Why does Yea Forums still pretend to hate this? The “linear = bad” meme that turned every franchise into open world garbage has died isn’t it time to face reality?
Why does Yea Forums still pretend to hate this...
It's a corridor simulator with shit characters, shit music, shit story, shit battles and shit level design that are literally straight lines.
You can do linear story without literally being funneled down a corridor. RDR has linear story but its far from a corridor.
Go play Assassin’s Creed but with Link retard
Linear is not bad if it's done well.
It's just not good game overall. linearity is only part of it.
Crystarium > Sphere Grid desu
It was backed up by its combat/job system being dynamic and throwing you enough curveballs to be the focus of your attention.
I suppose it's fair to say, linearity in a physical route and plot is fine as long as enough non-linearity is still present elsewhere in the game.
Oh and I did also hate X until replaying it recently. X is definitely my 'went back after everything else went to hell and realized its playable in comparison' game. XIII still sucks. It has some dynamic systems, improved in XIII-2, but the problem is those decisions have little impact, combat just plays out about the same.
>lists open world garbage
XIII trilogy is unironically my favorite next to IX
I'm honestly hoping for a switch re-release, it's not likely to happen but still
There's nothing pretend about it. It's a solid 5/10 game.
its bad for a multitude of reasons.
Probably one of the worst rpgs I've ever played to completion.
it gets good in 20 hrs is fucking terrible game design
>it gets good in 20 hrs
That was also a complete lie because that shitty open field and the side-quest statues was actually worse than the corridors.
Was this post made ironically? Please say yes.
FFX Good
>it gets good in 20 hrs is fucking terrible game design
This. The fact that all of disc 1 (on 360, which is up to the first Bartalendus fight) is a tutorial is baffling.
Also, the Hectoncher is a poorly designed fight because after 20+ hours of fucking around with 3 party members for every fight, you are suddenly forced back to a 2 woman team for ONE battle
All of the characters except for Sazh are unlikable shitheads from start to finish and the story is just plain awful. The literal hallway design is pretty bad too.
Please explain the difference in experience between these 2 hypothetical games
1.) Open areas but every "door"(doesn't literally have to be a door) is locked until you need to go there
2.)Straight or curved lines where there's only 1 exit
Because honestly I'd rather the game not pretend it's open when it isn't like quite a few RPGs of that era did. FF13 is at least honest about it and doesn't waste your time making you look for the one single open "door".
i got stuck on barthandelus because i didn't farm enough/skipped mobs
>20 hour tutorial
This is the culmination of the decade-long obsession Japan had with trying to turn games into movies:
>Final Fantasy and other jrpgs removed classic rpg features like extensive character creation and customization and non-linearity in favor of a more guided, linear experience filled with cinematic spectacle.
>Shenmue pioneered and popularized quick-time events
>Ico pioneered and popularized escort missions
>WinBack & Kill Switch pioneered and popularized cover-based shooting
>Metal Gear Solid pioneered and popularized 'movie games' with a heavy emphasis on cinematic storytelling to the detriment of gameplay (just compare MGS to its stealth game contemporaries like Thief and it becomes painfully clear how primitive its 'stealth' mechanics and level design are by comparison)
>Resident Evil 4 pioneered and popularized the tight over the shoulder camera where your character takes up half the screen, necessitating a much slower movement pace of gameplay, in contrast to older third-person games where the camera was zoomed out and both player and enemy moved much faster
>Oh, and Japan invented visual novels
They've made a huge turnaround since then though (e.g. MGSV is the first MGS game with fleshed out stealth gameplay).
>All of the characters except for Sazh are unlikable shitheads from start to finish and the story is just plain awful.
>cutscenes depict him as a nervous guy out of his depth and constantly freaking out
>combat depicts him as a confident cold-blooded badass pulling of stylish gun-fu moves like it's nothing
Sazh is a complete caricature and just as hard to relate to as any of the other characters.
>Ico pioneered and popularized escort missions
Definitely didn't pioneer them and almost definitely didn't popularise them
No :^)
FF XII-2 was so much better
>Definitely didn't pioneer them and almost definitely didn't popularise them
Escort missions existed in games prior to Ico, sure, but they weren't a focal point. Take Resident 2, there are sections where Ada or Sherry are with you, but they only last a few minutes and it's typically in sections with no combat. Fast forward to RE4, released after Ico, and now you're spending most of the game escorting Ashley.
