Remake confirmed

remake confirmed

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Other urls found in this thread:

never ever will we get to know what hapend to sev

please no

>rEApublic Commando
please don't

>Disney'd Republic Commando
Don't do this... Please...

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>one of the commandos is a tranny
>some new female mary sue jedi gets thrown in somehow and leads the stoopid male clones
>health regen and other casual cancer

>mfw i don't spend a single fucking cent on anything Disney related as Star Wars continues to plummet into oblivion

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>Disney buys Star Wars
>soft erases literally EVERYTHING that isn't about the OT
>people catch on Disney can't do anything right with their new stuff and OT filler
>slowly bring back the prequels relevance bit by bit
>now we're right back to where we were in 2012 right before Disney bought the franchise

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absolutely,undoubtedly,positively and outstandingly based.

Sev? are you?
No, now I'm Sevinna


>Fixer is going to use they/them pronouns.

Orders from Yoda
Save the trannies, we must
Leave Sevina behind, we must
Can take care of xirself, xi can

for the love of god no

please be fake

pls no not like this

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>leave the originals untouched, with Sev likely to be dead
>remake, and since Sev is now a strong independent womenz, she survives and links up with Delta Squad

can't wait to paly as a female commando

>remake confirmed

Don't do this to me.

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>Don't see guys we are a prime example of toxic masculinity that's why I left the squadron in Kashyyyk

>delta squad defects to the rebellion

i don't want it.

Not canon.
>inb4 “they were in TCW!”
A squad named Delta Squad briefly appeared. But the events of the game are not canon.

Not really, we were better off without the sequels. Why isn't everyone just having droids hyperspace ram small ships into their enemies?

he died in the book.

Same. But I watched the Mandalorian trailer, and it looks awesome. Not gonna' pay for it, though.

In the books they returned to kashyyk to look for him and they realized he died

>EA game
OP has to be a marketer. EA is scum.

>But the events of the game are not canon.
fuck off nigger. in ep2 clones are saying mace windu that delta squad is awaiting his order

>a thread about Disney star wars is made
>thread is rightfully full of people dismissing Disney star wars and shitting on the new content

>a thread about old star wars is made, specifically a game everybody loves
>Thread is still full of people talking about Disney star wars for some reason, using the opritunity to talk about something they hate rather than be supportive of something they love

Don't you guys get tired?

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im the source

They're just memeing because Battlefront 2 is adding Republic Commandos as a unit next month.

You lie. My uncle works for Disney, I just called him and he said there is no remake

>star wars game by EA
>remake of a game that was never good in the first place

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>Battlefront 2 is adding Republic Commandos
wtf I love EA now

t. faggot who wasn't able to cross the bridge on kashyyk

It's a reMAKE. Meaning similar premise, but changed, which in today's climate would mean a lot of political bullshit.

If it was a reMASTER, then im sure people would be thrilled.

>Battlefront 2 is adding Republic Commandos
Oh okay

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But it's not even real. You turned a blue sky thread about a game everyone loves into politics just for the sake of it

>If I ignore it long enough, it will go away.
Imagine thinking like this. Shut the fuck up nigga.

>implying I made it to kashyyk
>acting like this regenerating health(shield) shooter where your squadmates can just revive you is hard

It was just a bad haloclone with a squad command gimmick

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There were 2 concepts for sequels. One concept was you played as imperial commandos carrying out order 66. The other one was Sev becoming the first Rebellion soldier. Not that the latter is better.

>buy all 24 story DLCs to earn the privilege to buy the Sev story resolution pack for just 249 dollars

>tfw you will never get to play Imperial Commando

>stupid opinion
>anime poster
Checks out

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>A woman
If you are going to complain about nebulous SJW's at least don't make shit up

>>rEApublic Commando
>please don't

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>that filename

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>Disney'd Republic Commando
>Don't do this... Please...

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>mentally defective clone changes gender
I can see something like that happening with Disney

implying EA will care about the lore when this becomes real

>>mfw i don't spend a single fucking cent on anything Disney related as Star Wars continues to plummet into oblivion

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you didn't even play the game
you just see armor and you went "yep this is halo"
shit girl shit opinion

>please be fake

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>EA shill on Yea Forums
Aren't you supposed to be bitching at american senators or something?

