Going to be a underpowered PC again

>Going to be a underpowered PC again
>Even LESS exclusives and talking about sharing some with PC
>Paid Online

Who in the legit fuck would even want a PS5 at this point

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I'm getting one for BB/BB2 and new fighting games :^)

you forgot

Keep seething, Xtranny.

I can't understand how so many people found the ps4 good, those same lemmings will buy ps5 day one and still try and justify their purchase 7 years later even when it's objectively shit

>new fighting games
>willingly buying trannyface fighting games in 2019


If you want to play uncensored, Japanese games, get a Nintendo.
If you want to play Murrikkkan "games", get an Xbox.

Sony literally has no place left in the market.
They are fucked.

It's just going to be a western cinematic game sequel machine at this point.

Are you okay?

>*Dominates market*
>"They have no place in the market."
>"t. idiot."

What's that even supposed to be? Everyone posts the picture but not the description.

O b s e s s e d

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Is your wallet okay when you pay $90 + $60 online fee to play the new Tranny Kombat with the BLACKED dlc?


It better have a compelling launch title and first year. Remember the first two years of no games on the ps4.

Yeah man, I own my house and make good money. Also, MK is kusoge.

>>Going to be a underpowered PC again

It's a console. It cannot suspend the laws of physics. Either it's an underpowered PC or it will cost as much as an actual PC. They're not gonna go the $599 route again.
They will deliver 4k@20FPS, which is sensible, as console players won't know the difference anyway.

Me. I'm going to get it a little bit later I have a backlog of PS 1 2 3 and 4 games that I will enjoy for a while so I'm taking my time

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>Highest grossing console in the entire generation

>SoNy LiTcHeRaLlY hAs No PlAcE lEfT iN tHe MaRkEt

And PS3.

that's the devkit

It only has to be half as powerful since consoles perform at twice the parity (according to Carmack). A 400$ ps5 will run about on par with an 800$ PC.

Enjoy your watered down Tranny simulators while the majority of gamers watch Smash at evo and play that as their only fighting game.

Exclusives are cancer anyway. You should choose your console on what service the offer.

Huge Sony fan here, buy it's time for pc

>Only high end console with an exclusive that's worth a damn
>somehow it's a major accomplishment when it's the only console people actually buy
Kill yourself zoomer

Oh, a stinknigger, eh? Nintendites have the highest frequency of becoming trans user. And I only play for fun. You should invest in some soap.

>perform at twice the parity
Traditionally, by heavily restricting FOV, draw distance and object count or via upscaling. Things the average console player won't notice.
Case in point: the Killzone series

Big surprise, this thread is swarming with sick in the head, hateful, pure evil microsoft sacks of fanboy waste spreading LIES and HATE. You are deranged, mentally ill, and full of horrifying evil and hatred because they are angry Sony has made multiple 90+ metacritic games

You can clearly see how microsoft fanboys lie and distort the truth to reinforce their delusions and fanboy hate. Or they're just dumb and ignorant after so many 60 rated metacritic games.

You Microsoft fanboys constantly LIE and make things up to fuel your mentally ill hatred of classic games like Bloodborne, God Of War, Horizon Zero Dawn and Days Gone. Sad.

You are sick in the head and need help.

Another typical dumb, delusional, malicious, constantly wrong microsoft fanboy that has no clue about technology or sales or good games, just feces flinging and screaming like an imbecile after State Of Decay 2 was a broken mess and Sea Of Thieves had no content

Another deranged, malicious, delusional, worthless, constantly wrong microsoft fanboy having a meltdown because his favorite plastic toy is overpriced, underpowered, not favored by developers and has no games.

Demented, delusional, constantly WRONG, dumb, hypocritical, worthless, conspiracy theorist, dumb as rocks Microsoft fanboy is angry that PS4 is significantly more powerful, has more developer support, and outselling Xbox almost 2:1 globally. Keep crying and having meltdowns over the facts

Friendly reminder to Microsoft fanboys that you pioneered cancer on all platforms and you earned all the hate you get.

These crazy, delusional, constantly wrong, worthless, malicious Microsoft fanboys are a pestilence. There’s never been a group of more vile, stupid, insane fanboys in the history of console gaming.

Microsoft fanboys will continually make disgusting lies like the evil, worthless, malicious pestilence they are the minute the PS5 is announced

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That, and not having OS and launcher bloat

>Highest grossing console in the entire generation
I mean you got hordes of retards to buy fifa and madden 3 or 4 times over, I wasn't impressed when the 360 did it, and I'm not impressed now

gimme sauce for your shit, user.