Ico is the first title where the entire game is spent escorting a character. Plenty of games ended up copying this, such as Prince of Persia, The Last of Us, God of War, etc.
there's linear, and then there's a straight-line hallway that moves the player from one cringe waifu cutscene to the next. ffxiii is the caricature that open-world redditards think all linear games are.
>shit music
you had everything right but this
You seem to be confused as to why open = bad has become a thing to begin with.
The issue isn't the open world in itself, it's the remaking of a traditionally open series that has always had an emphasis on map and dungeon exploration, and making it a linear slog with zero extras and zero gameplay outside of "Hold forward, press L1 sometimes".
There's also how there's 13 chapters in the game, and 10 of them are a tutorial with three quarters of the game's features locked. You're then given a brief stint of freedom, and then it's back to corridors.
It's just a bad game, being a FF title only made it worse.
Dumbass. Sazh is the only character with substance, every other character lashes out like a retard except him
The only people who like linear games are redditors, though.
I hated Serah
I hated Noel
The frame pacer is somehow even more broken than FF13.
That white mage outfit is amazing though
post pictures of Lighting getting FUCKED
>FF XII-2 was so much better
I think 13-2 is one of the worst games I've ever played. Neither main character is charismatic, interesting, charming, or anything other than outright dull. The dialogue is trademark square enix dogshit made for children. The story is worse than the original's in that NOTHING is accomplished. The combat is also the same shitty combat from the original, but with qtes, making it even worse. There is backtracking for a fetch quest that takes hours that the game shamelessly throws in your face right at the end of the game. Leveling up is the same pointless nodule-based bullshit from the original. The game is way too damn easy. It's like they fixed fucking nothing from the original other than the linearity.
>The issue isn't the open world in itself, it's the remaking of a traditionally open series that has always had an emphasis on map and dungeon exploration, and making it a linear slog with zero extras and zero gameplay outside of "Hold forward, press L1 sometimes".
When will this meme end? FF has never been a remotely open series.
In previous FF games, and almost every jrpg in general, the overworld is shaped like a corridor, conveniently barricaded by mountains and shorelines (and the sea itself is barricaded by reefs, so the game is still linear even when you get a ship) so that you can only proceed down one path, which is inevitably the next plot-critical location, which is typically nestled in some environmental chokepoint so that you HAVE to pass through it and progress the plot before you can access the next part of the world. This leads to very unnatural world design and means there is pretty much no exploration in these games, until you unlock the airship near the end of the game, at which point you've already been forced to traverse pretty much the entire game world in a linear fashion.
Fans are right to criticize FF13's structure, but it's not that radically different from other FF's.
>I hated Serah
Shit taste.
I mean she's fuckable, sure, but
A.)Lighting is way hotter
B.)She's annoying as fuck
Playing that now and I'm not seeing it yet. Sure, jumping between worlds is fun but Noel is a turd of the highest order and I never liked Pokemon monster management. Fights feel slower than XIII and the constant qtes don't help either. I'll see if it grows more on me.
Just wanted to throw XV on there.
The game that was so legendary that it destroyed gaming for ten years after it was made, as every developer turned to open world garbage. Even Zelda fell for the meme
>The game that was so legendary that it destroyed gaming for ten years after it was made, as every developer turned to open world garbage. Even Zelda fell for the meme
>thinking that FF13, a game that came out in december 2009, had anything to do with that
Dozens of open-world games were released long before FF13, and dozens more were already in development when FF13 came out.
Open world games have been around since the 80s, zoomer.
It is better, user. But yes, they're both still shit so it doesn't really mean much.
There might've been a slight effect, it's possible.
But Skyrim's impact was multitudes more influential and Bethesda was going to do that anyway.
oh yeah, Skyrim was a real quiet release
Todd, I've already bought your game.
Did I say it led to the invention of open world? Why is Yea Forums‘s reading comprehension such shit
Uhmm... no fucking shit? If they hadn't people wouldn't have anything to compare linear games to.
