>he obtains his vidya via degeneracy such as piracy or neetbux
Who else here is a big boy who works and earns what they do in their freetime?
I just predicted your initial comeback. Absolutely pathetic.
>he obtains his vidya via degeneracy such as piracy or neetbux
Who else here is a big boy who works and earns what they do in their freetime?
I just predicted your initial comeback. Absolutely pathetic.
>paying for something you can effortlessly get for free
thats called being a retard
I work and pirate.
Shit taste
Still a degenerate
I save about 40k year after taxes and bills and still pirate Vidya
whatever you have to tell yourself retard
Imagine giving money to the industry of the limp-wristed basedboys LMAOing @ UR LYFE IRL RN.
What you gonna do about it, little bitch? Buy another copy to make up for mine?
I love it, my job is in devops so I just shitpost on here laughing at piratefags all day
>for VIDEO games
>in the year of our Lord 2019
>and BRAGGING about it
Deal with it
>Only pay for hardware
>Dont pay for western shit because western videogames die in 2011
>Pay for japanese Only if i really like it
I've bought less games now I'm a wagie. I keep seeing games on my wishlist go on sale but I can't justify buying them because my time is actually valuable now and I don't have that much of it.
OPs arent allowed to inb4 which is basically what you did
>unironically having a job
Thanks for working so i don't have too
work smart fucking cuckbrain.
>throws money down shitter
>expects to get anywhere in life
unironic lol
The best part about piracy is when you do it on consoles and get games a week or two early. Wagies absolutely flip their SHIT when you beat the game before their pre-order ships and you start spoiling them in every thread.
I'm sure you could get free food out a dumpster, but one would traditionally prefer to just buy it from a store or vendor.
lol and he wants actual replies ahahahaha
>buy game
>get game laced with spyware DRM
>pirate game
>get game with no DRM or spyware (if you're not a retard)
I pirate because the cost of games in my country compared to average salary is way to fucking high
Where do you pirate your games?
how do I get neetbux?
>I-I'm a real grown-up, g-guys, I swear!
Yeah, I think that's a yikes.
You fucking simpletons. Grow the hell up. If you like something you should pay for it so you can get more of the thing you like.
Literal children's mindset with absolutely no foresight and absolute lack of principal and class .
>buy game
>get fresh updates, fixes, additional content
>pirate game
>pray someone cracks any of that content at all, resort to sour grapes logic
You can't use this argument and go on Yea Forums.
What if i buy a game and end up hating it?
>He is a social parasite
Telling other people to grow up is not a hill you want to die on.
Typically it's made by individuals who still need to grow up themselves.
I have a job and still pirate games, sue me.
wagie wagie get in cagie
>>get fresh updates, fixes, additional content
Y-yeah we sure do.
Imagine thinking being able to buy video games is an achievement.
Predictable. How sad
He hated being told the truth of his miserable life!
That's a terrible fucking food analogy.
There's no difference of quality between bought and pirated game.
I'll pirate stuff that based Tim gets for me.
Sometimes bad things happen.
you are on the spectrum
An adult? Playing video games on their free time?
Don't you know you could be MAKING them and selling them to fund your 401k? It's capital, you know...
Sometimes I unironically think this
If we all pirated how would there be more games?
>retard frogposter on 4channel complains about "degeneracy"
Getting real tired of these reruns
I turn 24 next month and I have never had or applied to a job.
Fucking lol m8 you can do better than that.
cracked game don't have their "spyware" removed
I've been friends with dozens of NEETs over the course of like 15 years and none of them do the self improvement stuff NEETs always shitpost about having time for because they dont work. Some of them were happy with their lives but the vast majority were self-hating invalids that used posting on this site (and others) as escapism from their boring lives. I tried to get a friend to join me jogging in the morning and every time I invited him he had an excuse, yet every single thing he posts is about how much free time he has for self improvement.
Every time I see a NEET post about how much time he has to work on themselves all I can imagine is a mildly overweight pale shut-in with deep bags under their eyes beating off for the 15th time that day to doujins he's already read 20 times.
based tim
>says piracy and neetbucks are cool
>talls condescending about them
I'm confused OP.
Did Igor Tetris, the inventor of Tetris, get any money from his game? And yet he invented the literally best game in the world.
Why do you care so much? It really reflects poorly on you as a person to be behaving this way
You are not being the person mr rogers knows you could be.