Seethe and enjoy your dead genre, Sony nigger. Amazing how Nintendo can release a console that people buy solely to play the most bought fighting game of all time. Meanwhile you're unironically buying a PS5 for these stinker tranny fighters that nobody gives a shit about instead of actual PS4 exclusives.

I was a sonyfag for a long time, after the ps4 I decided it was time to take the pc pill and I haven't looked back. If the ps4 was any indicator then ps5 will be a complete shitshow, especially if they throw their exclusives on pc anyway

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the vents are like that so the retarded developers arent able to put stuff on top of it and make the cpu and gpu throttle because of heat

I still can't get over the fact Bloodborne was the only worthwhile exclusive this entire gen. I enjoyed Horizon a lot but not enough I'd buy a PS4 for it. Killer Instinct was great but it's on PC now. I get why they abandoned custom hardware, but it's resulted in consoles just being worse PCs since there's no excuse to make exclusives anymore when ports are so easy and cheap.

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As long as they keep trying to jew me for using my own fucking internet I already paid for to play their p2p online games, I'm not interested.

Xbone has ads everywhere and I never notice any "bloat" when launching from Steam or Playnite. Cope harder.

that was 6 years ago before sony moved to california, before they changed their policies that sent all the japanese devs to switch, and before they released shit like the Order 1877.

It didn't help that XBox One started out worse with that Always online stuff they immediately backpeddled from.

The fifa crowd will probably still get it, but the Playstation 5 will be a hard sale for anyone else.

Hate Sony but desu I don't see a problem with this. The only thing that could go wrong is it being even more of a roach magnet than the PS4. Still, a portable midrange PC would be nice. It would be way easier to pack and take this while away from home.

>The fifa crowd will probably still get it
I dunno. If Stadia catches on even a little it's over imo. I have friends who will glady just play Madden and CoD on their TVs over buying a $450 box and paying $60 a year to play online. EU has good internet overall so the Fifa crowd is a lost cause if that happens.

Joe Sixpack looking for the next shooter or sportsball system in his entertainment center.

>buy 1 ps5
>play latest games without worries for 8 years

Sounds like a great deal.

>He's smelly.
>He's a tranny.
>He's seething.
>He's dialating
>He can't get laid.
>He rents.
You got bullied at stinky time by a fightan Chad again, didn't you? You are absolutely furious that people enjoy different games. Please, just shower and get some gash and stop taking androgel so you can lighten up. Maybe then you won't be so insecure that you worry about what people play or watch at Evo and stop bringing it up all the time.

That is this year actually.

I legit like that design it's so bad it's good.

>paid online
this is perfect, the amount of russian trolls on pc/steam platform is unreal.

Calm the weebspeak, Autismus

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And you think $50 a year or $20 every three months is enough of a gatekeeper to keep these trolls out?

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>Who in the legit fuck would even want a PS5 at this point
The people who are too stupid to handle a device that isn't locked up at the factory for their own protection.

yes, absolutely. russians barely have enough to afford their daily liter of vodka

1. Just like all consoles

2. Sony has been blatantly censoring since ps2. Big deal.

3. Yup, no reason to actually invest in ps hardware, this is play anywhere in molasses, once a toe is dipped it rarely stops. Soon all Sony games will land defenitive and best on pc

4. With Sony interested in porting, paid online is even more pathetic, console users are going to be getting even less value.

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yes, why pay 50$ when you can create familyaccounts on steam for free.

>Who in the legit fuck would even want a PS5 at this point
Me if its backwards compatible with more than just ps4. If not ill probably switch back to xbox.

Lurk more, newfriend.

>underpowered PC
You don't need power to play pc games, since they're all indie shit

Its about damn time they release the Infinium Labs Phantom.

Seethe and go back to discord, Xtranny

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>two 3 month gold cards
>same price as a 12 month card
women are so fucking DUMB

>entire PS4 library in one .webm

>a 44 sec webm with half of it dedicated to wwf memes
Truly this is the power of the ps4

God the Ratchet remake makes me miserable. Every time someone posts it with the implication that it is not a godawful piece of shit I get mad.

back to incel

I've been looking to decouple from PC since I have no interest in Windows 10. If they drop the censorship I'll but it, if they don't I won't. I'm at the age now where I don't need every shiny new thing.

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I've always said that the PS4's only direct competition is the Xbox. The Nintendo, and the PC, are for a different league of consumers. PC gamers never go back to PS/Xbox. But PS/Xbox people occasionally make the hop to PC's. They're not simply changing platform, though, they're jumping into an entirely different league where you can convert movies, manipulate images, shitpost at maximum efficiency, type papers, read spreadsheets, manage your e-mail/calender/social media, sync your mobile devices, etc etc etc. PC is nothing like a PS/Xbox. That in mind, it's really not a big deal if Sony shovels their exclusives to PC. 95% of their hardware sales are brand-loyalty (like Steam), and have nothing to do with exclusives.

