Is it time for MMORPGs to shine yet again?
Is it time for MMORPGs to shine yet again?
shartage 7.0 It'll Be Good This Time For Real Guys Edition.
read its dead as fuck compared to release days but they addressed a lot of the p2w shit?
>that OP message
ye not really,more like desperate attempt to keep a dying thread alive.
Ahem. NO
Trickster online let me get my digging and mining fetish out of my system anyway.
Why are Korean MMOs with great catgirls always such shit?
What even happened with that countdown anyways? Was it fucking nothing
B2P version of the game with no cash shop
basically the version everyone was asking for since beta
B2P server announced.
So no its no longer "f2p" with sub needed to do fuck all while still having to buy cash shop items to get shit done on top, while still being able to go even more p2w by buying even more stuff to sell on ah for gold to then buy gear that 1 shots people in 1vs20 pvp.
B2P is still P2W as more accounts => more labor points that are used for everything and directly means more money as lp itself is worth money (buy stones => process them and sell for twice the money for example)
Yeah I doubt it will remain B2P with purely cosmetic cash shop for a long time.Hopefully for the first months (big IF) they keep their promise.
The jokes comes they are using B2P+Cosmetics to get funds.
When other games are f2p and are drowing in dosh... why is that?
Aside of that, B2P=Multiboxing and until they can't discover how to stop multiboxing the game gonna still be shit.
Wait, this is really happening? No cash shop?!
Lamesauce. But even bought out I guess it's still Trion. I might have been interested because it did have a great premise but the LP p2w system was aids
GW2 did B2P+Cash shop successfully.That being said you could also exchange in-game gold for premium currency and buy virtually all "premium items".That includes exp/magic find scrolls,inventory slots,tons of skins.
Still they focused on other games(now canceled) and let the game die.
Can't they simply not allow gold/item trading like BDO does?
Why would they release this at the same time as WoW classic? Are they retarded?
>i-it will be better this time!
kys shill
>talking about a beloved MMORPG that died due to shitty practices is shilling
>on Yea Forums of all places
Go back.
I never ever ever ever played AION, TERA, Mount n Blade, RIFT, ArcheAge, Firefall, Warframe, Guild Wars 2 How do they all compare to each other?
>beloved MMORPG
Archeage is not really beloved and its mechanics are all kinds of shit. If you want to talk about great mmo ruined by distributor talk about age of wulin.
How’s the mining in that?
You overstimate how relevant wow still is and how relevant classic is
it's a scam, just like bless. $20 for a dead game lol
>Can't they simply not allow gold/item trading like BDO does?
They need to completely change how the game works in order to do that, you need to trade things like crafting material with others etc.
Even with fixed ah prices like BDO, if alt accounts are somehow possible it's P2W cuz as I mentioned more lp is more crafting and more money.
>GW2 did B2P+Cash shop successfully
GW2 was shit and they needed to open semi f2p to stay a float and gate content behind ""expansions""
Now they want to cashgrab AA, a game have failed in 5 years.
They only telling lies to get most of the $$$ before close the game, like EME with Kritika.
The entire post is a mess mate,you're mixing genres together.
AION,TERA,RIFT are dead with Tera somewhat surviving due to a specific audience.
GW2 was neglected in favor of developing new games which were canceled and nobody knows what they were about.It has still a decent population and they're hyping an announcement that could be an expansion of sorts.
Firefall is actually dead.
Warframe isn't an MMORPG but more of a co-op online game,massive population and a great F2P model(if you're into grinding and trading rare BPs/parts/cards)
Mount and Blade is pretty good but not a MMO.
ArcheAge had the potential of being one of the better MMORPGs but was ruined by the F2P model and cash shop.
The F2P version is actually a trial and it's completely garbage and unplayable.You can't even the auction house properly or communicate with other people.I sincerely doubt this F2P option helped them stay afloat.
Their pay model is successful when compared to other NCSoft games and the reason the game is "dying" is due to them having their ~300 devs working on unannounced projects while delivering almost nothing to the game itself.
If u want to play a better archeage, just play BDO
People will quickly realize how boring and stale classic WoW is but still have an MMO itch to satisfy. That's where ArcheAge comes in.
>twists the knife in the chest of a dying genre
*pay at least $100 to make it playable
I have ~500 hours on BDO and while the combat and the world is good everything else is literally like a second job.
I hate awaking weapons.
I grinded to max lvl on korean version loving my valk just for them to nerf her and giving her a shit awakening.
Also dumb as fuck combination, why giving the ninja a fucking katana so he is basically just another musa?
Enjoyed the korean version but I can't get back into it.
Tell me more about the new Skillset and maybe I will.
$100 to make it playable and $300 to actually be anyway competitive, then grind for over 1000 hours.
Watered down Battlerage+Shadowplay used with dual weapons, lot of movement to catch ranged.
Yeah thats true, but the endless options of things to do as well as the depth of combat and lifeskilling makes it a fufilling game. Furthemore, only pets are necessary
Actually i really like awakening weapons, it changed the depth of the combat and made it more engaging
Literally *teleports behind u*?
Yes but with more teleport and dash
even more?
Aren't there like 3-4 dashes already with battlerage and shadowplay alone?
Swiftblade is the response of XL Games to the carebears that can't kill a Archer/Mage
So they added another skillset that fuck off the ranged classes.
Arent archers already shit?
The git gud isn't a meme...
You would be surprised how bad the playerbase of AA is in PvP because can't get git gud.
>saving anything
No thanks, they dug their hole.
>grinding simulator
>better archeage
no thanks
I played at initial launch for a while and the power gap for gear was retarded and horribly rng based with fucking regrading and shit. How is it like nowadays?
Also, did they ever add an actually working version of skill queueing?
Okay, I'll give it a shot. The only reason why I played Archeage in the first place is trying out ever skillset.
B2P soon don't start yet.Apparently standard edition starts at 20 eurobucks with the promise of no P2W items on cash shop and just vanity items.
Only play AA for two things
>Sea battles
The rest are addons.
It's fucking Gamigo, the fucking company that made neowiz take Bless Online back from them because they did such a horrible job with it. They're shit. Why do you people keep falling for this bullshit?
Yeah but I'm assuming Unchained will still be similar to the standard version in most ways other than the removal of the cash shop. You think it'll be a lot more different?
Although they haven't released all the information about Unchained I'd say you'd be correct in that assumption.I'm somewhat optimistic,but considering who's behind it,it becomes clear that it';ll most likely be a shitfest.