CDPR: Gender is a social construct, you only select body type

GC: Traditional sci-fi tends to be strangely sexless and yet we see in the real world that that’s the first thing people think of when new technology emerges. But CDPR keep get themselves in trouble with the portrayal of gender and trans issues. Have you changed your approach to how you deal with those sorts of things in the last year or so?
MJ: You know, we really want to make a video game that’s really inclusive.

GC: I’ve spoken to a number of your devs now and it’s obvious to me they’re trying to do the right thing, but it’s such a difficult subject.
MJ: Of course, if you tackle certain subjects then you will expect people to have an opinion about it and we respect that. And it’s good that people give us feedback. And our character creation menu, for instance, compared to the last demo we now give you so many more options. For instance, you don’t choose your gender anymore. You don’t choose, ‘I want to be a female or male character’ you now choose a body type. Because we want you to feel free to create any character you want. So you choose your body type and we have two voices, one that’s male sounding, one is female sounding. You can mix and match. You can just connect them any way you want. And then we have a lot of extra skin tones and tattoos and hairstyles. So we really want to give people the freedom to make their own character and play the way they want to play.

GC: Have you specifically sought out a wider range of people to consult on the game, since all these controversies started flaring up?
MJ: Our team is very international and very diverse but we have asked for a lot of feedback. We always ask for feedback and even when we show these demos, we still ask people to tell us what they think. We just wanna know what we can improve on because we want to make a really good game and we really wanna make a game that everybody is comfortable playing. But at the same time we’ll tackle difficult issues.

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Other urls found in this thread:

robots have genders so gender actually is a social construct

shit only gets worse

reminder that this shit in video games and gamergate is drove thousands to /pol/ and that year Yea Forums became pol (2016 the world became Yea Forums)


>getting triggered over the words 'male' and 'female'
>getting triggered over the word 'gay' on a soap bottle
Why is it that leftwing fagoids are so retarded

>Lead director is a fat white feminist
I mean is anyone really surprised?

I don't know mate, seems more like you're the one getting triggered over the lack of those words

tranny genocide when?

>no u
/thread no one can beat such a strong argument

everything is a "social construct". lmao. what the fuck is wrong with these people.

The subhuman cattle will buy it anyway because TELEVISION ACTION MAN said CONSUME PRODUCT.

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Just pointing out that "triggered" is not a good word for "disagree with", since by that logic we're all triggered by a lot of things

I don't care? Why do you think I care? I'm just going to play the game and probably enjoy it. Why does everything have to be about politics with you fucks?

What are you motivation to fuck up a thread? Another guy in Automata thread did the same, can we just talk like normal neanderthals?

>more options is a bad thing
The absolute state of /pol/fags

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>So we really want to give people the freedom to make their own character and play the way they want to play.

Can I be pure human yet?

>First Voidpoint controversy

>Now this

Devs are commiting sudoku left and right right in front of our eyes. I wont even bother pirating it. I'm just going to watch a lets play.

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>getting triggered over the lack of those words
No, i'm pointing out your gay assburn

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sniff it up, loser.

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Doing a GITS
A body is just a body.
You can swap it like you'd swap cars.
It's meaningless in the end.
Litteraly the sanest approach possible.

Woah i can pretend to be a male who believes he is a female this is epic

I'm pretty sure everything except pissing, shitting, eating, drinking and fucking is a social construct. How about we all run around naked because clothes are a social construct.

spoonfeed me because I can't find the source, it always links back to Yea Forums

>pure human
>in cyberpunk
wrong game m8


Does anyone honestly find is a bit gross how these "journalists" and media outlets push this shit so much on companies.

"doing the right thing"

As if not conforming with twitter gay's world view is the most bigoted shit you can do. It's so weird.

Yeah I no longer care if they add mod support or not, I'm not giving cdpr my money either way.

Fuck the cdpr and fuck the trannies.

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>get free woke points for changing some text from gender to body type
>avoid a lot of pushback because makes sense in the game's setting
It's a win win for CDPR

That's not cyberpunk buddy. There's a big leap between augments and literally being able to transfer your fucking human ass soul into any robot body you want and still be the same being. The latter doesn't happen in most cyberpunk, the tech isn't even there for it to be possible

>boasting about a large open world
>not even a roleplaying game anymore
>brought big name actors on stage at E3
>last game by CDPR was TW3
It's going to be average at best, anyone who thinks otherwise is a zoomer who still hasn't learned.

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Who made the rule that's not allowed in cyber punk?

Because other setting don't do it GITS is no longer cyber punk?

>transfer your soul
what did he mean by this

Maybe not the full body and soul transfer shit but I don't see anything stopping you in a cyberpunk universe from completely swapping body parts.
>swap chest for a pair of tits
>swap butt for big round butt
>swap dick for a female dick
The trailer literally showed people removing the entire lower part of their face like it's nothing and everyone has these marks like every part can be removed and changed. It's the future, if some people can already pass decently as something they're not genetically, then surely they can be pretty much anything in a cyberpunk 207X world.

Proof of this?

As a Pole, what CDPR are doing is going to get them eaten alive in Poland. Nobody is talking about this shit yet but when it comes out what they are putting in this game they will have a PR catastrophe on their fucking hands. What the fuck are they doing

i'd sniff it even if she was a man-voiced fembodied leather cyberdaddy.

>makes a successful trilogy based of a relatively traditional conservative polish story
>suddenly kick out all the staffs who made it great, move to cali and hire insufferable cali cunts to direct your next game
>game is now full woke
So why did he do it? Did he thought he had to go to the heart of degeneracy (california) in order to truly deliver a dystopian shithole based off them? Did he think he would make more money off of the woke crowd? Is he so stuck up his own ass he thought the quality of the game wouldn't fall off a cliff when he hired cali basedboys and feminazis because he could rein them in and the taxes were more lax?

>based of a relatively traditional conservative polish story

the biggest joke about all this is that the Witcher was not in the slightest a conservative polish story. The whole thing is leftist as fuck you just didn't read it

>This interview with no source, not even a webarchive
Also, if you aren't a frontal lobelet, you'd notice the dickgirl NPC in the first gameplay demo. Nothing matters in a cyberpunk hellscape, especially if you can easily modify your junk at the snap of a finger in a place like Night City.