>anime poster
>shit opinion
fucking weebs.

No, I'm just too tired of this hatred towards EA, just fuck from my site, please. Go back.

>linear shooter with a focus on scripted setpieces
>bullet sponge enemies
>2 weapon limit (or was it 3?)
>regenerating shield plus nonregenerating health

yeah the devs probably never even heard about halo
Only real difference was everything about RC was kinda shit

>I'm just too tired of this hatred towards EA
fuck off EA

Go back.

This will happen and I will hate it

there has to be a correlation between weebs outside of Yea Forums and shit opinion

no, YOU go back you fucking corporate prick
go and kill DICE or something

Go back.

It's okay to admit a game you liked as a child might not have been so good

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Go back.

Go back.

That implies that EA hatred is something new on this board. Funfact: It isn't.

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Go back.

Go back. Only retards hate EA.

I bet they don't even pay this EA shill to shitpost here.

kill yourself redditard

Your new is showing. Go lurk some more before trying to shill again.


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I'm here since 2016, shut the fuck up you fucking newfag.


>enter thread
>two retards talking about trannies
the only time i ever have to hear about it is when i see you faggots bitching about it, fuck off.

no one's buying it reddit


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>vode an and that thing where they punch each other in formation both retconned
nope bye

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Everyone's buy it.

I r8 8/28 unless it's not b8

go back

i don't want a remake i want a new game

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Fuck off with your twitter memes.

just like how disney wars is a huge success. oops, wait

Fuck off tranny, lurk more.

What mentally ill fuck is actually excited for this?

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>>soft erases literally EVERYTHING that isn't about the OT
Kennedy did that, not Disney. Most of what's happened to Star Wars hasn't actually been Disney's fault, it's just the bitch they put in charge (Who when they did so was actually fairly qualified) decided she wanted to tear down everything about old Star Wars to make it HER version. Only relatively recently did Disney put a leash on her and tell her to stop fucking everything up.

kino cartoon

Why must everything I love die

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Go back

>that thing where they punch each other in formation both retconned
What's that?

>imperial commando
>they change sides to the rebels 2 missions in

They did this thing when they got in formation where every guy sort of attacked the one next to him in the exact same way
If they did it right they were out of the way of the strike or angled so the armor took most of it
If they did it wrong they got knocked the fuck out and when everyone marched they left you laying there in shame

Stand down ARC cuck now that clone commandos are in we don't need you guys.

>Only relatively recently did Disney put a leash on her and tell her to stop fucking everything up.
Too little too late. A ton of people are moving on from star wars, even lifelong fans.

>thinking the pozzed v*deo 'game' industry can produce clonekino

>autists seriously think the prequels and EU were good

Yeah, I get it, your first theater experience was seeing Attack of the Clones with dad when you were four and you wrote book reports on the New Jedi Order in middle school. That doesn't mean that shit wasn't garbage that made Star Wars a laughing stock

I don't care how you feel about Disney Wars, but to pretend that Disney "ruined", because if Star Wars was ever ruined it happened a long time ago.

Based Disney shill pretending to not be s shill poster

The difference is that it's because of the failings of one man, George Lucas, versus the failings of a large conglomerate. George doing it is more personal.

Prequels may be memes but atleast Lucas let people make fantastic fucking games and not limit it to the biggest jew in the industry.


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Every creative decision George made with the prequels was focus tested as fuck. George Lucas is the same as every other Hollywood executive, he's just a slob who doesn't know how to dress himself so he tricked you into thinking otherwise.

Reminder that the prequels are all about Darth Vader being retroactively turned into Space Jesus (because Darth Vader is the guy on the cereal boxes) and the core conflict of the series is fought by clones of Boba Fett made from a clone of Boba Fett because Boba Fett was the most popular action figure before he was a minor character in two films.

Basedjack niggers should be banned on sight

>atleast Lucas let people make fantastic fucking games

Until he didn't. Ever read about how he torpedeoed that Darth Maul project?

Music, visual design, and sound design, lead to the plethora of quality non film material that accompanied the prequel trilogy. It left a lasting, positive legacy on the franchise. Cartoons, books, toys, games, all flourished with creativity sparked by the prequels.
You know what fails to inspire? Rehashed X-wing and TIE Fighters. iStormtroopers, and an attempt to recreate Boba. The Death Star, but it's bigger.

