so you don't have to sit through it on reddit. reddit.com/r/TwoBestFriendsPlay/comments/cupl4h/woolie_vs_fire_emblem_3_houses_this_is_how_you/

A rotting corpse next to the cum stained Morrigan body pillow.

donate to

>The Capkuck doesn't want to man up to his faggot actions
Take this L hope you enjoy the fact you Mahveltrannies have soiled Guilty Gear for sucking Gokuck off.

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You faggots have been pulling that shit since MvC3. Don't even get me fucking started on you Megamanfags and you massive victim complex over a shitty 3Ds game. Especially when you cucks are leaching off of Smash for more Capcom cancer to undeservingly get in due to Sakurai being a massive naive cuck.

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Honestly? He did.

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i never really take internet arguments with strangers too seriously and get pissed off about them. i dont really care if i "win", im just explaining my thoughts for this shit for some reason

Britain is a real place with real history. Having a knight in shining armor in Sherlock Holmes with no explanation would be strange because they were not around in that time.
No part of Fodlan is real. 0% of it. The people could have been green and have a huge antenna on their head and it would make sense because it's setting and history aren't real.

>make a shit game
>it sells like shit
wow. crazy

Nintendo Vs. Capcom

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Please do go on.
This thread has no real central purpose as it seems to be half about e celebs so some bitching about capcom will at least be related to video games.

They've literally joked about those, plus Inhumans.

The insane part is that it's totally justified too. I think Matt's an ass and his scripted content is incredibly unfunny, but he's obviously just putting in way more effort.

anyone else really disappointed in woolie? out of the three of them I thought he had the biggest chance to really redefine himself and create some worthwhile content since he seemed like a creative and motivated individual, but he ended up resorting to lazy ass let's plays which is a dead niche, and nobody wants to watch him because he's by himself

fucking matt makes better videos and that's saying a lot

Don't have too much firsthand knowledge of this, but I keep hearing that Woolie has a tendency these days to get snippy with his viewers. Like... they don't enjoy the new stuff as much as the older stuff. Are they not within their rights to let him know that, especially if they're still sticking around regardless? Again, take that for the second-hand account that it is, but "disappointing" is indeed the word if there's any truth to it.

>What I wanted from the breakup
>Woolie doing Scripted content of cartoons he likes like the reboot video
>Pat to do streaming and podcast shenanigans
>Matt to do his short LPs
What I got

Woolie's problem has always been that he can't talk and play at the same time. He's an excellent commentator but he just doesn't work well as a solo act.

He will passive aggressively "Hold that L" while actually saying it's all the toxic fanbase's fault.

"I didin' know the weapon triangle wasn't in this game and apparently I should have and that pissed a lot of people off, so I guess I'm terrible!"

It's called Marvel infinite and non of you fags played it, just goes to show that online "hype" doesn't really translate into any support that matters

Their greatest talent was simply the ability to be funny together.

Yet for their own various reasons, they all threw that away to go solo, and we're left with 4 channels that even combined are worse than the 1 old one.

As far as I know, he hasn't talked about any post-time skip stuff.

But also, Rhea would be the Emet-Selch in this comparison.

>Pat to do streaming and podcast shenanigans
>Matt to do his short LPs

These are happening though.

Oh apparently he already did I wouldn't even mind his passive aggressiveness that much if he didn't act all high and mighty about "admitting" his mistakes.

What does FE had to do with Mahvel?

Hopefully never
Capcom Vs Capcom when?

When's Maylay?

I just wish Woolie would actually commit himself to something. He spreads himself so goddamn thin and then wonders why none of the 50 things he tries to do takes off.
>it's been more than a month since he last streamed on his own channel
Like, this is fatal to anyone serious about streaming. Pat's stream has its problems, yeah, but it also has a VERY consistent schedule, which is so important for growing an audience on Twitch.

I mean, I can kinda understand why he is like that. He's said that he had an inferiority complex in the past about being "the unfunny guy" of the group and when people say "your old content was better" that's not something about himself that he can change.
Imagine if you had a funny friend, who now only occassionally comes with you and every time he doesn't, everyone else goes "oh, I think you're better when you're with your friend".
This doesn't excuse being passive aggressive or just pushing out the same old shit though.

I wanted Pat to actually stream, not read donations for hours and get into domestic abuse. Podcast is decent though I blame the state of video games for rehashing the same 5 topics though.
With Matt, I actually wanted more LPs like his life is strange and sonic 06 ones and not just glorified edited down streams.

I mean, at least Pat only reads donations at the start and end rather than constantly interrupting the stream for them. Just start watching ~30 min later and you can generally avoid it. I still wish he'd only do it at the end.

That is literally the opposite of what happens. They talk over and ignore all the dialogue, spending 5+ minutes looking at the same text box while talking about something completely irrelevant. They don't talk to any of the students, make parallels with Naruto and don't even do anything with the free time in the monastery. Some very, very painful 3 hours.

