You are a true Monster Hunter™!

You are a true Monster Hunter™!

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Other urls found in this thread:


I'm sorry user
The fishes got him

Greatest Wulg when?

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Fatalis skeleton confirmed
It’s time for Fatalis himself to be confirmed.

Fun fact:Great Jagras sometimes eats it's offspring when it goes hunting if they don't run away fast enough because it doesn't give a shit

what is that?


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Everwyrm supposedly, it caused earthquakes with soundwaves

According to the fake leaker with the yugioh card monster icon

>PC version of Iceborn doesn't come out until January of next year

T-this is fine. I haven't even beaten Nergigante yet anyway

If it is already in the game, they'll keep it secret.

At least the thread quality will improve for a few months then.

This, you don't just reveal Fatalis like some shitty Zinogre

And what if the leak is true? Just imagine that it's the final boss. Is it really that bad? How about a giant crab instead?


Ya about that.... seems like someone is removing real leaks around here

>LS tree leak
>the actual LS itself
>now his world's version of music theme being copyrighted at JASRAC

Attached: 1563965792798.jpg (748x800, 96K)

We have no way of knowing if it's real or fake right now, insisting that it's either is just going to make you feel like a retard if you're wrong.

That's Astalos you baka

Ryozo's ninjas have been unleashed, give them a few minutes and they'll eventually have their blood deviljhos sniff out this thread

Will Dodogama get a variant? He deserves it more than any other nu-monster.

And yet here we have you a retard who actually believes it

That's ALSO Astalos, but GJ does it too

Do people really doubt that Zinogre is in?

No, because Dodogama is trash

HE'S IN?!?!

Attached: IMG555.jpg (344x146, 8K)

Last thing he leaked as fish boy right?

Explain the physiology of this design. What can it shoot out with those wing fingers

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Of course. He wont be in trust me I am done the calculations

That and the fact that the screen right after was a literal Iceborne ad was so funny to me

3D MIDI of Iceborne's main theme made by some nip by ear

According to the leaker, sound

Didn't the leaker say that Zinogre is the first monster in the guiding lands?


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Where did this leak come from any other details?

zinogre... how could this happen...

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I'm still iffy
Considering the leaker deleted the image out of his own accord, not capcom police

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I think he might've nabbed the image from the actual game but made up everything else

>Your hunter has become a legend by ending the Elder Dragon threat. Now you can continue to build that legend through further gameplay and downloadable content.


This leak is pretty much painting 2.0, you wait and see you faggots, this shit is real as fuck and I’ll be killing it whilst the betas will be crying about how wrong they were. GET FUCKED, FUCK NIGGERS AND JANNIES, WHITE FATALIS AS THIRD UDPATE.

It pumps an hip hop beat through the wings and starts to freestyle on it.

>it's theme is dubstep

Yes, but it is performed by the monster itself through its beatboxing skills.

Holy shit, that theme is beatifull, im will just pre order the game for this, no reason anymore to wait for thunder doggo confirmation

>No Chameleos theme on the list
Chamybros, we're doomed...

Mind posting it?

This theme is godlike.

I-it's just invisible...

Sound waves, get ready your tremor resistance/wind pressure.


If you were hoping for Frontier monsters such as Espinas or Taikun to come to mainline...

I'm sorry to say that it's confirmed that it won't, frontier monsters will never be saved.

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What are Ryozo’s favourite monsters?

>*earplugs your bass*
Nothing personell everwyrm.

Lao shan

What's everyone talking about a song list? did something else leaked?

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Last thread there was a post with some songs for world from a japanese music database or something, it had garuga and zinogre's themes, among others from the original.

Would be the best use of that skeleton by far.

as if we needed more confirmation that Zino's in. This means the "reddit leak" has been completely deconfirmed because it said no Zinogre

What else is in the list?

Many. He's a whore.

Best part is it's not even the official version
Some nip participated in a MH orchestra that had the song premiere in full during it, and reinforced with the latest trailer he made the MIDI recreation by himself

Attached: 1530507244360.jpg (960x923, 92K)

They best have the fucking X sets in the game. Especially for my boy glavenus.

>There won't be much imports from Frontier
>Implies there will be at least some
Also I'm pretty sure they're only referring to World/Iceborne with this statement.

Kush, teo and luna, you know, normal stuff from world.

You are a true Monster Hunter World: Iceborne Deluxe Edition!

Also the armor sets just keep getting uglier.

Attached: S9xElbS.jpg (1221x1530, 609K)

Attached: zinogre.jpg (640x1138, 150K)

In some copyright asocciation or something like some old mh tracks have been listed with a "world version" label, confirming basically all the returning monsters.
Zinogre is in, and is the only returning monster which has been not announced yet.

>Also the armor sets just keep getting uglier.
In your dreams. The X sets, Brachy, and Fulger sets were amazing. So is Velkhana

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coin toss

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That ain't ugy tho


you're ugly

Is it bad that I’m losing sleep due to the fact that I’m super looking forward to this expansion? Only 13 days left.

>tfw Chameleos is the only one missing of the trio

Come on Ryozo...

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How do I get hyped for Iceborne bros?
I'm not feeling anything yet.

What real leaks are you talking about? Werent all fakes?

The only one with its own theme, anyway.
RIP Chammy

but rathalos doesnt have his own theme, it just use the generic one either so there is still a little hope

People here and on reddit actually believe Zinogre is in Iceborne on release when multiple leakers confirmed he is a DLC monster.

