Why is development of the PC version moving at such a snail's pace?

Why is development of the PC version moving at such a snail's pace?

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bugs out the wazoo
shit ctd's more than a poorly modded skyrim

I saw that firefight gameplay and it does look rough still. I'm just wondering why its not further along considering 343's size

Who was the fucking faggot that said you can play Master Chief Collection with the xbox pass on PC? You lie to me Yea Forums fucking Microshit shills.

Incompetence on 343's part and on microsoft for announcing it before they even started working on it.

They are porting it to both Xbone and the PC at the same time as well as laying the ground work for the other 5 games to be poted over to PC and this is on top of working on Infinite and the one guy that spends all his time making balance patches for HW2 instead of working on the other games

>microsoft for announcing it before they even started working on it.
They definately announced it too early, but I doubt they weren't working on it beforehand.

Because it was already a miracle that the game could run on the 360.
They have to undo the shit Bungo made so the game can run decently on PC.

>microsoft studios in charge of doing anything competently

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>source for that joke??

Fuck bros i dont want the hype to die before it comes out

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r u a girl?

but they did announce it before they started working on it

I do. Hopefully by the time 2 and 3 comes out all the plebs will have lost interest and it'll be a small comfy community

>bungie's original halo games were so god-like they can't even be replicated nearly a decade later

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because they went
>we will now port reach to PC!
and expected it to just happen. If they'd waited a bit and gotten a better understanding of what they were dealing with they would have held off on the announcement. It also doesn't help that they're insisting on launching it with a total rework of the MCC's foundation.

Firefight flight invites sending out in one hour and 10 minute's, check reddit if you don't believe me

It took them literally 4 years to patch MCC to a playable state on Xbone, nothing about this is surprising.

MMC on Xbox is a hot garbage fire that took forever to fix and still needs fixing, so could you imagine the massive undertaking to porting to PC when no one at 343 has any PC port experience considering previous releases are console

Just get the Russians in

>when no one at 343 has any PC port experience
Not like anyone who works for 343i is actually developing this port.

>they said they aimed to have the whole collection out by the end of 2019
>it's September in a week and Reach isn't even out of beta yet

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Basically this, on top of the fact that 343 is probably paranoid about making a good PC port.

inb4 1, 2 and 3 take this long despite mostly all being on PC already

did that map they started remaking ever get finished?

Well they announced it and then like 4 months later we found out they got a single level done. Since then I hear they've gotten multiple levels done, so just piece 2 and 2 together.