Outrage is poisoning everything

I've been on an FPS kick lately, and found a new Quake-like coming out in a few weeks. I went to the discussion page on Steam to find out more about it, and half the forum was spammed with threats to boycott and bomb the game because of the Ion Fury controversy.

What the fuck is wrong with people? The devs have nothing to do with Ion Fury. Their only crime is being published by 3DRealms, who they signed up with before the Voidpoint shitstorm even happened.

I fucking hate people sometimes.

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Other urls found in this thread:

lmgtfy.com/?q=Trans toddler

>half the forum was spammed with threats to boycott and bomb the game because of the Ion Fury controversy.
Bow that's what I call based.

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>hurr durr why are people upset when a company donates money to change kids' gender?
It's the same fucking company you fucking retard

I know that, but now another set of devs are going to pay the price for something that had nothing to do with them. How is that OK?

Dude, they're gonna change kids gender because of a fucking gay joke and force "sensitivity training" like it's fucking 1984. Fuck the devs. If they're okay being published by commies they can go fuck themselves

Your mistake is thinking that mindbroken outrage retards actually buy games.

The devs signed up with 3DRealms before 3DRealms shit the bed. I imagine they're locked into a contract right now. If they broke it they'd probably go bankrupt.

> they're gonna change kids gender because of a fucking gay joke

What does this even mean?

So fucking what? It's their own responsibility to own up to their mistakes and not to cater to fucking mentally ill people. Fuck them all. The devs aren't innocent in this if they're okay with 3Drealms

3DRealms made a boilerplate apology statement and left it at that. Voidpoint made their own apology and decided on their own the make a donation and do training (which in reality will probably be little more than a stern "stop acting like retards and company social media profiles").

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Low IQ people love drama

Maybe letting people vent instead of slapping their mouths shut would allow for an airing of grievances to an end; no, let us allow stoking the flames into a wildfire that leaves nothing but ashes. No one is talking about the game anymore, just like no one talks about a house that was there after it burned down. The fire is the focal point. It is the very point of outrage. No one will ever talk about the issue because it is not allowed, it the issue at hand ever comes close to discussion, then the outrage bands will take over.


this will be coming out soon.

That's why you should bury yourself in your backlog and stay there for a decade or so. Modern gaming is fucked, just wait for another crash to happen, that outta sort things out.
If you want good FPS, there is tons of hidden gems scattered across the 90's and early 00's, just dig in.

>3DRealms made a boilerplate apology
>3D Realms to have a zero-tolerance policy going forward

>It has come to our attention Voidpoint, the developers of Ion Fury, have been accused of making transphobic and misogynistic statements. Under current leadership 3D Realms has taken pride empowering marginalized groups, as evident by our strong female protagonist Shelly "Bombshell" Harrison and the makeup of our team. Moving forward all of 3D Realms' contracts will include terms which would allow us to sever relationships if a contractor does not abide by our zero-tolerance policy for hate speech
See you can't say mentally ill people are insane anymore because that's hate speech

Game devs need to understand that social media is pure cancer. Ignore it completely.

what controversy? im out of the loop on this one

I too take corporate PR speak very seriously.

You have to understand that political cucks don't care about games, they're just looking for petty reasons not to play them. So they'll spout blah blah agenda blah blah sjws trannies dilate or whatever buzzwords that have nothing to do with the GAMEPLAY of the GAME. Its the sad reality we live in where people want to shitpost more than they want to play a game.

>If they broke it they'd probably go bankrupt.
They should have a clause or some shit in case the publisher generates too much negative pr and ruins your sales.

This isn't just burning the house down, this is burning the neighbourhood down. A completely unrelated dev team making a game which has attracted 0 controversy are now in the firing line because they signed up with 3DRealms who knows how many months ago.

If we burn out people even tangentially connected to controversy, who are we going to have left? And who the fuck is going to want to make games for us after the smoke clears?

If you strangle the life out of the publisher they will eventually learn the mistake they made. Sure alot of peoples lives will be ruined but you can't actually take a stand for anything if your not ready to accept that people are going to be fucked over for the good of the hobby. I could give a hairy rat shit over developers who want to charge 25$ for a game with less content than doom, 30 years later. Fuck them and fuck 3drealms for forgetting who their actual customers are.

Good, you can rebuild the hobby from the ashes, you can't fix a corrupted shithole.

> It's their own responsibility to own up to their mistakes and not to cater to fucking mentally ill people.

I'm talking about the dev, not the publisher.

> The devs aren't innocent in this if they're okay with 3Drealms

The devs can't see the future. How could they have known 3DRealms would pull this stunt long after they signed on with them? Do you think its that easy to break a contract without being sued out of existence?

Cum on lolis

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looks like the wrath forum didn't fly so good

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>Outrage is poisoning everything

You're at least 5 years late on that one, chief.

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People bitch about all this shit YET STILL BUY EA AND ACTIVSION GAMES. You think they don't support this same shit?

Fucking pathetic. Gamers are the worst group of most weak-willed pathetic idiots I've ever met.

>the hobby
video games aren't a hobby

you mean to tell intelligent people aren't the ones buying gossip mags and watching tmz?

yeah it is easy to break a contract without being sued into nonexistance, you just have to not be a fucking retard and save every little piece of documentation proving the publisher went back on their word. Look at what that worthless fucking company bungie achieved through doing this. Not only did they break off of activision-blizzard but also kept their ip and rights to the game. Its not the consumers fault that these people are fucking retarded and frankly i'm sick of being punished as is everyone else for their incompetence.

> A new FPS came out called Ion Fury.
> Someone who got butthurt about changes to the main character's outfit prior to release trawled Discord and the game for bait to give SJWs.
> The SJWs took the bait and made a fuss. The devs and publisher issued apologies, patched out a spite of a soap dispenser, etc.
> People started review-bombing Ion Fury (which is a good fucking game) based solely on politics.

> Now another unrelated dev being published by the same publisher is being threatened with review-bombing and a boycott because of who they're being published by, even though they had nothing to do with the controversy and wouldn't be able to easily get out of their obligations to the publisher.

It's a way of life

Yes they are for people who actually enjoyed videogames since childhood and not faggots that just show up for 2 hours a week. This fucking dumb nigger mentality is why fortnite # 498749 gets made every fucking 2 months.

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The point I was getting at wasn't lost on you. The fire consumed everything. The only thing we can hope for at this point in time is that this was a forest fire and a new succession of life will take over. If this was a structure fire, then rebuilding must take place or it will just be a barren lot.

Do it

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Where have you been since 2008? In a cave?

You're comparing one piece of litigation you don't know the details about to another which hasn't happened. You don't know what the contract between the dev and the publisher says that would make it easy. You don't have an argument.

I see that as incredibly naive. The only people you'll harm are ordinary devs. SJW types will keep making games for their own. Their share of the market will swell if you destroy anyone remotely associated with them.

>you don't know how retarded they are
no i don't, if you know anything about video games or the video game industry you don't go into a deal with a publisher without expressly stated terms in the contract. It's not the consumers fault that these video game developers are greedy or have rose colored glasses on about a company then sign their lives away without any way to stop the publisher from fucking them. It's pure legal ignorance and anyone with a single year in a 100 business class can tell you its fucking retarded to just let one side of a deal dictate everything. This is 100% the developers of ion maiden's fault for not protecting themselves and the people who would be purchasing their game beforehand one, and two for bowing down to a fringe minority regardless of what 3dr wants.

>proving the publisher went back on their word
they didnt though?

Just because you do something alot doesn't mean it's a hobby
Unless you're a speed runner or a game developer or something you're just a media consumer

Dusk and Amid Evil did well without having a publisher

you don't have to approach 3drealms with your game they will take your money and tell you to suck a tranny

It is naive and so is thinking that outrage culture is going away anytime soon. I don't see it happening. Not until a dev can withstand the onslaught of outrage and the heavy hand of a publisher as well.

> This is 100% the developers of ion maiden's fault for not protecting themselves and the people who would be purchasing their game beforehand one, and two for bowing down to a fringe minority regardless of what 3dr wants.

I'm not talking about the Ion Maiden devs, I'm talking about the devs of WRATH, who are getting harassed by people even though they have nothing to do with the controversy.

>you have to actually make a game for it to be a hobby
>speedrunner tranny autists

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They've already bent over to get fucked in the ass by trannies


Yes, but the WRATH guys are already contracted with 3DRealms. I doubt they can get out of it that easily.

>getting harrassed on the internet
>muh ebullying
just block them on twitter
just turn off the screen nigger
how the fuck is bullying even real.

