Play Paladins

Play Paladins.

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Nah, but keep posting.

Its a shame that things are so bad that people make shill posts as a joke.

Post Skye

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post Fluffy Baps right now kiddo~!

no because they stuck me in bot games for way too many matches and the interface looks like an shitpost about game degradation from several years ago

because i can burn a ton of money on loot boxes till i get the lewd costume i want ? nah i rather watch pictures / videos of it and play something else

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Lootboxes are leaving. They moved to direct purchase and battle pass
Getting to level 5 takes 30 minutes
The UI is getting an overhaul in 20 days

>The UI is getting an overhaul in 20 days
sure might give it a shot again after that
however I doubt they will stop filling the screen with microtransaction offers and spam

my total experience consisted of several bot games filled with veteran players yelling at me for killing the bots too fast because they were "farming currency"
biggest red flag I've seen in a game recently


I can tell you're full of shit because the in game currency is absolutely worthless and farming bots is only done for challenges.

sure I must have imagined that
fuck you too then have a nice thread

I played smite. Got my fill of hirez censorship

Liars aren't allowed in this game sorry.

no one but losers and BR's play this non game you subhuman bitch

>hirez censorship
Uhm i didn't notice anything , what did they censor ?

I didn't lie to you user, you sperged out, that was my actual game experience

*blocks your path*

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Finally, only took 20 replies.

Downloading because of this image

jizzard wizards

Haжимaю I

I need an example of the largest breasts to make a decision like this.

If you have a game and can't be a hot girl in it I won't even consider buying it

There is nothing wrong with having a functioning libido



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That's a bad armpit, no sell on that

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Where my Drogoz chads at
and don't post fucking scaly porn shit I just like his abilities and character

Why does Cassie still have T-rex arms?

>drogoz chads
wyrm jets drogoz is probably the easiest dps in the game

>cvmbrain game
Have sex.

That armpit is delicious wtf u talking bout

>hehe I post lewd image on Yea Forums

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This is Paladins' newest support toon, Io.

Say something nice about her.

Attached: 3235091 - Io Paladins_Champions_of_The_Realm SSurface3D.png (495x426, 300K)

Please get better taste

what are those outfits called?

That's actually bad sideboob. Wonky anatomy.

Judging from the outfit it's supposed to be a greek goddess, right?
Then why is there no armpit hair?

there is a time and a place for armpit hair
i dont think shes a person who would look cute with it and i dont think the devs would be able to make it cute

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Like it's been since launch, Cassie has stubby, thin, T-rex arms and nobody has fixed it

I see they can't even do normal hair well.

Pit previews

Yeah her hair looks like shit in that skin. Rip parts and pisses

Play BUCK!

Attached: CD reset.webm (1200x674, 2.89M)

>"Why yes, I do main Buck. How did you know?"

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God fucking damn I just want to shove my face into that armpit and stay there for eternity


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why would you play shitPip?

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It's an okay game but janky as fuck
If you've played something as fluid as Overwatch, Paladins feels exactly like a cheaper copycat, but Paladins has better maps and better characters, the biggest problem the game has is that the players are fucking trash. It's impossible to climb on ranked without premade team, and I can't get any of my friends to play it.

>play with BR and RU that just throw themselves off the map in ranked with a +6 for a win and a -17 for a loss
>play casuals and 1v5 the entire team every single fucking match CAUSE ITS FUN

No thanks.

Pip has a headbox the size of the moon, I shit on him everytime with Buck.

>fluid as Overwatch
Overwatch is fucking horrible input lag and just bad in general, and everyone is bad in it, and if you dont have a full team to not be retarded, you just end up standing around being unable to switch roles or contribute anything useful since almost every class is extremely specialized and you just end up standing around staring while your stupid as fuck basedboy teammates do dumb shit and die and then reeeeeeeeeeeee at each other in their high pitched manlet voices over mic.

Paladins feels way better and you can actually defend yourself instead of just watch genji kill you, but the hitboxes are xbox huge. You can easily climb in paladins based on skill, but usually lose because people grief by not even playing the game or feeding on purpose to charge ults and you cant 1v5 past plat because the entire enemy team will ult dump and its like a 1/5 ratio in points in winning and losing and people grief your game 70% of the time meaning over time you get nowhere and slowly derank even if youre like top 1000 players in your character.

i didnt choose buck, he chose me

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>Me ooga
>Team booga


i LOVE that style of dress too much
i guess i have to now.

what censorship?
aphrodite still has huge tits, so i don't care.

fisheye lens makes everything look bigger
more in game shots of said bosom please.

Man, i want to play this game but there is so many things bothering me the first time i played this
everything looks like a game made for chinks

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this was actually banned by the chinks

>That has nothing to do at all with what I said you illiterate faggot.
>a faggot
>use memes >incorrectly

are you kidding? the only thing HiRez is good at is pandering

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Overwatch has far more talented people working on it than Hi-rez, the game looks and feels incredibly polished, everything from the character models to the animations to the voice acting feels far more professional.
Bad teammates, shit metagame and input lag have nothing to do with the game's visual look and feel. Those are the aspects that make it trash, it's still a gorgeous game and feels good to play, too bad it's not FUN to play.
Paladins doesn't have the same type of fluidity to the gameplay, depending on the champion you play, some feel super good to play like Makoa, Lex, Viktor etc. but then there's the janky garbage like Fernando, Zhin, Evie, Terminus, Drogoz, Torvald etc. The maps also aren't built with fluidity in mind. There's tons of spots in the terrain where you can get randomly stuck, there's invisible walls around some corners which collision with some abilities. It's feels like a cheap knockoff of a game, similar to Smite during its early years.
It might be engine limitation but you can't make paladins feel like parkour. I'd still pick Paladins any day of the week to play, rather then OW, same as I would rather play Strife than LoL.

I spent fifteen bucks trying to get one fucking gun skin guy from a lootbox yesterday. Got it on my 11th try. Needless to say this game has me by the balls