Shouldn't everyone be for the distribution platform/launcher with the lowest cut for the developers, even if there is exclusivity involved?
Shouldn't everyone be for the distribution platform/launcher with the lowest cut for the developers...
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no, because i'm not a developer
>Name fag
>Derail because I think everyone is a shill fag
Fucking hell, you're both worse than my workmates at Epic.
Developers are assholes, fuck em
What does it matter to me as a consumer if the game costs 60 anyway?
>shouldn't the CCP be allowed to create a foreign monopoly to prop up their currency manipulation?
>30% cut
>best store ever made that's light-years ahead of any competition
>latest feature: AI that can suggest you games based on play history
>12% cut
>possibly THE WORST store ever made
>shopping cart feature: 6 months away
>lowest cut for the developers
You got this backwards, which makes me think you really don't know what you're talking about. Or English is not your first language.
As a consumer, I will use whatever service I enjoy most, and is in my best interest. It is the job of the producer/developer to meet the demands of the market, not twist the market to meet it's own supply.
As Ion Fury has proven, devs/publishers don't deserve any fucking money.
Actually I'm worse off as a consumer exactly because of the exclusivity. Now I can't choose a store but might get forced to use the shittiest, buggiest one out there just because.
>STILL shilling for EGS
Does it have a shopping cart and public user reviews yet?
What happened now
Rollin for truth.
Nah son. I pirate every game that is exclusive to epic.
FUCK epic.
But if the devs sell me a steam key from their website then I can give them 100% of the cut.
t. bluepilled zoomer.
Why should I give a fuck about the developer's bottom line?
Cringe too.
coming to say fpbp because no one else is, even this it objectively the best post
Nice chink propaganda.
Why give a fuck about games then
>paying for Randy's childfucking parties
No thanks. Supporting EGS is supporting real pedophiles.
They can keep making games as long as they can break-even. No need to be greedy motherfuckers.
Serious question. Do you think Randy was in Epstein's shitlist as well? Or is he to much of a loudmouth on twitter?
Fuck do you think Gaben and Tim were in ti as well?
From what I gathered... Resetera dilated in agreement to bully 3DRealms into meeting there demands to remove and change content as they saw fit. Maiden changed to Fury, stuff removed because sexist...
The devs did what they were told and proceeded to donit for the sake of PC... Now the fans are upset and Resetera still won't buy the game because of the content that ecisted before. It is the whole Courage Macaroni scene, but toss in an angry Eustace for having perfectly good Macaroni wasted.
That has nothing to do with it. If developers want more money they need to negotiate better deals with their publishers. It's not the customers' responsibility to take actions that the developers prefer. It's the customers' responsibility to seek out the best value. Right now Epic offers very little actual value considering their prices are not better than Steam's and they have no services to offer that are better than Steam's; including the amount of games offered.
yes, Im not mentally ill
I don't give a fuck if someone gets a bajjillion quarillion zimbabwe dollars. All I care is about playing vider gams.
I was into that, I would have supported epic with its low cut income. But then I hear there was exclusive game that come with, ones that they had nothing to do with(didn't fund or develop the game) well bringing that console exclusive mindset into pc gaming, one of its pros being an open market platform, they can just fuck right off.
I will never support that kind of scummy business.
wait you ever bought a steam key from a dev website ? stop lying steam drone
Don't open this tho
No, because I'm a consumer not a servile cuck
>Pandering to people who don't buy games
Why? It's not even good PR nowadays
This qt is from Girls Frontline right?
yes, because Im not a store front faggot
Yes. I specifically post in steam forums to ask devs that I actually like for it.
Almost all pc gamers pirate a game now and then. What makes you think that this group of people would care about a few % extra for the devs?
If they pass it on to consumers, then it's a different story.
I only care about developers that produce good games. Selling your game short by signing a exclusivity is a great way to show that you don't have enough confidence in your product
if a game is released on epic exclusively, even if I have zero desire to play it, I will go out of my way to pirate it. FUCK epic.
