It was 5 years between RDR2 and GTA V, in those 5 years Rockstar released NOT A SINGLE new game
>b-b-but RDR2 is their biggest game ye-
WRONG. GTA V was much more ambitious than RDR2 and had many more features.
>b-b-but it was also 5 years between GTA IV and GTA V
YES but during those 5 years, 2008-13, Rockstar released a new game EVERY YEAR while simultaneously working on their most ambitious project to date, GTA V and may I remind you that Rockstar without a doubt recycled at least some code from GTA V in RDR2, so we end waiting 5 years, with no other releases for a game thats less impressive than their previous release

>The game itself
RDR2(2018) was WORSE than RDR(2010). It featured less guns. RDR had 4 revolvers, RDR2 only had 3. ONLY 3 FUCKING REVOLVERS FOR A WESTERN GAME IN 2018, ITS PREDECESSOR RELEASED 8 YEARS EARLIER HAD MORE and the same goes with Repeaters, Pistols and Rifles, there were more in RDR. There was only 1 more shotgun in RDR2 but overall less guns.
>B-b-but theres more things to do in RDR2
WRONG, RDR(2010) had infinite bounties, more gang hideouts and the ability to rob Banks, RDR2 (a game centred outlaws and crime not bounty hunting like the 1st) DOESNT EVEN ALLOW YOU TO ROB BANKS IN THE FREE ROAM
RDR also allowed you to buy houses meanwhile in the sequel theres nothing to spend your money on.

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>B-b-but the story makes up fo-
WRONG. AGAIN. The story and characters motivations make no sense half the time and clash with gameplay (Dutch says we need more money when i donated $20,000 already). The characters aren't as memorable or whacky as RDR, theres nobody as interesting as Seth or Landon Rickets or Sheriff Johnson or West Dickens in RDR2, only melodramatic, mary sue, SJW tier shit like Sadie and Charles. The story doesn't have the feeling of urgency and tension that the original had (Johns family was kidnapped and threatened meanwhile Arthur is fucking around in a swamp talking about womens voting rights), the game also forces shitty politics into it.
Aside from the Bank Robbery in Valentine YOU DONT ACHIEVE ANYTHING IN THE GAME. Everything goes wrong which was part of the story but it still left me feeling unsatisfied and unfulfilled with Arthurs constant failures.

From the moment you reach the open world in RDR2 you can get all the revolvers, 2/3 repeaters, 2/3 pistols, 2/4 shotguns THIS IS WITHOUT DOING A SINGLE MISSION. You also have all areas unlocked sans the RDR1 map but theres nothing there anyway. This means there is nothing meaningful to unlock in RDR2 and therefore no motivation to keep playing. Even the different parts of the map all feel so samey whereas RDR1 had New Austin(US desert), Neuvo Paraiso(Mexican desert) and West Elizabeth(snowy forest place) which all felt while somewhat different while all the environments in RDR2 blend together, this is compounded by the fact theyre all unlocked from the start.

In summary, RDR2 was a disappointment and it wasn't worth the 5 year wait.

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god somebody please reply i spent 20 minutes typing all of this please god AAAAAAAAAAAAAA

pity bump

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Tl dr; no.

>Dutch says we need more money when i donated $20,000 already)
imagine being this much of a fucking brainlet that you fundamentally misunderstand Dutch to this degree

>The characters aren't as memorable or whacky as RDR, theres nobody as interesting as Seth or Landon Rickets or Sheriff Johnson or West Dickens in RDR2
The amount of genuinely interesting characters in RDR1 can be counted on one hand. I didn't need le epic whacky so randumb xDDDD rockstar characters in this game.

>SJW tier shit like Sadie and Charles
Have sex

This Red Dead 1 was the superior game

RDR2 was shit no arguing with you OP. Got to second camp and never put the game in again, fucking so tedious.

Okay I'm just trying to loot all the bodies I just killed.

They made enough money, and no longer have to try as hard. Why is this concept hard to understand for NEETs?

the only legit issues with red dead 2 was:
>not enough trappers
>the north end of the map is completely devoid of settlements and anything interesting outside of hunting
>horse riding is retard, you lose speed the moment you stop mashing X
>fishing is retarded and overly complicated

In a western setting why the fuck would people be living in a freezing mountain environment?