2009 was right around the time that the open world craze was starting and "linear" was suddenly seen as a very bad term, basically an insult. Now it's hard to pin much on FF13 but it was a very high profile failure of a very expensive game where the main complaint was linearity. It's not too much to say that it pushed some devs towards needless open worlds together with the massive success of Assassin's Creed 2 and then Skyrim 2 years later.
X was good because for one, the linearity served the plot of a pilgrimage with a set route, so it already had a narrative excuse. Secondly, it had the sphere grid to give you some semblance of choice in how your characters developed once you reached a branch, giving you the option to give each character an entire secondary role (to eventually all become godlike clones only separated by limit breaks, but this is true of all FFs past V). Third, it had a good minigame in Blitzball that also came with a secondary minigame of collecting and leveling a team. Fourth, the combat system was solid and gave full control to the whole party, not just giving "suggestions" and hoping they did it right like in XIII. XIII took the Magus Sisters and made their mechanic the entire combat system.
And lastly, it had Auron, which forgives all other faults
when is this trilogy gonn aget a ps4 port? I want to it to get ported so I can platinum it
but FF13 party members are totally deterministic. They will do the same thing every time.
>it had the sphere grid to give you some semblance of choice in how your characters developed
Weak bait.
I agree that the sphere grid is shit but PLEASE
Let me guess, your favorite FF game is 6 and the only composer you like is Uematsu. You all have the same pattern.
Also, we shouldn't forget those haters with combat complaint.
>this is a combat for retards, too easy, all you do is press X
>why is game over if leader dies, that is so stupid
If the game is easy then your leader shouldn't die. At all.
the reason FF7 is still the gold standard because it has a "semi-open world." Square not understanding this is why they fucked up FFXV. they read 2 comments of people saying they missed having a world map and so the devs were like "OH THE GAMERS WANT A HUGE OPEN BARREN WASTELAND." the thing is that FF7's open world wasn't barren, and it knew the perfect areas to put in "barriers" on the world map so you couldn't just wander forever, except in areas that were supposed to feel barren and dead like the desert wasteland area by the prison.
Not sure how that image is supposed to prove anything except your autism
Each role is clearly defined, and you can take a character onto another role and choose what their secondary abilities will be
But FFVII is almost entirely linear and the world is barren.
650 x 200
What exactly is anyone supposed to get from an image that small?
Because linear is bad. This isn’t the 1980’s playing on ataris. Technology has given game devs the ability to create large dynamic worlds and give players more choices. Linearity usually correlates to laziness. Or trying to satisfy the lowest common denominator.
>Why does Yea Forums still pretend to hate this?
I don't think Yea Forums does any more. I see so many threads and posts praising this game. Obviously the popular opinion in the west is that this isn't a very good game, but that's because it's being judged it against other games, rather than on it's own merits. I'll admit that I wasn't sure about it at first, but I eventually appreciated it for its music, art direction, animation, voice acting, the challenge (post game), and most importantly, the fast-paced battle system. It's a great trilogy of games.
But lots of open world games are terrible because it's a big, open space at the expense of gameplay, story, character development, lore, originality etc etc. Horizon Zero Dawn, Far Cry, Assassins Creed etc. all fall into this category. Soulless and generic without anything to make them memorable or replayable.
Because most of nu-Yea Forums is underaged and think that linear = CoD style pipes.
Everything this creature said is wrong.
Linearity is not the main 13 problem.
Motomu Toriyama as a writer is. The game is such a piece of dogshit in story deprartment it makes the whole experience worthless. Lighting is shit, it's one of the worst cases of the company trying to force a waifu as hard as they could.
Not like combat system is any better though.
>Because most of nu-Yea Forums is underaged and think that linear = CoD style pipes.
But that's literally what old-school FF was.
XIII is the oldest game on my backlog. I really want to beat it sometime soon just because I love the presentation and music in that game so much.
The story and level design is really boring. Combat is top notch. I still go back and replay just for the combat. Try playing the game without using auto battle. It feels like a high stakes rhythm game. Where you have to input the right string of commands.
I don't think XIII was a bad game anymore after playing the last one.
I mean to be fair when you've got battle systems that whisk you over to another reality for combat and the overworld map has no effect on that part of the gameplay then there's very little reason to design complex maps.
In a shooter(or even more so in a stealth game) map design greatly influences core gameplay. That's why games like DooM and Thief have way more complex maps than any JRPG.