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bunch of asshurt faggots in here with double digit iq that look like the female gender despite being male

That's gonna be a pirate for me then

Normally i'd say it's forced but I don't care here. I can just pick the masculine body type and make it male. Bam.

Trannies don't really know what to do with this one because on one hand they want trans stuff depicted and normalized, but on the other hand the idea that a world like that could be anything but a utopia is hard to swallow.

Yes I did not and it wasn't the point of my post at all, unless you're teying to imply the ceo was a lefty nutjob all along?

>so fucking triggered he has a folder of tranny pics to post when he gets offended

>"triggered" is not a good word for "disagree with"
Blame that on the sjws who've declared that disagreeing with them triggers their PTSD from that time that somebody else disagreed with them and called them a faggot

its easily googled.

>its ok for me to triggered because THEY STARTED IT
man I want to nuke all you sjws and vocally anti-sjws you all. you can both share a mass grave

Reminder that sheltered middle class white kids are literally so fragile that the only time they ever get politically motivated is through video games.

2016 ruined the internet by involving these literal turbo-normies.

Yikes, user.

desu any time someone with the ability to speak uses the word "trigger" i write them off as unsalvageable


You gender is LITERALLY a social construct, with links to your sex. There's nothing incorrect here, you just hear sjw buzzwords and get up in arms. Morons

That's a yikes from me big guy

I thought this was exactly what /pol/ was arguing about all the time.

If you admit that you're born one way but you brain wants something else that's totally fine, you're not rewriting any sort of established medical science.

But nowadays it's just /pol/sters getting mad at people for having open mouths and colored hair. Weird, since they'll argue all day about Cyberpunk and then call people with colored hair "dangerhairs".

The word gender was made up to justify transsexuals, the guy that made it up forced someone to "be" a girl as an experiment, and that person ended up killing themselves.

hold the fucking phone
>Night City
is that really the best they could come up with? seriously? Night City?

Picked up.

>You gender is LITERALLY a social construct, determined by your sex

That's the name it's given in the books back in the 90's.


why did you reply?

who cares
people are going to have bionic dicks in the future anyway

At least my genitals are intact

it's a text-based board that takes two steps to send a reply

that’s so bad lmao

because he's right. gender is the social. sex is the biological. very basic shit

Enlightenment is achieved when you stop giving a fuck about gender politics, and just take stuff as it goes along

>enlightenment is being a mindless sheep who buys every video game you see an ad for

nigga, i ain't pre-ordered, you did

Okay, I think your opinion sucks.

Seeya, bud.

why would i preorder this game? we barely even know anything about it

>we dont want the Pokemon audience

I wish, but theres the cold and personal higiene to do that.

>game set in the dystopian american future is rife with liberal nonsense and politics
how quaint

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Why they should give a fuck about Poland and not the whole World.
Also its not likes theres no homos in Poland.

Sounds like accurate for a future dystopia


>it's okay when fromsoftware does it

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Playing as a chick with a gruff manly voice sounds like something you’d mod in as a joke, but they’re adding it at no extra cost

This. For once it makes sense, and if anything will be looked back on at as a conservative estimation of how far this gender stuff will go.

Exactly. That's why I'm not buying 2077 on release. Not because of the identity politics they're shoehorning in Bioware-style, but because the game is looking like it's going to be shit

temperature is a social construct and hygiene is too both are designed to oppress the poor

>be mentally ill faggot
>cut off your dick irl so you look more like a woman
>have the choice to just get represented by a woman in a video game world
>throw a tantrum and demand to play a mutilated male in the game as well
It's almost as if it's just a sick fetish

they represent the country outside and should not be promoting anti-polish values like they are. Homos are a big problem in poland to the point where we will need to create laws against this bullshit.

It is

>we want to be inclusive
>there was gender selection before, we removed it

>wow, CDPR is pathetic

nobody gives a fuck and it'll only be a source of some dumb jokes
t. pole

In the future your sex will actually most likely become meaningless so I dont really see the problem.

We can already see the seeds of a post-humanity society in stuff like transexuals, AI and the internet age. Humans are using science to rewrite the rulebook on life as we know it and this progress is not going to stop. We will all either become gods or die trying.

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Worse than muslims.

Can I be the cute little girl?

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>It wasn’t until after I saw this demo that CD Projekt Red committed to including transgender and non-binary character options. As a gender non-conforming person myself with plenty of peers and friends who are trans and/or use they/them pronouns, you can imagine my cringe at the numerous utterances of “he or she” throughout the presentation. A step in the right direction for sure, but I question how they didn’t think of adding that feature in a world where identity, change, modification, and transition were prevalent themes in the first place.

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My sex is already meaningless, i'm ahead of the curb.

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I mean yeah, gender is a social construct, hence why stuff like ''manliness'' is defined differently in all cultures. The dominant one is now the modern Western definition.
Sex isn't a construct though.

No prominent political party in Poland wants to create laws against homosexuals, they merely want to limit their access to new laws (gay marriage and civil relationships for both heterosexual and homosexual pairs) which they will get sooner or later because that's the direction all civilized countries on this planet are heading into. Stop being a retard.

Robots do not have genders, nor do we often assign them to robots. Typically, if a robot has some sort of feminine or masculine appearance, we might choose a pronoun to fit that appearance. This is different from a robot having a gender. Same with if the robot speaks. We identify Siri and Alexa as women because of their female voice, this is not to say that the objects themselves have genders. I refer to my microwave as "it" and it is eaually a robot as any other one might choose a gender specific pronoun for. The pronouns are chosen via the behavioral or cosmetic appearance that would reflect our own gender identifiers, and this is done by the designers who construct the machines. Also, we don't have much room language wise to be gender ambiguous pronoun wise (aside from it, which people tend to prefer not to use unless for inanimate objects), which is also where this tendency comes from. It is in part a language limitation.

Still not degenerate enough, not REAL cyberpunk.

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Lol Poland has never penalized homosexuality but they can't be allowed to have parades and shit, it breaks down society. We're getting a homopropaganda law like Russia and Latvia have.

They will never be able to have marriage and civil relationships in Poland because that's not civilized.

