What do you think of Blasphemous?
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Looks neat. It actually ever going to release?
Uh-oh, a retard (I don't mean OP) is coming! He's going to say Blasphemous is "edgy" as though it's an insult Well guess what - it is, and it isn't! You see "edgy" means "on the edge of what society considers acceptable"
Numerous works of famous fiction have been edgy or beyond the edge, especially those in the horror genre - for example Dracula and Frankenstein were banned in numerous countries.
This shit is edgy
Looks like a balant copy of deaths gambit. But indie games these days arent anything else than cheap copies of other indies anyway
>"edgy" means "on the edge of what society considers acceptable"
It's amusing that the game is merely inpsired by spanish catholicism.
Looks fucking great. Can't wait to play it.
the writing seems mediocre but i like the artstyle and sound direction
The Miracle is the final boss, yes?
>Looks like a balant copy of deaths gambit.
It was kickstarted a year before DG was released, presumably the prototype was made months before that.
I think this is reimagined Catholic tradition through a terrifying point of view.
I like indie pixelshit but the heavy shilling for this game made me instantly cautious.
>lazy swoosh-based animations
>let epic soulz setting
>Spanish devs, which generally means slipshod craftsmanship with trillions of bugs and no decent support
Might be the video, but something about it looks choppy. Looks pretty cool though so I’m hoping its good.
holy shit, this game reeks of reddit gotm and s.oy.
Try coming up with an argument instead of meming.
Unlike Death Gambit it doesn't look like a barely fuctional piece of shit.
It also did not promise us an equipment variety only to completely fall flat in that aspect.
I'm waiting just for the OST desu
It tries too hard.
>>Spanish devs, which generally means slipshod craftsmanship with trillions of bugs and no decent support
How to be so wrong
the pixel art is super sloppy and unrefined.
if the same artist would have just painted in that style it would have looked fine.
they're not cut out for pixel art tho so that's a shame. the gameplay looks ok tho.
>kkk member that literally murders minorities, but it's ok because she's a cute girl
Go fuck yourself you racist piece of shit.
>kkk literally murders minorities
what year is it? i wasnt aware we lived in jim crow times
I've seen people shitting on Death's Gambit before, what's wrong with it. I was planning on getting it.
dilate nigger
>indie game
every time
>>kkk member that literally murders minorities, but it's ok because she's a cute girl
>Go fuck yourself you racist piece of shit.
I know you're joking, but she isn't a KKK member, they're cosplaying as Mesa Ghouls from the gameboy title Gargoyle's Quest. Skip to 3:07
That's not the KKK
What? It's a Holy Week celebration in Spain.
Congratulations for outing yourself as an ignoramus. That's a famous historical photograph of Stacy B. Coal, an Antifa operative who spent 7 years undercover in the KKK, gathering intel and disrupting their operations, and ultimately leading the the freedom of America's negro slaves.
t. Nigger
Gargoyle's Quest is very big in Spain, to the extent that school children are taught to think "What would Firebrand do?" when they are tempted to do something wrong. (Firebrand is the heroic gargoyle protagonist) There's also a big social media meme about how Trump resembles Firebrand's enemy Breager, the leader of the evil Destroyers.
I wish this were true.
Pixelshit dark souls clone #363
Exactly. It was kickstarted when DG was already announced which was many years ago. If you cant see the artstyle copy paste you are fooling yourself. Its even the literal same color paletts used.
Death's Gambit is such a terrible and awfully designed steaming pile of shit tho. You can tell this game is more of a standard metroidvania and plays a lot better just by looking at vids.
who gives a shit? death's gambit sucked and maybe this will be better or it won't in which case we can safely ignore it. I don't see the problem.
>Exactly. It was kickstarted when DG was already announced which was many years ago
Why would someone supposedly copy a game still in development? Also, DG's graphics and animation look vastly worse - look at this disgrace at 5:11
looks great visually but the gameplay looks boring as fuck, almost identical to porn game soulslikes
Reminds me a great deal of Dark Devotion desu. Infact, they are extremely similar.
Spaniard here, can confirm
The spritework here is very nice, but I am getting a bit sick of the Dark Souls-style flash random words when you kill the boss and NPCs saying a bunch of cryptic nonsense as your only plot element you have to piecemeal together
Please guys I admit I'm just a guy who likes the game and wishes it got more recognition. Look it up, buy it, refund it if you don't like it, pirate it and then buy it, or don't pay for it at all. I just want people to look into an alright Souls-like 2D game (Yeah yeah muh Souls who cares retard)
Looks like "wow so edgy" the sidescroller.
>this souls ripoff copied this other souls ripoff
Now this is some good bait.
>Death Gambit
man, that shit was a massive dissapointment considering how much time they took.
Looks like a pirate at best. Maybe if I like it I'll pay $3 for it in a sale a few years down the road. If I remember.
Pixelshit is my favourite meme from Yea Forums.
>Yeah bro fuck any game that has pixels
That framerate is disgusting. Last animators.
I remember seeing a teaser for this a couple years ago and getting interested, but the radio silence since then made me thing it was having trouble. Nice to see that it's coming together.
what did you think the Reconquista was?
I will point out that this is not the framerate for me. It looks far smoother on my PC so I assume the individual's PC is made out of fucking brick and clay.
A political trick to ease the aristocracy
devs are not pozzed good game
I like the designs but now I wish From made it.
catholic mythology is the real shit.
Blasphemous doesnt have furries
Sep 10th
if it doesnt get posponed again
their previous games had good writing, for vidja standards at least
Anyone know how much it will cost? It looks cool, but I have no idea how long the game will be. $30 sounds fair if it is 16+ hours.
but it's true. anything is ok if you're a cute girl
Getting really tired of these retro looking games, it feels like a devs are just playing devs and don't actually try. It's all just starting to look and feel samey at this point
This one actually looks great. Shit like Katana Zero is what I'm seething about, I'm so sick of le ebin VHS
>cute girl
>hates niggers, jews, and fags
Where do I find one and how do I make her my wife?
>deaths gambit
why would you remind me i almost wiped that piece of shit from my memory. to this day i'm still mad i wasted £10 on that thing.
Raise a homunculus.
Wow another indie pixelshit. I just HAVE to buy this one
Based, I never play games with pixels
Hopefully it will actually run on switch unlike Shitstained
Wow another video game thread. I just HAVE to shitpost in this one.
Welcome to Yea Forums dicknuts, enjoy your stay
Wow another shitty wojak edit. I just HAVE to (you) this one