Just released the newest patch to NMS

>just released the newest patch to NMS

>hundreds of hours of content, all the features originally promised.

>actual multiplayer.

It's time to forgive him, Yea Forums.

His game is way better than Star Shitizen which Yea Forums laps up like a dog lapping up water in a desert.

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Dilate and consider having sex

>release a buggy, broken, unfinished piece of shit
>i'm supposed to kiss his ass now that it took 3 (three) years for him to patch it into a playable condition
We don't allow big companies to get away with bullshit like this, why is it suddenly so amazing that the NMS guys did it too?
Is it literally only because they're indie devs and i'm just supposed to like indie devs more based on that sole factor?

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>now act like an advisor

I don't need sex the newest patch of nms gave me ten orgasms just today. It's the most diverse open world game ever created. Way better than BOTW which Yea Forums fucking injects into their veins on a daily basis.

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if it released as it is today it still wouldnt be worth playing

seething. You probably pirated it and cant play the multiplayer.

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>It's time to forgive him, Yea Forums.
No, I don't think I will.
>Had to PATCH that shit in instead of delaying the release for a few months to get the framework of what should've been promised instead of what we got

lol diverse

It's the same fucking plants and animals on every planet. Why are you gargling Sean's cum so much.

its still a glitchy mess

Fuck these faggots. They lied and did not even try to anonymously warn the consumer base about how the publishers were doing releasing this game unfinished filled with unmet features and broken promises. The dev team of NMS has left a bad impression on the indie game scene.

>His game is way better than a turd that is barely a game

Are the planets now varied on things like gravity? I don't care about the base building or anything, just the exploration which turned out to be really disappointing. I love Space Engine even though you can't really interact with anything at all so it doesn't take much for me.

Attached: space engine logo.jpg (460x215, 34K)

>adding features in a patch 3.5 years later nullifies the initial release and lies

>shoot rocks to be able to shoot more rocks
people actually play this shit?

He still lied through his teeth and they still took three years to add features they promised would be in the game at launch. No.

Yeah nah, dude still lied about launch date features. Make it $20 and maybe I'll buy it.

>It's time to forgive him, Yea Forums
OP, I'm into the game and all but opening any NMS thread with FORGIB SEAN HE DID GUD is just absolutely begging for the usual flood of grumpy shitposters to come in decimate any hopes for actual good conversation about the game. Sure, it's an attention-grabbing thread, but if you're trying to promote active discussion among the few here who tolerate this game, you've absolutely failed.

>Are the planets now varied on things like gravity?
Yes, but only in that one certain planet biome happens to have low-gravity. All other planet types seem to have the same gravity from what I can tell.

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The man never wanted actual multiplayer in his game but people complained so much he had to put it in

>play multiplayer
>quest glitches, i get the hyperdrive but friend does not
>this causes a number of other progression-related bugs
>we have to start fresh, even save editors didn't help

feels bad man. not happy

Be me
play no mans sky
buggy as hell
stuff doesn't work and disappears
turn off game and throw in the bin

is there a big fucking space battle just as he promised?

just the frigate battles, where you fight about 8 ships is all i've done