>Was neet for 4 months
>Did absolutly nothing, barely played games or watched movies
What the hell I thought jannies were getting rid of frog threads on sight how is this 50+ replies
Refund it, or sell the physical copy if you’re on console
>Just got my first wagie job
>Waiting on a start date
>Excited that I'll finally have enough money to upgrade my computer and THEN start pirating games
It's a pretty good kind of feel actually.
>You are not being the person mr rogers knows you could be.
Dear god, user, just call him a faggot, no need to be THIS violent
My only question is, why did you feel the need to make this thread? What drove you to post it?
>fresh updates, fixes, additional content
and DRM spyware.
There is no downside to piracy.
jogging is boring
I remember the disgust I feel when I see people on Yea Forums claim proudly they are neets
heh, pathetic, couldn't even predict that response
Cringe post. You are cringe. NEETS are the best. Wage wage wagiecuck, seethe. Seethe + cope, cringelord. Copeseethe, cringeboy cringeposter yikeslord lmao. Wagie wagecuck pay for your mr shekelstein yacht loser wagecuck. Cringe and yikes. Cope and then have sex to cope more.
Kinda, I mean its excersize the point isnt solely to have a good time. I enjoy listening to podcasts and staring at female jogger asses through yoga pants. Plus my town is really beautiful and calm when it's dark out.
Are you ok user?
wagey is getting ragey
This is because the kinds of NEETs who are pathetic enough to make internet friends are generally the failure NEETs who sit in bed all day crying about being NEETs.
Why would I want to make friends with someone who has next to nothing in common with me because you spend 90% of your waking life at work?
I'm sorry you can't handle the truth.
>a mildly overweight pale shut-in with deep bags under their eyes beating off for the 15th time that day to doujins he's already read 20 times
Yeah that's me
I enjoy fun and engaging single player games so even if you guys pirate them I will buy them to support them many in which I buy day one
Because if people stop buying single player games that's just going to tell Publishers and developers to stop putting effort into them in the first place which will eventually lead to pretty much every game releasing being some sort of online attached game
I'm buying a Nintendo switch specifically because I want to support more good single player games like Luigi Mansion 3 and astral chain
And also I also want support physical copies of games even now and I know many of you don't think physical copies much anymore but I do and many others do
You're right and yet... I detect a hint of bitterness.
Only kids and retards pirate
Currently a NEET but I have enough money saved up from when I did have a job and doing art commissions that I still buy games so I can support the devs. Don't really understand piracyfags but do what you want I guess.
I've been on both sides of the argument. Worked my ass off and got disabled after decades of pushing myself. I think both views have it wrong on a fundamental level. You work because you have been conditioned by the modern feudalistic society you live in. The first world thinks they are all just temporarily inconvenienced by being impoverished and everyone can make it to the owner class via hard work. It's simply a fantasy when it's more to do with what you're born into and who you network with while being willing to agree with their terms of only advancing their specific social club and ideology. I think most neets are not doing it to be parasites but because they know that they could never function in this system and survive. I don't blame them for that and will not look down on them because they are surviving on bare minimums and are not resorting to being predators like most people with aspirations of advancement. No one has a right to look down on them for apportioning some of that limited income to entertainment or resorting to piracy when a copy of a file equals a sale that would have never happened in the first place without actually losing the associated product. It has the opposite effect in most cases either way. Piracy stimulates sales by letting people try before they buy and gives people incentive to work towards purchasing those things they are most impressed by to get access to full multiplayer and updates and reward those developers that aren't pushing out shovelware.
I know about 6 people from high school who live the NEET life, only one of them seems happy and hes developmentally challenged and lives in a group home. Hes a really cool guy too, he comes over and we play smash and Mario party on n64 and get plastered. Also its pathetic you posted this lie on Yea Forums of all places and thought it would be believable
Nah, I got a taste of the NEET life for the 3 years after high school. It was too boring for me honestly. Got a job in security and now I make money shitposting for 80% of my workday.
Will you ever need to?
Not Based
If you'd pirated to check, you wouldn't have bought the shit games in that pile.
>Don't you know you could be MAKING them and selling them to fund your 401k?
>implying any generation after boomers will ever get to retire
Security is literally one tier above NEETdom.
