And this is our son's room

>And this is our son's room...

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Dagoth Ur welcomes you friends of my parents, now come and look upon my ps3 collection

>I-I'm not good at video games, user
>You have come to this place where destiny is to be made, and yet, you have come unprepared

Attached: 1564196341584s.jpg (125x125, 3K)

dropped your gif, user

Attached: 1556579271332.gif (360x360, 3.37M)

Why are Oblivion fans so wierd? Like everything made from you guys are the most genuine and bizarre joke i've ever seen.

Oh shit i mean Morrowind.


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>tfw I came unprepared

Because Morrowind was completely alien in a fantasy sort of way. It had giant mushrooms and green armored bug-dogs that attacked you on sight. Ash from red mountain warps the flesh and mind into abominations that only the rarest magic could contain and pacify. Morrowind is steeped in magic, insanity, and danger, who wouldn't be a bit bizarre after exploring it?

>Read every fucking book I came across, including the full libraries
>exhausted character dialog with any relevant and irrelevant character
>still have no idea where the fuck people came up with the chims and the crazy deep lore behind the crazy deep lore

how do you do it anons

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Most of the crazy stuff is from anex devs ramblings on teslore.
Sometimes it get referenced as a courtesy in game but by and large has nothing to do with the games.

It's in the 36 Lessons of Vivec


Attached: 1471215480685.jpg (436x328, 96K)

also mostly this
Kirkbride keeps adding shit to the Imperial Library

Sermons of Vivec are all about CHIM, some sermons like 12 specifically hints at Amaranth and the godhead.

"Each of the aspects of the ALMSIVI then rose up together, combining as one, and showed the world the sixth path. Ayem took from the star its fire, Seht took from it its mystery, and Vehk took from it its feet, which had been constructed before the gift of Molag Bal and destroyed in the manner of truth: by a great hammering. When the soul of the Dwemer could walk no more, they were removed from this world.

Resdaynia was no more. It had been redeemed of all the iniquities of the foolish. The ALMSIVI drew nets from the Beginning Place and captured the ash of Red Mountain, which they knew was the Blight of the Dwemer and that would serve only to infect the whole of the middle world, and ate it. ALTADOON DUNMERI!

The beginning of the words is ALMSIVI. I give you this as Vivec. "
>36 lessons of Vivec, Sermon 36
The history of ghostgate and the disappearance of the dwenmer.

oops I meant 25, not 12

Though 12 is also a pretty good one

There is exactly one mention of CHIM in the sermons. It claims it is a secret syllable that means royalty.
That is it.

>CHIM. Those who know it can reshape the land. Witness the home of the Red King Once Jungled.

Royalty means authority over the world user, Commentary on the Mysterium Xarxes delves more on this. Mankar was a loony but he had the gist of it when it comes to the meta.

>*laughs* did you a madcatz controller? *laugh* shame on you, Nerevar!

Royalty is a very real word with a very real definition.
You can't expect to be taken seriously if you have your own set of definitions to justify your headcanon.

>Everyone focuses on the divine metaphysics and metaphilosophy of the sermons.
>Nobody remembers the important family values instilled.
Vivec showed you his muatra pls respond.

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You brought the Zero Cola?
Shame on you, Mom and Pa

>royalty noun (RULERS)
>[ U, + sing/pl verb ] the people who belong to the family of a king and queen

It's a poetic way of saying those with CHIM have power over the land similar to the way a monarchy has power over their kingdom.

If you're just going to shitpost at least say so at the beginning, it spares me from typing all this nerd shit.

Nobody understood the family values part.
To be fair nobody understood the meta physics part either.
The sermons are a painful read.

>You will never play Vivec taking on the eight offspring.
>You'll never chill out in the pocket dimension hub world of the provisional house.
>You'll never get to fight allegorical monsters like a guy who couldn't be killed by penis spear because all of his line art was done by a broken square-rule.
>You'll never fight a monster by writing a time book.

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Attached: teacher mommy.png (530x455, 94K)


>stares through father's soul

That's the trouble with the C0DA crowd.
If you ask in prose they answer in poetry. Gives them plenty of wiggle room but not conducive to discussion.

user what's complicated about the time Vivec was mad he couldn't track down his own face carved into a city by dwemer grabbers who were jealous of vivec's awesome cantons but died because the monster's feels were too deep for them. It's very simple, daddy V taught him good values before murdering him while the morag tong clapped and possibly fucked.


Go to bed MK you're drunk.

You're the one arguing semantics about "royalty" here while bringing absolutely nothing to the discussion.

To note, I don't care about C0DA or Kirkbirde out of game texts at the Imperial Library. I gave you two examples of in-game evidence about CHIM and its power, you gave me nothing in return to support your argument.

>That time Vivec throat fucked Azura in response to being put on trial.

No wonder they use the fine system for crimes.

The trial at Hogithum summarised
>T. Imperial "Yo we should probably put Vivec on trial for not asking Emps for admin privs on Lorkhan's heart"
>T. Others "Good fucking luck bro"
>T. Vivec "Navy seals copypasta stolen from morag tong assassination forum in Ald Rhun"
>T. Imperial "Old and stale"
>T. Vivec "Know what's not stale? This" [spear stuffing intensifies]

I argued royalty has a real definition and you (?) argued if you squint and look at it just the right way it could mean something else.

From in game we know
From Morrowind Secret syllable
From Skyrim Tiber used it to change Cyrodil to a temperate forest.
From ESO The WGT is a giant metaphysic tool to make the current occupant comfy.

So from in game we can deduce CHIM is the password to the WGT.

MK has a very distinct writing style .
So is it going to be Hammerfall or not?

Why do you keep posting this everywhere