Was this peak Assassin's Creed? Why can't we get more in the style of Unity or Syndicate?
Was this peak Assassin's Creed? Why can't we get more in the style of Unity or Syndicate?
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Unity and Syndicate did have peak city kino desu. Other than that, I didn't really like Unity. Syndicate was enjoyable though, I quite enjoyed the duo of protags and the zipline was fucking kino.
People keep hyping up Origins, so I'm quite excited to play it. Odyssey sounds fucking trash though.
Black Flag and Brotherhood were the best. 2 was good. All the rest are mediocre at best.
Assassin's Creed Unity is one of the only games in the franchise worth playing and revisiting. It's the last good game in the series as well. There's much more emphasis placed on stealth gameplay. Assassin's Creed Unity is more of an evolution of the original Assassin's Creed. Chain killing has been removed, though you can still parry and stagger enemies in open combat. Unity has plenty of weapon variety and customization options for the character. Pole weapons, axes, one handed swords, maces, cleavers, much more. Though you have to enter numerous sub menus just to change your gear. The game needed some sort of radial menu to swap out weapons.
The story isn't too bad either. As a character, Arno doesn't amount to much more than a retread of Ezio in Assassin's Creed II. I liked the situations that Arno was placed in, however. Unity was pretty interesting if you find the time period of the French Revolution interesting. For a good chunk of the game, you're on the side of the French Royalists who defend the monarchy. Some missions have you doing activities such as destroying letters of correspondence between King Louis XVI and the Parisian leader of the Assassins, there's another mission where you put a stop to an assassination attempt on King Louis XVI, and you bring an end to the Reign of Terror when you capture a stereotypical demonized Robespierre. In Assassin's Creed Unity, the Reign of Terror is portrayed as though it were some sort of Templar conspiracy to gain control of the middle class through paranoia. When Unity first released around the end of 2014, there were a few leftist French critics who condemned the game for fueling counter-revolutionary narratives, but Arno speaks in favor of the French Revolution when he talks back to his assassin mentors from time to time, so the game isn't wholly counter-revolutionary.
Origins is the best.
It's a natural course of action for conspiracy theory cliches (Unity's depiction of the Reign of Terror) to come about through a counter-revolutionary narrative, and conspiracy theories are part of what made the original Assassin's Creed compelling. If anyone claims that Assassin's Creed Unity is purely counter-revolutionary it just exposes that person as short-sighted.
If there is anything weak about Unity's story, then it all comes down to Arno and his Romeo/Juliet romance with Élise . Arno is born to an Assassin father, then later on Arno is orphaned and the Parisian Templar leader adopts him. Arno's adopted father has a daughter (Élise) and she eventually joins the Templar cause while Arno follows in his biological father's footsteps. Even though Arno and Élise are of two different factions they love each other. As the French Revolution comes to a head, the Parisian Assassin leader and the Parisian Templar leader wish to secure their power structures so they sort of come to a temporary truce. And with Arno as protagonist, we see the story through his eyes and he longs for the days of security from his childhood. That's also why Unity gives the impression that the populist revolutionary movements are wrong, though some of the antagonists in the game have compelling viewpoints. There was plenty of nuance in the story. Arno was just too weak of a protagonist. Ezio playboy 2.0 doesn't fit this type of story that well. A more ideologically driven protagonist could navigate the mess of the French Revolution and find a better alternative. Unity raised a lot of questions regarding stagnation, extremism, corruption etc but everything gets swept under the rug in favor of Arno's romance with Élise.
because everyone hated it. me included.
Unity looked pretty and I liked the emphasis on actual assassinations, but the free-roam open world stuff was still boring.
Still wish they stuck to trying to perfect that formula than just give up and turn the series into action RPGs.
My only complaint about Unity was that the characters had English accents instead of French accented English.
I don't remember any bugs at all by the time I played on PC.
>in the style of Syndicate
Fuck no.
>tfw still have the free Brotherhood and Unity which were given some time ago
>tfw haven't even touched them
Should I though?
unity stealth was pretty broken, syndicate perfected it
Too bad that Syndie’s plot and characters were complete shit, it’s almost as if Ubisoft was afraid to properly utilize the rich history of the time period as anything else but a lame magical school bus experience where you see historically important persons as sidequest givers. The actual main plot and villain is lame as fuck, and I didn’t like even the main characters.
I was really looking forward to Paris in the series but by the time it came out I felt so burned out on this franchise. The writing is nonsensical and lazy, and the gameplay is always the same. Fuck ubisoft.
Brotherhood is intuitive and very satisfying moment-to-moment but lacks any form of difficulty outside of a few optional mission objectives
Unity is a good and challenging experience hampered by jank and the first whiffs of microtransaction garbage that they were experimenting with
Anybody else miss the multiplayer?
Does it name the freemasons?
How's the Black Flag? Worth trying? I enjoyed AC1&2, haven't played any others.
1 and 2 are the only good ones
Brotherhood and Revelations are merely passable but started the downfall
3 is a dumpster fire and it never recovered after that
One of the best in the series, try it if you want to be a cool pirate and don't believe people that say rogue is better
I played Syndicate for 25 hours and beat it like 90% and I can’t remember the villain. I remember the plot vaguely having to do with a relic that was recovered during Unity and also the Juno subplot in WW1. Syndicate was actually pretty fun to play though, IMO. Unity was a fucking chore and the plot was more memorable, if only because it was so cliche and the characters borderline retarded
its good, the story is written by probably the last decent writer in ubishit, at first i hated it it doesn't feel like asscreed but after few years i come back get into it for real its actually better than unity.
Unity got lambasted for technical problems more than anything else, really. It's funny considering how long into the franchise it took for a core entry to try tackling stealth.
Unity covered it's story way better, I can't even remember anything about Syndicate besides Bell, Churchill and Marx.
>I played Syndicate for 25 hours and beat it like 90% and I can’t remember the villain
How could you forget this guy? He was hamming it up in almost every scene. And that iconic mustache? Perfection
>In the history of the Assassin's Creed series, what the masons are? Assassins, templars?
>Just boring guys who have meetings unfortunately. History!
Revelations was the peak imo historic istanbul was kino
Fucking Discordian Society rewriting history yet again.
First Assassin's Creed did stealth well enough but the second became more action adventure
2 was peak AC
Somewhat related, are there any games that have the parkour aspect of Assassin's Creed? In Assassin's Creed II, I thought the combat was pretty boring but I liked hopping around churches. Idk, it was kinda fun even if it wasn't really that difficult.
I am familiar with Dishonored and liked it a lot more than Assassin's creed, but there aren't that many of those and the game doesn't really do parkour and climbing iirc, it's just stealth and movement is done with blinks or super high jumps.
Well there's Mirror's Edge 1 and 2. I played 1 and hated it, aesthetic was confusing and I couldn't orientate myself. I heard 2 is even worse, but I haven't played it because of my experience in 1.
There's also a series I haven't played but heard of and think it might be somewhat related, Tenchu.
Syndicate had better gameplay, characters and plot tbqh. Haven't played the newer ones.
Imagine playing past Black Flag
The French Revolution was a mistake, thanks jews.