I regret pre-ordering this

I regret pre-ordering this

Attached: cyberpunk2077.jpg (1280x720, 144K)

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It's ok, user. At least you realised it before you played it. The letdown wouldve been real if you hadn't.

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>ever pre ordering
>ever buying games

Get a refund?

then cancel it. who the fuck buys anything before it's even released

>pre ordering
>especially pre ordering in the age of digital distribution

Why? Let me guess:

>This game, set in a world where body modification is commonplace, has transsexuals. Depiction equals endorsement.

Depiction doesn't equal endorsement.

Guess Outer Worlds isn’t an SJW game, it is a dystopia with niggers and butchdykes.

>pre-ordering anything
What's the point?

It makes sense if you have bad internet, but still want to play the game on launch with preloading.

maybe if you pre order it a week or so in advanced when reviews and a lot of gameplay of the final product is out. But the game is still 8 months out


You should regret being born if you ever preordered anything

Why are you so scary of the big bad nigger?
Go back watching blade runner faggot l

>Pre ordering a game one year before release


>Guess Outer Worlds isn’t an SJW game, it is a dystopia with niggers and butchdykes.

I have a feeling you don't actually know what "depiction" and "endorsement" mean. If you do maybe you should read interviews as well as Yea Forums threads. The explanation for the infamous transsexual advert was that Night City is socially-progressive - as you'd expect of a Libertarian city. That doesn't mean the developers are promoting progressive values.

If you don't understand this I don't really know what to say. Presumably you think Rockstar promote being a murderous criminal.

GC: Traditional sci-fi tends to be strangely sexless and yet we see in the real world that that’s the first thing people think of when new technology emerges. But CDPR keep get themselves in trouble with the portrayal of gender and trans issues. Have you changed your approach to how you deal with those sorts of things in the last year or so?
MJ: You know, we really want to make a video game that’s really inclusive.
GC: I’ve spoken to a number of your devs now and it’s obvious to me they’re trying to do the right thing, but it’s such a difficult subject.
MJ: Of course, if you tackle certain subjects then you will expect people to have an opinion about it and we respect that. And it’s good that people give us feedback. And our character creation menu, for instance, compared to the last demo we now give you so many more options. For instance, you don’t choose your gender anymore. You don’t choose, I want to be a female or male character you now choose a body type. Because we want you to feel free to create any character you want. So you choose your body type and we have two voices, one that’s male sounding, one is female sounding. You can mix and match. You can just connect them any way you want. And then we have a lot of extra skin tones and tattoos and hairstyles. So we really want to give people the freedom to make their own character and play the way they want to play.
GC: Have you specifically sought out a wider range of people to consult on the game, since all these controversies started flaring up?
MJ: Our team is very international and very diverse but we have asked for a lot of feedback. We always ask for feedback and even when we show these demos, we still ask people to tell us what they think. We just wanna know what we can improve on because we want to make a really good game and we really wanna make a game that everybody is comfortable playing. But at the same time we’ll tackle difficult issues. It is a cyberpunk world after all.H

4U metro.co.uk/2019/08/23/cyberpunk-2077-gamescom-2019-interview-paint-picture-let-player-interpret-10618408/

I dont regret preordering it

>giving a 0% interest loan to a corporation

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kinda this. if you're so impatient that you have to play something the second it launches. at least wait for some sort of reviews or something.
yea yea reviews are bought and they're faggots but i think it's still better than blindly throwing money on something months before it's even coming out.
but then again not my problem what people do.

You sound like a bitch.
A salty whiny bitch.

i want to fuck fem v so fucking much

Attached: 1535392583616.png (1920x1080, 1.53M)

Seething, coping, CDPRshill

>pre ordering
I thought we were already past this?