Clone Wars era is cool thanks to the Filoni cartoon, which is Canon. Rogue One has already fleshed out the idea that some rebel sects are assholes. I imagine either a remake or Imperial Commandos stands a chance of being decently good as long as the DLC spam isn't horrible

You mean how he made a deadpan joke, as he is known to do, which the Devs took as gospel and then floundered trying to make it work before crashing and burning?

actual mentally ill posting

>and an attempt to recreate Boba.
So...Jango and the Clone Troopers? But it's ok when George does it.

>The Death Star, but it's bigger.
So...Death Star II? But it's ok when George does it.

The parallels between Kennedy and Palpatine are ironic and striking

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its funny that people think this is a hot take. fucking nobody 100% liked the EU. There was good shit, there was bad shit.

actual mentally ill tranny

didn't Chewbacca die because he was squished to death between two planets
that seems pretty cool to me

Those "cucks" were able to stand their ground against Grievous on his prime
NuARCs eat shit tho

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Where did I mention story elements or characters user? Clone Troopers are more distinct in design than sequel Stormtroopers, the Death Star 2 was more visually interesting than the planet beam thanks to its partial construction. Further, each movie added tons of new designs, the A and B wings, the MonCal ships, Battle Droids of all kinds, and the entire prequel era Fleet, with only one specific ship class intentionally referencing the Star Destroyer.

>using the opritunity to talk about something they hate rather than be supportive of something they love
STFU you fat coalburner chink

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A moon crashes into a planet, and Chewbacca saves Han's youngest son, Anakin Solo, at the cost of his own life.

>Every creative decision George made with the prequels was focus tested as fuck.


You're an absolute fucking retard

Wait, do you think this isn't true?

It's been said for over a decade that George had too much creative freedom, and that no one was willing to push back, which is why the prequels feel bloated and unfocused. It's corroborated through behind the scenes footage, and people on staff.

Please tell me how Space Jesus vader was an organic storytelling decision and not at all something made to reflect the audience's own attachment to the character.

Just because the prequels weren't as good as the OT doesn't justify the sequel trilogy being even worse than the prequels retard

They're not worse. They're just new, so they hurt more.

after the disney purge he was no longer KIA
the whole delta squad, sev included was featured in the clone wars cartoon
which is 100 canon

Lucas had 100% control over the franchise from TESB onward since he funded it with his own money. He never focus tested. People wanted and expected the PT to be about Darth Vader hunting down the Jedi, but Lucas insisted on telling the story he wanted to tell. He even warned merchandise licensees that the PT was not hip and sexy like the OT was, but they insisted on throwing billions at him anyway. After TPM was met with disappointment he didn't change his plan to meet audience expectations, he stuck to his guns all the way. 'Focus testing' was never even remotely a part of Star Wars under Lucas' watch. Ironically under Disney that's exactly what it's become- a committee-assessed checklist of post-PT apologism.

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you started strong then fucked it up.
the TCW episode where they are seen for a couple seconds tells literally nothing about them. That's as far as their story goes in canon right now. They don't have names or backstory for what they do in the war in canon. They just exist and were seen on Kamino at least once.
While that means they are all alive, we don't know what they were doing after that episode in the timeline, where any, all, or none of them could have died.

The prequels are some of the worst, most dispassionately made blockbuster films ever released. George Lucas was a dispassionate director coasting on good will from the original trilogy (and he wasn't as responsible for that as he led you to believe) and was content to just sit in his chair drinking coffee while watching the monitors because he was willing to let the computer make the movie in post for him.

Reach is Republic Commando 2

they are infinitely worse.

>They don't have names
I remember seeing some cards or promo material of TCW where Delta squad appears with their names and maybe even their specialities.

the RC game is no longer canon
the commandos bearing the same exact armor were seen in the CW cartoon
the delta squad is canon, the events of the game are not

at the time when disney canon wasn't a thing, those were fine.
now, however, if they aren't attached to the episode itself, then it doesn't matter at all.