What does it mean when I refer to my truck as 'her'

tranny sympathizer

>no source
neck yourself OP

>it breaks down society.

In what way?


dumb nigger

Lol imagine having such a fragile personal and national identity that fags can BREAK DOWN SOCIETY just with how much they trigger your oversensetive feels.

By triggering him.

took your kid to drag queen story time yet?

>they can't be allowed to have parades and shit
they can and it's one of the most basic citizen laws in Poland
>it breaks down society
you can't break a society, a society can exist or not, be created or ended, but your personal feelings on the shape of it don't constitute it's breaking
>We're getting a homopropaganda law like Russia and Latvia have.
no we're literally not
>They will never be able to have marriage and civil relationships in Poland because that's not civilized.
it actually is and like it or not EU will push Poland into having those laws if they aren't introduced earlier,
have sex

She's loud, expensive, and can take 4 men at a time (5 is a bit cramped)
How does that make me a sympathizer?

You're projecting your values of the gender identity onto the robot. Often this behavior of gender referral is exhibited by those who take close care of their vehicles, whether it be trucks or boats or trains. We could conclude then that there is a correlation between a level of intimacy with a machine typically with those that choose to assign them genders in this way. I imagine people that refer to their personal vehicles with female pronouns would also be the most emotionally distressed with parting with the vehicle or the vehicle being wrecked. It is a human projection, which is certainly not the same as saying machines have genders. Animals have genders, because they have biological differences between sexes that bring about these different behaviors. These behaviors are brought about via the organism's interaction with the environment. Male dogs might be more aggressive on average for a breed than female, or male beavers might be more proactive in the construction of river dams. Machines do not operate under any of these factors or limitations.

Do not even bother mate, these retards just need something to seethe over

who gives a shit
gender is a spook anyway

Do you know that this game is set in degenerate future, don't you?

retards look


'Gender' was made up by a pedophile leftoid
Normal people just took that gender means sex

>''manliness'' is defined differently in all cultures

but that isn't true. All living species with sexes have different typical behavior for each. there are MANY things about men and women that are damn near identical across all cultures and eras.

Read a damn book.

They're right, you know.

Sex is a spook. Sadly humanity won't last long enough to go beyond.

Would we even be human at that point
I could care less if mankind makes it through the great filter


I agreed with him not about asking for the damn source, but what the had to say about degenerate cyberpunk hellscape.

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Paraphore. Yes, it's entirely like that. The story+atmosphere was the best part for me, though, I'm not actually that degenerate.

>tfw I played it a while ago

Have sex.

how is this a problem? Stupid SJW crap fits perfectly in a cyberpunk dystopia. I better be able to take the tesacles off my enemies and feed off them for energy, fucking might as well because that's what people do in a ruined failure of a society that the cyberpunk universe ultimately is. At the same time I should be able to do at least one 14/88 straightedge run ala a Legion run in New Vegas.

What matters most is if it fits the setting. CB is a story about a destroyed, pathetic society that is slowly destroying itself through drugs, acid, and rust. How is tranny shit not perfectly applicable to the game?

Unironically a good thing. It's a cyberpunk setting, do you really think nobody would have gotten a full body augment that changes their gender? In 2020 there was a whole subsection of people called "exotics" that turned themselves into animal hybrids

>Stupid SJW crap fits perfectly in a cyberpunk dystopia
Stopped reading here.
Every fucking time.

>full body augment that changes their gender
What does this have to do with trannies?

kids will not be able to make that distinction and will think that shit is cool. This is spreading degeneracy

>gender is a social construct

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the mental gymnastics they go through to say CDPR good tranners bad is truly amusing

Kids are a meme, all you get in 2019 is fucking screaming midget aliens and robot toys.

Do you think trannies mutilate themselves for fun? Some might but most believe that changing their body will make them happy. Without getting into whether or not that's true if there was a better option out there they would take it. Full body augments are that better option.

The left was totally hijacked by big corporations to suit their agenda
First it was
>Down with the 1% workers of the word unite!
Now is
>trans rights! legalize furry marriage

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Have you ever actually thought about what a "dystopia" is? It's not a fun world where Mr and Mrs Jones live a life of quiet desperation amongst white-picketed fences in a suburb outside LA. It's living in the shitty, awful part of LA between the train tracks and drainage ditch; or in the drainage ditch where all the rejects and faggots congregate after getting banned from every normal store in the city. High above, their jewish overlords plot society's destruction for their own personal profit while turning their current adopted palestinian refugee adopted children into mindraped tranny assassins. Basically what Wienstien and Epstien did on weekends.

Everyone in the world lives in shit or lives in a sterile prison, slowly going insane. This expresses itself in different ways, bloodletting and violence become increasingly popular as snake oil and thuggery take prominence over science and diplomacy. Car bombs go off in front of schools, people refuse to have children. Society rots from the inside out as schools are unable to repair themselves and get defunded, leading to children joining gangs or being locked into secluded corp tutors so they can become uncritical agents of the company. There is no common ground, no morale, and no negotiations. Everything just falls apart.

Why would you let a kid play an M-rated game? It's for adults for a reason.

The question stands.

It really doesn't

Well, you didn't answer it. You can change your gender in cyberpunk, so trannies shouldn't exist.

>appease 0.0001%
>piss of 5%
Why do they do this
When will they learn nobody gives a shit about the tranny mafia

They will have in the future when we add robo dongs and robo busy

Oh that's what you meant. Sorry, I didn't understand your question. Yeah it doesn't make sense why someone would call extra attention to it, although with things like dickgirls it's a fetish thing. Futa is already extremely popular, you can bet your ass it would also be in a degenerate cyberpunk setting.

>more options
kek, if only. We're lucky if there's gonna be even as many options as witcher 3 had.

Man, I was so far up the story and I lost my save
>tfw impregnate dog and then rape her babies

There certainly will be with the character creator at least. I hope we can get shit like artificially colored skin or chrome plates, although they've already said they're not going to let you fuck with your face too much because it fucks up some animations.

So did all of you retards who post the same idiotic excuse in every thread forgot about the word punk being literally in the name of the genre? Do you seriously think that cyberpunk is in any way a commentary on how those "degenerates" are bad even though they're literally the protagonists of the genre and have the moral highground over the corporations which are the antagonists?

burden of proof you idiot


If any of you play this game: you are the poison.