3DRealms deserves to have ALL of their games fail until they uncensor Ion Fury and NEVER censor ANY other games EVER again.

hobbies are something constructive that requires an investment of self
just consuming something isn't an investment of self despite what stupid millenials think

it isn't to change a kids gender, the kid is already fucked up, they would just go their for help with their problem

People are spamming their forums with threats to review-bomb and boycott the game. Tanking a game's reviews isn't something you can turn off, unless you want people to be able to censor reviews.


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3DRealms only publishes the games. Developers making the games are getting thrown under the bus even though they haven't done anything.

But to modern radicals outrage IS their video game.


>hobbies are something constructive
Learn to pronounce
noun: hobby; plural noun: hobbies

an activity done regularly in one's leisure time for pleasure.
"her hobbies are reading and gardening"
synonyms: pastime, leisure activity, leisure pursuit, leisure interest, amateur interest, sideline, diversion, avocation, divertissement, enthusiasm; More

Are you trying to retcon the dictionary again user?

an activity done regularly in one's leisure time for pleasure.

We live in a time where enjoying anything comes with a laundry list of caveats and actual risks to your wellbeing outside of the thing itself.
Discussion is pointless in these situations, /pol/ and Resetera have made it impossible to discuss any future games by these devs. Dont listen to these absolute retards, their lives are so devoid of purpose all they seek is to ruin everyone else's fun. They were the kids who got pissy and took their ball home or didn't get invited in the first place.
Wrath looks good, Ion Fury is really good, and that should be all that matters.
It's a shame they bowed down, but it shouldn't ruin the experience that you have with these games.

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Pirated and deleted ten minutes later. I'm an old fuck but there's no nostalgia for me in this game. Just an irritating game engine that was better left in the past. Also the guns are dumb looking and her one liners are irritating.

If retardera ruined it somehow, then nothing of value was lost.

Well user we Will buy their Next game, you dont have to be a locust and consume everything ffs.
Look, finalf14 has tons of fags ingame (maybe more than any Game) but they dont push agendas

>people remember my posts about hobby vs pastimes
what the fuck?

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WOOOW SJWs are retards and look for any little thing to make a fuss about who knew? Leftism is cancer.

Solution: indie devs avoid 3D Realms from now on and just self publish. Do a kickstarter or patreon.

The dumb voidpoint devs said they weren't even paid during the development of tranny fury, so a kickstarter or patreon is still an improvement over nothing. 3D Realms is a shit publisher, quite clearly.

our outrage mob is better because we hate guys who dress up as girls, maybe if we review bomb games it will go away, in the meantime let's shit up v with non video game related content

seethe more tranny

>Deciding what to include in a list of hobbies provokes debate because it is difficult to decide which pleasurable pass-times can also be described as hobbies. During the 20th century the term hobby suggested activities, such as stamp collecting, embroidery, knitting, painting, woodwork, and photography. Typically the description did not include activities like listening to music, watching television, or reading. These latter activities bring pleasure, but lack the sense of achievement usually associated with a hobby. They are usually not structured, organised pursuits, as most hobbies are. The pleasure of a hobby is usually associated with making something of value or achieving something of value. "Such leisure is socially valorised precisely because it produces feelings of satisfaction with something that looks very much like work but that is done of its own sake."[5] "Hobbies are a contradiction: they take work and turn it into leisure, and take leisure and turn it into work."[10]


Doesn't seem like it at all. Quake is about tight level design and fast paced encounters. What I've seen of Wrath so far is wandering around empty levels and fighting slow zombies.

Nah, fake news

>why are people upset when a company donates money to change kids' gender?
Good question. I don't give a shit about some kid.

cringe cope dilate you cuck. Have sex, prep bull s oi boy Nintendo switch wife's son trump maga 2020 leftoid reddit nigger

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I love Ion Fury and it got buckets of unnecessary hate and even though I made the best attempt to explain people how stuff actually went they just wouldn't listen and keep getting baited by misinformation. Now it's time you also taste the unsound flavor of gamer dick.

I'm talking about anti-SJWs threatening to review-bomb a game just because the devs signed up with 3DRealms before the controversy. Way to read the post.

The trevor project helps homeless gay people you retard

t. sensitive as any tranny faggot

tranny SEETHE


This, gonna pirate it though.

You can't censor Steam reviews, fucking idiot.

So you're butthurt tranny mad that people are criticial of your cringe backlash/boycott/review bombing. Go join the 41%.

Devs should have told 3Drealms to fuck off.

>harass devs
>get 10,000 dollars
>gee i wonder why they're doing it again

t. ranny about to dilate his brain with a bullet.

transexual seethe reddit nigger niggerlicious cringe cope dil8 shadilay praise kek cuck bull wife's son reee master race shitskin u mad normie resetera

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>get shit on for being woke or dealing with woke companies
>can't do a thing about
Oh no no no no AHAHAHAHA
I bet some of them cried in their pillows.

meltdown. Please continue, when a tranny melts down like this it means 41% time soon.

Does anybody have a picture of the "offensive" easter egg? I'm not finding anything.

40 percent transexual meme number dilate
epic /pol/ poster, /pol/ poster here
shadilay praise kek cucks so yboy degenerate

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it's tranny time

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it was a sprite of a shampoo bottle with "ogay" written on it.

epic anime Yea Forums dot org pol poster
tranny suicide idpol idpol idpol no policy just idpol epic transexual suicide
le boom boom zoomer tranny forty percent
epic one liners shadilay my white brother praise kek and maga

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>The devs have nothing to do with Ion Fury. Their only crime is being published by 3DRealms
It's 3d realms people are mad at.
That's like saying people wanting to boycott over the agony Censorship should go and buy other games published by playway anyway.

I sense 41% time

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If devs don't get scarred off from publishing with 3d realms all the protests will amount to nothing
This game you are talking about unfortunately has to be the martyr.

>coming out in a few weeks
Source, nigger?

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Yeah, and i read it says "fagbag" somewhere. But you'd think something would have a screenshot of it anywhere. I guess it goes to show this outrage is perpetrated by people who clearly don't even play the game.

>as evident by our strong female protagonist Shelly "Bombshell" Harrison
Makes me wonder how much meddling 3d realms had with the design, I swear the original design was more sexual.

same phrase
no original thoughts
just mems
same phrase
same joke
Carlos mencia stolen joke same same joke
everyone else is an NPC except for me
same joke
same joke
over and over
spam is okay if it's to dab on tranny reddit library cuck menace

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Yeah sometimes innocent people get caught in the crossfire for the greater good.
I'm perfectly willing to see a few developers go under for the cause of keeping newborn children from getting their dicks chopped off.

same night every night, you, a tranny, with a razor to his wrists thinking about doing it finally. just do it

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If the Trevor project had any morals they would have rejected the money and publically condemned the people calling for baby trannies.
They are just as culpable.

Necessary, to set an example for other's not to follow. Dev's will at lest consider these events before signing a contract with 3Drealms now.

same night every night
user obsessing about .05 percent of the population
to transexuals in his parents basement
no original thought
most take part in culture war
only personality
big tough guy online cant ask for ketchup packets at mcdonalds
too obsessed about people who dont agree

so what's with leftists pushing all this tranny shit on kids lately? so much for LGGBBQ saying they're just normal people and not trying to indoctrinate kids.


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seethe more 41%er. we both know you're suicidal, just do it.

Normalize it early. Cant have kids thinking they're their birth gender if they like trucks instead of dolls you know.

>coming out in a few weeks.

I thought it was delayed.

No. Do try to read. I'm angry that innocent devs are being caught up by an outrage mob about A COMPLETELY DIFFERENT GAME.

Yeah, it's criticizing 3D Realms for caving to the outrage mob you're part of.

you're a tranny (v:
haha got ya
pranked on ya
dabbed on ya epic style
wanna hear another funny thing?
freaking epic my based magapedes.
bet you haven't seen that one before!

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is there any topic or game that Yea Forums can't turn into a meltdown about trannies? any thread with over 50 replies inevitably ends this way.

So why are they taking it out on other devs, whose only crime was not being able to predict the fucking future?

It isn't but a demo of some sort will within the next few weeks or months.

it says SUMMER 2019 on the Steam site.

blame /pol/fags constantly assmad at not getting laid in high school and taking their impotent rage out on people who hardly exist.

Shut up faggot lover

god I love seeing mentally ill trannies seethe.

Jesus Christ OP. I have been gaming since 1998. Do you think I give a SHIT about gamer culture or gamers?
Just play videogames and enjoy yourself.

