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flavor of the month streamer catering shit
Mediocre poorly done souls clone that will be forgotten soon.
it's ok, wait for a sale or more content, right now it's only about 15 - 20 hours on a play through and there's nothing for doing more play throughs except a few new items and weapons you gotta get the random seed for
you disagree?
damn right I do, its the first real time "dark souls with guns" as a concept was done correctly.
I swear I've seen this exact poster but in a different skin. Was it Destiny 1?
tell me more
But it's not dark souls at all
It's cool but it seriously needs more veriety and less shit weapon balance. There's literally no reason to not use the shotgun throughout the whole game. It's an absolute beast and pretty much destroys everything. The beam rifle is good for stationary bosses, though.
Only two equipment slots and two mods makes the experience rather monotonous.
Gonna know in a bit how it is
>Barely any weapons or mods
>Most bosses just throw adds at you
>barely any armor sets
should've just focused on fun mods.
>dodge rolling
>heavily telegraphed attacks that do a lot of damage
>fog you walk through to get to the boss chamber
>bonfires that aren't bonfires
>estus flask that isn't an estus flask
The game play is good, but the enemy variety is trash and the bosses are bland addfest that ends up making them completely uninteresting
Yea Forums hates it because its not japanese and published by a chinese company
It copies some elements, but misses the mark massively in almost every other area.
Level design is shit tier at best. Mostly because there was barely any "design" in place. Muh procedural guarantees everything is stale.
Then the itemization is substantially worse as well and traits are a far cry from stats in DS.
really good but gets old fast
ds1 is my favorite game of all time
also, its alot more fun in coop cuz it actually scales the difficulty. i one shot every except the last one solo. duo actually required progression
how the fuck are you going to complain about level design when its procedurally generated? how about you play the thing before you criticize it, dumb zoomie streamerbait
>how the fuck are you going to complain about level design when its procedurally generated?
Because it's bad?
It's not as if the game randomly created anything user. It's a series of set structures that are specifically designed and then randomly placed on reroll of seed.
But it's that randomization that tends to make things repeat often and have very soulless experiences. Why does this building exist? Is there an item in there? No here's +2 iron instead.
Nevertheless that the entire game is basically a linear run through. There are optional fights, sure, but there aren't alternative paths for anything.
>pick the close range class because i always love shotguns
>have more fun with the melee weapon (hammer) than the shotgun
I gave the game a chance and beat the first boss. I think I'm just going to play dark souls. Good thing I spent $0.
It's like souls in a very superficial way.
Actually fairly decent, fun with co op. But you seem like a fag.
Can someone please explain how stealth works? I wanted to snipe things from long range with Hunter, and I've been putting my points into that trait where you go undetected, got a sniper rifle, but I'm still near the start so I don't know if I'm unaware of some mechanic like you have to stay crouched or something.
has anyone had experience with the cracked co-op? Does it work well?
Its good, this attitude of "its not an industry changer, shill bait, it didnt last 100+ hours and have to act as a second job, worst game Ive ever played" is fucking retarded, the idea that if its not the next Souls game franchise to come out of nowhere then it is not worth even trying is just the epitome of a zoomer mentality, for fuck sake In a sea of shit games coming out its decent.
Solid 7/10. Its good 3rd person shooting but it sorely lacks content, they need to add way more equipment and zones.
Its not really worth stealth as later you will want to be playing multiplayer alot, and everyone loves shooting. Stealth is only worthwhile if you are playing harder difficulties solo.
Beat all the bosses and I have all the weapons, armor and mods. Might be missing some rings or trinkets but can't be bothered to farm. There is no endgame so there's very little incentive to keep playing. There are builds you can make with traits but considering if you level up enough you can eventually max all of them out making everyone the same in the end. Bosses and level design are the worst parts, levels are procedurally generated but the different parts they use are limited and you always end up seeing the same structures just placed differently even on your 2nd playthrough. The real shitty part are the randomized events and dungeons which will determine what sort of gear you get on a first playthrough which seems cool but the game doesn't filter what you've already seen so you could very well get the same bosses a 2nd time making it a pain in the ass to get certain items you want. If the levels were actually crafted and they had you fight every boss and see everything in 1 playthrough and then made challenging endgame procedurally generated dungeons with different modifiers and stuff I think that would be a lot better. As for bosses the designs are good but their moveset is incredibly limited, the last boss has 4 different moves split between 2 phases and they're all like this if not worse. They need to constantly spawn adds in the boss room to make it even remotely challenging because if you were to fight any of these bosses 1v1 you would literally never get hit with how easy they are to fight.