Sear that into your mind.

R__d_t _p__i_g

Non-scientist detected. The laws of the world are fixed. You are simply injuring yourself upon their rougher edges and pretending it is liberation.

I agree that it belongs in the setting, but I'm interested in how, if at all, cdpr attempts to depict it as am actual dystopia. Too many people find cyberpunk merely a cool aesthetic with neat technology, and don't understand that it's supposed to be a criticism of the world you're in. I feel like it's gonna be a another "wow cool robot" moment. Many left and ringers will walk away thinking that merely presenting a subject in your media means praise for it.

I'm afraid cdpr is going to fall for the trap, in the same way they've dumbed down some mechanics and roles from pnp. I'll be surprised if these people can learn from deus ex, and take the time to comment on the shithole world the game takes place in.

Kaczynski warned you and you didn’t listen. Read “The System’s Neatest Trick.”

Dragon's Dogma and Saints Row just did it and no one cared. Of course you act like this is something new because you are a bunch of redditlords that never play games

There are people still excited over CYBERTRANNY
hahahahahahaha oh hell thats funny and sad at the same time

Saints Row 2 took it a step further by having a masculinity/femininity slider

Name a game you're exited for. You don't need to be super hyped for it, just something you're looking forward to. Name one.

And this matters why exactly? Are you shunned for picking masculine body type or whatever? Why the fuck do you care? Are you THAT scared to appear as "less of a MAN"? What a bitch

What is age restriction.

>whole point of cyberpunk is rampant degeneracy and the ability to modify your body/mind to your hearts desire
>shills try to use it as an inflection point to stir shit
Anyone that isn't being paid doesn't care.

reminder: take english lessons

fucking hell ill never understand why multi million companies ben knee to 0.0001% vocal minority that openly doesnt even fucking buy or play games. i FUCKING hate this clown world

Not something that actually works unless it's AO.

They were threatened by sjws into submitting

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Not soon enough

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Glad shes dead and almost put of this world.
Wold be funny to force her to play hentai games, eh.

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Nigger you're going to summon that altered carbon autist with retarded posts like this.

I wondered why the game seemed Americanised as fuck, this explains it.

Compared to the shite pouring out of the US, it may as well be Mein Kampf in visual form.

Hope that grown ass adult dressed like a zoomer is in jail.

Reminder that you sit indoors projecting your sad life onto "middle class white kids" as a form of self-delusion.

NBA 2k20

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>tell trannies and twitter checkmarks to go fuck themselves
Infinitely more of a win.

the left can't meme

The right can't argue.

yeah this game is dead before arrival

got another line, npc?

she got cocky huh. this cunt thought for a moment shed get away with what is basically an extortion racket. didnt she get into trouble for it recently?

Imagine thinking being transgender is as interesting and thought-provoking as any of that. Trans people seem to have really high narcissism.

Probably in the hospital from having his head crushed.

The politics in these games are background.

Can't wait to make a tranny character with a huge bulge just to make Yea Forums mad

>we took their meme and made it ours just like all the times before
>we did it resetera!

another thing is the gaming media, they would give you low ratings for not being progressive.

Because it makes sense in setting (why the fuck are there suddenly trannies in Baldur's Gate, a medieval high fantasy RPG?) and because the game is built around those things. It doesn't go out of the way to pull players from the game and shove some propaganda down their throat. If you could have declared the tranny in Dragonspear an abomination and attacked I would have had less of a problem with it. But the roleplaying aspect gets thrown out the window so the dev can push their agenda.

Why is it that only Jap devs have the spines to tell mentally ill faggots to get fucked?

Forgot image

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Sadly they probably won't have a bulge slider. I'm still lookong for a porn game with actual graphics that lets me play as a big dicked futa that goes around fucking traps

holy shit the left really can't meme

Because nips generally don't give a shit what filthy gaijin think

putting TM after something as if it's making any kind of point is a nice idiot marker

left memes are all tldr wall of text lmao

Imagine equating discussion of the morality of nukes(MGS games) or any other world changing politics to whether or not you want to get your dick chopped off so you can pretend to be a girl.

Why are liberals so narcissistic?

Jesus, I hated Anita's whole thing a lot but this is pitiful. She's so irrelevant no one takes her seriously anymore.

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I think it's because college essays with word minimums make them think that more words = better argument.

Yes, yes, and in a week, someone on Twitter is going to get offended by girldick AGAIN and then there were be another thread with 500+ replies worth of memes and fedora-tipping.

Same shit for five years now. This is so fucking tiresome.

>commentary on how this can escalate and fuck up the world
>commentary on how this can escalate and fuck up the world
>commentary on how this can escalate and fuck up the world

hahaha, have it your own way then

There is no practical difference between extremely advanced robots and humans. Gender applies to both.

Besides, you know, complex biological functions, dynamic memory and physiological changes. But those are just minor things :^)

That's because gender is a pseudo-science term. There is no gender, only sex.


>"I'd change society"
That's 100% the right attitude to take. Why apologize for your own existence? Bring society to heel through force of will.

Those are fine because they're not preaching highly contentious current politics that are being shoved in our faces in EVERY fucking form of media. Where as some pedophile faggot gets xerself hired at a game company and forces their shitty trannysona to get pushed in.

It's mostly the LGBT people. And I don't mean people who aren't straight I mean the "LGBT community." They want all of society to put a minority's sexual choices at the center of everything while everyone else is worried about bigger things. Also they're very behind the times and find it hard to grasp that most people are so past it that they don't care what a fictional character's sexuality is unless something interesting is done with it or it's for porn purposes.

If the trannys were honest, they'd say this. These faggots bitch about government in their bedroom, but god damn do they adore the idea of forcing their shit on the rest of us. "Your son was caught looking at a picture of a disney princess, clearly this means we need to put him on HRT and put him alone in a room with a drag queen."

What is being a responsible parent

>they can
not for long, faggot

Newsflash, most people are ignorant and retarded. That includes most of Yea Forums.

They hear one of their retarded youtubers or whatever say some like "This game is political! Fuck them!" and they will start using that buzzword without even understanding what it is or what it means.

