So, SFM models are going to be the only good thing to come out of Death Stranding right?
So, SFM models are going to be the only good thing to come out of Death Stranding right?
Not if they modelled her feet.
what's SFM? safe for mama?
soft female mammaries
She has a black boyfriend you guys know this right?
Sexy foot models.
Fucking based
Safe For Manchildren
Sexy Female Machines
Where the fuck do I get {spoiler]Belnder[/spoiler] models? I've downloaded everything decent off Smutbase.
if this is a sign of things to come prospects are looking up!
Why can only japs make attractive women characters
Deviantart, unironically
Possibly.. the last waifu that Kojima body scanned got that 1 hour horse treatment
>only good thing
No. Not the only good thing but that will be a good perk.
The best part of death stranding is the massive butthurt it will cause pctards and nincels. Xbox fans will be turning in their graves
It's not going to be on PC so no ripping off models.
Never stopped anyone.
give me a well-rigged blender model and we'll talk
fuck SFM garbage
>model release for blender
>3 people use it
Blender is shit. It can't do rough/fast motions. Only good for taking screenshots.
I have never played Overwatch but I have fapped to all the female characters
It will though. In 2020
Same. A lot of those animations are top quality. Wouldn't be surprised if Blizzard made a bunch Overwatch porn themselves.
Mama... gib milkies!
same shit
who cares
for some reason I can't fap to overwatch
probably because I despise the game and shitzard
Me too. But it's more like because they look too cartoony and look like pixarshit.
Well I wouldn't expect anything different.
can't wait for animopron to make "breaking the mommy"
Blender isn't as accessible as SFM and never will be. Most of the people jacking off to 3d shit can't even tell the difference.
Virtually all the overwatch porn made nowadays is in blender. They could tell the difference, the transition from sfm to blender just happened without them noticing the software change.
There'd need to be a PC version for SFM models.
That's okay, he can watch her get RICED
Time to invest in that helium tank, trash boy.
Yes, this girl totally looks like that suicidal abomination.
Kys tranny bastards
Overwatch porn maybe. Nearly everything else is SFM. I don't like the way female models look in Blender. Like they're made out of matte finish foam or something.
They didn’t make them, they just scanned her face and put it on a model
We do that here but it never works out the same
No. If anything, whatever is made with them is going to look even more uncanny
God, she looks terrible with makeup.
Is that guy related to Mark Whalberg?
Overwatch, Nier, and occasional other things are blender, but the most circulated content is blender, deapite how niggers keep calling it sfm. The only stuff that remains sfm nowadays is world of warcraft quadruple futa centaur gangbangs.
>I don't like the way female models look in Blender
You're retarded if you mean to imply that sfm is any better
Search 3D on rule34hentai and see how wrong you are. Also the Warcraft stuff is Blender as well.
It's better. And you don't need to spend 20 hours learning to use it. I installed it, had a laugh at the interface and got rid of it. My commissions sell just fine without having to resort to such complicated software.
>some random Thots
>not Mads Mikkelsen
>Search 3D on rule34hentai
I said circulated, not generated.
i'm sure Leo DiCaprio will date their Hapa daughters when they come of age
If it exists, chances are that it can be found there.
she better have some titfucks with milk as lube
It's short for Blender.
I don't doubt it, but the number of people climaxing to blender is higher than sfm. That was my point.
>Most of the people jacking off to 3d shit can't even tell the difference.
They don't know the difference but they can tell from the quality.
>the number of people climaxing to blender is higher than sfm
How do you even gauge this?
>number of people climaxing to blender is higher than sfm
Maybe you're right. I'll have to check the global fap material percentages index to be sure though.
Why would any self respecting animator still be using the broken mess that is SFM, or ever did for anything using non-Valve assets, when Blender has always and still exists. And especially now that 2.8 is out.
>I spent five minutes clicking around without even reading any guides on where to find the material settings so the whole program can only produce the default look and is therefore shit
Sneeds Feed & Market
>blendersnobs still can't cope
Back to your /cg/ safespace with you.
do girls actually do this?
>all those recent blender animations featuring cunnies of various vidya
unf, what a time to be alive
don't remind me of that fucking video
Death Stranding is going to revolutionise gaming; it will have so many cryptic clues and hints people will be making theories and discovering new things for years to come. It will be like the 90's again where each person after hours of playing discovers something small, like a new detail hinting at the backstory or a new path or item, or even a new ending, and it will inspire even more questions. It will become impossible to separate truth from fiction as people start even making up bullshit theories like Aerith resurrection, or a hidden sex scene being present if you have so many save files, and so on. Fan theories will abound the internet for years to come, and it will be a work of art that people will always clamour to interpret and discover more of, and it will almost certainly spawn a series and franchise just as great as Metal Gear.
And where would one find these particular animations if one were to seek them out?
explain further
S - Blender
F - Maya
M - 3dsMax
Based and redpilled
>what a time to be a pedophile*
there, fixed it for you and now neck urself
This. I havent been on the webs since mless took down all the good shit
This will get data mined as soon as it drops
Sorting by popularity on the boorus
PS4 exclusives can't be ripped. That's why we have no Kingdom Hearts 3 models.
I sure hope so...
post the webm of her cute ticks
Not true. Until Dawn have been ripped.
Based 25 and under club
look up Breaking the Quiet
Schadenfreude forgoes masturbating
I mean newer games with newer PS4 firmware. They might eventually be ripped but probably not for years.
the hell is this?
The Boys.
No, bitch ain't that attractive with her freaky ass bone structure and lack of feminine features. She is no more fit for SFM than goblina loli Sherry.
sankaku channel
oh, dont remember this from the comic but its been forever since i read it
I tihnk she was a man in the comic.