>XBox One started out worse with that Always online stuff they immediately backpeddled from.
They were just too soon. PC gamers have pretty much adapted to this. Most of our games don't REQUIRE always-online but they heavily benefit from it (both software and content updates), and we are always-online anyway. It's just scary words that have a stigma which is slowly fading.
>"W-what if my internet goes out?
>"W-what if I'm on vacation in the woods?"
>"Muh rural dial-up."
It just doesn't hold any weight since these problems don't really effect anyone except a tiny portion of the consumer base.

It scares the shit out of pirates, though. Hitman 2 is a great example. All the challenge unlocks, which make up 350+ hours of gameplay, require internet access. The 'cracked' version just unlocks everything at the start of the game as a workaround, which pretty much ruins the fucking game. You're better off downloading the free levels/demo where you can have challenges to work for. Otherwise, it's like playing an RPG with no boss.

what brain damaged redditor made that vid?

This isn't microsoft. Keep coping.

>the game market is shit
>so make the ps5 into a toilet seat

what murican games are there even on xbox, fucking dawn of pirates or whatever? cuz they stopped supporting KI years ago

>another generation of Yea Forums seething at PlayStation existing
Cant wait brother

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The Playstation ill continue to be the most popular simply because it has the most exclusives, the most hyped games and the biggest variety. I want to like the Xbox but I'll probably never choose it over a PS simply because I like genres that are simply non-existent on that system. PS has it all.

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terrible design, fanmade ones look better

>all this premature seethe

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>PS5 isn't even unveiled and we have daily anti-shill threads going
PS5 will break Yea Forums harder than PS4 did

Sold my PS4 Pro and went to the Nintendo camp. Sony is cucked with SJW bullshit and they always do something fucked up with their hardware. I fully expect their beefy ps5 specs are to support VR which nobody else is doing because customers don't want it. Expect a kinect level fiasco during the big reveal.

>initial patent design looks like garbage
Why does this always happen?

It really is fucked. I remember I bought a PS4 just for that piece of shit

A 800 PC can barely run the witcher 3

The runnin argument for consoles is always hilarious to me:

>"Uh well maybe peepoh don't wanna pay so much monee XDD"

It's the difference between paying 500 bux for a system that (MIGHT be) awesome for a year at most, and paying 2K-3K for a rig that can most certainly hold it's own for almost an entire fucking decade+ with a an upgrade here and there. I guess I get it though, most of you faggots are still stuck having to beg mommy and daddy to spend $500 for you and your faggy console because you're too underaged/lazy to simply work a job for a month or two to build a good PC.

Why is it whenever I hear the words "PlayStation" or "Xbox," I immediately think of niggers?

Same people who pay for Netflix. Soulless millennials and zoomies who are devoted to their corporate gods.

Stadia doesn't play multiplayer games.

>I fully expect their beefy ps5 specs are to support VR which nobody else is doing because customers don't want it. Expect a kinect level fiasco during the big reveal.
This is the most irrational thing ever. The only thing it needs to support VR are two ports at the front to connect the headset. The current PSVR external box only does one thing: 3D audio.

>Who in the legit fuck would even want a PS5 at this point
i would if it had backwards compatibility with all previous playstations

Niggers who are too low iq to build a pc. Basically if it weren't for minorities consoles wouldn't exist anymore. They need their latest niggerball 2020 with the updated roster.

/pol/ is never okay

>underpowered pc again
No user, all PCs from the last decade support Bluetooth headsets. PlayStation does not. It's not anywhere close to a PC and will never be, including this new one.

Keep dreaming Sonyfags

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I will. Ps5 slim though

Microsoft is the only company that was selling at loss (X) this gen.

>Bluetooth headsets

This is the most annoying thing about dumbfuck consoles..

You think you are exaggerating, but adjusting for inflation that's pretty much exactly what 2006's 599 USD are in 2019's USD.

Not if you want to watch movies.

nice conjecture

anyone who wanted to play Horizon: ZD3.

like me

I think I'm just done with video games in general. I have my old computer, that's enough video games to last me a lifetime

Because people are still buying movie discs, right?

Microsoft doesn't price their consoles that high, Scarlett will cost between $400-$500, PS5 will cost between $600-$800.


Fortnite makes a shit ton of money
your argument isn't an argument

>Who in the legit fuck would even want a PS5 at this point

This is blatant bullshit. My 600$pc in 2015 could run the witcher at 60fps.

Adults who don't want tower pcs in their homes