Persona 5 is style over substance and the terrible writing made me feel suicidal over telling people I was a Persona fan in the past. It's legit embarrassing and I can't even look at the past titles since I know realize all of it was cringy as fuck shit. Guess I'm not a teen anymore so it's impossible to enjoy that trash.
Post games that killed your favorite franchise
Other urls found in this thread:
Calm down
Well banjo Kazooie is not my absolute favorite franchise (that would be Mario) it is one of my favorite, my second favorite I guess? But yeah, this game killed the franchise
Persona resonates harder with 17 year old virgins user
Its okay
Persona died at 3.
you sound like a faggot
It wasnt that game that killed Banjo it was microshit buying Rare and making them devote their studio to developing kinect games for half a decade
>Game has become extremely popular so now I hate it.
It’s been 3 years user.
>style over substance
such a retarded phrase. Who are you to declare what the substance of the thing you are criticising is
Fuck off contrarian faggot, it revived the series after the dumpsterfire that was P4.
Thank god persona is good again.
About games ruining and killing franchises, it is sticker star for me.
fuck off cvit
This game honestly made me quit anything Megaten for awhile cause of how disappointing it was.
P5 was honestly a breath of fresh air compared to this shit stain.
It's the only Persona game I've ever played, and I actually really liked it. Had two playthroughs, over 200 hours into it.
>style over substance
Oh ok this is just a slide youtube thread, moving on
I really don’t get the hate on Persona 5
>always stop when i pass by gamestop to see if they have a used p5
>after like a year someone has one used
>comes in a cool tin case
>use the case to break up weed and roll on
>never play the game
the case is so fucking cool
It sounds like you have bigger problems than persona, user
it's just Yea Forums being contrarians
I'm still mad.
it's too popular for Yea Forums
Yea Forums is tsundere with it, it its always close to the top on game polls despite Yea Forums 'hating' it
Xenoblade Chronicles 2 killed the series with its waifu fapbait pandering to horny teenagers, along with using that to cover up how shit it is.
Persona 5 was kino af though, get taste OP.
its not that big a deal its legal in my state. dont vent your slave shit on me, i didnt decide your shitty ass life.
You're a legit embarassement, you site something vapid and subjective like how much you like the "writing", knowing you can't make any valid arguments against it, because you're a daft idiot whom has no understanding of literature in the first place.
The fact is Persona 5 is leaps and bonds better then every game before it objectively speaking.
The unique dungeons and their puzzles actually make the game worth playing, and allows for competent leveling without mindless grind.
The enemys being the persona actually bring life to the game and every encounter, with their colorful designs and personality, you're actually interested in what you're fighting instead of literal 3d shapes with a gun on it.
The game was actually made with competence so you can get into encounters with the first hit consistently, instead of relying on those shit tier poke animation and non existence hit boxes and hoping you connect on the back.
The map is competently designed so you won't be getting lost in the school building since it's not just the exact same hall way and this remains for every area in the game.
The other personas (3,4) aren't in any capacity good games, they are objectively terrible, you're unironcally better off just watching your favorite social links on youtube, the games themselves are outright unplayable. To claim p5 is worse is pure lunacy.
That’s what I figured.
Aight anons let's gonna fight. MGS V it's the worst MG so far.
jfc what shit taste
Next time you might want to type your sloven assignment statements into an actual REPL.
You start, OP.
Persona 5 may have good writing, but you certainly don’t.
Take your meds
>pothead is too retarded to understand what someone else is saying to him.
>The unique dungeons and their puzzles actually make the game worth playing
God I wish. It never gets better than the tutorials. That's some grade A garbage, but people pretend it's okay because they sunk 100 hours into chasing waifus.
>Game hits its peak in terms of level design and game balance really, really early.
>Writing quality is a downgrade form prior entries, which already weren't a high bar.
>Game is long as fuck and, as mentioned before, doesn't get better as it progresses.
That's the gist of it.
You probably don't care and just wanted people to validate the opinion you already held, though.
Ah, so, that was my mistake in highschool. I played P3:FES at 15 when I had a normal social life. Couldn't really get into the sim stuff back then since I was like "why am I doing this when I could be interacting with real friends like this?"
And promptly went to play more TWEWY, SMT Nocturne, and Halo 3 in my alone time instead. I do appreciate the system that P3 creates narratively, but the life sim stuff even in later iterations that I've tried feels like a hollow and empty imitation.