It's specifically said for World/Iceborne only, not the whole mainline series

>Something sweet or something strong
>Since the Popos can no longer turn me on
>Like boy need girl and girl need boy
>I got a nasty habit called "Fuck Rath-a-los"

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I wonder what's going through this autist's mind right now

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>when multiple leakers confirmed he is a DLC monster.
I like how you moved from "multiple leakers said he's not in" to "he's DLC". Keep coping

Post-launch DLC ED.
Expect Lunastra tier bullshit.

That's probably one of the better newer armors I've seen yet that isn't from a past game.

Given that the Rathalos armor is sticking to using 1st/2nd gen designs, I really do hope the 4th gen armor is implied to be used seeing that pic related is just bad outside of the Gunner set.

Attached: file.png (649x684, 577K)

>Quest is "Hunt a Zinogre" in the Ancient Forest
>You go and find him, hit him some more and then he changes area to the mid map with the huge boulder
>Message pops up "Zinogre leaving the locale"
>You arrive at the the small waterfall and bump into something invisible
> starts
>its just repel

Attached: 1555942931206.png (1280x869, 550K)

>Leakers completely wrong about everything else
>But Zinogre is DLC
Who fucking cares anyway, he's still in

He was always a DLC monster, I always said the same thing retard. You are going to regret being this stupid when you get to the guiding lands and see no Zinogre there like the fake leaker said.

Teo's got his 4U armor rendition

Third gen had peak Rath armor for both. old Gold Rathian armor looks ugly as sin.


another screencap for me. Nice. The collection is building

the question is, how are you gonna recover?

well, it beasts being anxious over something and losing sleep

Can someone confirm me that DLC monster (the one not coming on release of Iceborne) will always be free like it happened for Deviljho, Lunastra, etc.?

No Oroshi Kirin yet?
Well, I guess if they plan to add some monsters as free DLC he is an easy choice since its a subspecies.

Guiding lands are Everwood 2.0

Probably a 50-75% chance this is listfag anyway

It is 100% because the leak he mentioned is the one from the deleted redditor, which also said a Switch MH game is in the works. This isn't just regular desperation, this is advanced desperation


Attached: churu.jpg (944x801, 309K)

Here's your Garuga X armor, bro.

Attached: GarugaBlademaster.png (466x479, 351K)

Screencap this. Zinogre will release 4 months after release.

Pretty sure they've said multiple times that they'll continue to support iceborne with free title updates just like they did with world

Its possible that they won't bother with Oroshi at all, but I guess we'll see. It'd certainly be low effort since Velkana already has similar lingering ice attacks

well the devs said that it will be the same as world, the will support the game with new free dlc

Looks like some shit out of Black Desert Online. Animefags will love it.

Cheers, just wanted to check

That's okay, I'll be waiting for the mask anyway.

I'll layer the normal one anyway.

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Fuck you're right they're gonna use the older designs noo

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This whole Iceborne expansion is an entire P3rd wank and I love it

lao, jhen moran, fatalis, magalas

They captured the global audience with the base game, and now they want to secure the Jap audience by going the nostalgia route

Then where's the Agnaktor

Lao and Jhen are the only ones possible since he also said there's a new siege coming

Question is, how will they unfuck Lao?

>entire P3rd wank
>the only monster from P3rd is Zinogre

Attached: 1563943068782.png (340x359, 183K)

in the garbage with Lagombi

but there is :^)

Why, because of the hot springs?

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Feels more like 2nd gen wank desu
They wanted to show the "history" of the series so I can also see elements of other games being in the game as well

We haven't seen the Beta sets for a lot of the returning monsters yet so who knows
Plus the possibility of more Gamma sets

What's the plural of Fatalis



Did they fix her face or something? Not gonna lie, she looks kinda cute there.

Attached: 1563773632073.png (286x334, 202K)


If there’s MR Gamma sets they won’t even be in development yet since the Iceborne team have said they have zero plans for AT monsters currently and the HR ATs from the main team were a rushed inclusion to extend suppprt on the game a little longer. So it’s not really worth speculating on more Gamma sets currently because the game will have been out a few months already by the time they start working on themZ

Fired, and that includes glacial agnaktor.
Here's his substitute for the iceborne endgame.

Attached: Glacioth.jpg (627x650, 110K)

Original and epic

Is my Stockholm syndrome acting up or did Handler become cuter...

Negro Dragons

Really it can be whatever you want.

Yeah, she doesn't look like a meth-head anymore. Either they made her cuter or this is the Handler's subspecies.

We’ve already seen Coral Handler though, so this must be her rare species Glacial Handler.

A flock of Fatalis is called a Fatality

Better lighting
Also maybe Iceborne fixing the colors a little bit now that they fixed the brightness settings

It's the deviant Handler. Eating Disorder-less Handler: she looks cuter and has a couple of new moves. Under the sheets.

Why is Jho constantly hungry?

>Question is, how will they unfuck Lao?
We fight one in its habitat and it actually fights back the whole time, instead of running alongside it stomping down a narrow ravine

Lmao this literally implies we are getting at least one Frontier monster

Is the context of that image even in regards to mainline or is it just Iceborne-specific?

Hyperactive metabolism. His body uses WAY too much energy, so he has to eat constantly. Also explains why he shits so little

Because his body needs constant energy

He's cultivating mass.

If the naming convention follows the same rules as Rex (Regis) does, you can substitute the word in this chart:

extreme semen generation


That's pretty good.

He's on Mirtazapin, life isn't easy

If I'm on PC how to I pirate all the Handler costumes and extra gestures?

Imagine if Deviljho did GOMAD


I'm gonna say Iceborne specific, especially since they talk about fitting into World

Fatalis, because there's only one Fatalis.

All three of them are simply different tellings of the same legend.

