Are phone games going to kill consoles?

Are phone games going to kill consoles?

Seriously, they came such a long way in just few years it's insane.

Attached: Honkai Impact dragon loli.webm (720x405, 2.89M)

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maybe someday

Maybe but not by being better. Phone games don't deserve to lick the ground Flash games pissed on, even with how much they've "advanced." I say we've gone a million steps backwards since the first phone games.

No way fag
With the low quality games and unwilling to pay customers phone games are below flash games made by bored college students

I wish this game was more fleshed out and not stuck on mobile.

Looks like shit.

mobile will always be hindered by a shit control layout

Attached: Global_Games_Market_2018.png (4000x2250, 180K)

>Tiny screens made for tiny hands
>Completely uncomfortable and no way to ergonomically play without causing neck issues
>Dumbed down even more than consoles to deal with lack of input and the kind of people that play phone games

lol no thank the fuck

All of this is done by 1 buttons, it's even simple than DMC auto mode, who the fuck are you trying to fool? Come back here when you can do some basic combo shit

Better attack animations than Witcher 3.

Yeah, and consoles won't kill PC since people don't want gimped gameplay and graphics? You guys are repeating yourselves. 90% of modern "gamers" want quick easy fun.

this doesnt really mean anything though. There are more phones than consoles. I just dont think that people that own and play on consoles today will ever completely drop them for mobile. unless some EXTREME innovation happens or something

All of those profit are come from big shit like Castle Clash, lol mobile ripoff, battle Royale mobile, FGO, monster strike, not this weeaboo shit in your webm

The only way mobile can even remotely get near PC or console gaming is if they stop making games that have hand holding for 20 hours. This is why I don't play games on them. It just isn't fun or engaging if you can just do what you are told.

Honkai is in top50 mobile games in asia. Sometimes hits top10. It's not making FGO money but it sure as fuck is profitable.

Attached: 0EKymidFGQqWVwOgB9k87RMsJ8UPfjH1khhp5BF3sR0.png.jpg (1920x1080, 243K)

>All of this is done by 1 buttons

So just like consoles?

Attached: modern_games.webm (640x360, 2.43M)

>90% of modern "children" want quick easy fun


>Are phone games going to kill consoles?
Hopefully. It looks like it'll be the next logical step for AAA developers anyways. They want the money, they want the larger audience, they want to make games the laziest way possible for that money. If they do move over to mobile, then I'll be happier because it means I don't need to even think about them anymore.

>Honkai is in top50 mobile games in asia. Sometimes hits top10
LMAO no way fag, it doesn't even have any fucking doujins despite all the short cartoon and web comic the devs keep shitting out

Attached: Screenshot_2019-08-24-22-54-38-090_org.mozilla.firefox.png (1080x2340, 274K)

>Muh bamham
Yeah because bamham is the only action game out there

Post the tier list

What's the point of having hp if the boss has 1,500,000 health anyway

that looks like a terrible gaming experience

I think this ends in all those developers dropping the charade and going into actual gambling. Like online slot machines and shit. It all depends on when the people who actually play this garbage stop lying to themselves.

A lot people whaling for this garbage are genuinely addicted and don't even know these gambling systems are in the game when they start. Sadly, that's probably the reason that it won't actually happen. If they all went to mobile then it would be a simple matter of just not playing anything on mobile. But if they stay on consoles and PC, then they can trick people into buying the new AAA game and then dumping their bank account into gambling for Star Wars skins.

Of course these companies will trick people if they can. There's a reason the ESRB refuses to place some sort of "randomized content packages for money purchase" label on games that have them. It's because they know people would intentionally avoid these games if they knew.

Don't get me wrong, but western mobile experience is worse, and people is way more retarded over here, it makes sense that asians at least persue sex appeal at least.

Attached: 1554626372010.png (292x292, 113K)

anyone has that chart of most time spent in gachashit
that game is one of the lowest alongside fire emblem despite apparently it's "good gameplay"

>this is bad

Faggot Azur Lane ranks lower usually in 80's and it still makes 300 million $ a year.

Because it has no auto mode. Most people "playing" phone games just put it on auto while working. Those games are waifu collectors.

Comparing popular western phone games to popular asian phone games is fucking bizarre. It's like people in the west are retards with no taste.

>going to
They already have, everyone has realized they'd rather be a phone game developer like Blizzard has.

My phone get's really hot when I game on it for more than 2 minutes.

The nintendo switch is a Nvidia android tablet with an x1 chipset from 2015 just rebranded and with shittier plastic. It already has mate.

phone games and console games are nearly identical already

>Mashing the button breaks the combo meter, meaning the enemies will never take any damage and never stop attacking


>touch controls

Attached: 1563300769259.gif (500x280, 354K)

I am not opposed were it not for the fact the controls are so bad.

There are legit some interesting mmos on ios/android

Consoles are still very much a party/friend thing that you can play with others. Phone games work fine on phones, but it doesn't have the power, the battery, or the graphics and capabilities to function as a massive party game with multiple players.

Plus people just aren't willing to buy full priced games on phones, so game devs aren't as willing to make full sized production games on phones because people aren't going to drop $60 for a phone game. And there's no point in relying on microtransactions for it, because you can just shit out generic mobage garbage and make an equal amount of money.

Like what?
MMOs seem like the last thing I could see being good on mobile unless they are basically just idle games in disguise and play themselves like the Ragnarok one or Runescape

Think less WoW and more maplestory

You're literally mashing two buttons, fuck outta here

>300 million
Fuck you got that from? You think everyone is stupid or something?

>spaming deflect button leavin enemy unharmed and making that fight last endlessly
wow, you really got them, user

The future of mobile games is portrait mode with innovative minimal control schemes. This landscape shit with buttons covering 30% of the screen trying to emulate a controller is retarded. Maneuvering with a touchscreen stick in the corner of the screen feels like dogshit. You are using a fucking phone. Mobile games will never kill consoles but it could at least offer something different by how it plays. Dragalia did it right, and so did the new mario kart mobile.

No, the two platforms appeal to two completely different markets

Yes they are, but only because they can rip the wallets of their consumers apart. Its nothing else but a money making scheme.

>Mario Kart mobile

Also, those voices sound like dogshit. Why is everyone using a Blooper car? Have they already figured out the best kart type and exclusively use that?

This is just future fight with anime bullshit, and even future fight was just mashing out cutscene attacks.

Another souless gook cash-grab off you spoogenoodle retards