Pure autism, space station and pyramid are the best maps, the rest are great, just not as good.
Anyways the fact that the game has level design at all puts it heads and shoulders over 3 and 4 which are just shit.
I wouldn't agree on that one. P3 definitely goes for a different dynamic for its dungeons. P5 has more obvious and direct attempts at level design, but as a result it forces you into stop and go gameplay a lot, with locked doors and area gimmicks in play. P3 just settles you into a nice grind once you get into the pace of it and is far easier to just sit down with for long stretches regarding the dungeon crawling aspect of the series.
Yakuza 0 when it came to the West.
Then it got even worse when it was released on PC.
Star fox zero. You are crying over a game that got the franchise more popular than ever, that's something good at least
If it's not a literal who indie game discordfags will pretend to hate it
It wasn't a bad game, dare I say it was a good one. But it undeniable set the stage to the death of not only persona, but the Megaten I loved as a whole.
I was in denial for a few weeks until eventually dropping it like a quarter in. Absolute trash from which we're unlikely to ever recover.
I wouldn't call Berseria bad, just painfully bland in every way and without the spark that made Xillia 2 and previous games so good.
>implore Yea Forums to support your "fun" franchise by buying 0
>game is a prequel! You don't have to play the rest! Please buy game or It will die in the west!
>game is good and does well
>revives the franchise
>threads no longer die within 50 posts
>wtf why are people talking about my favorite series
>NOOOOO this franchise is about Kiryu, stop posting Majima!
>faceApp images take over rubber bullets
>fuck 0fags they ruined Yakuza!
>style over substance
Opinion discarded.
That being said it is one of the best games ever made.
There's nothing about persona 5 that differentiates it from 3 or 4. They're all shit for the same reasons.
it's the best RPG ever made and a sony exclusive. of course Yea Forums will hate it
>P5 has more obvious and direct attempts at level design,
This statement doesn't even make sense, game design isn't meant to be a non direct attempt, that's not even a thing.
It's either you take time to create levels, or you lazily procedurally generate them, that's it.
p3 is mind numbling boring, with it's new shade of paint hallways for levels, until you purely by luck make it to the boss, if you just so happened to run into enough enemies to be the proper level or not is pure chance, so often you're forced to grind for hours on boring enemies, it's shit gameplay incarnate.
>P5 has puzzles therefore you're forced to stop!
What kind of autism is this?? You're incentivized to complete a dungeon within a single day, so you can spend the rest of the time with your social links, there are no puzzles that can't be solved immediately within a single run.
>p3 has a nice grind, it's easier to sit through, one long stretch
hahahaha this is your defense of lazy mindless gameplay? The grind is shit, wether you make it to a boss or not appropriately leveled is completely arbitrary, enemies are extremely boring to fight just to add a cherry of monotony on top.
>Space Station
Maybe if you're retarded.
I actually agree, it's tied with the castle imo.
>The rest are great
They're fucking hallways on par with FFX's map design. They're awful as dungeons, especially when the good dungeons include the Z axis as part of their layout.
>Level design at all is better
I would honestly prefer random gen to garbage, because there's a chance I won't suffer rancid shit.
>the terrible writing made me feel suicidal over telling people I was a Persona fan in the past
The writing was never stellar anyway, you idiot. Way to be melodramatic.
>There's nothing about persona 5 that differentiates it from 3 or 4
Calendar system was used decently in 3. It was still better in shit like gameboy Yugioh games but still in 4 and 5 there's no reason for it to be in the game at all.
P5 isn't an RPG. The ratio between the main product and gameplay is around the same as Danganronpa and no one considers that anything but a VN.
>It was still better in shit like gameboy Yugioh games
Damn right. Those games sucked but it used that system well.
>They're fucking hallways on par with FFX's map design.
This is just a boldfaced lie, and you've invalidated yourself as someone with an opinion worthy arguing since you argue in pure bad faith.
The only hallway tier garbage is p3, p4, and catacombs, which later opens up with actual level design.
>There's a chance I wont suffer rancid shit
lmao, no there isn't.
It's either you get purely lucky and end up at the boss in no time at all, completely underleveled and get btfo.
Or you're in hell for hours, endless mindless hallways as you try your best to hit blobs on the floor, but the hit box and controls are so shit you miss 70% of the time, forced to fight poorly designed shitty robots, literal balls and squares with guns in them for hours, just to get to the boss.
It's complete garbage, and easily one of the worst gameplay decisions ever made.