I think he'd die of starvation since a gallon would be like one sip for him but
>Deviljho with GOMAD shits

Beotodus has a similar head shape to that one Piscine Wyvern from Frontier but I don't think that'll be it

His metabolism is way too overactive for a creature his size, so he has to eat constantly to not die. Small animals irl need to eat more often than larger animals because their smaller bodies have less space to store energy. It’s why certain small rodents and birds have to eat more than their own body weight in food a day and can’t go an hour or two without eating without dying, yet big fuckers like whales and elephants can afford to take their time eating and miss a few meals just fine. There are some deep sea dwelling sharks that scavenge the bottom of the sea floor for whale carcasses and such who can go years, sometimes decades without eating because they use very little energy and store a lot of it due to their size. A creature Deviljho’s size normally wouldn’t have to eat that frequently to function, but because of his overactive metabolism he burns through energy ridiculously fast generating dragon element energy, so he constantly has to eat because all his stored energy will disappear in a matter of hours and he’ll starve to death.


Fatalis confirmed for iceborne POG

F-Fatalises are NOT FAT
>t. not Fatalis

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Then how did I get fancy guild card titles for murdering the shit out of a bunch of Fatalises?


When the FUCK is Cwealis getting confirmed?

Isn’t Savage Deviljho just a cannibal whose dragon energy skyrocketed because of the latent dragon energy in the other Deviljho he ate?

>revealing final final boss after Ishtar Shabama
Rookie mistake

I have this weird feeling that Zinogre isn't going to be in immediately and be added later

he's in

Attached: file.png (232x293, 149K)

Its for sure. Zinogre is DLC but people here have low IQ and can't connect the dots.

>Garuga is in
Oh god no.

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Did they confirm transmog yet?

Did you guys even beat AT Nerg 5 times yet?

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>Pc player
It hurts

It's a Deviljho that reached peak hangry and is completely melting down unless it gets a good damn meal

I beat it like three times, I dunno if I want to bother because I like my Val gamma safety blanket.

Yes they did a while back, also why people always call it transmog just because of wow

Nah, Joe can eat its own tail and other Joe tails without batting an eye so it's something else, isn't it?

i'm excited for iceborne since i'm burned the fuck out on base world, i've been playing 4U more often in recent months
hopefully it will renew me

is my boy the ice shark in?

ok we'll call it glamour since ffxiv is more important

crafted every y armor set, done multiple set for each weapon, completed every quest and 100% the game, my body is fucking ready for iceborn

god i wish i could feed the handler to it

All of them are possible, not just Siege shit

Isn't there a actual universal name for this?

AT Nerg exists to be bullied

No unfortunately. There’s a new Piscine Wyvern who looks like a shark though, and an Elder Dragon who looks like a mishmash if different sea creatures.


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>Yes they did a while back
I'm not talking about mods, either. Like a legit appearance change?

We could just call it a universal layered armor

Yeah, layered armor.
Or if you want to get really old fashioned, cosmetic armor slots.

I don't know if there is a universal name other than just cosmetic skins. Final Fantasy XI calls it lock style. Terraria had social slots or whatever. Nioh calls it refashion I think. I don't remember what Guild Wars 2 calls it but it's a feature there as well.

I beat a bunch
3 times solo, got 16 mins with hammer on my last run which I was happy about, and then a bunch more times helping friends.

Your cost for waiting for Zinogre's addition is using Yukumo layered until he's added post-release

Gore is post launch, wolf fuck is in at launch.

I want Gore in world so bad

W-what is Tigrex doing to Rathalos?!

Is there a complete list of all the revealed monsters being added to Iceborne that includes all the new subspecies/variants?

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I wish they didn't have to ruin all of them with the scoutfly cage and the slinger. Realistic textures don't do them any favors either.

Are fatalis weapons and armor good in the previous games? what skills did they have?

I don't remember armours, but I do remember that the Black Fatty Blade greatsword was the best in 4U.

banbaro (basically jade barroth)
beotodus (basically ice lavasioth)
shrieking legiana
acid glav
fulgur anjanath
ebony doggo
ruiner nergigante
viper tobi
coral pukei
night paolumu
yian garuga
the everwyrm

also likely:
gold and silver rathis
narga, tigrex, uragaan, barioth variants

>banbaro (basically jade barroth)
isn't it more like Duramboros?

In gen 1 it was BiS everything, in gen 2 a lot of it was still great and some weapons BiS, in 4th gen some armor parts were used in endgame armor sets and some weapons were non-relic BiS.

Relic GS in 4u could reach 1700atk along purple sharpness
Fata GS was not the best

Yeah and Beo is Ice Jyura, not Lavasioth.


Cucking Rathian

Fatalis weapons are normally top-tier for a lot of weapon types
As for armour they normally focus on sharpness/elemental/affinity types of things, among a variety of other skills

Best in slot

Best in slot

So they're adding at least 20 new monsters? How many does world have right now?

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Surpisingly enough, is more unique than Banbaro. Still a fish tho.

Ow thanks

55 with everything they've shown off.

Crimson Fatalis HBG was the best gun for Limiter Removal in 4U, you got a ridiculous amount of Pierce shots and it could use nearly every other ammo type except Lv2 Status ammo

Best in slot

i honestly forgot jyuratados' name

31 large monsters

30 or so?
They said there's unannounced ones still and they wanna keep announcing new ones until launch (plus a new announcement at TGS, possibly the first free DLC)

Best in slot

Base World had 30, got 5 more added in updates later
Total for World + Iceborne will probably be close to 60 by the time its done updates and shit

Fine. Best crafted.