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>not getting laid
No one wants to fuck trannies, which is why you morons cry and call lesbians "transphobic" or call straight guys "transphobic" as well.

I'm not part of any outrage mob. I just want to play games. But now the people review-bombing one are planning to do the same to another game just because the devs couldn't forsee that months after they signed up with 3D realms that 3D Realms would cuck out.

kiss me first homo

can you come up with any more buzzwords? you're limited selection is really fucking boring and downright annoying at this point.

no one wants to fuck you either guess you're a tranny.

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>Jesus Christ OP. I have been gaming since 1998.
imagine damning yourself remorselessly using the name of the Lord in vain just to brag about nothing

kids being baited into "internet outrage" doesn't have any impact or has any worth.

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god isn't real.

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Pedophiles have been trying to get their fetish legalized for decades. They always, ALWAYS try to slip in their shit into GLBTQAIBBQ nonsense. Transgender groups have no foundation to deny pedos, so they end up being subverted by them. Combine that with the rise of powerful transgender groups, who have turned them into a protected caste, and you have the perfect vehicle to where they can push any alternative sexuality as long as you paperclip it to trannies, something that pedos have capitalized on hard.

internet outrage is a replacement for religion since everyone is a godless peasant without any worthwhile goals in life.
most social activism in general is just a result of a lack of religion. instead worshipping a god you worship ideas.

This is normal, deal with it, bigots.

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go ahead do it a third time. God loves blasphemy hat-tricks, the Bible is full of such examples

have sex tranny. or just kill yourself, that would make everyone happy

That boy is pretty hot desu.

B-But what part dilates?

it wouldn't make me happy homo
post feet and dial 911

I'm not the guy you were respond to, but even so:

Whatever god you believe in isn't real. If there was a god, they're either evil or incompetent, and not worth worshipping.

dial 8 and rope

rock, papers and scissors

Didn’t read the thread but trannys should be rounded up and shot en masse

Why are you people so sick

>no one wants to fuck you either guess you're a tranny.
No, because I'm a fat slob. The difference is I can actually change that.

Why aren't you?

>If there was a god
I love bringing atheists to this point because I know they've already become Christian. you might as well just start attending Holy Mass every week, you're Christ's bitch now.

you can but you won't tranny. post tummy.

I go to your schools and your churches, and IM the one who's crazy?

discord and resetera are churches and schools?

>outrage is poisoning everything
SJWs have poisoned the well, more news at six. If they didn't force tumblr bullshit into real life none of this would be happening.

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>A completely unrelated dev team making a game which has attracted 0 controversy are now in the firing line because they signed up with 3DRealms who knows how many months ago.
How is that ANY different for Voidpoint? If anything they were the most cucked of all by 3D Realms since they didn't EVEN get proper financing and were still coerced into giving money away to ensure healthy relationships with the publisher and expectance of growth. I love it when it's okay to shit on devs for no reason until other devs that you like get the flak. Eat dick, faggot.

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to those of a higher mind they are (8_(I))

>if Victoria let me have sex with her I wouldn't drive a van at people

It's more the equivalent of a gang of blacks and a gang of italians in Brooklyn beating the shit out of random people from each other's neighborhoods because one of them started it so the other is retaliating.

if the internet was as big as it was back in those days it would be the same exact thing. only reason things were more quiet back then was because not everyone had access to the internet

so its senseless anger over irrelavent shit?

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Yes, but again, if the SJWs didn't decide that shitting in the well was a good idea, none of this reactionary shit would have developed. Remember when christfags tried to shit on video games? People laughed at them. SJWs started their outrage culture and it got a foothold. So now it's just outrage against outrage in retaliation. Coincidentally school shootings have gone way up with the rise of the SJW too but that's for /pol/

Its PR sweating bullets at the prospect of being called names online and them bending over backwards to avoid it, when in reality they should do literally nothing, dont say sorry, dont change anything or double down on the thing your doing, just do what your originally envisioned. This shit blows over fast when noone acknowledges it, because the people in question were never interested in the game and the people who didnt question it do not fucking care about it.

See the second nu Doom, people were trying to call racism and an attack on trans because of quotes, what was the reaction of the developers? Nothing. Absoloutely nothing, and now noone even remembers it happened because noone had the ammo to talk up a fart like it was a hurricane.

Theres plenty of games without it, just play them, the political bullshit like this isa death knell for any game. Name a piece of media in the past 10 years that had political unrest around it that ended up actually being good at the end of it.

yes. I never come here or the other places where people go to whine and I have no idea why everybody is whining.

> you're Christ's bitch now

I may not be religious, but I know for sure that you're not a good Christian. Peace out, loser, I'm going to see some friends.

Doesn't matter. We WILL make sure that trans and queer people are an untouchable class who can do whatever we want.

doesnt make my point any less valid. just seems like a pissing match over who has it worse.

>Outrage is poisoning everything
Bending the knee and censorship is poisoning everything.
You cannot "stop" outrage.
You can stop bending like a cuck and censorship.

This is the kind of argument Muslim men make. They argue that if women don't cover up the men won't be able to control themselves.

I don't know about you, but SJWs don't have the ability to make me do things in raction to them.

Gamers in their endless retardedness threw a shitfit over a texture being removed from Ion Fury, screeching about how it's censorship, and thus drawing more attention to it than there ever was in the first place. Just like Anita.

Borderlands 3.


>screeching about how it's censorship
It isn't?

And what about the devs of WRATH, who aren't SJWs, didn't participate in this bullshit, and are now being threatened by OUR SIDE because they signed up with 3DRealms MONTHS AGO.

it's still censorship. it may be minor and inconsequential but its censorship regardless.

either way it's a waste of money.


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Does that mean that all the people who threw a shit-fit about the Sonic movie trailer censored the producers of the film by pressuring them into changing Sonic's model?

yes. any alteration to the author's intent driven by a third party (publisher, whatever) is censorship.
irrelevant but I think it was all a marketing stunt.

Trannies in their endless retardedness threw a shitfit over a dev saying don't mutilate kids, screeching about how it's "transphobia", and thus drawing more attention to it than there ever was in the first place. Just like Trump.

Voidpoint also aren't SJWs since they're the ones caught shitting on SJWs in the first place, they just don't want to go fucking bankrupt and thus have sided with 3D Realms in order to continue further development of the game they have been working for 4 (yon) years, just like the Wrath devs are doing. I just want shit to end and every dev being left alone by reactionary outrage faggots. But if Ion Fury gets it, I don't see why Wrath devs shouldn't also get it. In short, kys.

Practically speaking, yes. Even if the difference between this and that case is that while everybody thought that movie Sonic looked like shit, they didn't complain that he had to be changed to something better (because it almost never happens that a movie gets changed mid-production after public complaints, usually there's in-house screenings for that), so the big studio forced the movie director to go change things up.

yeah being an absolute cunt is highly fashionable at the moment, among both cucks and /pol/acks. there's also no end to this in sight.

I'm gonna play it anyway because the game looks cool

Conservatives who cause this fabricated drama here are indistinguishable from SJW. Go to hell with your outrage culture.

rather missing OP's point

you won't get politics out of games if you are addicted to making the marketplace ferociously political

isn't New Blood a publisher?

Based philosophy poster
Videogames are indeed not a hobby for most people
unless your autism is extreme enough to turn something fun into not-fun
like everyone on Yea Forums in a nutshell

Imagine spending years honing your respective crafts, securing a publishing contract, creating a product that sits well in a relatively empty niche and looked likely to be profitable... and then getting stomped out by wojack posters and virtue signalers alike, for no reason other than dopamine hits.

All creators gotta do is create and not bow to anyone who complains. If they just did that then we wouldn't have any problems.

>creators must do as i say

>not being able to predict the fucking future?
The writing was on the wall long ago when 3d realms forced them to desexualise the main character of ion maiden.

There are no innocents

b-but when I bought BFV it was ironic because I was only playing to shitpost, redpill, and trigger people.

Imagine letting trannies have creative control over you.


You cannot reliably prove whether creators change their work after public feedback out of their own accord or whether they were forced to, you can only speculate

Yeah silly wrath developers hurrr

No, it's not the kind of argument muslim men make. All this shit basically boiled down to
>People make what they like in video games, movies, music
>SJWs show up and call it racist, sexist homophobic
>Now it has to pander to them

NuSJWs are the the worst thing to happen to video games. First we had to deal with regular SJWs crying about not being pandered to and now /pol/ has risen up and gone "oh yeah well I can be offended and cry too!" and now you just have /pol/ and reset era, two sides of the same coin crying about shit no one cares about.

bet all you fags still buy snoy shit etc. etc.

