Fixes turn based combat

>fixes turn based combat
>no turn based games follow their lead

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there was nothing to fix

How does it fix it? By being a huge drag to play? Or by being a poor man's Paper Mario?

>Or by being a poor man's Paper Mario?
other way round bucko

By giving the player something to do and adding stakes to the fight because enemies do more damage. It also teaches you to learn how enemies work and attack.

didn't nintendo patent the formula?

>fixes turn based combat
Xeno, SMT (as the whole) and at so minor scale DQ has alredy done that several times, just because you don't like it doesn't mean it has happened

also this it's like paper mario.

In what way? Mario and Luigi is ten times shallower than TTYD. You literally only have three basic normal attacks and 8 different bros moves with two variations apiece, meaning at the absolute most generous estimate, there are still only 19 potential actions in SS.

One of my favorite GBA games, but I never played any of the sequels. Did they ever manage to top this one?

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It took them Dream Team to fix nearly every enemy attack being piss easy to dodge by simply making both Mario and Luigi evade at the same time. Only the Dark Star had interesting fight mechanics up until that point.

in paper mario you defend against every single enemy in the exact same way, it for fucking babies.

Undertale and mmbn do this 99999x better
M&L still feels slow to me so I havent fully beaten any of them again since I was a kid

Its not about the quantity of actions you retard, but the quality. There are many more ways to defend against enemies in M&L that use your different powers creatively. The bros moves also use more complex inputs than any TTYD.

So what? Super Guard requires much more tight timing than defense in SS. Not to mention TTYD has actual potential character builds and doesn't have every single move be a fucking QTE

Partners in time is hinged on how you stomach the babies
Bowsers inside story is great
Dreamteam is okay, pacing is kind of shit
Paperjam is wasted potential

>Its not about the quantity of actions you retard, but the quality.
Here's every single action in SS
Press A or B when you're about to jump on an enemy
Hold A or B for a second then release
Wait for a moment and then press A or B
Press A when it flashes red and B when it flashes green

That's literally all there is. TTYD has, shocker, inputs that require more than just the A and B buttons

> Fixes obnoxious low level encounters and grinding
>not even sequel follows this
Bowser's inside story is the best sequel to Super Star Saga. I didn't like how gloomy Partners in Times was even thought the combat was fun. Dream team is a derivative, less interesting clone of BIS and I never bothered playing Paper Jam.

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Yes and the timing changes from move to move, attack to attack. Please tell me what buttons you press for all the different TTYD actions.

>perfects JRPG style turn based combat
>nobody ever tries it again

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That's really not true, Mario and Luigi have the exact same three normal attacks and many Bros moves share extremely similar timing with these normal attacks (you press A or B when the sprites connect, etc), and that's assuming you're not using the babby mode slow mo that renders timing irrelevant anyway

I'm not gonna list them all for TTYD because TTYD has far more moves in general and we'd be here all day if I wanted to go through them all. But, just for reference, we'll go through all of the basic first moves that each partner gets:

Headbonk, same as Mario's jump more or less

You hold left on the control stick and attempt to line up an auto scrolling cursor with a target

A target appears over the selected enemy and you have a limited amount of time to move a free scrolling cursor using directional input onto the cursor

Button mashing within a certain timeframe

You have a limited amount of time to complete a game of Simon using the face buttons on the controller

>Admiral Bobbery
More or less same as hammers in SS

>Ms. Mowz
You use diretional input and force the control stick back and forth under a timer in order to charge a meter

Now I'm not saying the timing is necessarily as tight as some of the Bros moves could get with all of these (not that that would be a fair comparison anyway, because again, these are the normal level one moves), but I am saying that there's a lot more variety here and the game expects you to get good at more than just one form of input.

Bowser's inside story is the coolest fetish game in existence.

>Vore but it ends up becoming a fantastic voyage situation
>Macro but you use it to do stuff like ave showdowns with a Black Hole Launching Peach's Castle
>Weight gain but it makes a cool area where you get a Silver Axe, Gold Axe parody.

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You can dash through lower level enemies in Mother 3 and it kills them instantly.

>poor man's Paper Mario?
Take your nostalgia goggles off