There is NOTHING wrong with "politics" in games and a considerable number of games any of you like are uneniably political.
The problem is when it turns into propaganda, which can happen to anything.

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Something that's gone out of style

Why am I supposed to care about this?

Not him,but rampant faggotry and sexual promiscuity is bad for society. Just take a gander at the shithole that is San Francisco. It's their right to be human waste, but at the end of the day,they're still no better than gasoline huffing Appalachian hillbillies.

How high are chances this is the only body type for men?

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>Why is it that only Jap devs have the spines to tell mentally ill faggots to get fucked?

Japan, a country that embraces homo, crossdressing, trans and tons of other similar shit?
You couldn't have picked a worse country as your champion.

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>caring about gender in a world where you can mod yourself into a mechanical nightmare
You're playing around with the definition of human and what gender people consider themselves is what you're concerned with? Who fucking cares? Talk about misplaced priorities.

They embrace it in their media because they recognize it as a fantasy. If you knew anything about this subject you'd know that homosexuals and the like are social pariahs in Japan.

They don't have spine.
They just have no clue what's going on because their culture is different.

>shit like motoko is just a brain in a mechanical body
>could be mans brain in this robot body
>this person would effectively be a he/she at this point

Seriously who gives a fuck. It's just allowing people to set a line of text in their profile if they want.
Sperging out over this is retarded.

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Can I make myself a hot tranny with huge tits that dresses in slutty cyberpunk clothing and identifies as a male with he/him pronouns?
If not, no buy

So they deleted the Male/Female labels in the character creator and removed the restriction where you have to choose a male voice for a male character or whatever.
Is that it? Because that's fucking nothing. That changes nothing about the game. It's a throwaway change to appease a certain segment of their player base.
Outrage culture is out of control.

>They embrace it in their media because they recognize it as a fantasy
And OPs game isn't a piece of media about playing in a fantastical setting? Videogames are escapism.


Thanks for reminding me that this game is dead.

In ghost in the shell the characters even try to persuade Motoko to switch to a male prosthetic body.

Okay? I'm not even talking about that, I'm correcting that user's misconception that because Japan produces tons of yaoi, yuri, crossdressing, etc in their media they also embrace these things socially. They very much don't. It's more socially acceptable to bone your cousin than it is to be openly gay in Japan.

Except it explicitly states that she was female before she was changed into an android.

In that case
Will the game allow me to be an endomorph?

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the highest

If there's only one bodytype for men the same will go for women. But from the interview I'm getting the feeling that you have more options. It'll probably just be the old skinny, buff or balanced thing though. Although if it lets you make a musclegirl it gains an instant 10 points.

Actually, Mokoto's brain is also artificial. She has no real human parts anymore.

Name three trannies from jap media.

made up boomer shit

Is it already confirmed how much you can customize?
Like, is there an ass slider?

Isn't there some small part of the brain that they say contains consciousness so that part is always kept while the rest is digitalised? It's been a while since I saw the movie but I remember at least one sci-fi story having that and I think it was GitS

>Except it explicitly states that she was female before she was changed into an android.
So? That doesn't counter anything I said.

two types of "body types"
male and female
that's it

can we have a dystopian game without trannies, niggers and identity politics please? Fucking reality is already so dystopian I want to escape into a virtual world
pic related

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Three of their prominent politicians are trannies. Two mtf and a ftm. Not even joking, look it up.

This is from the gameplay demo. Keep in mind that the character creator has gone through some changes, but I'm guessing this part will be kept mostly intact. I doubt they'll let you change your body significantly, just your face

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>a single player game is dead

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This is what everyone seems to be missing.

Don't you fucking losers ever get tired of this?

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That's the ironic part, they're adding this bullshit in as "diversity and inclusion". But in reality it better serves to show as a Sodom and Gomorrah style jaded hyper sexuality where society is degenerate and not worth saving.

Recent polls show majority of Japan's millennials and zoomers supporting gay marriage.

Yeah, but fucking in the streets like an american tranny doesn't really fly there.

Well of course, they're not animals like the muttistanis.


Don't we all user. Don't we all. Maybe animopron's new game will let us finally play a futa with a big horsecock if he ever actually finishes it.

Fisheye from Sailor Moon
Erica from Catherine
Kainé from Nier

I'm not really a weeb but Erica from Catherine and J.J. Macfield come to mind. Poison is also a "newhalf" despite the protests from here.
Those are actual trannies. You can find a fuckton more crossdressers/traps/otokonoko in their anime/manga/games/cosplays etc.

Their last games are Gwent and Thronebreaker

Have sex.

I just checked that part, lmao.
He never changes anything
You can tell everything is made up to look like a character editor bur i highly doubt anything would've worked if he chose a different face.
I don't think it will even look like this in the end.

Based and Architect checked.

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Dont you fucking lump us in with those degenerate faggots. We only engage in man on woman sexual acts around here. Theres literally nothing wrong with banging your cousin as long as you pull out.

There's a ton of them but it's never really made the center of their story or anything like virtually every piece of western media that includes a tranny feels the need to do.

Japan's outlook on faggotry is really bizarre. It's like not encouraged or celebrated by society at large but they love to shove it in their fictional media for some reason. Japan was shoving trannies and faggots into kids shows decades before the west ever considered doing it.

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It was a demo, I doubt it was finished yet. A character editor isn't that big a deal, even Illusion games have them. Seriously doubt they'll chose to cut it out.

Six replies and zero (0) arguments.
>the left can't meme
Saying the truth isn't memeing.

They are not run by spiritual powers, they are ultimately biological and mechanical.


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Blow it out your ass.

>That's the ironic part, they're adding this bullshit in as "diversity and inclusion".

Honestly it feels like they're taking the piss when they say that and the developers are 100% self aware and are probably laughing at everyone talking about how progressive they are.

But there is gender. It's a synonym for sex.

We've won.

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Yes, of course, CDPR is so based and redpilled, that's exactly what they're doing. The only good developer left in the industry and not scummy at all.