They are definitely worse. They can't even be coherent.

cant wait for a strong independent female new character!

user the answer is nothing simpler than this. It’s bait

Neither can the prequels, the prequels are literally hinged on Anakin Skywalker being the absolute biggest idiot on the planet

>Anakin's entire turn is predicated on Sheev being able to save Padme's life (even though her being in danger is dubious as best)
>Sheev flat out says he lied and can't do it
>WELP better go murder younglings anyway

Prequelbabbies accept this and then lose their shit when Holdo won't tell Poe the plan lmao

>Episode IX comes out this year
>the only games we've gotten from the sequel era are Battlefronts 1 & 2 and the Respawn game
>meanwhile during the prequel era
>we got Jedi Power Battles, Pod Racing, Jedi Academy, Bounty Hunter, Knights of the Old Republic 1 & 2, Republic Commando and actual Battlefronts 1 & 2 among other gems
>mfw this is literally thanks to the Mouse

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Reminder that the moment instant action comes out for EAFront 2 sequel maps will dead, most people won't play sequel maps by choice.

>Every good thing that was going to come out immediately got cancelled with the acquisition.
>Battlefront 3 was 99% complete before it was canned

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>no jedi knight remastered collection with realistic saber combat enabled by default

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>Don't have names
Nigger they do, just because their game isn't canon doesn't mean their names aren't.

Phase 1 of Crait is unironically one of the best maps in the game, it's a shame it completely goes to shit once the battle goes indoors though.

It's thanks to EA. the ea deal was in the works before the Disney buyout. You can't blame Disney

>You have an opinion that other people agree with so you must be reddit
Tell me why EA doesn't deserve the hate it gets because so far they fucked with several different franchise and managed to make the lootbox hell even worse and that was before they fucked over battlefront.

get ready for black female Clone Commandos

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Nigger we can absolutely blame Disney


>EA owns tons of smaller companies, including some that actually made good Star Wars games in the past like Pandemic did with the AotC game
>Disney gives EA (And by extension every studio under them) the license to make pretty much any SW games they want
>EA throws it all to the mobile game dogs, has the Battlefield devs make Battlefront, then uses the license in order to set up Respawn to fail and be bought out
I don't even blame Disney that much, EA makes a ton of money and has tons of resources. A shame they mever fucking use them for anything but corporate cock blocking.

anything that mentions their names is non-canon :^)

Like I said, the deal was already in the works beforehand. All Disney did was just follow through with it after the buyout, which is understandable because they were just trusting lucasfilms decision and not being invasive.

I hate Disney AND ea as much as the next guy, but let's look at things objectively for once

>he wasn't as responsible for that as he led you to believe

Prove this YouTube zoomer theory

>Black female clones
Are you genuinely retarded?

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started early for 90s kids

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Okay. OBJECTIVELY Disney is allowing EA to run Star Wars into the ground. Disney ultimately owns the license and is allowing EA to make the games. So OBJECTIVELY, Disney is at ultimate fault here for their gross negligence

We can go back even further

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EA has a contract, idiot. They can borderline do whatever they want with the franchise as long as the contact details are met. Disney legally can't just revoke rights.
Again, a contact that was signed before they were even in the picture.

I won't blame Disney for this in any capacity until they renew the contract, thus proving their ultimate ignorance. Until then though, they not only didn't do anything wrong, but couldn't even if they wanted to

Who's that green guy?

>they not only didn't do anything wrong
That’s seriously goddamn hilarious. You’re a funny guy.

99% is probably bullshit, but even if it was 80% or 70% complete it would be a tragedy

Okay so what should they have done differently, user? You tell me since you clearly know so much

>imperial commando
>starts in the immediate aftermath of Order 66 with commando units hunting down escaped Jedi
>mostly scared padawans, but occasional knights that show how terrifying it is for a normie to fight a force user
I want it so bad bros

La máscara...

Some of the unfinished builds were leaked a while ago. idk if they were the latest ones but other than being buggy and unoptimized it looks like much of the content was nearing completion.

>we got Jedi Power Battles, Pod Racing, Jedi Academy, Bounty Hunter, Knights of the Old Republic 1 & 2, Republic Commando and actual Battlefronts 1 & 2 among other gems

Like half of those sucked and were joined by a ton of generic shovelware

but user, all that matters is the quantity! how else can we shitpost about EA's "accomplishments" to SW otherwise?