Why are you repeating the original question?

Wha happun?

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For the last god damn time
Matt ruined the channel because he is a whiny baby bitch
Pat/Wools forvever

Good, fuck Guilty Gear and fuck you, GG died with accent core+.

Because is CSB not CBT

You'd think that by now Woolie would understand that he's poison when involved with an RPG, but he just keeps doing it.

Honestly? Matt was always the best of the group. Pat was a sociopath and Woolie was a lazy girl. Matt was the reason for the channel's success and it shows now that his solo channel is doing better than Pat + Woolie's combined.

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what are you smoking? matt was disinterested in everything about the channel for the last 3 years or so of its existence, he lost all his passion for video games, and seemed to genuinely hate his colleagues

his new videos are decent but he's abysmal as a narrator and lacks any charisma

hi crymetina

How often did Woolie (or Matt, to an extent) talk about RPGs in actual game terms, instead of muh waifus/muh s-links/muh coolguys/whatever? There's a reason the only tolerable RPG LPs included Pat and/or Liam, preferably both.

When you upload a redemption round of Metroid Fusion with 100% items collected. I have no idea how Matt, Woolie, and Liam can claim to be Metroid fans with straight faces when they spent the whole Other M Let's Watch gushing about how great it is and shutting down Pat whenever he has a legitimate complaint by interrupting him and then segueing into a completely incompetent Fusion playthrough.

>TFW this Christmas they will reunite and realize they just needed a break from eachother like that weird period where all youtubers took a 5 month break.
It's going to be awkward

what the fuck does sega have to do with guilty gear?

She hates gays.

Woolie never thinks he's wrong. When he makes mistakes like thinking Ego is an Eternal or thinks isekai means something other than the literal meaning of the word that is actually YOUR fault for noticing and caring. Not his.

kek just imagine woolie's wedding, some fat goblin leprechaun and someone who looks like his older sister getting into a loud drunken argument with some fatass wearing a suit and a punisher beanie and his fat wife in front of the family

>green eyes
>normal nose
>normal human hair

I was absolutely baffled that Matt was at the helm of the kh lp. How in the fuck did anyone think that was a good idea? You'd think they would have learned their lesson after Matt spent all of ffx running away from monsters he's never fought instead of taking the time to learn how to fight, getting washed when this behavior causes him to be underlevelled, forgetting how magic works when it entirely consists of two pairs of opposing elements and nothing else, and engaging in the usual pleb behavior of jumping all over Tidus and not giving the character a chance to endear itself to him because his voice performance is a little bit unconventional.

>muh arguments! muh decorum of debate!
Reddit and Jordan Peterson forums might be more your speed

so "normal" means "white"?

The fact that they did another Matt/Woolie RPG thing so shortly after the absolute fuckshow that was #FE is mind-boggling. I never even touched the KH playthrough, and by all accounts, this was the correct decision.

is the omikron LP worth watching?

It ended on the Ursula bossfight.... Kind of fitting that their worst ever playthrough and entire channel was killed during the shittiest boss fight of the shittiest RPG

JP is Yea Forums

I forgot what episode it was, but I remember him arguing with Pat about something and he had a completely ridiculous point of view and he was talking down to Pat as if he was crazy. I know that usually is the case, but in this occasion Pat was being sensible and Woolie was being batshit insane.

yeah, that's why I said normal.

I wouldn't be surprised if it's a trademark thing of sorts where they're not allowed to, outside of DMC.

>JP is Yea Forums
>Yea Forums meme

which makes it so odd that woolie is going full steam ahead with his new plan of dumb retard friends instead of just doing stuff with pat, its fucking insane

You can't spell Yea Forums without Yea Forums

It's their magnum opus. It literally takes the full effort and talents of all three of them as the game pulls out all the stops and uses every trick in the book to try and force them to quit. It's the worst game I've ever seen, where every design decision is incorrect.

>one episode ends with them dying for no reason
>the next episode is them fruitlessly trying to circumnavigate this inexplicable bug
>a month passes
>the next episode opens with them talking about how fans have actually donated save files because they want to see the LP continued

his "WISE" cadence is absolute cunt tier

why is the hail hydra scene up there? that was one of the best plot twists in recent years

its way less than 4%

Remember in the Command Mission LP when he started speculating wildly about the Mega Man series, then low-key whined about the "lore police" who apparently had the gall to point out that his speculations contradicted established canon?

when was woolie shitting on eyepatch

You need good "new blood", not Minh or Reggie. That's the problem. I don't think they realize that their form of comedic commentary was actually a learned, crafted skill. You can't just grab anyone.

Legend of the Mystical Ninja. Starts out fairly normal, devolves into madness by the end.

Did he finally realize Mumbles and Screecher were a mistake?

