I can't wait to replay 15 year old mmo fetch quests with terrible drop rates that make no sense (e.g...

I can't wait to replay 15 year old mmo fetch quests with terrible drop rates that make no sense (e.g. Having to kill 15 bears for one bear liver) and spend hours auto-walking because my character can't ride a horse for no explicable reason until level 40.

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I only played WoW for about a year, but I enjoyed both of those things. If drop rates 100%, it would be simpler to just say "kill x bears". Mount restrictions also forced you to explore the world a bit more, which I enjoyed

Oh no, another crying zoomie thread.

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Yeah, I can't wait either.

well its either that or a dead modern mmo well past its prime thats extremely unrewarding and unpopulated as fuck


Back to fortnite or league, Zoomer.

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Every thread until the trannies learn.

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If I was a zoomer, I would have been 5 years old when the game came out, incel. I'm a boomer ex-wow addict loser just like you.

Fucking BFA casualizing everything and dumbing shit down, can't wait for classes and abilities to have REAL depth again.

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Playing a warrior is the only true path. It's the quintessential CHAD class of the game. The ONLY class that could possibly lay claim to such a title. The role of tank, an occupation rightfully reserved for warriors, requires one to be on the cutting edge of situational awareness, have a complete mastery of your rotation and class, be in peak physical condition, have the charisma and confidence to command his group with an iron but fair fist, and have a heart filled with compassion for other players and take damage in their stead. As the tank, as a WARRIOR, all other players look to your for guidance. One can not lack in a single aspect of the game in order to succeed as a warrior. To level a warrior is a Herculean feat that most cannot accomplish. Only those who have reached max level on their warrior can truly appreciate the endgame and the spoils it lays upon the warrior. A warrior does not have the convenience or easy paths other classes have, he does not need them. For taking the easy path goes against the very essence of playing a warrior. To impose great burden's onto ones self for the sake of others, and the promise of glory.

That is what it means to play a Warrior

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Killing mobs many times because the drop rate is illogical and makes no sense doesn't make the game hard. It takes zero kill to mindlessly kill bears for an hour to get 4 livers. It takes an addictive personality that is stuck in a skinner box loop.
Also not being able to ride a mount until level 40 makes zero sense and kills the atmosphere of the game. You start at level 1 as a fully grown adult. How does it make sense that they've never learned how to ride a horse?


Boomer virgins

Guess what dude? Classic isn't about you and your 1337 pro rotation. Classic is about the raid and what have you brought/ how have you prepared to help the boys. If you want to be a special snowflake carry you can go back to retail. Classic is about squadding the fuck up!

Stick to fortnite zoom zooom

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Relying on 39 other retards sounds like a terrible idea. I'll pass

Fuck yeah me too

Streamlining and casualization can be mutually exclusive depending on content and context

Classic WoW was a shit themepark, but at least the community was fun. Now its going to be even worse with all the tryhard minmaxers who will ignore you for not playing cookie cutter builds.

Yesterday was a great day. Blizzard completely BTFO LFGzooms

and when layering is off in a month or so and the game is still outrageously popular they’ll have no choice but to commit suicide

I cant take the wait anymore, bros. Should I just end it?

Daily reminder respeccing costs 50g and therefore 100g every raid night.
You better hope theres no multi day gaps in your raid schedule or ur stuck in pve spec or have to spend 200g a week
There are no universal specs unless you play a warlock. All other classes have vast disadvantages to PvPing in PvE spec and vice versa
Private servers reduced the cap to 25G and even those hyper autists didnt cry about changes
Most average players will be turned off by the fact that they have to grind out 3 to 4 hours of gold farming a week just to cover respecs

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>It takes zero kill to mindlessly kill bears for an hour to get 4 livers.
Now do it with an Undead Rogue up your ass, zoombaby

>playing on pvp realm
Nobody to blame but yourself.

>being a dual spec faggot

>he doesn't
Maybe you should just look at gear in the model viewer, that seems to be your preferred difficulty

I don't really mind the way the game is laid out, but I don't have enough time to do dungeons very regularly at all so I'll be skipping out on it.

That still doesn't require skill.
MMO has never been hard. Grinding is not difficult, it's tedious and boring, and makes you realise you're wasting hours of your life.