Bad game sure, but you can't ignore the technical achievements this game has pushed.
>But muh attention to detail

The thousands of systems in place to make this game run on consoles is nothing short of a miracle

There's tons of hidden stuff in the northern areas of the map. Look harder. Also fishing was complicated enough for it to be fun and worth learning.
There are plenty of trappers in singleplayer, you may not have found them all.

You are right, Yea Forums just has a lot of weird RDR2 fanboys that act like the game is the greatest thing ever made. Pretty much anyone else can see how much of a disappointment it actually was and how its basically rockstar's least fun game to date.

Nope, quite the opposite actually

>horse riding is retard, you lose speed the moment you stop mashing X
this made me lose my mind. in RDR1, you tapped X like once every four gallops so there was like a rhythm to it. Here in 2 its like you have to just mash and mash. I dont know why they made it so much worse.

>only a handful of people on Yea Forums like RDR2
what is it like to be so delusional?

lmao stick to fortnite

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The game does suck, yes. You didn't need to write a novel about it.

Sounds like you lost most of your mind before birth

Imagine actually having this opinion. RDR2 is without a doubt the superior of the two games. It does damn near everything better than the first. Also more doesnt mean better. The actual shooting in 2 is way better than 1. Each gun feels unique. Also infinite bounties are shit. I bet you loved FO4 and skyrims radiant quests right?

you can tell because its always the same retards that spam "lmao stick to fortnite" and always use the same words like "zoomer" and "zoom zoom"

RDR2 felt like an apology for gatv sp

I'm sorry you think that way. GOTG for me.

if you enjoy mashing X as opposed to rhythmically timing it every few gallops, then you are just a retard with shit taste

Thats literally not how it works...

>if you enjoy mashing X as opposed to rhythmically timing it every few gallops, then you are just a retard with shit taste

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It's the game of the decade, all video games since will be compared to this masterpiece

in RDR1, you tap X about once every four gallops to maintain speed
in RDR2, if you dont tap at least twice per second, you will not be able to maintain speed

Yes, this is literally how it works

the worse input delay of 2 alone makes it feel worse to play.

In RDR1 you still need to tap evry 1-1.5 seconds. It's not as generous as you remember.

Then play in FPS bitch, there's no excuse.

>the character feeling like he has weight instead of being floaty is shit
Why exactly?

Its the fucking same as RDR1

Because that's not how fortnite does it

RDR2 is just a bad game in general.
>meh combat
>meh story
>no desire to pursue any new missions or gather collectibles, since you already know how everything will end
>no challenge at all
>terrible online

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Nah, the way they ramp the difficulty up is kino. And it's one of the most interesting stories to play through given how everything always changes

>le input delay meme

The input delay is insignificant. Unless you literally stand still and flick the stick left and right like that cherry picked webm. This is so your character behaves realistically instead of spazzing around when you wiggle the stick. If you're actually moving the input delay is unnoticeable.

>The characters aren't as memorable or whacky as RDR
this is the only thing you got wrong, as Rockstar's low IQ whackiness is really one of the worst things about RDR2. Pretty much every single side character or quest has some retarded cartoon network tier zaniness to it
>muh dinosaur lady!
>muh crazy cult!
fuck that shit

>This means there is nothing meaningful to unlock in RDR2 and therefore no motivation to keep playing
I agree with most of everything you've said except for this. Unlocks are the only reason to play games? That is the fucking cancer killing games nowadays. Play games because they're fun, not because they trigger some dopamine release when you complete a task and get a reward. You literal retard.

Can't wait for this to come to pc so we can stop pretending it's shit

It's a shit movie game. Everyone here agrees with you.



hey boi nice post ;)

Its more empty than Skyrim, not sure what all the hype is around it.
>muh horse dick detail

This RDR1 was so much better.

RDR2 was really disappointing it is a casual movie game. I also never bothered with the online shit. Apparently, it is crap anyway

It was a good game, but its not good enough for me to replay it.
Same with TLOU, it's good but I dont feel like playing it again.