How about just help homeless people in general faggot?

tfw the useful idiots dont know that theyre only being used to burn down the past, and will have no involvement with the future
you're going to be lined up and shot as well tranny, youre just too blind to see it

Imagine letting Yea Forums near anything.

>During the 20th century
Ok gramps

Reminder that this whole thing started because of a falseflagging sociopathic turboautist who was angry at the devs for not giving the player character big boobies.

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>Makes me wonder how much meddling 3d realms had with the design, I swear the original design was more sexual.
shelly character was originally supposed to be in duke nukem 3d so she's gone through some changes

Well the fact that you got outraged about it and made a thread on an unrelated forum clearly fixes the problem. You faggot

>video games, an achievement based form of media that requires significant mental effort on the part of the player, aren't a hobby but collecting fucking postage stamps is
Fucking boomers.

harsh mahdude
those are kids youre talking about

>This fucking dumb nigger mentality
black people just cant get a break

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>duke nukem 3d

oh yeah always get em mixed up due to the development length of that game

This. Why the fuck am I supposed to feel anything for some little gay kid who isn't even in my country?

>I fucking hate people sometimes

>some literally who on twitter with no evidence said a thing, trust me. source: dude trust me
kill yourself

Hate the people causing it, not the effect of it.
Anyone who tries to blame both is being a dishonest lefty fag and everyone knows it.

nice attempt at damage control tranny
you pushed too hard and now people are spitting on you like you deserve.

we all know your the duke nukem mod guy shut the fuck up autist. But if you aren't the ion fury (maiden) threads were plagued with a guy claiming his mod has the originally shelly and had an overall hate for the game (the mod was brutal doom with a duke nukem skin.) He made thread after thread claiming shelly was a dike and after the game released he kept coming into threads posting a review of a shitty gamer saying "reminder to ion cucks I won" and then suddenly some literally who on twitter claims to have been in the discord when a dev started being transphobic it seems a little suspicious.

The virality of the internet and outrage is a rock tumbler. Everyone screeches about offence of ideas they would never ordinarily encounter then rages that it be censored. No longer can a work of art exist independently it must consider the personal grievances of 6 billion people. In the past you had an underground where subcultures existed but now these ideas are dug up and exposed then demanded to be changed by outrage mongers who cry endlessly about everything from senran kagura to louis ck. The only works that can survive this are indistinct and in offensive slop that have be sanitised of all harm and of all meaning.

I have no idea about what conspiracy theory you're spewing, I'm saying you're a retard who posts random twitter people as "evidence". kill yourself.

Let me tell you why its OK. It's OK because buying a game doesn NOT benefit developers. It only benefits publishers. It's also OK because even if developers lives were at stake, they are willingly working for a company that supports child abuse and torture. If I was a codemonkey and my developer worked for a company that supports child abuse and torture, I would quit.
Fuck 3D Realms and fuck everyone who has anything to do with them, including their developers. If they all died, the world would become a significantly better place.

Seems like devs these days are forced to dig their heels and get smeared by the media and well connected gatekeepers or bend over and apologize, only to get shat on by people who are mad at the people getting mad

Sucks for everyone, there is no end in sight and I feel like there is no way out besides joining the shouting match, tuning out completely or just losing your fucking mid.

What was that meme phrase again?
I just wanted to play videogames
yeah, I remember, its all double fucked now

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im not that guy and I didnt use the twitter guys evidence it's just a little suspicious that ion fury has an autistic guy attacking the game throughout its entire development and even after it released and claiming HIS game has the real shelly bombshell and that ion fury's was a dyke and then after the game releases some "SJW" comes out claiming the game has transphobic devs and on top of that shellys more scantily clad concepts were leaked

>I imagine they're locked into a contract right now. If they broke it they'd probably go bankrupt.
Still a better outcome than support child abuse and torture with your work. Those people have no honor and no morality.

heres more proof

Attached: duke nukem autist.png (831x721, 399K)

yeah again I don't care about your conspiracy theory, just fuck off with your twitter nobodies for "proof".

I'm seeing 0 proof that this guy was some secret agent falseflagger trojan horse for resetera. Trannies are shitty people all on their own. You sound like a legit schizo, get help.

It's almost as if the decision to apologise, send their staff for re-education and hand over money effectively being extorted out of them means that people no longer have confidence in the devs being able to make games freely and they express that.

heres even more this guy has had a hate boner for ion fury (maiden) since its conception

Attached: duke nukem autist 2.png (889x825, 283K)

It merely arouses suspicions, there is no definite proof that the guy who started the original ResetEra thread is the same as this autist

I don't have confidence that 3D Realms will allow creative freedom anymore.

There can't be solid proof because it's an anonymous board.

ITT; retards who take PR corporate talk at face value.

>What the fuck is wrong with people? The devs have nothing to do with Ion Fury. Their only crime is being published by 3DRealms, who they signed up with before the Voidpoint shitstorm even happened.

It's not about Voidpoint or the Wrath devs anymore.
We just want 3D Realms to go out of business for their dickless buckling and bending and pandering to the perpetually offended screeching Anita Sarkeesian LGBTPQ Resetera child abusing fascists.
Enough is fucking enough. This time was simply one time too many.

You seem to be mistaken. The guy was an autist from here who went to resetera when he couldn't get Yea Forums to be his personal army. Resetera were the idiots he tricked into becoming his attack dogs and successfully caused this whole shit storm.
>You sound like a legit schizo, get help
You sound like an unwanted tourist, go back

No shit, so there can't be solid proof it's the same guy and the rest is just baseless conjecture.

so the guy whos been claiming his mod is better than ion fury (maiden) since february isn't the most likely candidate ion fury wasn't a well known game before it's released and even being sued by iron maiden didnt raise attention

Attached: duke nukem autist 3.png (1763x843, 312K)

The environments look so interesting it sucks that the gameplay is just another stupid fucking fps.

That's an oof from me.

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Wait. Voidpoint themselves donated money? I thought just 3DRealms did.
I was gonna see if Voidpoint had a PayPal or some shit but I don't want to give them anything if they're the one's sho donated.

>What the fuck is wrong with people
start with: who begins the entire fucking chaos demanding action from people they will not buy the product

Attached: What do.jpg (720x743, 48K)

We live in a tumultuous time. Everyone is angry, nobody is happy, and people have to find things to direct their anger towards. Unfortunately, most times, it's unjustified, unreasonable, and irrational. Outlets like Facebook and Twitter don't help either. It just further allows them to surround themselves with like-minded people, causing them to further fuel their anger and sink into an unfortunate spiral until their anger or hatred becomes a part of who they are.

It's part of why I firmly believe that people shouldn't allow themselves to become so firmly attached to social media or forum boards.

That autist's a suspect, but there's no clear proof it's him. Again, have you played Ace Attorney? If you have all this proof you should be able to link that this anonymous imageboard poster is the same person behind the ResetEra account that started the original ResetEra thread, but for some reason you can't.

It's because Voidpoint did nothing wrong, 3DRealms did.

>have no proof
>just keep peddling your baseless conspiracy theory as if anyone will buy it
This is your brain on HRT

>it's not my fault that I killed this game

It doesn't matter what percentage of the population it is if you can go be arrested just for politely disagreeing with them. My opposition to transexuals isn't anything to do with their own choice, it's in how they're imposing themselves on the rest of society with the open support of government and corporate entities even though transitioning is a risky, low-success procedure (whether through HRT or surgical means) to try and stop someone with gender dysphoria committing suicide and has morphed into the weirdest social force we've seen in the last five hundred years or so. And even then, that would be fine, if not for their insistence that everyone must agree with whatever weird permutation they push today. By 'they' I of course mean the organised political transsexual movement and not just some poor bastard suffering from gender dysphoria, or someone who thinks it would be cool to do so.

I don't care what your reason for doing so is or where you are on the political spectrum. Authoritarianism is shit. And the fact that they're so dictatorial that they can't even abide a single dev saying that 'hey maybe you shouldn't make a toddler undergo radical hormone treatment and surgery' and a little joke about handsoap (which isn't even connected stupidly enough but hey why not just go for maximum damage) shows that they're not the good guys here.

Based MC Ride poster

>since february
Nigga has been doing it since at least March of last year

Hey fuck you. Early Yea Forums wasn't this mad all the time.

This is all on social media and everyone getting smart phones.