Sure, unlike most of /vg/

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that's damn good for a mostly new assets game. Next game should be around GU levels of roster and content by then. Tri2 baby

oh yeah thats right, its 36 in the base game. i should sleep

Nice. World ended up being a bretty good game then. Hopefully World 2 has at least 60 at launch


Unlikely. World is meant to be a base game and its all expansion sell from here on out.

Bring back AutoReload.

Attached: zorgf.png (602x536, 232K)

No, they already said IB would be its sole expansion.

>World is meant to be a base game and its all expansion sell from here on out


They've already said that Iceborne was going to be the only expansion to World though

Attached: 1555724138668.jpg (348x305, 23K)

Auto Reload is in for certain ammo types, it sucks unless it happens to be on an ammo type that normally has bad reload speeds.
Bring back Seige Mode.

If the next game was Tri2 then it would cut half the weapons and monsters

Y-yeah haha.

Attached: capture.png (639x204, 224K)

Oh so you bought the tickets from the modded vendor like the rest of the PCfags

I was thinking they could add a special feature to HBG in IB to toggle Siege Mode, but they added in a sniper scope button for some reason.

It's good on any shot type if the bowgun itself has slow reloads and/or small clip sizes. It just opens up so many more options.

>tfw didn't use any of these shop stuff shit and can flex guild card titles for beating AT nerg

You can't buy those.

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Oh cool, then. I hope this means we don't get a credit stealing fatfuck as our partners in the future, anymore.

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is there any way to skip all the non hunting stuff in GU?
I want to get the game but without the QoL improvements from World, gathering and all that other shit sounds awful.

The only time I ever found it somewhat useful was some gun that had auto-reload Exhaust ammo since that usually has terrible clip sizes and reload for some reason.

Beat it once to see if I wanted the skills aaaaaaaand I didn't so once is good nuff. Wouldn't mind using it as layered though. Unfortunately right now my hunter is just layered armored up instead of just looking like a full set and I'll be honest, I'm kinda getting annoyed. So many armors I want to use but stats/skills are shit. Fuck.

>narga variants
god yes, lucent narga please

Play as a cat for gathering, they have near infinite stamina and Speed Gathering built in. Set up a specific Gathering cat if you want.
Yes it's a pain in the ass, you get a lot of upgrades to the farm eventually though.

they’ll find a way

>GRONK is back
>Awaken is already easy to get in World
>will be even easier in Iceborne

Attached: 1566579820634.gif (200x190, 838K)

Oh cool! Do you guys have the source of this? I really want to use the Radobaan's armor set without the horrific stats.

Attached: armor.png (516x622, 820K)

World was a flop in Japan
Monster Hunter S, exclusive for the switch, was already leaked a while back and it's going to be the canon 5th entry to the series

Nergigante Hunger and all that attack up though

>exhaust ammo
I do not remember it being in a game after MHFU, are you sure we're talking about the same thing?

No not really. Also gotta do cat quests to unlock farming I think which I haven't touched and I've ran out of paintballs because of it so fuck. With IB just around the corner, I havent touched GU. World spoiled me on farming mats.

no should i? i only beat AT xeno for the commission layered set, i havent played since before the ATs came out. my eyepatch clown suit is fully augmented and im not trying to spend a bunch of dosh on upgrading new shit before iceborne. ill just come back and shit stomp it later

If I had that mod, then why would I buy more the 5 necessary tickets?

I hope the G-Rank monsters aren’t as autistic as ATs. There is nothing more fun than getting tapped by Nergigante’s paw to have 90% of your health removed.

They're worse

Mainly for self satisfaction that you hunted one of the most hardest monster in the game, so far.

Attached: 245.png (1084x957, 522K)

Capcom would be silly not to add subspecies or variants In the future.

After all, Lunasta is a reused Teostra model so the idea of Jade Barroth or Savage Deviljho, etc being added in some months time isn’t too much of a stretch, they’d be silly not to considering this is there best selling game in the company’s history.

His armor set is shit compared to Drachen, like everything else

For that the game would have to be satisfying to me.

>sold almost as much as the best selling entry in the franchise in japan

I hate you retarded fucks

>still using eyepatch
Shit dude make some more of the Gamma armor

AT Luna is harder than AT Nerg

Wind Res 3 makes her a joke

Don't respond to that dude, the "leak" is already debunked anyway. He's just trying to stir shit.

>World was a flop in Japan

Was it really?

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meh, i still get a large amount of part breaks, staggers, and a few killing blows here and there online with my ls and ds so ill keep using it for a few more weeks

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>3 million copies sold
>In a country that generally prefers mobile gaming

Don't you fags ever get tired of this shit?


Feed me the spoilers pls bros I am dying from lack of leak energy like the deviljho

Attached: 1562049030217.jpg (1179x1079, 183K)

>most sold Capcom game in the story
>only 3 million
Isn't that kind of low

I don't have anything but this concept pic of Acidic Glav is funky.

In Japan. It's about 13 million worldwide, RE5 technically sold more but only after a gorillion ports.

Attached: acidic glavenus.png (273x98, 28K)

it's 13 million worldwide, 3 million in japan. 3 million in only one country is a lot, idiot. P3Rd sold almost 4 million in japan and is the best selling one

When will they stop messing with the fucking weapon movesets? We've reached a point where at least half the weapons have some counter meme shit and/or such a bloated moveset that the new attacks devalue existing attacks to effective uselessness.