>heavy RPG gameplay
>not an RPG
shut the fuck up and enjoy your game without splitting hairs you pussy. In fact if you got more pussy you wouldn't be such a little twinkle-toes faggot about your video games
>Those games sucked
Yugioh is always fun. I even liked Duelist of the Roses for whatever the fuck that was
I’ve enjoyed all the Persona games
I actually went back to p4 right after p5 and i enjoyed random hallways over 90% of the shit gimmick dungeons in p5.
never thought id see that screenshot outside of a splatoon thread
i have a way of dealing with contrarian faggots where i come from
i shoot them
>"You're arguing in bad faith"
>Proceeds to lie.
I'm sorry for invalidating myself for saying that some dungeons are literally hallways when, in reality, some dungeons ar-
>be intrigued by persona
>want to play the game
>look up random video on youtube
>it's some of the most atrocious writing I've ever seen in my life
Is this shit for real? They just sit there literally reading aloud the script. Surely the game could have delivered this exposition in a more organic way?
You just have a high tolerance for bullshit, user. Most of the handheld YuGiOh games were terribly balanced and designed and were held up by the strengths of the actual card game.
That's just weebshit. This is what weebs consider good storytelling.
>picks the worst scene in the game
grow up retard
it has its lows and thats definitely one of the lowest lows. Akechi's english voice actor when he goes bat shit is good though, not sure how the nip version is
It is though?
The game's writing is very clearly rushed and there are a fuckload of different writers handling different aspects of the game without any form of unifying vision. The story changed multiple times in development and you can still see the bones of older scripts in things like dungeon designs and scrapped mechanics (Kamoshida has a trap room that never springs, early trailers show that the Rattled status effect was supposed to happen in his dungeon and his kitchen area was going to be a more organic stealth section, older dungeons have areas where simply gluing yourself to walls isn't as easy and clearly came from before they added that gameplay mechanic, Futaba's dungeon is designed to allow you to quickly reach the final segment because it was designed before they added fast travel, etc).
It's real fucked and it's hard to blame the writers for it.
>Climax of the game contains worst writing in the entire game.
>"The game is not poorly written!"
Oh, just the important parts are, good to know.
But it lacks almost any semblance of traditional RPG gameplay, such as player agency and non-linear solutions to problems.
If you hate that, never play a Trails game. It's like that at all times.
>socially retarded fag actually says kek out loud in the game
its like the retards who cant help themselves and constantly spew buzzwords outside of here like thats what defines their personality
I agree with you, and some of the critics miss really obvious shit, but the script's pretty bad.
So, there's that one stealth segment right before you get to the tower and it's all Berith shadows. Am I retarded for never knowing how to get past it without being noticed?
The worst scene is the one where the Phantom Thieves explain the plan how they already entrapped the traitor.
I hate Persona 5. In that special way. I got the exact sense from it as I did Final Fantasy X. I didn't even have high hopes for it beforehand unlike most. I expected something merely decent and not even good, since my view of Persona 4 kept souring each passing year.
>The worst scene is the one where the Phantom Thieves explain the plan how they already entrapped the traitor.
YouTube Link please?
I don't have one on hand. Just go to the part when Sae drives you to the cafe after the incident.
>Persona 5 is style over substance
nice parroting a FIVE HOUR e-celeb video.
and to contribute to this thread
Strap in, nigga.
The best part is it's way more complicated than it needed to be. The group could have done a far more effective switcheroo with way less effort and a lower chance of failure.
Sometimes retarded e-celebs are correct.
>hurr durr you only think this because an eceleb said it
is this the ultimate crutch for dumbfucks who can't argue? I don't even know what fucking video you're referring to
This piece of shit ushered in the downfall and dumbing down of fighting games. I hate the false statement that this game ended the "dark ages" of fighting games. There never was such a thing if you truly played and enjoyed fighters.
>I can't even look at the past titles since I know realize all of it was cringy as fuck shit.
Glad you finally realized it.
This is what happens when someone who always ate shit for his entire life thinking it was the best life had to offer, finally tries an actual Masterpiece.
Be grateful to P5 for dragging you out of the shadow cavern.
But he's right.
Persona is a shit series anyway.
You are not wrong. It makes me rethink my love for 3 & 4.
>I got the exact sense from it as I did Final Fantasy X
What does Final Fantasy X have to do with P5?
I don't agree with the style over substance comment. 5 has massive amount of shit content, but flashy.