But gender IS a social construct. I don't understand how you /pol/tards can't wrap your heads around this.
GENDER is the way a man/woman walks, talks and behaves. It's written or unwritten rules about what is acceptable for the respective sex, what roles he/she can fill in (for example full-time work for males, raising children for women) etc.
Every society on earth has a different idea on what constitutes 'manhood' or 'femininity' or something in between. Sure, there might be universal constructs found in almost all societies (men being 'hunters', women caring for their offspring etc.), but that doesn't make it more 'natural' or less constructed than, say, the idea that men aren't allowed to wear skirts or that women shouldn't fart in public.
Then there's SEX, and that is either male or female. Anything else is a birth defect and people afflicted by such ailments are poor fucks who deserve our sympathy. If you're a man and feel like a woman, that's fine by me. But don't act as if it's natural and I should give you special pronouns for your mental illness.
Now, should all this tranny bullshit be propagated in our games and media? No, I don't think so. Trannies make up like 0,1 percent of the population or whatever. It definitely feels forced upon us by US liberals, and shoehorning something as trivial and laughable as trannies into your game can only hurt its quality in my opinion.
As for this particular game: Why not? It's a game where you have cyborg augments and shit. Of course some people might choose to wear tits as a male. Hell, which male wouldn't if given the chance? I'd lock myself up in my room and fondle myself 24/7.

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Gender is not a synonym for sex anymore than "glove" is a synonym for "hand".

They are deeply related ("hand" goes in "glove"; "dresses" and "kitchen" goes in "tits and vagina"), but unlike the former, the latter varies from culture to culture.

>Yeah, but fucking in the streets like an american tranny doesn't really fly there. can find more public sex videos of people fucking in broad daylight on trains and everything else from Japan than from the rest of the world combined. People have been doing that shit there for years. You can also buy used panties out of vending machines. Also prostitution is legal and there are entire hotels set up for the explicit purpose of allowing people to cheat on their spouses.

Japan is degenerate as fuck and always has been.

I've been trying but your mom's been booked solid for months.

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You'd think so but not, the term was invented by a jew named John Money that did experiments on young boys to try and prove gender was fluid. It later fell into common use as a synonym for sex, but that's not what it technically means.

balls balls balls balls balls balls balls balls
You're transparent.

the only thing that separates her from androids is her ghost.

>changed into an android.

No, gender was a term created to subvert the hard reality of sex. To put it simply, they first use gender as a synonym for sex, then they say "but not all men are the same/have all the same typically masculine traits." Then they use gender differently as a form of self chosen identity/sexual preference rather than a synonym for the objective fact of male vs female sex. I don't care how many frilly dresses you own and how many plantains you've shoved up your ass, you're still a man at the end of the day.

So basically it never meant anything.
Might as well keep using it as a synonym for sex.

have you dilated today, man ladies?

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This. The entire transgender movement was built on sexual abuse of child. Both of the boys killed themselves later on.

>japan is totally like my JAVs I swear!!

gender is defined by sex, anything else is trans sexual shits mentally ill lgbt freaks

Dead on arrival

Dr. Money was wrong about gender being changeable through therapy. That doesn't discredit the trans movement, it vindicates it.

Modern day Commiefornia already thinks like this so if anything its more realistic than you think

He also had the boy's balls chopped off, had the parents change his name and put him on hormones. And it still failed. Completely.

Not really. Dr. Money thought you can simply do a surgery on people and think that will modify who they are as if it was a simple switch, but it doesn't work like that, at all. Especially if you force it on unwilling patients.

Why is Yea Forums so incredibly irrationally obsessed with trannies? You are so emotionally invested in the idea that trannies are some sort of existential evil threat it's bordering on disturbing. Get some help.

>Staged porn videos are a 100% authentic representation of a Nation

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so why is the LGBT movement, the homosexuals and transsexuals working so hard to push drag queen culture on kids?

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ask the drag kids, and also


Rent free

>not comprehending that giving ground to these people just makes them demand more

We're at the point of forcing 5 years olds to have sex changes today because we didn't say no to gays 20 years ago.

Yes, that's the point. I was just in another thread where people were baselessly getting worked up about children being "groomed" into being trans, when we have objective evidence that even if the child has been raised as the opposite gender from birth, it will still have an innate sense of gender identity.
This might shock you but children grow up. If you want the next generation to be tolerant you have to teach them at some point.

To get their rocks off

>we really want to make a video game that's really inclusive
Thank God I don't preorder anything

You are being highly irrational. Please come to your senses.

This is utterly false. You are spreading a malignant lie.

Because you are arguing with a strawman, based on the misconceived idea that every. single. LGTB personal is okay with pushing transgenderism unto children, when that isn't how it works.

The only thing a proper, loving parent has to do regarding their children is quite literally ask "what toys do you want to play with?", as opposed to saying "you are a girl so you are getting dolls" or "you are a boy so you are getting monster trucks and sniper rifles". If the kid truly feels transgender as he/she grow up, it will manifest.

>This might shock you but children grow up. If you want the next generation to be tolerant you have to teach them at some point.

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Yes, and that's because Nazis are getting to the children too

No, you'd get off to that.

and you're being a mentally ill tranny

you don't know what a strawman argument is, go dilate

you're a mentally ill pro LGBT freak of nature


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No it doesn't. I'm assuming you're referring to "gender dysphoria", we have a word for that, mental illness.

What's your point? DPR knew the entire time that something was wrong, he knew he wasn't a girl. You can't change who you are and those that think they want to or even can are mentally ill.

And this still doesn't change the fact that the transgender movement used his "research" as evidence of their claims.

Because there's a fuckton of pedophiles that pretend they're just gay, so other gays, being tribalist faggots, will defend them.

Why can't you actually argue? Why do you people always resort to name calling, changing the goalposts, equivocating, anything at all besides just arguing in good faith? Surely if you can only argue your side by being dishonest in the extreme, it should make you reconsider some things?

What would be your point? If you have a nation against LGBT people, then it stands to reason those children will also grow to be against LGBT. The idea is that, over time, said majority will become a minority.

Completely unrelated, but I finally read what those $10,000 Ion Fury devs donated to a "tranny organization cutting children's dicks" was about: it was a literal phone line LGBT youths could talk to in order to prevent killing themselves. Talk about fake news.