Overall I hoped for more but the gunplay is solid at the very least. 6/10 get it on sale with bros.
They said they are adding more campaigns later, what will make or break it is if they are free or not, if they arent I am done with this game immediately, there simply wasnt enough content to play for.
I appreciate that they expressly set out to NOT make a looter shooter, but this also means there is no hook to keep people playing after they have finished it.
Is it true that the game is a buggy piece of and optimized so poorly that it's borderline unplayable on consoles and older PCs?
>Soulless asset flip good! Don't criticize product! Just consume product and be excited for next product!
You can't stealth while someone else goes melee? They register you both?
>asset flip
Of what? Noones saying not to criticize it, its the idea that its the worst game ever and that its just a 1 to 1 souls clone is so fucking stupid I cant even fathom where youre head needs to be at in order to be so dismissive of something.
If your group is noticed you are all noticed, I think that perk or another one makes you less of a target though in combat.
it dips below 100 fps on my 2080 quite a lot
only bug I noticed was one time I didn't spawn properly and had to use the suicide item
dips below 100 on medium settings, to clarify
so yeah, pretty shitty. it seems to scale fine, though. my brother ran it on a 1060 and he didnt complain
>and you always end up seeing the same structures just placed differently
I noticed this shit even on my first playthrough. In the first level it had me go into some underground area, but the entrance to that area was exactly what you described. I was like "Uh, haven't I been here already?" and almost backtracked..
That's so fucking lame. It makes way more sense for the brawler guy to go in and be a distraction while the hunter stays out of sight sniping them.
So what build would you recommend for a two player group where the first one is the melee guy and the other (me) is a hunter?
>Hate everything new! Anything new being discussed is being shilled! Do not consume anything that isnt a remaster or 10 years old at least and wait for the next remaster!
It's laggy af on my xbone, last boss died but the final cutscene didn't play so we were stuck in the room with him until we died. Did a special thing that made a boss non hostile and give you a special item but the boss fog wouldn't go away, there's an item that can teleport you out to a checkpoint but due to a bug the game never gave it to me. This same boss when I decided to fight it instead bugged out and just stood there letting me attack it until it died (lots of regular enemies do this too). Also had a boss get stuck in a staircase and me and my friend spent 10 minutes shooting the tiny part of his head still sticking out.
If you want no bugs i'd hold off
> buggy
Kinda. Got a few crashes in about 15 hours of play. Some NPCs fail to spawn for some reason and require re-entering the area.
> optimized
It runs great. I have a 970 with a i5 3350p. Running all ultra with medium shodows, 1080p, game runs at 60 or over for the majority of levels. It only drops to 40s when there are many dynamic lights and shadows all over the place. Dropping shadows to low makes the game look ugly as sin but also provides constant 60fps.
Great surprise and one of the GOTY contenders. It needs some polish and more content
There is a perk you probably havent found yet that makes you less of a target so enemies will focus on the melee guy.
Theres also buffs and shit you get later, for sniping there is a lot of perks that increase damage the farther you are away or are unnoticed(theres one that pretty much guarantees a one hit kill on alot of enemies so long as you havent been noticed yet) the melee guy is going to have a hard time till he gets the perks for reducing melee damage taken and increasing his own stats when enemies are close to him as well as increasing his attack speed.
Zoom zoom.
So I should instead buy nothing? What the fuck am I suppose to play user if Im not allowed to consume any products.
> go on vacation with wife
> room has two beds
You can buy products, but you should ask questions and research your purchases first. If you deem the product worthy of a purchase then it's okay. Anything else is actual zoom zoom
This game seems impossible to solo
that's what I'm realizing, seems pretty impossibile at times
You're just low level
What part are you at? I'm playing solo too but not too far in.
How do I get higher level if I can't complete the story quests because I get overwhelmed with adds that never stop spawning.
boring shit
Everyone keeps saying souls but to be honest this game is like some weird stargate game.
re-roll campaign
join another campaign
fuck off shill
I finished it solo. You might be having an issue with scaling, if you upgrade something upgrade everything to the same level, dont just upgrade your gun to 10 and everything is is at one, the enemies are all scaled to the level 10 weapon and affected by your character level.