I'll take the under on 40% within the month for this guy at $1,000.

correct. the devs killed the game by bending over.

You'll never be a woman, reddit. Just more of a freak than you were before.

if someone gets murdered and was being followed around by a guy who was constantly yelling threats and being overall hostile to that person he would be the number one suspect I've never been to resetera and Yea Forums is anonymous but you guys have to see that this is a little more than weird

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People are angry because there's arseholes censoring and controlling things and unlike before with the Christfags, they're applauded and successful at it.

We're not talking about 10 years ago though. We're talking about now. Outrage culture wasn't a thing back then. People didn't go around deliberately allowing themselves to fly off into a fury over every little thing they disagreed with. They shrugged it off, ignored it, and moved on with their lives.

The way out is not giving these fuckers attention and Bendigo to their will.

Devs should make their own game and avoid relying on shit publishers. Make it how they want to and don't let anyone change your vision. If the game is good, it will sell.

>you think we should help them get jobs, get therapy, and get off drugs?
>Nah, let's enable mental illness.

You'll never be a man, incel. Just an autistic crybaby who seethe over nothing and ruin a good game due to identity """politics""".

I wonder if our brave culture warriors boycott every company on this list with the same verve.

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That's because back then, a tiny number of people couldn't get a game dev to change things, apologise and send their staff off for political education. Now they can and thus they'll keep using that power, which in turn, causes the rest of us to wonder what the fuck is going on and express that sense of what the fuckery.

why people do this

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Time to look for other hobbies, americans turned out to be fucked in the head.

so where's your proof again? All I see is you posting about some guy who doesn't like the game. You sure are making huge stretches to try and frame this guy for something trannies do routinely.

I know dilation makes you grumpy, but that's no reason to lash out at genuind advice, dude man.

you speakem some truth

I'm just glad that we're now at the point where more people are actually speaking out about the idiots who have been speaking out too much. It's the only possible avenue towards rationality, to have more people resisting the culture war than engaging in it. There are better ways to discuss and express viewpoints than twitter/Yea Forums raids and review bombing.

I think I only use one thing on this list

Thanks for proving youre a tranny LMAO. go 40%

Pretty sure that's not the over-arching reason. That's just your stupid reason for being mad at nothing.

You are correct though in that we give victims too much of a soapbox to stand upon so they can point their fingers and shout their outrages. Everyone finds benefit in being a victim now, and are so quick to cry foul every time their feelings are hurt or disregarded.

abercrombie and fitch netflix and fox has been boycotted multiple times and united airlines and boeing and hulu

>and get smeared by the media and well connected gatekeepers or bend over and apologize,
>Sucks for everyone, there is no end in sight
It's really simple: stop bowing down to the professionally offended and to the hysterically screeching human trash.


No! No one cares about what video game "journalists" have to say anymore. Especially not the people who are intested in and buy your games and indirectly feed your family. People have wisened up to this clique of self-proclaimed guardians of morale. Video game outlets like Kotaku, Polygon, Rock Paper Shotgun, Eurogamer, etc. pp. are considered subhuman failure at life rejects by 90% of video gamers. People know they can not be trusted.
The antipathy towards the video game "journalists" mafia and the professionally offended fringe groups of Resetera&Co. grows stronger and stronger every day by the people who actually buy and enjoy video games. These two groups will be kicked the fuck out of this hobby in the next 2-5 years. Just watch and see. They have held this hobby ransom for way too long with their cancerous faggotry.

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These people can grow up and get over their autism, you'll mutilate yourself and never be able to go back. Freak.


Attached: Yikes.gif (380x285, 1.97M)

>trannies take offense at some hidden text that couldn't even be seen in game by normal means
>devs rightfully delete it
>change a few incredibly minor and insignificant things
>Yea Forums and other idiots fly into a childish rage over "MUH CENSORSHIP"

You people need to seriously take a few steps back from your computer some time and do a little self-analysis. You're allowing yourselves to be outraged over fucking nothing.

I'm so tired of it. Resetera and reddit will complain at the tiniest slight against stuff like gays, while the shitters coming out of here will snap back at anybody who even dares to try to be PC or apologize for something this place deems "degenerate" like some weird christian puritans. You're all whiny children and I just want to enjoy my video games without them being pervaded by everything but the actual content of the games themselves.

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>frame this guy for something trannies do routinely
this guy is autistic he clearly hates ion fury (maiden) why cant we think he had something to do with it this guy scammed ion fury (maiden) hate thread for more than a year why wouldn't he go to resetera when it wasn't working here the enemy of your enemy is your friend

Broken window theory
think further nigga

poor strawman, tranny. nice try downplaying your outrage, too.

Why is Yea Forums so obsessed with trannies? I'm pretty sure they're a bigger part of the reason so much fuel is given to their little fringe groups than they think.

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Lol, nah, fuck off freak.

>During the 20th century
>lack the sense of achievement usually associated with a hobby
Based retard (literal) boomer

where's your proof? Trannies do this routinely and you have no proof that a tranny didn't do it, all you have are archived threads that have nothing to do with it. Kill yourself.

>im a strawman tranny because because people are getting mad at literally nothing

K. You're still an irrationally angry retard.

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You overestimate the importance of both groups on the internet. 80% of people irl just go "ew, trannies are gross sickos" and move on with their life regardless of what anyone here or on reddit say.

>Yea Forums so obsessed with trannies?
A troll faked a discord to spam Yea Forums and it was posted to Yea Forums now Yea Forums thinks its under constant attack

Lol, everyone knows you're here, tranny. But cool damage control.

I'm tired of the outrage fad that's taken over the internet in the last few years. So very tired.

Getting rid of the ogay and fagbag text isn't the reason everyone is mad you misinformed idiot.

Hey wanna see my dick lol

not this shit again. you're either trying to divert the issue, or doesn't understand the situation at all.

it doesn't start with the fucking soap, nor does it revolve around it.

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Says the tranny mad that a dev said don't mutilate kids. How about you just mutilate your neck with a rope?

because they’re closet trannies

Don't forget to set an alarm, missing dilation sessions is something you'll regret the next day.

Stop fucking with kids you freak

Hey wanna smell my butthole lol no homo just gamers being male bros lol

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Time to pick a side, faggot

You for or against fucking kids

It doesn't matter that their game has nothing to do with the problem.

They're caught up with a publisher that is a problem and this is how people deal with problems like that in society.

If things went your way, 3DRealms would skate on by like nothing went wrong. No, these companies need to hurt, and they need to hurt badly. They don't understand morals, they don't understand ethics, but they do understand losing money. If companies like this went bankrupt more often the world would be a better place.

Sometimes entire neighbourhoods have to burn down for things to change. Certain kinds of people just don't get it until then.

And all that aside, even if you censored all the discussion on whatever forums, it's not going to suddenly make people like what happened.
All I hear is PR damage control and marketers/paid liars trying to stop the company from bleeding money

I think the twitter tranny is having a breakdown.


>all you have are archived threads that have nothing to do with it
>guy makes it his life goal to kill game for more than a year
>Game dies
same guy is in this very thread posting evidence that he did it
Stay simple cuck moddb.com/mods/duke-nukem-alien-armageddon

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trannies are deliberately trying to spread misinformation. they're claiming some random guy dug up this up on discord, and trying to say that le ebul nazis started the outrage.

I'm not part of the larger hate machine towards them, and inf act couldn't care less if a dude wanted to be a chick, or vice versa. Where I tend to find frustration in it, is when they use any excuse to cry that they're being marginalized and hated against. Literally anything. Someone could just happen to look towards them with a raised brow, and they would enrage on the spot. Not only that, they actively look for anything that could be labeled as hateful towards them, make a shitload of noise about it, and threaten boycotts and bad publicity unless it's removed or changed. Worst part is that it's typically a small and insignificant group of people that had no interest in using the service or whatever it is in the first place. They just go in circles threatening people with their preferences and abusing their minority privilege to get what they want. And of course, people give them what they want out of fear of being mislabeled as ignorant and hateful against anyone.

Oh fuck the kids you fucking faggot casual. I'd sacrifice a million children if it meant I'd get a decent videogame.

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You're in the wrong place to discuss this. Yea Forums is a hive of outrage, just like twitter, resetera, reddit etc. Narrative gets formed by shills then 99% of the posts on it are fighting for that narrative like the freedom of their homeland is at stake. They are not self aware.

We won't be free until these next batch of nu comes in and contrarianisms this nu's contrarianism by not trying to fill their desperately empty lives with anger at shit that has no effect on anything.