>No it doesn't. I'm assuming you're referring to "gender dysphoria", we have a word for that, mental illness.
Guess what Dacid Reimer felt. That's right: gender dysphoria. In his case it was artificially induced, but the circumstances were otherwise the same as for people in whom it occurs naturally.

Also, we have lots of mental illnesses and individual terms for each of them, so I'm not sure what your point is.

keep coping hard and blaming the evil nazis, you mentally ill lgbt fuck

Dragon's Dogma does exactly the same thing. You can make all manner of tranny abominations if you wish or proper men and women. Cyberpunk is an immensely far gone transhumanist dystopia so it makes sense for shit like this to exist.



Yeah no, fuck off faggot. The lgbt movement in every country they're present in has gone to the government and made it into a civil rights issue. Now to a degree, they're rolling out lbgt education in public schools and forcing their bullshit pseudo science onto other people's children. In Canada,if you don't agree with the gender a teacher tells your child that they are, they can kidnap them and put them on hrt.

In short, sincerely considering joining the 41%.

I mean honestly, just compare these two posts
How can these people think they have the moral high ground

This is Cope: The Post. Surely it's all just a coincidence that the game is being filled with tranny appeasing after numerous amounts of backlash from the mentality I'll community. Get real friend, this wasn't some long con by CDPR, its appeasement.

you've stated your goals clearly, you want to indoctrinate kids into the lgbt insanity, so the only thing ieft is to insult you until the time is right

user, it literally is baseless because of the objective evidence I just referred to. Teaching acceptance is a completely different thing and you are being dishonest by equivocating the two.
>In Canada,if you don't agree with the gender a teacher tells your child that they are, they can kidnap them and put them on hrt.
This is a lie.

My point is simple, transgenderism is not a legitimate "identity", it's mental illness.

Okay, well, good for you, does that justify spreading harmful lies about them? Can't you just leave them in peace?

Transexuals are mentally ill, but those who complain about transexuals all the time are mentally ill as well. Bonus points for hating on Jews too.
>What's your point? DPR knew the entire time that something was wrong, he knew he wasn't a girl.
Let's be more specific about the wording here: DPR didn't "feel" like a girl. You can't have someone undergo sex reassignment surgery and expect them to go "wow I totally feel like a girl now!".

On the opposite spectrum are men who DO feel like woman, and thus sex reassignment surgery helps them come to terms with their bodies. What Doc Money did was, essentially, try to fix something that wasn't wrong. What wanted sex reassignment surgery does, on the other hand, is treat* what is wrong.

*I use the word "treat" because I consider people who undergo said surgeries to be mentally ill. Said surgery is very much seen as treatment; no matter what Yea Forums says, SRS is seen by actual doctors as the most adequate treatment.

>Teaching acceptance
you can't teach acceptance, the reason zoomers grow tired of lgbt's shit isn't because of nazi propaganda, it's because LGBT "things" are just insane and livid mental cases
i say things at this point because i'm told i have to learn all their pronouns and shit, fuck that noise

>acceptance of mental illness

You're not doing these people any favors by pretending they're not sick. And there's nothing accepting about using the government to force your beliefs on others, that's just fascism with a smiley face tacked on so no one will realize how you're fucking them.

yet you're the one trying to push the LGBT acceptance bullshit here, and probably in real life too

On one side, we have people saying mentally ill people should kill themselves, same with anyone else helping them.
On the other side, we have people saying mentally ill people deserve treatment, and offer their help. And believe it or not, that which you so much hate is seen as the recommended treatment by qualified doctors.

So unless you are a doctor yourself and come up with the cure for mental illness, then it is clear who are the /pol/ retards and who are the people trying to do some good in this world.

Read "Pushing LGBT acceptance", it's like asking people not to say others should kill themselves is too much to ask for.

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>we have people saying mentally ill people deserve treatment
chopping balls off and telling them to dilate, scraping the skin of the leg to make a fake dick isn't a treatment you fucking mental case

Kill yourself.

>it's like asking people not to say others should kill themselves is too much to ask for.
you're deluded and you're lying, so you fail to understand why zoomers would grow tired of LGBT's shit

>2010's fashion trend is central to the worldbuilding in a game set in the future

No, I will absolutely not leave them alone because they won't leave me alone. I couldn't care less about video games,I don't want their shit being taught to children in schools. They're changing society for the worse and targeting people at their most impressionable age.

Yes, and doctor money was an "actual" mental health professional, look how that turned out. If the transgender movement should teach us anything, it's to be suspicious of authority.

Unironically cope. Come up with a cure or accept the internationally recognized treatment.

Not at all, it's literally what "I fucking hate this LGBT tolerance bullshit speech" boils down to. Ion Fury is being boycotted because they removed a joke targeting the LGBT, you are literally complaining about a dev infringing your right (which isn't; it's their right to do as they see fit with their game) to be homophobic.

What you got against shoes that have LED's in them?

>game about dystopian shithole future
>has dystopian SocJus bullshit
Funny how that works.

>Yes, and doctor money was an "actual" mental health professional, look how that turned out
Of course it turned out wrong, you rarely get it wrong the first try. As much as it is sad someone suffered because of his procedures, it paved the way for future discoveries and understanding.

Now here's the deal: no one, I repeat, no one, knows how to treat these individuals. The way we have now is the way that is proven to work the best. Like I said, come up with your own method.

Politics =/= Identity Politics
Learn the diference and dilate your head with a shotgun

>retards unironically getting mad at one of the most obvious outcomes of a future where you can modify the shit out of your body
Just because gender is a social construct doesn't mean it isn't real but in a transhumanism setting do you REALLY expect gender not to be done away with for only sex to remain as relevant?

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I just want to play as a cute girl with massive tiddies and a fat dick.

>Now here's the deal: no one, I repeat, no one, knows how to treat these individuals.
Thats the equivalent of saying "We can't fix your arthritis, so lets cut off your hand"
Plus there's already a pill that suppresses transgender tendencies, but that won't make as much money as surgery, so they don't prescribe it.

>it's their right to do as they see fit with their game
Rights are a liberal construct. :^)

Not him, but I'm pretty much the opposite of homphobic and want trannies to fuck off and/or kill themselves.
Also the Ion Fury shit is retarded because the people getting "offended" by soap with OGAY on it also need to fuck off. And do I even need to say anything about those thinking that "I don't think parents shouldn't decide that their children are trans at birth" should be a controversial opinion?
Fuck off.