Attached: PE face.jpg (400x599, 22K)

I genuinely use every CB attack in W and in the IB demo

im glad bl3 is coming out so ill have another game to grind in the meantime but fuck everybody told me PC was the master race

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fuck you and fuck that, new weapons when? wheres my gunhammer? i want another "great" weapon! cmon capcom you have put the handcannon in how many of your games?? fuckin japs

Stop playing LS then
I think LS would be in a really good spot if they dropped Foresight Slash altogether but kept the Iai attacks

I don't know about you, but I don't remember not using any move on every weapon I use, I cycle through different movesets based on the situation at the time. Yes, I even use Lance's sweep attack

Attached: h1335_06272014_14-42-24_0031.jpg (1200x992, 179K)

chargeblade is a heavy weapon, wether you like it or not

Chameleos is a monster that keeps getting bigger and originally had annoying bounce zones that added to his tankiness, I expect that he'll be redesigned as a siege battle at twice the size that he's ever been.

Attached: Chameleos 5.png (480x640, 229K)

no, weeb sword needs to go back to 4u moveset and unite spirit bar

He is like one of these dildos that grow overtime if you put them in water.

Worlds is like 20 bucks right now in pc, I am more of a frontier guy, worlds being bad is a meme or not? How is the exp shapingn up? Should I just wait?.

Just fucking buy it jesus christ

There's no source because it isn't confirmed. There likely will be many more layered armors than in World because Capcom updated the way that you make them, but it isn't confirmed that every armor set has a layered style.

Pirate it as a test run.

> worlds being bad is a meme or not
Stop going to Yea Forums threads. Its mostly shitters that hate the success of the game

Just buy the game and judge it for yourself. Its one of the easier MH to start out in and you can easily kill +50 hours with the storyline alone.

I like that GS went from 2 to 6.

he better steal your gear
>playing the original MH online
>had to grind for literally everything
>the best bbqspit for cooking meat was event only every few weeks
>tfw a melynx steals it
no mh was like the original you youngfags dont even know

Attached: shit4x.gif (296x300, 2.82M)

No, your stolen items will now be returned at the rewards screen for improved QoL.

>looking for that zin track in JASRAC
>found it
>somehow also found 2 (two) of Kush's track

Attached: 1517246058746.png (890x890, 534K)

Probably his chase theme.

or the mount theme

wouldnt even mind that if you killed/capped it, hell iirc you could get it right back if you smacked him hard enough after he stole it, and you could get your items back from the kitties except on the desert map

The others only had one track which i'm assuming is the main theme
then again acidic isn't in there, only glav's sooo

>chameleos can steal your weapon
>you default to alchemy style + slinger shenanigans and only get your weapon back at the next phase of the fight

I mean it's not all of the tracks on that list anyway.

The site has both the regular themes and the chase themes for the monsters listed.

so after going back to console to prepare for iceborne i have to ask...
is it just me or is the pc version of world easier?
same equipment and everything on both platforms of course.

How does this compare to like a 3U or 4U release in the past?

It runs better, and because it runs better it's more responsive because this is an action game.

Chameleos never returned your items.

You already know their movesets and thus steamrolls it. Also if your PC is half decent like mine the stable fps+loading REALLY helps

Roughly the same, possibly a bit more. We don't know yet.

you attack faster in PC world because the game isn't lagging

Which of them did you play first? I'm assuming console. Of course it's easier when you know what to expect.

damn false memories then, i swear you could get it back with a heavy hit after he stole it, and he would flinch. i know you could with the cats though

yea that was what i thought too, i have a pretty beefy pc and i just couldnt get some timings right on console and fights took longer than on pc.

You might be thinking of how you can flinch him with a sonic bomb if he's mid-attack, and that sometimes drops a shiny that gives materials.
You can't always get items back from the cats, the volcano maps for example have no stash to find them in.

i have actually gone back to console after playing on the pc for the past months and the game feels harder on console

world as a whole is roughly comparable to low rank village in 4/4u. iceborne's story is looking like it'll be the equivalent to high rank while guiding lands will be g rank.

>muh tremor
Already a trash monster.

It depends on what you like about monster hunter. Plenty of people love World, but I personally couldn't stand it any more after 90 hours.

World will kill your family, don't buy it

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>wheres my gunhammer
In God Eater. The kind of cringey anime shit MH is steadily headed towards.

Attached: God-Eater-3_2018_05-10-18_030.jpg (600x338, 38K)

>Its your responsibility to pick up someone else' husband

Damn, is this what it's like to be cucked?

7 times on console and 4 on PC, and I took the slow road by bullying him with dumb weapons and sets like luna xeno SnS and Elementless Zireal

Bro there's been a fucking gunhammer in MH since at least Tri. Quit being a faggot

>Elementless Zireal
But that's a good weapon against him.

>Chameleos gets in
>But using the Fatalis skeleton, since he’s so huge now.

>Just had some terrible news, better update /mgh/
The fact that the sister couldn't have waited the 5 mintues for him to finish, that the husband had no other way of getting home, that the dad couldn't have got him.
I wouldn't buy it for a second and would question why it's worth saving a wojak/frog posters story other than shitposting

>b-but if we had retarded shit before it's okay to have it again!
neck yourself weebtard

Since at least MHF2.


Your palico can be megaman, the series always had stupid things and always will

t. SAED spamming retard

He'll probably still have shit raw hitzones except his face and tail tip.



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nah thats a little too over the top, mh would keep it a little simpler. it would just be a boomstick in monhun not a jetengine(except maybe valfalks lol) cant lie they were getting there with the anime shit in games like XX and frontier.

shhhh he probably doesnt know ls used to be gs either

Lance's sweep has always been useful for getting small monsters off your ass.
I'll never forget that time I managed to break Brachydios' horn while he was jumping at me and I managed to hit his face the backswing on the sweep. I'm never going to be able to pull that off again.