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>I'm pretty sure they're a bigger part of the reason so much fuel is

Not Mega corporations

Nah I’m all man just wanna share my ass and balls with some bros lol

Thanks for showing how mentally ill and degenerate you are.

REMINDER TO DUMB ION CHUCKLE FUCKS I WON moddb.com/mods/duke-nukem-alien-armageddon

i for one welcome the gen alphas

I live in America where we have rights. We have the freedom to mutilate ourselves and the freedom to laugh at them

yeah seethe more tranny, no one cares about your crazy non proof.

>Nah I’m all man
Progress! Assuming you haven't mutilated your genitals there's still time for you to mend mistakes.
Otherwise, the rope is waiting.

>irrational rage and excuses to justify your bitter incel anger - the thread

We need more containment threads like this.

So is that a yes or no bro

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People are sick of faggots don't you understand?

Enough is enough

>same guy is in this very thread posting evidence that he did it
No, I was the one who did it. It was me. All me. Not that guy. This post is evidence of me doing it.

people should just share a mega link to the game to make even more people not buy it. use the gog version

he still doesnt understand that the guy is in this thread posting proof he won moddb.com/mods/duke-nukem-alien-armageddon/downloads/alien-armageddon-215

Nicely done gay boy

I’m hard already bro I’m gonna chum for ya

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Because then those "little things" weren't things such as raping and mutilating children being a legitimate political option.

being angry at other people lets you stop being angry at you'reself

t. sun tzu

That guy is a fake. I am the real person who started the ResetEra thread.

Yea Forums is just full of false flagging and retarded propaganda from /pol/ and they just cling to random buzzwords and endlessly repeat them. Muh trannies are just an easy target for Yea Forums to cling to because of the terrible media attention and the shitty culture that's formed on this website. Yea Forums has become nothing but a bunch of people outraged about any little thing that pops up in the news and trannies have become their scapegoat because the term SJW was just used too much and they needed something new to say.

Don't take it so hard, tranny. Most people think you're mentally ill in real life, too. This isn't some outlier.

lmao at blaming him. I did it. proof: this post.

Thanks brotata

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I want video games faggot. Go back to pol

Nobody talk to this faggot lover

>mutilating your own dick and licking other mutilated dicks means youre not an incel freak!
-no one mentally sound

>from /pol/

Attached: 1561209256482.jpg (192x250, 9K)

Or you're just a mentally ill tranny who's constantly butthurt that people hate you freaks. Please, just commit suicide.

>Oh no, people are calling me out on my retarded rage! I know! I'll call them a tranny - the target of my rage and reason for my incel hurt fee-fees! That'll show em.

Thanks for proving my point.

Yes user. /pol/ is the cesspool where most of this retarded shitflinging starts.

>you have to be /pol/ to be repulsed by and feel pity for misguided men that try to be women
Have you ever been in the real world?

Shut up you fucking freak

A couple dudes sucking dick in the privacy of their own home have zero affect and impact on your life. Just admit that you're an ignorant retard allowing everything to bait you into a stupid retard rage.


Thanks for proving you're a mad tranny.

Why are you projecting? Revulsion and pity aren't anger. I hope you find people who genuinely care and save you from yourself.

Picking kid fuckers

Got it

voidpoint haven't don't anything

>acting as if a small minority of people are actively going around mutilating and raping kids, while also attaching a political tag to it

Threads like this make me proud that I'm not some bandwagoning brainlet that throws everything 2000% out of context.

JP spoke about this in a video (audio clip here)



I've been here for a decade and a half. Trannies are mentally ill, especially the ones that think pushing sexuality, let alone mental illness, on children is okay.

Thanks for proving my point further.

Thanks for proving my point further.

Was your point that you're an angry tranny freak? If so, I agree, he did a great job.

>Have you ever been in the real world?
Have you? Normal people don't call everyone who disagrees with them a tranny or a nigger. This website has fucking degraded your minds so much that you think trannies are some kind of ever-present entity out to get you and your video games. You've all been cherry picked and fed hateful and biased things for years.

you have to be /pol/ to bring it up every fucking time someone disagrees with you about anything.

Attached: 1565651162575.gif (200x200, 3.89M)

The only people projecting here are people getting mad over shit taken entirely out of context and being stretched into outrageously false scenarios to fuel your retarded anger at - literally - fucking nothing. But that's okay. Keep stewing in your retarded circlejerk of deliberate ignorance while calling anyone who disagrees with you a tranny, you sad fucking incel.

Why are you strawmanning? Of course no one screams slurs in civilized society. You just shake your head and talk amongst yourself and hope the freakshow goes elsewhere.

>a small minority of people are actively going around mutilating and raping kids, while also attaching a political tag to it
but that's actually what's happening

Resetera is like old Yea Forums but worse.
When was last time Yea Forums raided something?

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>mutilating and brainwashing troubled kids is good!
Lol, nah, feaak. Go dilate.

not him, but here we call trannies trannies and niggers niggers.

But enough about the Catholic church

Prove it. Right now, faggot.

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trabbbyyy krabbby patty hururrr memememememeem buzzworwordwrodwrod phobiaphobia i listen tooo pooolllllll on everything nndurr npcnpc npc must magamagainmagin agan hattinG marginlized people gudd coool gamer...wegamer...riseu p...

>neocons complain about gays
>turns out many of them are in the closet
>liberals complain about loli
>turns out they diddle real kids
>Yea Forums complains about trannies

Attached: 1561005614395.jpg (746x691, 33K)

So you use /pol/? You trannies really are delusional, on so many levels.


It's not really a strawman if it's from my own experiences. The other post acts as if the real world is repulsed by trans people when in reality most people aren't.


Boomers lol

far more actually kidnap and traffick children that aren't trannies. literally making mountains out of molehills and doing this cognitive dissonance shit where you pretend trannies are weak and will kill themselves off while at the same time pretending they're some international cabal of brainwashing children mutilators


we know where you hail from stop being so disingenuous you snake

didn't you know? Yea Forums is resetera now.

>told to prove it
>just directs me to some other shitty vidya forum

You're a fucking idiot, you know that?

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No, here you call everyone a tranny or a nigger.

fuck this game. Devs are transphobic garbage fires.

getting mad about tiny unimportant fractions of the population is asinine

genuinely cant tell if this is bait.

Well, yeah, lots of autistic vidya incels become trannies thinking it will solve anything. They're amongst our own ranks, for sure.
However, the whole "arachnophobes want to fuck fuck spiders" angle is beyond retarded.

>blacked/cuck posters
>outrage addicts and tortanic retards
>celebrity-worshiping morons
>genitally mutilated

ban that country of dramatic retards from the internet

>as if the real world is repulsed by trans people when in reality most people aren't.
No one likes you disgusting freaks of nature.

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I must be black then

Thus, by a continuous shifting of the rhetorical focus, the enemies are at the same time too strong and too weak.

but if we don't have someone else to boogieman who can we blame!?

because here everybody are trannies and niggers

This shitstorm got started because the so-called "left" got offended by someone saying it's insane for parents to decide their children's gender. Can we all just take off our retard hats for a second and talk about the fact that these people tried so hard to show off how "enlightened" they are they accidently said you can't choose your gender? Or how Cyberpunk 2077 is just doing what Saints Row 2 did but phrasing it in a way so no one realizes you can play as a sexy lady but with a man's voice?

Can we all just stop being autistic retards for just a moment and think critically about things for once?

Nearly all political agitation posts on Yea Forums comes from Canadians

whiter than you mohammed.

Attached: qFtnEPp2pvk37bnISQRXeHd1HOJ4E3c_voZzm3A7NMc.png (859x960, 229K)

what a brave woman. beautiful. stunning.

Attached: 1563180781394.jpg (768x1024, 85K)

delete this

Maybe if you stop pretending to be something you're not the brain fog will clear.

Once again, you're all just fed this cherry picked shit constantly on this website and assume these people are everywhere when in reality they're a minority.

Americans happened. You people are populated by retards. The average man and woman is insuffarable and on top of that dress bad.

oh yes

>chadposters (nothing gay about that at all) and wojak spammers

epstein seemed faily bipartisan. clinton rode on his plane a bunch of times and he recruited a lot of girls from mar-a-lago

Haha, the landscape is changing, and u landwhales will all be left behind In ur field of hate.

O i know there will be a new generation of outragers 2 take ur place, but they 2 will burn like the fields of the amazon, just like the bitter gamers be4 them


Attached: 1549987513220.png (630x557, 309K)

>he doesn't want to fuck a sexy spider girl
thanks for proving my point tranny

Not him, but it's their fault choosing a publisher like 3drealms.