Don't you FUCKING dare compare Sheev to Kennedy, its insulting.

You can't have RC without witty banter and squad commands. Noble is dry in comparison.

good goy

Based and Finnpilled

>EA not deserving of hatred
>"my site"

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Dude already helped to fucking murder the second in command of the Jedi Order. At that point he was too deep to turn back.

Why are you playing with my emotions?

I'm thinking of buying Kotor 2 on GOG since all the torrents and downloads I can find for some reason don't launch after installing.

>>Sheev flat out says he lied and can't do it
No, Sheev says that said knowledge is beyond him but, in due time, they could both achieve it which is just another lie.

I remember the leak threads, but still it was probably less complete than what people have been saying, but enough to still be mourned.

>if we get a sequel they'll retcon one of the commandos to be the stereotypical black afro nigger
>halfway trough imperial commando the commandos will join the rebellion
>they'll probably shove in a few scenes of imperial officers/troopers kicking a poor gay woman on random planet to justify the betrayal

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Half of a large number is more than the zero good games put out by EA.

Kill yourself, disney cattle.

Have sex

I bet Sheev has a bridge to sell him too

Pic related was kino, while ep 3 game was a solid action game and the versus mode was a 10/10 game on it's own.

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daily reminder that these fat boomer fucks suggested JJ Abram would be a great choice for Episode 7.

that was a game for real men

ARC > commando

he couldnt even make ONE good star trek movie

I can absolutely see this happening

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Giving a big IP to a big publisher that makes lots of money was a sensible decision to executives who dont know anything about video games.

Could they have done more research? Sure. But the whole EA is the devil shit mostly looked like autists crying on the internet back when the deal was signed in 2013.

Because there were so many to choose from before lmao

I also forgot this baby.
I think it was the second best selling ps2 game of all time or something crazy like that.

the worst old start trek movie is better than the best nutrek movie

Nah dude Disney is conservative as hell they are super lowkey and rarely introduce controversial topics. In all honesty the franchise is better off in their hands then it was with that fat like Lucas

here's 1 (one) shekel. Now consume our products like the good goy you are.

The "fans" honestly believed that the prequels were going to be a six hour long murder fests with Darth Vader already in his suits killing people with his red lightsaber for three movies straight.
Even worse, when he dared to tell them that sw was always a movie for children.

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Nothing lasts forever. Time to move on.

>ARC cucks thinking they can stand up to a commando
Remember, ARC cucks think runnning into a ship in the middle of a firefight is a good idea.

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>tatooine level

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How those fuckers have so much HP, 500 is too fucking much


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Remember when Qui Gon became a school shooter who massacred an entire spaceport?

As much as I would want it, I have to hard pass this. As long as Disnep is in charge they will ruin everything they touch.

Battlefront 2 literally has ARC troopers though
They're the most fun units to play as.

Counterpart to Droidekas and their shields, but they couldn't really make Commandos fill their actual lore roll, so they just made them really beefy.

As long as Disney is involved fuck no

are you offering?
bend over

it hurts so bad

Don't forget the dozen or so mobile games, 70% of which have been shut down within a few months

>Star wars galaxies
I'll forever regret not playing it while it was in it's prime

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Best level in the entire game and possibly gaming ever.
You can murder almost 99.9 percent of all npc's and your quests will actually be solved and the game will go on as normal.
>do the quest for me and i give you a ship part, hue hue
>murder him on the spot and take the quest item
>"quest complete"

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who actually cares about remakes except zoomers that never played the original?
they are always worse

Droidekas are not much of a nuisance when you could just use the other shoot-type that's pretty fucking good against vehicles and shields
What a shame they couldn't make it more lore related

It’s digging up a peacefully resting corpse and slapping some makeup on it.

They wanted him to direct the remake, not write it. Frankly, JJ did a decent enough job. All he had to do was bring some slight momentum back to the series to make way for the sequels, and The Force Awakens did pretty much that. Unfortunately, TLJ fucked that up right and proper

they'd have to retcon jango fett to be a black afro nigger if they wanted to have any niggers at all in the commandos user

Loved both episode 1 and episode 3
Episode 3 actually had an alternate ending, it's insane that Lucas actually allowed it.