>reroll campaign
Wait what, what does this do?
Scaling might be fucking you, the game scales the enemies based on your highest level item so if your gun is +5 and your armor is +2 the enemies will be +6. Level up your gear evenly and it'll be easier
Reset campaign with a new seed but keeps your character
It plays like Resident Evil with coop and different maps. After approaching it with this mindset I am now enjoying it.
How to fix this game
>Pre determined enemy patrol areas, no more waves and hoards
>More ammo drops, running out of ammo during boss fights and progressing is just boring and tedious.
>More drops from chests and enemies, gear and weapons are so rare it's not even funny
There, it's now a 8/10 Soulslike
>pirating multiplayer games
>apply multiplayer fix
>play with friends through steam
what now anime poster?
enjoy your bitcoin miner ;^)
Jim made a video about it. It tried to be DAS and failed, hard.
you need to be real pclet to not spot bitcoin miner on your pc
>links to fatfuck
jesus kys
>>Pre determined enemy patrol areas, no more waves and hoards
But it already does the former, and the latter are predetermined as well. The only thing that's still randomized are what special enemy is rolled to spawn
>It tried to be DAS and failed, hard.
Not it didn't.
you absolute mongoloid. He's one of the only good vidya commenters left.
and still,the hoodlum version is infected with a bitcoin minder.
not it's not
t. autistic /g/ user
unironically end your suffering
This fat cuck played the tutorial levels and that’s it, please kill yourself for even suggesting that this disgusting fat shit’s opinion matters on anything.
fat man bad!
zoomer detected.
the repack has one.
you are a special retard
no, it's not
also >downloading repacks
>Western souls ripoff with guns
Nah, I'll pass
Oddly enough the first upload didn't had a miner but they had to ''FIX'' the installer in the repack ;^)
>tfw managed to beat the entire game solo
Learn to manage multiple enemies and don't lose focus under the pressure
Moreover, Git Gud
i actually have a friend to play with, but even if i didn't, the point of a "hard game" isn't to make it easier by playing coop imo
>I am terrible at game therefore game is terrible the review
>eceleb good! If THEY say it its gospel!
whos the zoomer?
From a distance reminds me of battleborn
Even the way you speak is parroted you fucking embarrassment. Why are you basing your entire opinion on what some disgusting fatass says, anyway?
The fact that its compared to Dark Souls is kindof whats fucking it over, its more like Resident Evil 5 where you are progressing through levels with minor exploration and coop while surmounting different obstacles, complete with coop.
When you compare something to Dark Souls its like comparing something to Citizen Kane, you are setting your movie up against something with certain expectations it will never meet.
>played for "hours"
>shows nothing past the first world
>most likely playing with people that are much further in game, game bases difficulty off highest item level of the group
You should honestly feel ashamed for posting this link from this hack cunt.
Ive put a strike for you on my chalkboard, you really pwned me good
XDDD merely pretending lol ur a troll3r
The only issue I've found with this game is almost every boss is just pure add spam, the only 2 that felt like proper fights with their own mechanics and difficulty are the wolf and butterfly. I kind of wish they would of gone with the non-random generated map as it kind of makes the world feel less fleshed out and the ending is a complete let down.
Sad that you are indicative of the average gamer these days so anything unique and different will be largely ignored if some brainlet personality makes an opinion for you since you zoomer queers are incapable of producing your own thoughts and opinions.
The fact that his holding it up to the same standards as a from software product is just insane. He also played the game purely in co-op which scales to the who ever has the highest ilevel. I will admit boss fights are mostly disappointing.
Yeah, its got its flaws and certain portions feel rushed. Still a solid 8.5 , feels like with some polish this game could have been amazing but I'm pretty happy with it for forty bucks.
The campaign isnt finished, they are going to be adding more. As someone else said, what actually matters with that is if it will be free or not, if its not free this game was fucking trash and incomplete.
im having a great time together with 2 friends. Though i can imagine losers on Yea Forums without friends dont find it that fun solo
To be fair he never got past the first world and was playing with people higher level than him, and due to the way the game scales it fucked him over. He had a bad first experience with the game but that doesn't make it a bad game, there's a reason why the video has so many dislikes.