Is it? I thought the dragon element would be better to use against it. I still like using it though.

The shitty mobile game already has exactly that basically, Accel Axe.

Does anyone have the Big Nigga vs Giga Nigga Nergigante image for me?

More like the game has had that stuff in its identity longer than it hasn't and longer than God Eater has even existed. Cry me a fucking river.

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>Game currently has a greatsword with a rocket booster attached
>Gunhammer from previous titles is too much

bro you have brain damage lmao. This is a game about fighting gigantic monsters with oversized weapons. Most of the time they look ridiculous already gunhammer aside

>BGMs confirm Zinogre
>No Seregios
>No Gore Magala
>No Valstrax
>No Chameleos hurts

Why doesn't husband get a cab or an uber or the bus

haha hey guys

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I think not having Gore is a sin.

It has like 7 monster tracks, it's not complete.

They can’t add gunhammer as a hammer skin Because gunhammers are bevoming their own weapon type in Iceborne.

>mh would keep it a little simpler

they know this kind of absolute garbage is what """veterans""" want so they keep making the games more and more embarrassingly anime

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I think your existence is a sin.

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that was rude

Not every monster's going to get its own track

If Chameleos gets in then we'll have the original fated four in the game.

It's missing tracks of monsters that already have their own in W while featuring a few ones that already are in, so it's clearly just not a complete list.

That was the intention.

No, his primary attack method is his head (horns), Duramboros was all about that tail. Biologically of course he's closer to Duramboros.

I would love to see Duramboros in World, though I don't know that his signature attack would work so well in World's small maps.

The problem is more that there isn't really much of a proper Mountain map for Duramboros
There's plenty of rooms big enough and in past games you could still fight him in some cramed areas.

if zin is in, stygian better be as well

He's simply too good looking to not be

Fuck this Pukei, I cant get him through the mission without him dying. YES I HAVE USED THE LIFE POWDERS THIS NIGGER IS SUICIDAL

He's a jungle/marshland monster, Ancient Forest would be where you'd find him but unfortunately there's just two areas there large enough to accomodate the thing spinning like a top and hurling himself 200 feet. He'd have to have a toggle to not use that move in any other areas or people would just get raw fucked/he'd look dumb as hell clipping through everything.

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He won't be. If anything we're more likely to get new subs and variants as they've been rolling subs/variant/rare/deviant moves into the normal monsters. Narga, Glav, Tigrex, Brachy, they've all got moves from their offshoots baked into them now.

lol what a retarded family, that user did nothing wrong.

i mainly meant in the moveset and general feel of the weapon, skins are open game and always have been. i said they would "keep it a little simpler" but cmon dont overstate that in a game about hunting giant monsters holy shit its already embarrassingly anime if any thing

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Hm... Does anyone know if you get less HR points if you hunt in multiplayer? Asking about World in particular.

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fuck off and take your twitter screencap with you

No returning subspecies besides metal raths. Long sword leak hard confirms this.

I still dont get how he's an Elder Dragon.

Is there any feasible way to transfer a ps4 monhun save to steam?

Still the best looking GS in world, I love swinging it around.

FFXIV crossover part 2 with Nidhogg when?

zinogre is easy as fuck, especially for how intimidating he looks, everything else about him is good though

Longsword leak might not be full tree, only confirms a MINIMUM of options

You need a jailbroken PS4 for that, the alternative is to modify your PC save to be as similar as your PS4 one as possible.

Should I bother farming weapons and armor or just wait for Iceborne?

indeed, moves like helm splitter, saed or the hammer slide attack keep it simple

I havent even tried AT Nerg. His gear isnt that great and I doubt his layered armor looks better than Guild Cross.

It's not even a full leak. It was taken from the same demo that Arekkz and all the journos went to for the Pao, Tobi, and Pukei subs. The one that Arekkz did the armor video from.
It didn't have Luna and Jho's stuff on it either.

Layered is ryu which sucks

Weapons seems smart as they'll upgrade

Are they ever going to release the DLC musics in good quality ?

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>layered is Ryu
lmao who would even care

>switchaxe has the fastest velkhana kill by far
>the optimal playstyle is just spamming clutch claw + amped discharge

Switchaxe bros... we won... but at what cost?

Axe mode is even more useless now thanks to discharge buffs, and the switchaxe is now the most braindead OP boring weapon.

So Kut-Ku is pretty much confirmed for MH6 at this point right?

Attached: 4c69f540c921625bd31540c1fe4ec7e47bb4e1b10b6210abdb34fa75642ad5ba.jpg (500x357, 70K)

>no Brute Tigrex
>no Molten Tigrex
>no Green Nargacuga
>no Lucent Nargacuga
>no Stygian Zinogre
>STILL no Zinogre rare species
>no Jade Barroth
>no Steel Uragaan(ouch, sorry gunlance mains)
>Ruiner Nerg doesn't have unique monster parts
>no Beetlejuice variant

Attached: 1566542465931.png (1628x2920, 485K)

>January 22nd, 2020


Capcom confirmed at E3 that players will be able to see the entire tree, even if they can't see which parts belong to which monster.

This is also why we know the Nargacuga IG is not in Iceborne and we're stuck with Hidden Cane II.

yeah i agree, just the right amount of cuhrayze. my personal favorite is the db pinwheel spin attack

aren't you assuming that every monster will have a weapon on the LS tree and that this is a complete weapon tree?

Do you think we'll get any decent HR bird wyverns? I want a super dangerous photo raptor.