I love this turn of events simply because CDPR shills would call others trannies and tell them to dilate if their favorite game studio was criticized.Oh how the tables how turned lmfao

First three: not propaganda
last ones: propaganda

>So we really want to give people the freedom to make their own character and play the way they want to play
so i can turn my character into an 8 year or an 80 year old?

*should decide
Or even *should be allowed to decide

Don't use the word gender, it itself crawled its way into the general populace when it was not a good qualifier of man and woman. The sexuality of a person can be determined whether they were born with female genitalia or male genitalia. So you say, the Sex is male if they were born with a penis and the Sex is female when they were born with a vagina. There is nothing about a feminine or masculine appearance in this sense. Gender is used to describe whether something is masculine or feminine, but as we all know that there are such things as feminine penises. That is where our opponents are squirming their way into these arguments.

Trannies are mentally ill. That is all.

It's just literal SJW tier whining by Yea Forums. Try not to dig too deep into the hypocrisy on this site or you'll go insane.

it's not a treatment, because they end up killing themselves, it's better than coping with your delusional "treatments"

you're still mentally ill pro lgbt faggot

male you would be a real loser anyway, but by doing this to another human being, you are an abuser and a psychopath. you have no right to do this to someone else! this woman is not a human being, why are you using her? and yes i know, it's fake dick, but i think it was a good idea. i think it was a good idea to be able to do something that someone who isn't autistic has difficulty with: fucking a dick. i bet all your friends thought she was a fag... well you should be so lucky with this. you are a psychopath as well, but i guess you don't mind that. if you are going to act this way on a woman, you should at least be able to do it in a dignified manner? i hate this country, i despise society, i hate everything in my life. I wish i could go back to high school and not think a single human is worth the whiteness of their skin

Based poles

SRS is absolutely not recommended by doctors, you're trying to feed into the retarded Yea Forums narrative that every mtf wants their dick chopped off, so fuck off, retard. This is a really roundabout way for you to false flag and I don't appreciate it.

>do you REALLY expect gender not to be done away with for only sex to remain as relevant?
What the fuck are you saying. You mean (((gender)))? That should be done away with right now, because it does, in fact, not exist. And then we can go back to actual gender and make it selectable in an RPG, whether you call it that or "sex" instead.

>Thats the equivalent of saying "We can't fix your arthritis, so lets cut off your hand"
It really isn't. At all. I'm surprised you would come up with such a dumb analogy. Exactly what advantage does a person with arthritis gain from cutting off their hand?

Here's a better analogy for you: "We can't cure your gangrene, so lets cut off the infected limb". Sure, in an ideal world we would be ABLE to cure the gangrene, just like in an ideal world you would be able to give a genderpill to these people and have them go "wow, I must have been crazy to want to cut off my dick!", but sadly that doesn't exist... yet. The sad thing about people like you is that you would never bother trying to come up with an actual cure.

Based and radfempilled.

>Not him, but I'm pretty much the opposite of homphobic and want trannies to fuck off and/or kill themselves.
I get what you mean, I'm pretty much the opposite of racist and want niggers to fuck off back to their monkey ass continent.


>release date: April 16, 2020
Why are we shitting ourselves over this so soon? Can we wait till next year, at least?

>trannies = homosexuals
Fucking dilate.

>SRS is absolutely not recommended by doctors, you're trying to feed into the retarded Yea Forums narrative that every mtf wants their dick chopped off, so fuck off, retard.
I didn't mean to say doctors will tell every mtf "yeah get your dick chopped off". But for some people, it really is the best treatment they can get. It may be the last resort, but if it wasn't an option doctors would be against it.

You want to see some sick fucked up shit? Go watch a video/webm of a gender reassignment being preformed.

Doctors ARE against it, that's why it's the last resort. Therapists are loathe to even bring it up, it's generally a patient-initiated thing. Everyone knows how harmful it can be, it's reserved for people who are fully committed to it, people who are so unhappy that extreme body modification actually feels viable.

What's "insane" is culturally determined, so it literally is taught.

They're not pretending anything, they're getting the help they need.

>I couldn't care less about video games,I don't want their shit being taught to children in schools. They're changing society for the worse and targeting people at their most impressionable age.
Boo fucking hoo, you fucking carebear.

What the fuck happened to this place.

>in an ideal world you would be able to give a genderpill to these people and have them go "wow, I must have been crazy to want to cut off my dick!"
It is never ideal to make such a radical change to someone's identity. No, in an ideal world, SRS would be perfected.

something insane is determined by its outcome, not the nilly wishes of people

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That is objectively wrong.

your life is objectively wrong, tranny

Would you consider a pill that cured someone's schizophrenia a "radical change to their identity" as well? Do you consider antidepressants to cause radical changes in people's identities? If someone is a man and feels like a woman they're mentally ill, just like someone who thinks Jesus is telling him to kill them all is. If someone came up to you and told you they feel like a crab would your first response be to encourage them to get surgically transformed into a crab?

I just want to be a degenerate!! (in videogames) Go home /pol/!!

/pol/ was here first, fuck off

It's all so tiresome

They're not harming anyone.
I was objectively here before /pol/

>The problem is when it turns into propaganda
The problem with today's propaganda is that everyone making it are fucking hacks who put out nothing but trash

They're harming themselves. And then they want society to treat them like they're not mentally ill. And they try to normalise their mental illness. If a kid plays with dolls and his parents are progressive freaks they might put him on hormone blockers and fuck up his whole life

>they feel like a crab would your first response be to encourage them to get surgically transformed into a crab?

If the technology were sufficient enough to make this happen, yes. I would. Not because I care about them and want to help them though. Like yeah dude. You want claw hands, you're getting claw hands. You want an extra pair of legs? You're getting extra legs. You want your eyeballs on top of your skull? You god damn freak. Sure. We're doing that too. Why? It's funny. That's why. Are you telling me you don't want to see some fucking idiot try this shit? You're god damn lying. You know what I hate? Liars.

No you weren't. The people who inhabit /pol/ have been around for centuries.