Well from the data that has been leaked/mined there is at least 1 new boss in the works and a extra kill option for the unclean one. I just hope they take the criticism and rework most if not all the bosses.
If that's true I hope it's free content, but if it's paid that would be a spit in the face. If they drop mini-dlc/expansions adding new worlds/zones for like $5 a pop with around 8bosses/encounters each I'd be down for buying them if they first add something more to make the game feel whole.
The final boss in particular, holy goddamn whoever though of that needs a lobotomy. All they need to do with that is make it so you can hit it whenever, not just after exiting that dark realm.
>making players stand around while epic music plays, because they cant hit the boss, and the boss only has 1 fucking attack that you can walk out of range of
Jesus fucking christ. The other bosses are mostly fine though.
I just read an interview and there's definitely more content planned. Good deal.
It's even worse in multiplayer the other players are stuck outside waiting just dodging his attack and at some point dealing with adds. Phase 1 (Dreamer) is fine and actually a fun fight phase 2 is just a bore.
I just want the bosses to stand on there own without the need for adds to make them a challenge, new move sets and boss "mutators/traits" would help. Having Gorefist throw his sword similar to the unclean, Shroud multiply him self with decoys, Sting flying around doing whirlwinds of fire. There are so many possibilities that could work the fact they went with the add spam because "players need ammo" is just completely asinine.
I just beat the final boss
The Root are literally the Metarex from Sonic X season 3
Does that content include anti-cheat and corrupted save fixes?
I can agree with that, Im just hoping this new stuff comes sooner rather than later and they perhaps add bosses that dont have ads in them. As well as dedicated melee weapons with a block function
>equip in primary weapon slot
>when "aiming" you block, or do a different kind of attack depending on the weapon
I want some build variety more than anything else, the game is fun to play but I need more options, there is a distinct lack of them
It's a neat game, definitely needs some work and possible sequel and or expansions could really iron out the rough edges. It's a 7.5/10, the game 100 percent needs to be played co-op though or else everything in the game is far too easy to kill
Summarizes it really well.
Second best game I've played this year, though. First goes to Project Winter.
This constant shilling makes me pirate the game twice!
How grindy is it? Like say I'm using 1 weapon and put all my upgrade resources into it, but then decide I don't want to use the gun and switch to another. Will it take forever to upgrade it?
You just stole 80 dollars
nah homie, it's really easy to get drops and shit in this game, only the last few upgrades generally require harder to get shit.
>oh hey, its another Lords Of Th...., i mean Ni.. no, was it Ashe... ? Necropolis ? The Surge ?
its just another "souls inspired game"
You're going to get 100+ of each upgrade material without really trying save for the crystals that upgrade boss weapons.
I sleep
Feels like a budget title, still a decent game though. If they get another crack at this game in the form of a sequel I hope the budget feel can be stomped out and they can add more weapons/mods and more interesting areas and bosses. Probably not worth buying at full price, I pirated it so whatever, but 25% off or more is probably a much fairer price for the game.
Almost no grind, and I finished it solo. You know all those games that people say
>looter shooter
This is what that kind of game is like without the grind for loot, its great in principle, but it really does mean there isnt much content and you get everything with relative ease so long as you just play, you arent repeating anything and you arent trying to get that perfect weapon so you can actually progress and do certain gated content, you progress naturally, much to its detriment because at the moment there isnt much content.
Approach it like Resident Evil with randomly generated maps, not a looter shooter with grinding and gear dependence.
Ghostbusters reboot of Souls-like games.
It means anyone with a brain can start noticing patterns in level structure and it gets boring and tiresome real fast.
It's $40. It is a budget title.
>even his own fan base is shitting on him and calling him out for barely playing the game even though he said he played it for hours
not too far into the game and all i can say is that it's a decent game but i can't help feeling i'm playing poor man dark soul. every aspect is inferior to ds, enemy design is not tailored for ranged combat, they have too few moves and they are too slow but you don't really need to commit to animations making evasion extremely easy and the devs try to hide this drowning you in common enemies. the level scaling doesn't feel as good as fixed level and level design feel bland probably because of the contemporary setting. I feel like if this was an action horror like RE4 it could have been much better instead of the ds + random generation that get slapped on so many indies without understanfing what make ds good