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Variants always add on to the base tree. Its subs that branch off

Attached: Updated Ls tree.jpg (1141x2048, 1.6M)

>switchaxe has the fastest velkhana kill by far
>the optimal playstyle is just spamming clutch claw and discharge

Switchaxe bros... we won... but at what cost?
Our weapon is OP but its now the most boring, braindead, one dimensional weapon...

Its always beeb that way with SA

You have to scroll down for Jho and Lunastra as they were added post releasw. They appear below the arena weapon line at very bottom.

We know almost the entire roster now.

>just the right amount
yeah if you're some mouthbreathing weeb child

>15 minutes into a hunt in the game where even the most unoptimized set kills monsters in 5 means

They buffed axe mode and it had the fastest Tigrex kill just using axe mode

But on slower monsters like Velkhana you can just spam claw and discharge.
I just hope each monster has an a different strategy required.

So why didn't he scroll down to Luna and Jho then?

How many monsters are we at now?

Not all monsters have a longsword you retarded faggots.

>caring about speedruns
The optimal playstyle for every weapon has always been spamming the most power move. Be glad that it isn't charge lancing.

Because there was clearly nothing new down there.

hey self depreciation can do bad things to your self esteem

Post TA video please.

Jho and Luna were straight up not there, you could see the Huntsman and Serious Handler quest prompts for the DLC stuff, demo build hadn't even started any of the quest chains

what did he mean by this

If it's any consolation, EVERY weapon involves spamming crutch claw during speedruns.

How can it be clear if you can't see it?

i am an amateur artist hope u like my drawing of anjanath
im open for requests

Attached: tegaki.png (400x400, 4K)

7:57 velkhana kill, all he does is spam claw and discharge on the head.

That's a pretty good Anja, draw me the best Leggy Anna you can.

Welp, that settles it. That's the final weapon tree concerning Iceborne content on release.

looks pretty sick please draw monkey

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>n-no u


I don't give a fuck. We were low tier for all of vanilla, now we will be top tier. Also on faster monsters you don't be able to abuse that strategy. You can only do it when Rocksteady is up

Isnt that a flying wyvern? I mean one of the ground raptors.

>so they keep making the games more and more embarrassingly anime

It's fucking Japanese

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kinda hard cause he very blue so looks the same

Attached: tegaki.png (400x400, 7K)

No, Crutch Claw is top tier. All eleven blademaster weapons are merely the sideshow act.

No, it's a bird wyvern

Nope he's a birb

Please try Jagras

So is the whole game just going to be claw spamming? How awful. Why did they add this? Its even worse than mounting

hes right, zinogre is boring and has a visually cluttered and gross design, the way he fights is his literally only upside

very nice


i am proud of this one

Attached: tegaki.png (400x400, 7K)

I killed A-Lunastra...

What a fucking bitch!!!

what else am i supposed to say you fuckin brainlet? youre the one arguing that monster hunter of all things is "getting" too anime and unrealistic, you could at least complain about the shit like no fall damage or literally no hunter ever dying on hunts because of kitties but instead you choose to get hung up on this.

last (you), relish it

Blame Teostra for not putting his whore wife on a leash

I bought World last week, picked a female hunter cause Naruga is back abd it’s my favorite set, already at the 3 Elder Dragons fights.

However, why the female models so fat? So many armor sets look way off because of that. Why can’t they look more like they do in the concept art? From face to body to armor sets, the female hunter design leaves a lot to be desired. Had I known all these things before picking my character, I’d just have gone male instead.

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Pretty nice.

Honestly, why DID Capcom add crutch claw? Was this even necessary? Same with the Temporal Mantle.

It's more like ledge spamming. Really though it's just an unintended consequence that they didn't think about.

All the female models in game turn out ugly and fridge like. Not to mention the armor has poorer designs.
It was your fault for falling for the huntress meme

New trailer today?

jagras too fat couldnt fit in photo lol

Attached: tegaki.png (400x400, 6K)

Tbh if the optimal way to fight is just spamming claw, I am going to get really bored really fast.

Dogo armor is cool and sexy, shame its mid tier only

The huntress wasn’t a meme in all the last games. My character build in 3U is a total cutie. Why did Capcom go and ruin that in World? Fridge is exactly the right way to describe it. I wish I could just change my character now without redoing all my progress. I though shit would get better once I got some of the classic sets, but even stuff like Rath looks like shit now. It awful.

beating AT tempered and having the cool iceborne theme come on was pretty cool

I've been using a defensive build, because she hits like a truck, as a result my damage has been reduced too much... what a nightmare

>faggot literal who on twitter with an anime pic

Longsword tree in the press demo didn't even have any MR weapons branching off of Xeno, clearly not the full thing

opps meant AT nergi

absolutely amazing

very good

user, Xeno'jiiva is the perfect elder. Nothing can branch off from perfection.

thats a big... tail...

>so fucking stupid he actually compares game mechanics needed to keep the game's level design and high damage monsters from being a cockblock to the player, to sheer stylistic choices
what an absolute fucking mongoloid

It looks like I can't play MH anymore. I just don't have the reflexes to react to all this hopping around that the monsters do. I just unlocked Lunastra and triple carted for the first time in years. I didn't even understand when I was supposed to attack and what was safe etc. I'm just going to skip Iceborne and accept that I can't play these games anymore, I just get frustrated at my slow reaction time

It's not your fault. World Lunastra is a bottom 5 fight in the entire series.

>bottom 5 fight
all taken up by giant monster fights, try bottom 10 or 15

Lunastra has literally broken this boomer, Chirst

Why is that?

im taking a break but i will be back. drawing alot is taking a toll on me. thanks for requesting :)

Attached: tegaki.png (400x400, 7K)

Lunastra is absolute dog shit, don't sweat it

sucks bro, world is literally the easiest monster hunter game.

