Moon on one of the dungeon mobs for the mage to poly it

>moon on one of the dungeon mobs for the mage to poly it
>retail hunter presses multishot and breaks poly
>mob runs off and kills healer before mage can repoly
>Xlegolasx: wtf shit tank vote kick this retard
>group dispands after one wipe

Attached: wl7ijqq8l6931.jpg (750x731, 60K)

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Now THATS what I call Homeā„¢

>asdgenrayhdfahda /w you

Attached: hqdefault1.jpg (480x360, 19K)

>go to Nesingwary camp
>see corpse pile

Attached: giphy.gif (640x360, 241K)

>vote kick
>healer dying before repoly

at least you tried shitposting, retard

>non-priest or non-pala healers
Do you even fade/bubble bro?

oh.... I'm sorry... you're going to be a little disappointed

>vote kick
It's the retail hunter saying this you tard

healer dying before repoly
This can happen with lower level priests that aren't paying attention in high damage dungeons

can't wait for my first dungeon group wipe and rage quit.

This is what feeds and sustains me.

Attached: 1281032359736.jpg (242x320, 48K)

>be chad hunter
>group threatens to kick me to invite someone else
>I send my pet, pull the entire instance, dismiss pet so it doesn't die, then feign death
>spam smiley faces to the tank and healer who angrily /w me with passive aggressive remarks

>first time in bfd
>get to the end
>notice you can click the candles
>i click all 4 while waiting for others to get ready

Attached: tenor.gif (480x326, 798K)

>be chad tank
>hunter not pulling his weight and mage friend just came online
>immediately kick hunter without saying a word
>he tries to pull packs with his pet before being tp out
>just walk out of the instance and walk back in
>he starts whispering me saying "kys scum fuck you"
>laughing as I need the blue bow drop just so I can use it for pulling

>having hunters in your dungeon group

Attached: 1561136786649.jpg (538x399, 26K)

>yfw you die tanking and my crab pet tanks the boss with ease and I carry the group and graciously wait for everyone to ress before needing on the loot and then the tank has to conspire with the healer to kick me out of jealousy

Attached: sad.png (300x300, 39K)

>Tank/leader DC's
>Xlegolasx is now the group leader
>You have been removed from the group
*45 min later*
>[5. World] [Xlegolasx] LFM 3M Strat undead

Attached: C-PAr6FUwAACQnv.jpg (1024x678, 81K)

I hope this shit isn't actually in the game

Why wouldn't it be? It was a good way to mark shit for priest shackle, mage poly, druid sleep, etc.

Attached: dims.jpg (580x290, 33K)

>a pile of corpses is hate speech
So when I'm on a graveyard, I'm actually attending a KKK rally?

Wasn't in Vanilla. Or at least I don't remember ever using them in it.

>Patch 1.11.
Guess I'm wrong. Still it was only a part of late Vanilla. I need the patch without BGs but with the working honor system.

I remember pretty clearly using these all the time to mark CCs and kill orders. Even if they didn't include it, it would be trivially easy to replicate using an addon.

Also these are the universally accepted dungeon marks, if you use different marks than these you will be shunned by your entire server
Skull= Kill first
X/Cross= Kill next
Moon= Sheep
Triangle= Sap
Square= Freezing Trap
Star= Shackle
Diamond= Banish
Only faggots ever marked anything with circle.

>>mob runs off and kills healer before mage can repoly
that's a bad mage

Based, shit tanks that can't handle 3 mobs shouldn't be tanking.

Attached: f76dde5ad8fd68a146a72c984b078bdf.jpg (750x574, 61K)

why would i, the tank, sit there and let my healer die to a stray mob? i intercept, taunt, and concussion blow the target to give the mage time to resheep, and if he fails to do so i'll just tank it

One reason why I'm rolling alliance. Deadlines can get so fucked easily


Of course, KKK robes are actually spooky ghost disguises

>classictard is also shit at the game

well yeah tank is shit because he didnt pull mobs away from the sheep

This is a valid point. The hunter also could move to a better angle so his multi shot wont target the sheeped mob.

>Only faggots ever marked anything with nipple.

Circle was a second whatever CC, for when you had more than one of the same class in the group. In my case it was usually second poly, since I was mage main.

>concussion blow
Are you sure you're thinking of the same game user?

why didn't the hunter use his pet to taunt the mob killing the healer?

Yeah moon is sap, and then circle is sheep. Usually comes after sap cause rogue sometimes breaks stealth

>two mages in group