Yes but fanboyism is a thing and people have used Steam for a decade.
Don't you think if you believed in the quality of your storefront you wouldn't have to bribe developers to exclusively have their games there for a year and just let every other storefront have the games too?
Fuck off chink shill.
You won't spy on my computer.
China having its own steam store is based though. That means everyone else don't have to interact with them at all. Remember that horror game that the Chinese review bombed up to the point the devs removed it from steam? Yeah.
Not even that. Do you think if these devs believed in the quality of their game they would accept the bribe in the first place?
That's a solid point. But then again, Steam holds a sort of monopoly in the space don't they?
There is no sort-of about it. The "features" they offer to developers, while convenient, lock them into the ecosystem.
>we care about developers making money
>blatantly steals BR idea to shoehorn into their shitty base building horde mode game nobody wanted to play and release it for free to capitalise on the success of other BR game who even uses your engine which you profit off of
Yeah, for the developers.
This is the most exaggerated post ever
Maiden to furry happened because of copyright issues, and content that was removed was literally out of map stuff and one asset
Nice chinaphobia there bro
But why? You always get shit waifu no matter what. Like now, here, am I right?
Why is the US more fit for that?
They'll lose their so called monopoly when something better or of similar quality shows up, Nothing decent has shown up yet.
>Maiden changed to Fury
Because they got sued by Iron Maiden, not because of anything else.
>stuff removed because sexist
Literally a single bottle with "0GAY" on it that wasn't even visible, it was out of the map and you had to noclip to see it.
Yet retards went ahead and review bombed it.
I don't think they have an impact on anything at all.
>lord xi jinping, please silence the chinaman! He is bullying me!
Let's try the reverse:
Shouldn't developers be for the distribution service that offers most to the consumer, even if they get slightly less per sale?
>Shouldn't everyone be for the distribution platform/launcher with the lowest cut for the developers, even if there is exclusivity involved?
no because i'm a consumer, not a game developer
i want the best experience for me, not for the game developer, so i'm going to buy from the company that gives me the most options
If you want my money then treat the customer properly.
More like it means that Steam is owned by China 100%.
Or at least partnered with a Chinese company, that's literally the law there after all
Probably. Randy is a scumbag. I doubt there's many people like that in gaming as a whole though, I'd be more worried about journos.
ahma rollin
>what you dont want to be exclusive
Doesn't mean, Valve literally sold out to China. Valve is China's official assbitch.
I give 0 shits about giving money to billion dollar companies that see me as a mindless consuming sheep. If I'm going to pay for something, I'm doing it on the platform that does more for me.
being paid to spam egs threads is probably a braindead but hilarious job. where do i sign up?
Post your email address and social security number if you're American pig
>Supporting the chink firewall is based
Kys, gaben is literally sucking off chink dick since the king leoric rework.
(>no uni)
(>chicken chan again)
(>no 89) and 92
no because developers shouldnt be in it for the money
Then why aren't people supporting It's superior to every other store since it takes less than even EGS.
you can't fool me 4chanman, i know if i type my email like this, ********* and my social like this ****-**-*** the system will replace it with asterisks. try it yourself
Oh I won't farr for that one American. Foor me once
>Foor me once
No, because we have already established long ago that lower costs for developers doesn't lead to better games. It actually leads to worse games, because they realize that they can do less and get away with more money. Lower cost sunk into game itself, just means more advertising budget, which is the biggest factor in how people buy games and why games like Pokemon, Call of Duty and other sub par franchises continue to get sales. So no, they can suck a dick.
Why do you want to genocide nonwhites?
If EGS was so good for developers, wouldn't the best practice is to pass the savings onto the consumer?
No. Thanks for asking.
It doesn't look like you want to discuss anything so nice thread.
Discord’s store takes a lower cut than EGS though.