I'm at hr 80 or something. should I go for AT elders yet or is there a gear step before that.i went in to a room with an AT valhazak when it first showed up as an event in plain xenojiva gear and just him walking by me put me at critical health.
I have an upgraded to Max normal val set now, a blight proof medallion, and a decent access to elderseal with the finished nerg ls and the dragon element boost from val

she has some janky hitboxes and is fairly annoying to fight but she is in no way bottom 5

>4 fingers

Nah, as an old man I still find FU and 4U to be easier due to how robotic and predictable the monsters are. World's ADHD monsters confuse me and throw me off my game.

On the topic of Lunastra. How do I deal with that big fire wave move? It's the only thing that really gets me. Just started learning the fight today. Would be cake if it wasn't for that

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But that's the opposite. Monsters were a lot more agressive in old MH.

i actually sort of agree, I also dislike how cramped most of the areas feel, I love the wide open areas in the older games, i don't care if it looks bland, you have room to maneuver
fighting a monster in a hallway between areas in World is fucking shit




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3 piece Kushala

superman dive spam

I disagree. I can still go back to FU and predict Tigrex's every move 30 seconds before he does it.


Dive the first explosion, dive the DoT and dive the final explosion.

Besidea the obvious Shen or Lao, what would you consider worse than World Lunastra? Keep in mind that a boring fight doesn't make it worse.

Clutch claw is awful and ruins the game. Its the worst mechanic since arts / styles, and mounting. It won't return in MH6 unless they are retarded.


It's not great for the guys either.

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I got to the point where I could fight two G rank tigrex in the same area and not even turn the camera.

Abusable AI
Standing 2 steps to the right and just outside of bite range would force them to turn towards you and prepare another attack



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can you post the speed run please?

Why is everyone so fat ffs? Who ordered this? They should be fired.

Its overpowered and spamming it is optimal for many weapons. Boring overpowered garbage

Black Gravios
Apex Najarala
Red Khezu
Lagiacrus on land
Raging Brachydios with anything but IG or a gun

>mess up my dive timing and dive to early to dodge the end of the windpress or fuck up and don't dive in time after recovering from the first dive
>nova windpresses me into one of the many flame mines dotting the map
>guaranteed cart in AT


Cause magic and shit

It isn't, that's why everyone hates the fight.
AT nerg is probably the only fun one, and it's still a
>fuck up once and you cart

It was posted here:
Its absolutely disgusting, claw spam does so much damage. I don't see how it can be fixed, Iceborne is gonna be shit at this rate

>See Luna at full sparkle
>Deploy Flash Pod
>Run like fuck
>Casually sip potions outside of Nova range
>Equip 3 pieces of Kushala gear

>it wont return in MH6 unless they are retarded
But they are, there's no way they'll not reuse assets

AT Vaal and Kirin are fun. And Teo is stressful in a good way.

I doubt that very much.

Blame "realism"

>I don't see how it can be fixed
Like you can fix all additional tools, make enemies resistant to them.

Vaal and Kirin are literally the same as the originals, just hit harder and Kirin gets an insta kill thunder, but it's the same boring, annoying horse.

Exactly, the base fights were too easy

They've refused to give claw a cooldown or give monsters resistance. They tried to balance it by "it doesn't work during rage mode!", but it still fucking works during rage mode.

Claw is just a shit mechanic that nullifies all other mechanics. Free instant lock on knockdowns and your best DPS.

Yeah, but ATs are both easy and boring because bloated HP.

Clutch claw spam is the highest DPS in iceborne by far, go watch velkhana from gamescom

You can spam the claw? Why?
Who thought that was a good idea?

Keep crying bitch nigga go to another franchise if you want to nerf.

This is a single player PvE game. Fuck off to League of fags thread

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What monster's is that Switch Axe?

>Clutch Claw spam is viable
They better nerf this shit into the ground like they did with baby mantle

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Did you quote the right person? I didnt even mention the claw you sperg

>Black Gravios
Break belly and abuse its weakness to mount spam. Next.
>Apex Najarala
You're really struggling with the second easiest apex? Bitch nigga, you're supposed to attack it when it attempts to coil you. Dodge the para bite and you'll quickly realize how many free hits you can get off from a single coil.
>Red Khezu
Hit the head and don't overextend. If you're having issues with Khezu after your first game, then you have more glaring issues to address
>Lagiacrus on land
I get that Lagi is free as hell on land, but that was kind of the point since it comes ashore to recover stamina. Ivory should be the fight to judge
>Raging Brachydios with anything but IG or a gun
This would be a good point had it not been for roll cancelling guaranteeing your safety from the exploding limbs. Raging Brachy is free once you adapt to the exploding limbs. However, I will admit that teamkilling is a problem.

The game won't be fun with overpowered, boring mechanics.
Why even give weapons a moveset if their best option is spamming their claw attack?

>People think the claw is going to be OP
lmao, if you're a shitter, sure. Good players aren't going to be "spamming" the claw because it isn't optimal when you're actually capable of just hitting the monster.



welcome to modern monster hunter

>nerf baby blanket
>make the weakzone creating tool spammable with an extremely high damage combo

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Clutch claw spam does the highest DPS if your weapon has a good claw attack. So you are wrong.
The fastest Velkhana kill by far has been due to claw spam

Except there is an overwhelming amount of video evidence showing how busted crutch claw is.

>it isn't optimal
It is optimal. It does the most damage for many weapons.

Hammer clutch claw is going to be so fucking fun though