PROTIP: That's all video games when you really sit down and consider it

It's so funny to see all these WoWbabies think vanilla is hard and act like they are some hardcore bad ass. Literally, have sex.

play a real man's game like quake or doom you fucking mmo spergs. stop making wow threads

>n-noooo y-you're a t-tranny! classic is b-better b-than today's MMOS because it just is!

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cant wait to hear the crying nostalgia babies in a couple of months, its gonna be the best

Nope. Most video games have an ending. They finish. MMO's do not. They're eternal skinner boxes.

>mans game
try RTS you stupid beta fag

There's no reason to bother respeccing in phase 1, there's no pvp rewards until phase 2.

what's the deal with grobbulus, bros?

both the old school RTS and FPS are good choices. The times when you had to win your dopamine.

Low pop meme server that /vg/ is rolling on because they're scared of competition.

Uhh, no. Most games have gameplay.
Killing 100 boars by spamming 2 buttons for 5 hours is not gameplay.

its the absolute state of realm. two /vg/ guilds, both have been banned from the server discord already. multiple /wpsg/ mega autists rolling there. rp will never be the same

>Most video games have an ending.
multiplayer ones? not really

There are games with stories and ends. And then there are games where you can do things that others can not. But in an MMO pretty much everything you do can be accomplished by anyone else too because there isn't much of a barrier to any of it.

Reminder that Classic is not Vanilla. Classic is an entirely new game. You will never get to experience true Vanilla for the first time again or ever.

Zoom zoom

But FPS and RTS don't have the same eternal skinner loop like MMO's. You can drop in for a game and drop out without any problem. MMO's need to played constantly or you fall behind.

Can't wait to get ganked while doing it too. And then for it to balloon into a pvp skirmish for an hour afterwards.

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who cares if you fall behind in classic, people will be clearing MC till the end of time

Well in multiplayer games you compete against other people and it isn't a continious thing. Okay in Wow theres arenas too and that was pretty much the only thing I did in the game when I was still playing but it gear seemed to still be the biggest motivator for the players.

boom boom

Go back to retail and roll around in your pile of cosmetic mounts nobody gives a shit about.

Why do wow virgins always reply with stuff like this?

Gonna enjoy dunking your memespec ass in pvp dork

Are rppvp players really that bad?

Even though I like FF14, I am sick of the focus on rotations instead of actual team work like times, interrupts, crowd control,etc things Vanilla WoW did well. I haven't played the latest expansion which apparently has interrupts as a new thing, but I have no clue how it works or if it is good.

>dude WoW Classic
>we're going home bros
>just like how I remember it
>collecting 50 bear asses is full of SOUL
>holy shit you can WALK to the dungeon

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this but unironically



>Even though I like FF14


what about fun, faggot


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>Dude you cant have an addon that parses the chat that's too much automation
>instant gratification much? Yikes.
>What? My auction house bot is totally fair and not too much automation

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>Zoomers will defend this

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auction house scanners don't change how you interact with other players, they only change how you navigate the auction house, an existing core utility in vanilla wow

LFG/LFR is certainly not a core or existing utility in vanilla wow

This isn't a hard concept, my low test friend

Not really, skill is not necessarly tied to the amont of time you spend. Otherwise anybody would be a pro player.

actually it does ruin the social interaction of trading, less people will trade naturally now or COD and more people will use auction house.

actually this is even more sad that people in their 20s-30s are still falling for underaged skinnerbox tactics.

>times, interrupts, crowd control
>Vanilla WoW did well
Vanilla was your first mmo, isn't it?

If your argument is that AH ruins player-player trading, that is a fair argument to make. However, that doesnt have anything to do with AH scanners, which only enhance the existing functionality of the AHs.

they may be in their 30s but mentally they are in their teens


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>No interrupts or stuns

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many of those subs are for the name reserve

Zandalar Alliance, home...

It's funny how all these negative posts about Classic are made in the weekend while there was nothing but support during the whole week.
Almost makes you think the kids don't have school and go online to shit post.

I'm already grinding gold irl, might aswell do it online too

You're not having fun, you're simply feeling the illusion of fun, in a similar way to a drug addict getting his fix. WoW destroyed your dopamine system, it completely fried your input/output reward system. Your 14 - 16 year old brain got damaged irreversiably by WoW and you will always be addicted, or have the proclotivity to be addicted, just like a recovering alcoholic.