Im in exactly the same boat. Why are neets not doing this? It is literally being paid to shitpost, just find some rich client nobody bothers and it's the easiest thing ever.
Why are weebs so fucking insufferable?
what's the matter
It's the same reason talking to people with aspergers is uncomfortable and annoying. They have no social skills and do not know how to function in social situations. I know some people like to joke that anime turns people into trannies, but anime legitimately causes you to develop autism.
Its not about having a blast you actual autist. It is about self improvement. Improve your physical health, get some fresh air, see scenery (as long as you dont live in an ugly shithole), and perhaps meet someone. If you are a neet you have tons of freetime so what is the issue with using 1 hr of it tops to do something that isnt purely for entertainment?
Try being a high functioning one who has forced themselves to be proper and polite in conversation with social skills while having to control the urge to sperg out dealing with idiots all day. I agree that anime is cancer but so are normies and their social situations. I'm convinced it turns people into retards.
You are not "high functioning" and I can tell from that post alone
There are high functioning weebs?!
So what exactly is a wagie? Someone who works some dead end retail/fast food job? Or maybe it extends to people slaving away in shitty manual labor/warehouse type jobs? Or is it just literally working any sort of job? I mean I guess i can maybe see how people would claim being a NEET would be better than some of those options. But I seriously dont understand how being a NEET is better than people with actual careers, for example an engineer who works at most 40 hours a week, doing maybe 2 hours of actual work a day, spending the rest of that time fucking off on the internet, all while pulling in 80-90k a year.
I work hard and have a hobby of collecting video games, but I go to private owned game stores that care deeply for video games
I got a used PS4 in stellar condition with Spiderman, Persona 5 and Battlefield 1 with a free copy of Metal Gear Solid V Definitive Edition for about $200
That's a motherfucking steal thanks to that place
Basically I get games second hand and don't give a fuck about initial value, if it's fun, it's fun
Weebs and normies are cancer.
Piracy is for niggers
You are a nigger.
I’m a neet and I want to kms everyday, how can you enjoy sitting in bed doing nothing, I wish I hadn’t wasted my youth playing games and developed some skill to have money and career
Seriously is there a more cancerous degenerate community than these retards?
Its dobson newfriend
Did i say you could @ me furry?
How's that? I can get on with people but there comes a point where it's unbearable. Most people are so incredibly shallow and there's literally nothing beneath the surface beside an automaton that parrots the same vague opinions and desires. Life for them is momentary gratification and that's it. They use substances to ease their burdens and lubricate their social inhibitions to a needless end. It's painful having people want to be friendly with you thinking you're one of them when they can't even hold a conversation outside the mundane and just want you to do normie shit like drink for no reason or indulge in ignorant or vulgar pass times.
Yeah you did yesterday when we were getting snowcones.
Yeah user you are literally the only living person that isnt an NPC. you're not only low functioning, you're a sociopath.
Its just somebody who has a job my dude
Product of circumstances. Poorfag bros having lans together and exchanging cracked games to play together evolves into poorfag student pirating because limited budged and I'm fairly certain I'll be a poorfgag wageslave soon who will pirate because it is 'normal' for me.
Sure i'm the sociopath when I chose to do no harm and call people on their shit all day when most peoples first option is to take advantage of others full well knowing they are causing harm. The default normie position is sociopathy and is why they operate in the shallows.
so you're basically just still a NEET then lmao
Sociopaths cant sympathize with other people, that doesnt make them innately want to hurt people. You're an uneducated moron who thinks you're better than everyone else despite being a fucking dumbass. Fucking lmao'ing at your life, retard.
wow, bigboy just got his first job! congrats user!
Free things are always good
>The default normie position is sociopathy
The need plenty of mental gymnastics to convince themselves
Sociopaths just don't give a fuck
Im still in school dumbass, how am I supposed to get money. Pirating and playing games is my only thing to do besides studying
Having a deep interest in things and seeking knowledge in them does not make me think i'm better than anyone. It makes me frustrated that people are satisfied by ignorance and existence as shallow people who have no drive to push boundaries or learn. The people i'm friends with have those qualities and had things to teach me and ideas we could argue over without risk of damaging the relationship. I try as much as possible to think of my actions before I commit to them and it pains me to think of hurting others like attacking an anchorite who would never recover. When you see how easily the majority of people commit to hurting others for a brief moment of gratification the true nature of the multitude becomes evident.