He wants to fuck his family when there's plenty of fine hunnies around

>He wants to fuck his family when there's plenty of fine hunnies around

Attached: 1[1].jpg (1800x1650, 913K)

>not wanting to impregnate the entire world

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>20 people on the list
>can only fuck 4
Not my fault.

Eve soon my friend

I want more Judith

>tfw you'll never create your own patreon porn game with major mass appeal yet a few of your fetishes conveniently placed here and there

Used goods, probably taken loads of tyrone cum

For me it's Earl

What game?

Earl bout to get this dick

What's with the sudden shilling?
Are the paypigs wising up and bailing?

Why can't i fuck mrs Smith it's fucking retarded


People have beent alking about STS and its sameface since before she was your "landlady"

What's up with that sameface artstyle?

And that's not what I am referring to now am I?

>giving money to this atrocious art

earl is really Carl on Duty

family matters carl

Is the final version going to go back to incest? Is the change just while it's on patreon?

this art is kinda shit, eve is cute though

Actually he's Al from Die Hard

Summertime Saga

When can i marry mia/become her father

Attached: MIA.png (351x610, 314K)

You know originally they were going to be the same character before they thought it was already confusing enough that Family Matters was a Perfect Strangers spin-off, let alone also be a Die Hard one.

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>those faces

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>Not become her papi


>can't dump Roxxy and marry Becca
It's not fair

And Die Hard is an adaptation of a novel which just makes it even more confusing

>yet a few of your fetishes conveniently placed here and there
>And then patreon bans them.

What’s stopping you from creating a game? Seems the only thing you need is time, all the programs necessary to create a game are free

I want Becca for her nipples alone.

>western porn games


Attached: 445656.jpg (248x225, 27K)

>Japanese ecchi games


the need to impregnate becca and ms. smith is a mighty one, and one that will not be satiated for years.

All porn games have bad art. For whatever reason game art always has this sterile feeling too it. Too clean, overly produced.

You can already fuck Becca though

Why does everyone have down syndrome?

does this game have femdom?

I don't think you know the meaning of ecchi

no, the MC is a chad that conquers with his dick

They are of the cruciform

People who learn how to draw just to make porn will never be able to produce something truly artistic

Damn Earl is thicc

art isn't a value in itself. but there are artists like shiwasu okina who create excellent looking h-doujins.

Sexualization without too much graphic nudity, equivalent to softcore.

But that's not the case for doujin artists. Their art has soul. It's just game art specifically that suffers.

yeah but not impregnate, although there is an option for it one of the polls
it's just a ways away is all

also i add rhonda to the must-breed list

>people actually masturbate to this
>people actually masturbate to 3D botox-filled atrocities /weg/ is shitting out daily
>people actually masturbate to shit made by "Gif Author" or whatever
My only hope is that it's really just people whose minds are wired to desire ugly shit, and not some self brain-twisting idiots who pretend to like it.

>people shell out actual money for this Brickleberry tier artwork

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I've not seen a sameface this bad since Legoman

>not masturbating to text games
You have only yourself to blame.

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It's generic, utilitarian shit 99% of the times

Gif Author is good at what he does though. He just has a fetish for the grotesque and uncanny.

Majority of art is that way. For every skilled artist on conceptart.org, you have a thousand recolored hedgehogs on deviantart.

But you do find a good percentage of skilled doujin artists.

The majority of handmade paintings have something personal or unique even if they're bad
The majority of doujins don't even use hand drawn backgrounds

I’m 32. I don’t have the time for that.

where's earl's son freddie and his daughter clara

What strange criteria you set out. I don't know what to say to that. Are backgrounds the test of good art?

Paintings are not quickly produced,sometimes they are not even made to be sold.

Nah see, heres the plan
>text adventure game
>$100 tier lets you submit your own content
>promote your game on degenerate websites
>get idiots to pay you to make your game for you

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just put some titties in and retards will pay you thousands

This game is fucking crap.

>Have to wait another 20 years before Principal Smith gets real content

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>Yeah i donated a hundred dollar for the development of this game,why do you ask?

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based Genghis Khan

Missy is legit best girl.

>creaturas,goblinas and also gay sex

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>I am going to skip the whole thread and then complain about the stuff I didnt bother to read about

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Wasn't Eve supposed to be the #1 suspect for the tranny that was hinted at? DarkCookie said years ago that there was 1 character that was a trannie but never said who and people always thought it'd be Eve.

This is the part where you are correct

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Eve is the only girl I'm interested, everyone else is just boring, she is the type of girl I would like to be friend with during high school, but without the teen drama, and the daddy issues, and more sex.