>>acting as if a small minority of people are actively going around mutilating and raping kids, while also attaching a political tag to it
Holy shit I guess I also should stop acting as if breathing car fumes is bad for your health or as if wolves were dangerous animals or as if North Korea had nukes because all those things are totally not happening even if we see that they are

Yeah, nah. Even most left wingers think you're freaks. The ones who say otherwise still get visibly uncomfortable.
You're an abomination, mate.

>Yea Forums is also full of gays and pedos

valid point, nigger

and even saying a minority is strong. in the statistic sense they can be considered a fucking outlier

Tranny detected

seeI never had a problem with old school trannies. They kept to themselves and didn't try to corrupt children or scream for exclusive privileges under the guise of universal rights.

We know that there are not many of them but mega corporations push them on normal people that don't like fags

>trannies outrage over a simple statement 99% of people agree with
>devs cave to lunatic trannies who don't even buy games
>outrage backlash from this
trannies are a really strange and sick bunch

when you're at the point you're ignoring the elephant in the room yea. like screaming about windmills causing cancer every day while sucking back coal plant fumes

>Can we all just stop being autistic retards for just a moment and think critically about things for once?
Okay, let's start with the fact that people were obviously upset at the implication that trans rights means deciding your child is trans at birth, rather than someone telling them they couldn't decide their child is trans at birth.

People need to feel part of something. Idiot gamers who lost touch with the world find digital togetherness in cringy forced outrage. The madder they get the more they feel like they contribute and belong and that makes for a perpetual mind-trap for lonely morons.

Since when do we, badass channers, care about kids or the human rights or chinaman or what fucking ever is the hot topic of the month? Since never. But it the topic doesn't matter as much as what it can be framed at: injustice and brave gamers, us!, at the forefront.

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The word you're looking for is entitled

>OP posts that outrage is poisoning everything
>Yea Forums proceeds to poison this thread with their own outrage

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lets start with the fact that has nothing to do with videogames and everything to do with /pol/, where you should go and stay there

Oops, meant to quote

>People need to feel part of something
yeah like you trannies who need to feel part of a group that pressures kids into converting to your cult.

Attached: tranny discord2.jpg (1024x854, 126K)

This loli gets it, why dont the rest of u

problem for me is the donation to gay charity. i'll pay for my pirated copy if they donate double to conversion therapy.

no but see, its ok when THEY get outraged because its 'justified' anger.

most people are instinctively disgusted and unsettled by people who look trans, perhaps because of the uncanny valley phenomenon. BUT there's this thing called common decency where you don't hassle and bully people just because you find something about them ugly or objectionable


There's like 300 posts raging and scaremongering about child mutilation but I make one factual statement in return and you immediately single me out.

This is what I'm talking about. How is what this guy is doing not fucking hilarious? Anyway, what kind of excuse is that? Someone is being dumb so you have to be dumb because... why exactly?

I think most people are sick of you

Don't you understand that?

Try not being in America, because then you're actually allowed to be disgusted by trannies.

>People need to feel part of something.
This is true. Hell flat earth society is real and exist.

People are sick of you, incel.

hi tranny

Attached: crazy doctors for trannyism.jpg (640x1528, 299K)

It's because of circumcision. Mutt boys get mindfucked at birth when the doctor mutilates their dick for no reason and they seethe through their entire life.

Go back to your fuck hole

Another projecting tranny, how predictable.
Everyone is sick of your shit, whether they play video games or not.
Shit down and shut up and maybe people will tolerate you.

uh oh tranny. clock's ticking

Attached: _1566613902535.jpg (1122x1479, 327K)

How is posting something entirely unrelated supposed to help your argument?

If I was an actual fag I'd be pissed at the tranny freakshows for proving the slippery slope boomers right and fucking shit up.

>entirely unrelated
just kill yourself you freak

Why are you here you child fucker God Damn

No sane person will tolerate your insanity You'd crazy not to think this is crazy

>a thread raging about trannies reaching cap in under an hour


This was a really good stealth advertisement thread. I will be purchasing Wrath now. I have a weakspot for Quake. Thanks, shill.

You've just given up on making sense huh? Just going straight to veiled threats?


people are tired of you tranny. clock's ticking

Yeah because I don't see actual posts by actual people posting pics of their 3 year old kids and telling the world they decided they're transgender.
I totally don't see the media promoting faggotry and transsexualism.
I don't see coordinated attacks on people who oppose them.
I don't see legislation being put in place delegalizing mean words or criticism of those phenomena.
I also don't see "researchers" confirming tgrough "studies" that cutting your dick off and putting something in wound for hours everyday so it doesn't heal is not a mental illness, but being kinda sad is and merits hard drug prescription.
I absolutely don't see fag marches.
I totally don't see how all foods in grocery stores suddenly have onions listed in ingredients.
I also don't see that you're a fucking fag shill acting as if nothing was happening while everyone sees shit is happening hard

Why are you people so fixated on "please think of the children" when your picture had nothing to do with kids?

This is out right disturbing. Since when did child abuse become decriminalized? The doctors and surgeons that do this shit should be hung in the street.

>it doesn't count!
Yet I bet you gulp down CNN by the salty load.

I can't believe you people are real

What has God done to fuck your brain up


he's only like 16

too old for you tranny? is preteen more to your tastes, pedoera scum?

Attached: 1559966217494.png (839x1200, 1.12M)

>This is out right disturbing. Since when did child abuse become decriminalized? The doctors and surgeons that do this shit should be hung in the street

Attached: D9rnGMvXUAEaXav.jpg (720x640, 30K)

God damn you people are actually insane with irrational rage, it's a sight to behold

>implying its a political thing
No, you're just fucked in the head

Seriously what the fuck happened to this place. Like, this fucking gamer unironically said capital g god. I literally cannot even.

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>tranny is ok with with child abuse
and you seriously wonder why people hate you.

Attached: 1565465397942.jpg (702x953, 120K)

This but unironically, tranny.


Attached: Screenshot_2019-08-24-11-48-11-003.jpg (666x576, 172K)

i remember a time when we were happily smashing crates and picking up hundreds of colorful things on platforms, or shooting alien abominations in acid-filled maps, or guiding lemmings to their creative deaths, or piloting zero-gravity racers at supersonic speed... but now it's all about people do with their genitalia, what a disgrace it is that a developer doesn't think infants should be subject to unnecessary life-changing surgery, and what a disgrace it all is that a developer doesn't say "sieg heil, gas em all"

americans were a mistake

My brain's working just fine. Yours is running on pure emotion right now.

This is the only example you people seem to have and the kid isn't even transgender so I don't know why you're even bringing this up.

tranny has no argument. go back to pedoera.

honestly I don't even understand sometimes if anons larping so good or they're real trannies possible because of discord and resetera . Especially in /vg/ circlejerk generals full of discord

Of course you freaks are pedos, too.

>Equate trans rights with child abuse
>Accuse anyone trying to correct you of being a tranny and therefore a child abuser
Reactionary reasoning skills on display

I literally can't even


>No, you're just fucked in the head

Attached: gptr,1400x,front,black-c,313,133,750,1000-bg,f8f8f8.lite-1u4.jpg (750x1000, 67K)


ok pedoera.

Attached: ECZrek2X4AAJPWV.jpg (648x960, 80K)




At this point I just ignore everyone and play what I want to play because everyone's always mad at everyone else because that fucking sells. You fucks are just free advertising at this point. You know what they say: All publicity is good publicity.

Attached: 04f.png (680x604, 488K)

please for the love of god, kill yourself you subhuman piece of shit.

Nice redditspacing, faggot

what's the treatment for a trans infant then?

user, every time I give you actual facts your emotional brain refuses to process it. You are completely irrational. Utterly consumed by fear and rage. Calm down, have a cup of tea, go away from the computer for a moment.

This is pretty shitty but it's just a word on a piece of paper, nobody is actually mutilating chilren's genitals

Yes, gamer. The battle of your mind is of paramount interest to everyone. Even the FBI is out to win you over. You gamers are that important and your radical ideas on... whatever the current issue is, are simply that dangerous to the corrupt status quo that there is nothing the man won't do trick, deceive and ultimately destroy you.

Attached: 1539073747013.jpg (1199x1200, 180K)

kill yourself subhuman.