The way I would phrase it is: 5 is a shit anime, while 3 & 4 are good.
>5 has massive amount of shit content
What does that have to do with anything?
I hope ubishit burns in hell.
It means that it is not style over substance, but style over shit content.
Try Smt in general. Dull battle systems with juvenile fedora shit on top.
Even Futaba made fun of him for that.
When you get shit on by a neet like her then you know you have it shit in life.
The two aren't mutually exclusive.
Ex: Persona 5.
I like Persona 3, 4, and 5 and there is nothing you can say to make me change my mind.
>unironically judging the quality of a game's writing by looking up a random video on youtube
Ladies and gentlemen, this is the actual mindset of "people" shitting on P5!
>I don't agree with the style over substance comment.
some e-celeb made a 5 hour video shitting on Persona 5 using that phrase as a title
Who did it? I meant to watch it
Jesus how can someone be so inarticulate and so unfocused to the point where they spent 5 hours rambling on about nothing.
I didnt watch the video so if im wrong than well shit.
Simplification, ease and cinematic approach. A certain sense of everyone in the game "playing their role" as though a part of a theater show. Could have something to do with the translation feeling somewhat unnatural and systematic. Your emotional response is precalculated and orchestrated. Most of the games being a flashbacks is terrible for their stories. (At least Tidus had the decency to imply he forgot/fabricated stuff after he was done storytelling, granting some interesting leeway they've never explored further. It could even explain some of the unnatural cleanliness/systemization above.)
On the gameplay side, you're heavily dictated by the developers as to how you should play and then repeat said steps. This applies both in combat and the social aspects of gameplay.
>What does Final Fantasy X have to do with P5?
The firsts of not part of their series. I called it a feeling for a reason.
>doubled HP values across the board and removed infinite enemy spawns because they couldn't be bothered to make good levels
dont even get my started on the removed PC features
More like: How can one game be so shit?
>double hp values
I wouldn't know, I never played anything other then hardcore.
>Possibly several new endings
Why didn't you just wait for P5R?
>implying hardened isnt casual
Vet in MW2 gave you 6 shots till you died
Every CoD before that killed in you in 3 or less if the enemy had a bolt action
OP you are a huge retard.
>Why didn't you just wait for P5R?
because we didn't know P5R was a thing until a few months ago
FFX is the last good game in its series
P5 is the first good game in its series
It's the same 5 retards being contrarian now that it's popular
Any other poll elsewhere and even here will have it at the top or close to it
>because we didn't know P5R was a thing until a few months ago
Everyone knew it was a thing years before the initial release even.
You overthink shit too much. FF7 is the original cinematic game and the only reason you probably like P3 was because Atlus didn't put all the retarded shit they originally wanted IIRC. Funny how no one brings up how fuckawful The Answer is.
>FF7 is the original cinematic game
>took a fat dump on everything good super did
>led to the abomination other M
>no new 2D games since aside from 2 remakes
If you started on 4 you are a hypocrite
>Everyone knew it was a thing years before the initial release even.
I call bullshit on this
The worst game by far became popular. It only attracts children and tasteless weeaboos. Persona is dead. I made my peace with that long ago.
How so?
Oh you're talking about campaign.
My bad sir I thought you were talking multiplayer.
Sometimes I truly wonder if contrarianism is only done to gain (you)s or if it's truly a disorder where the brain tells retards to dislike something because it got popular
>5 is a shit anime, while 3 & 4 are good
This. 4 actually has a good anime made after it. That's pretty much a first for JRPGs. It proves it's a good story on its own, while 5 is complete trash, objectively.
4's anime is better than the game
I started on 3...
BotW didn't quite kill Zelda but its pulse is worrying. It may very well be lying on its deathbed for me.
>4 actually has a good anime made after it.
Highly doubt that
That's because Yu was straight pimp in the anime.
And youd be correct. Its an okay anime that captures the game's lighthearted atmosphere well. I wouldnt call it a good anime though.
I know it was done by the same studio that fucked up Phoenix Wright despite it being much better source material.
blaming metroid fusion for other m is like blaming mgs3 for mgsv
Yeah but it looks fucking good while I'm playing it
The difference between MGS3 and V is that the latter has good gameplay.
It's the standard pesrona procedure.
>P3 releases
>P3FES follows
>P4 releases
>P4G follows
>P5 releases
>how were we supposed to be expect an enhanced rerelease???
C'mon bruh.