So, you can sell your game on a shady shitty store with only a 12% cut take and sell 10 000 copies. OR you can sell your game on objectively a better store everyone uses already + other smaller ones on top of it for 30% and sell 100 000. Hmm, i wonder what will end up being more prosperous. (And yes, Epic DOES cover ALL of the lost sale potential FOR NOW, but you don't get any traction, so if you make something else - nobody will know who you are and Epic just won't buy your product this time)
Yes, lowest cut for the devs means cheaper games for consumers.
>means cheaper games for consumers.
So then when are the games going to start being lower priced on EGS. Still waiting on that part, shill.
EGS gives a higher cut to developers you absolute retard.
Why would their prices get cheaper?
>EGS shill can't even stay logically consistent
I honestly can't tell if you're just shit posting, or are legitimately stupid/crazy.
Not everyone who replies to you in a shill thread is a shill.
The EGS sucks ass, and their CEO is like Trump on Twitter, but worse.
No one likes exclusives, and no one should support them unless there is a good reason for it, like, if it only runs on PC because hardware limitations on consoles.
thanks tim
>Developers get a better deal
>Still charge the same price
Yeah, fuck em
>implying you'll play any of it
It's all singleplayer games, if you really wanted to play it you'd have pirated them years ago.
>uses wangblows
Pic related, it's you
Wasnt the name change because they were gonna be sued by Iron Maiden band?
I played GNOG, Slime Rancher, Subnautica, Transistor and What Remains of Edith Finch
no actually it's you
I did too, years ago, for free, without having to register and download that shit launcher.
What am I: the paying customer, getting from supporting this?
Oh, nothing but greater inconvenience? I'll pass.
>Literally a single bottle with "0GAY" on it that wasn't even visible, it was out of the map and you had to noclip to see it.
Uh no, sweetie? Educate yourself?
>Educate yourself
>literally tumblrspeech
Learn to speak and maybe then I'll consider listening to the feces coming out of your foul mouth.
Who hurt you?
Friendly reminder that 60% of steam users are from china. Enjoy
you must understand
they don't have enough space
they are in the early stages so they can't accommodate for every one
please understand
>Literally a single bottle with "0GAY" on it that wasn't even visible, it was out of the map and you had to noclip to see it.
Fucking retard. I can't even imaging being so enraged over something while being so ill informed about it.
I think it was supposed to be an O because it sounds similar to the pronunciation of Eau.
You are either baiting or stupid. China are retards that like control but Gaben can't ignore such big market. He wants money.
It's OGAY because it's a parody of an actual soap brand OLAY. It was featured everywhere in the game you would expect to find soap. The outside the map message was censoring the word fagbag from debug text - that's the one you had to noclip out to see.
>OGAY because it's a parody of an actual soap brand OLAY
Alright, removing because some randos got triggered and didn't get the joke sucks.
>censoring the word fagbag from debug text - that's the one you had to noclip out to see
I don't really see an issue with that one though.
So the controversy is about a bottle and a word outside the map?
Is it worth the review bombing and the constant shitposting about it on Yea Forums and the forums?
No the controversy is about what the devs said in their discord.
no, because said devs are selling there comunity not the game to epic.
do not support slavery.
I'll use whatever offers the better product.
There is no advantage of using EGS over Steam, so i don't.
The store is just so under developed, the free games are nice but they seriously need to get to work on this shit
Not if the launcher makes the situation worse for the players.
Also if you want to give the devs more just buy from their site steam keys. Epic is already stuffed with fortnite money.
It does not benefit me. Developers and publishers are not a charity - they all get paid and their families are fed. I care about MY money and the value I get for it.
>won't someone think of the corporations
No. I only care about the consumer, not some greedy publisher filling their pockets. I use GOG whenever I can, Steam is the fallback.
>lowest cut for the developers
The PUBLISHER is the one getting those breaks. The developers never see a penny of it.
>lowest cut for the developers
They wish they got that money.