>not make annoying things to watch in the future
>will continue to bring on people who don't mesh well with him.

all jokes, fren. just bantz

It's as if Matt's conduct throughout the entirety of kh was scripted to piss me off.

>starts by admitting he's never beaten a kh game despite going on record multiple times as saying that it's just mashing x, then acting surprised when this tactic frequently gets him bodied
>misses obvious chests
>talks over important details in cutscenes
>wastes everyone's time with optional fights by failing repeatedly until giving up
>wanders aimlessly due to not paying attention
>verbally comments on equipment and abilities he's unlocked and then immediately forgets about them despite complaining about how huge and obnoxious the text prompts are
>drops what he's doing in the middle of a heated battle and slowly fumbles through the menu in search of items or spells without taking any measures to retreat or defend himself despite being in the immediate vicinity of a dangerous, hostile, aggressive enemy because he either has no peripheral vision, can't pay attention to two things at once, or both

Dude makes DarkSydePhil look like Bizkit047.

is it true woolie still doesn't know the weapon triangle

hes a drunk, hes lazy and his IQ is low

so am i and still can play video games without shitting myself

Let's all agree that their Bully LP was the worst thing they've ever produced

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good point, Matt really is a pathetic lump of shit

the true winners

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I do remember that, because he has no idea about X's canon.

Who else here is part of the
>bodied woolie on stream

I went to look at his numbers for the hell of it and it's crazy to see how well he's doing compared to woolie. I would've never guessed it would've turned out this way.

Don't forget the episode where the game just glitches out menus stop working.

I'm glad he's winning even though I don't like his stuff. He's not nearly as insufferable as CSB with his opinions, passive aggression, and *sips tea*isms

I have a pretty distinct memory of when I dropped FFX.
>Matt looks in the menu to upgrade some equipment
>He mistakes the item number required for the number he has
>Gets confused, saying "I thought I HAD that many" and "That's not what it said before!"
>Stumbles his way into upgrading it (disassembling something else, I forget)
>Finally notices the required item number, the one that was always there and remains static
>"See, it costs more now."

I dropped it when Woolie asked him if he knew what esuna did and he said no.
Why are two people that know fuck all about FF playing it.

>those episodes where the three are legitimately getting mad at each other

Should've ended the channel there desu, that shit would never be surpassed

Omikron LP was a blessing, a true masterpiece

That must've been after I checked out. It got to the point where, if I wasn't just listening to it in the background while doing other things, I skipped huge chunks of the LP to get to the bits I was actually interested in.

>Morrigan will never be your mommy

It was quite late in the game. Right before one of the airship boss fights, if I remember right. They were using O'aka's shop to prep for it. The whole playthrough was one eye-rolling-but-not-dealbreaking flub after another, but him making that "It costs more now" statement so confidently and so incorrectly was the straw that broke the proverbial camel's back.

Omikron really comes off as having been written by an eight-year-old boy who just watched The Fifth Element for the federal first time. David Cage really shows off his immature pride and juvenile concept of grandeur when he tries to make his first video game an all-encompassing, fourth-wall-breaking, genre-crossing epic where the video game world is actually totally real and you really got your real soul stolen by a real demon and you really have to stop him or you will really go to real hell and the real world will really end, for real.

That reminds me, why did they keep donating to O'aka if they weren't actually going to pay him enough to get the big endgame benefit where he sells good stuff for cheap. If you don't hit the threshold for gil donated in time, it's just a waste of money.

Why was Woolie in charge of reading the guide?
He wouldn't even let the others read it?

its has to be a clusterfuck at every level, this having woolie read to complete the final perfect glorious shit heap

>"How do you spell 'Meshtar'?"

>Pat wrestling it away and finding out he was leaving out vital information about the location of the door

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>It was the first door they went to.

Why are asian accents so racist?

>Woolie and Pat playing Ace Combat 7
I usually don't try to judge but H O L Y F U C K

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I just wanted an MvC thread not e-celeb shit.

I need more Lil Darlington Jr stories, the guy who brought over MK4 so he could Woolie's mom in peace was hilarious.

Capcom Fighters are a shit-show nowadays

Did Woolie ever actually hold that L? He admitted to not remembering having seen that door before, but did he ever even say as much as a "hey, my bad"?

The entirety of SBF refuse to hold Ls
it's part of why their solo content sucks

Mahvel is dead. Even if there was a new Mahvel the roster's forever bound to be boring with the same shitty picks based on the movies and stuff. That means no Gambit or Cyclops or niche Capcom characters like Captain Commando. It's always gonna be the same Ryu, Ironman, etc. meh

>The child Matt trying to make peace while the dad Pat fights with the mom Woolie.

It was kino.

No he did not.

>best plot twist
It was hypnosis. That's pretty much it. Real Cap is back like it never happened

Nah, it was the real Cap but solely reality altered to be a Hydra agent all along, the Cap that's back is totally fabricated to resemble Cap that wasn't altered so basically a cosmic clone.