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> People wanted and expected the PT to be about Darth Vader hunting down the Jedi
No? He told everyone it would be about the rise of Darth Vader and the Empire, and I'm pretty sure that's what people expected it to be
Let's not sit here and pretend like Lucas didn't execute his plan horribly. The prequels are FILLED with problems, and that shit is well documented

same, it feels great

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this is disney, they'd just say that there are multiple people used for clone templates. they don't care.

Event thought FU 1 went full retarded with the powerlevels, screwing around with the euphoria engine and force powers is actually good. I has hope for a new jedi academy at the time

At least we got lego force awakens and lego Skywalker saga, lego tfa was pretty fun despite being based on tfa

God, we really need a current gen pod racing game...

What the fuck has EA been doing?

Even his employees at Lucas film were freaking out when he told them he was going to tell a story about Anakin growing up and that they should just deal with it.


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Is Jedi starfighter any good?

>God, we really need a current gen pod racing game...
I feel like that's one of those things that would be great in VR

>about Anakin growing
Don't you think they protested having little kid Ani?

I recently saw a speedrun of this it was intense. He just breezed through all those hard parts. When I was a kid I took Darth Maul down by hiding arround a corner and tossing all my grenades before I went in myself.


I'm pretty sure Karan Travis made a whole the fate of Delta, including Sev, is not her story PSA a while back. So it was unknown. The creators wanted Sev to become one of the first in the rebellion.

You can't create something out of nothing.
With prequels it was easy, you had cool looking characters, cool action set pieces and an actual story. You could pick whatever you wanted blind from a hat and you would have material to make a good game. The sequels have nothing, quite literally. There are no cool characters, no cool action or ships, literally nothing, so the only thing they can do is make reskinned battlefield every couple of years.

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It shall never exist and be tarnished by EA and Disney. They'd probably make a sequel anyway.

What's the matter? Do you not have a phone?

It was an interview he gave years ago to some magazine.
He also defended the "cringe" romance in aotc saying that was literally how it was supposed to be, a naive and wholesome romance like in the old movies he grew up on.
I will try and find it.

Have sex

Would be cool but as an option not a main thing, I hope we get an actual game, with a campaign, mp, costumization, not just a game for a vr gimmick, like that awful kinect pod racing game. That was a huge missed opportunity to have a current gen pod racer last gen.


I don’t think treating FU as canon was the point, it was more about the powers, story beats, and action pieces. You straight up fight Darth Maul but luhmao he’s your robot in the first one.

Yes it’s pretty good starfighter fun, worth the cash if you buy on sale.

70% of Star Wars fans are straight up retarded

I frankly don't care that Lucas did things the way he meant for them to happen, because his vision wasn't very good. Lucas did a great job by expanding the universe, making way for a lot of great content in other media, but the fact is that Lucas bungled the movies

>star wars fanboys:

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i played it again and it didnt age well

>reskinned battlefield
people would rejoice if that pile of dogshit battlefront 2 was a reskinned battlefield. And I'm not sure why you're under the impression that the games are only related to the sequels, sorry but you clearly don't know much of what you're talking about

What does that mean?

>eople would rejoice if that pile of dogshit battlefront 2 was a reskinned battlefield
Battlefront 2 is supposedly now in a much better state than it was at launch

>And I'm not sure why you're under the impression that the games are only related to the sequels, sorry but you clearly don't know much of what you're talking about
What are you even sperging out about?
I said that you can't have an explosion of creative games in the sequel era because there's nothing to work with. Stay triggered, Disney mom.

level design is super cramped and linear and the AI is horse shit. feels like one of those shitty on rail shooters at the arcade.

git gud, shitter, ai is just fine.

git gud? i play on the hardest difficulty and shits still babby ez. take off your nostalgia goggles faggot, the gameplay is brainlet tier

It is better, I picked it up for like $4 the other day and it's playing a lot better than release. Still not as good as the old Battlefront games, but it's okay.

I don't think you understand how this works now.

is correct

BF2 being "aggressively okay" is a very accurate description of the game.

If you can pick it up for next to nothing, it's fun every now and then to play for a few hours because it does look good, but it is nothing compared to the OG BF games obviously.

You wouldn't believe how many people unironically wanted Disney to just adapt the EU as the sequel trilogy, either Thrawnshit or the Vong