Attached: 1566400397301.png (1408x1227, 2.13M)

Today's society is goddamn sick.

not him but all autocorrect programs capitalize god by default you retard
>inb4 phone poster
Yeah, just like 90% of the site nowadays, breaking news, you don't need to be tied down to a pc to shitpost on an anime forum anymore.

Look at all these burgers talking about the hot topic that blue ticks assigned for them.

Attached: hmmmmm.jpg (511x451, 28K)

>please for the love of god, kill yourself you subhuman piece of shit.

Attached: 1516800417678.jpg (866x900, 92K)

They're only pushing for it. So much better.
Trannies are sick in the head.



You've spent too much time on the internet. Your brain`s rotted off

seethe more tranny

Just stop, freak. No one but people as mentally unwell as yourself believe a single word of your bullshit.



>resetera posting wojaks
they're evolving

Your opinion doesn't count you approve of child mutilation

I hope one day someone puts a bullet through your skull to put you out of your sick misery

I mean it's there in black and white.

>seethe more tranny

Attached: d90.png (644x800, 15K)


says the pedo tranny sexualizing children and forcing them into his cult

Attached: child abuse.jpg (625x415, 326K)

Sometimes my phone suggests a word I didn't mean or capitalisation that would change my intended message and do you know what I do? I overrule it. So, well knowing how phones work, I will continue to assume that there is intent behind how people choose to express themselves. I think my reading fits well with the rest of the post too.

I don't support Trump, and he's 100% right. You should for the good of humanity.
This applies to you as well. I'm not sure if you're being willfully ignorant, but people are pushing for "trans toddler" rights. Look it up.

But you are literally, factually, observably wrong. You are so wrong in fact that most of your arguments aren't even pertinent to the topic at hand. You are so wrong that you are unable to realise how wrong you are. A fucking glance at wikipedia might dispel so many of your misconceptions it's embarrassing.

You approve of kid fucking shut up

How can one person be as stupid as this?

>people have multiple photos and articles about leftists pushing tranny shit on kids
>trannies: um no that doesn't h-happen
There's no group worse than trannies.

When private corporations control the spaces of public discourse, you don't actually have the right to laugh at them, at least not in public

I know you people are mentally ill, but give it a rest. Leave the kids alone, sicko.

I'm starting to approve of dishonest shitposter mutilation, god damn

very well. so what's with the "fucking murder this guy" level of outrage over some developer saying "if someone thinks infants should be genitally mutilated, they are mentally ill"? if you don't think that, then it isn't addressed to you.

Literally one discord from r9gay that's living so rent free in your head you're still having your little tantrum crusade on Yea Forums obsessing over it lmao

Attached: 1565359011071m.jpg (728x1024, 110K)

So if I call a kid a boy or a girl I'm sexualising them? You know, you don't have to have sex in the sense you should to have a sex or gender.

Attached: 1566569863119.jpg (914x1024, 124K)

He's just stating facts. That's pretty honest.

>Look it up.

>I don't support Trump, and he's 100% right. You should for the good of humanity.

Attached: th (17).jpg (387x437, 25K)

Not really, not everybody is autistic over text like you. They just type it out and leave it like it is. I couldn't care less what anybody thinks about what I maybe conveying text.

people are tired of you tranny. stop pushing your sick cult on children.

You didn't see it goy! And even if you did, it's not real! They did it for shits and giggles in lunchtime anyway.

lmgtfy.com/?q=Trans toddler




>this article headline says something that might indicate that the FBI at some point posted an anime pic
>*rubs braincells together furiously*
>aha that means everyone with an anime pic as an fbi shill out to deceive me and undermine my president!

No, people are tired of your nonsensical spam

dressing boys in drag or taking kids to pride shitfests where they pet people in bondage gear is normal to trannies. take a good look, this is your brain on leftism.

It's honestly staggering how dishonest you people get.

Just stop.

Do you seriously not understand that one thing does not equal the other? Hating on some game that has nothing to do with this 'outrage' serves no purpose and only makes you seem like an impotent rage-baby. Which is what OP is trying to point out, but you just keep clenching your fists and crying outrage all the more. Not only proving OP's point that you have no idea why you're even doing this, but it has the added benefit of making you look completely fucking insane. You're not doing yourself any favors by being a part of this, you just look fucking stupid.

seethe more tranny. people are wise to your cancer. stop forcing kids into your cult.




Don't project, tranny. It's not helping your case.

gonna pirate this, won't get fooled again nono

No one likes you tranny. The amount of hate for you is only growing. Keep sexualizing kids and pushing tranny shit on them, it'll only make everyone hate you more.

Nigga he's literally calling everyone who disagrees with him a child rapist when they point out he has no arguments

>dat seethe at being called out
You can stop lying. It's not fooling anyone, so it's wasted breath.

Attached: 1566569963639.jpg (768x1024, 201K)

>some trannies caps locking spamming about how it's ok to teach kids that little boys can have periods

I don't know what happened to you in life but get help dude.

the poll was done by GLAAD. Breitbart just reported. Tick fucking tock pedoERA




It does involve brainwashing though. If you keep telling your little biy that he is your little girl, he will believe you and you will reshape his mind because he doesn't know jack shit about the world and looks up to his parent as to a god to guide him

Well, maybe stop sexualizing children and trying to indoctrinate them?
If you defend this donation, that's exactly what you're for, so don't bother with equivocating bullshit.

Can't they see they're playing into the right wing's hands on giving money to big pharma companies to mutilate and drug them?

Easy on the koolaid kid. I think you should go to a pride sometime. Not only are they a lot of fun but I think you might learn a thing or two about how banal they are. Listen, don't tell anyone in my tranny league I told you this, but it's not like I support everything homos and trannies do. They too are, would you believe it, mere humans and are capable of making mistakes and falling short of virtue. Some of the pictures in the /pol/ starter pack are indecent and probably inappropriate but it's either dishonest or fucking retarded to extrapolate these instances to all trannies or homos. Straight people fuck up too. They kill, rape, fuck children and everything. But with them it's a lack of character not a fault in the group, right? Hm...

The NHS will literally not prescribe hormone treatment to anyone under the age of 17. It's on their website.

>literally backed into a corner so hard the tranny goes full I AM SILLY on their own
Kek, pathetic. Stay the fuck away from kids, freak.

Key phrase "in the privacy of their own home"
I don't need to see or hear about that shit otherwise

>If you keep telling your little biy that he is your little girl, he will believe you





Attached: jessica-yaniv-1-1.png (780x585, 242K)

He says, equivocating bullshit. You're straight up lying right now and if you truly believe you aren't then you are a gullible piece of shit who lets Yea Forums and /pol/ tell him what to think.

>A couple dudes sucking dick in the privacy of their own home have zero effect and impact
Sure, so keep it the fuck to yourself instead of putting kids in drag and parading down the street waving dildos in the air.
Homosexuals are okay, faggots and freaks are not.

Thanks for admitting you're a tranny. Stop fucking kids, sexualizing kids, and teaching them to change their gender and/or get a sex change, you mentally ill subhuman. And I'd never go to a degeneracy festival

Will you hurry up and be a suicide statistic already?

Capslock isn't an argument, silly tranny.
I don't use /pol/, but even they are more mentally stable than you.

If you're going to be like that I think I'll just keep doing all the things you imagine that I do that of course are true and then some. Muhahaha!

God damn, anti-trannies really don't know how to argue except by repeating their delusions and calling everyone a kid fucker

>look everyone, I'm projecting!
Normal people are using normal logic, neckbeard.




Again, it's there in black and white.

You never made a single argument while ignoring all arguments direct toward you. Why would you expect that to lead to good faith debate?
C'mon, just because you're mentally ill doesn't mean you have to be dumb.

I'm using logic. You're calling me a pedophile for it.


What is there to argue? Trannies are mentally ill freaks and now they're trying to push their fetish on children. Either own it or join the 53 percent crowd and off yourself.


Hitler had no time for logic retard

>push tranny shit on kids more and more
>wow why are you criticizing us for pushing our agenda on kids you bigot

I haven't called you a pedophile, but if the boot fits. Stop sexualizing children, sick schizo freak.



U mad faggot?

Attached: Screenshot_2019-05-12-16-38-21-584.jpg (271x299, 35K)

>Once on the pathway to a sex change it is very hard to get off

Attached: 1373835754840.png (500x438, 944)

Click through the thread. You've been owned and owned over and over again. To the point you've resorted to cap spam.

You sound like a hit at parties

we must secure the existence of our vidya, and a future for boomer shooters

this thread is fucking terrible

Attached: culk.jpg (706x960, 66K)

Literally every single one of you is delusional. Please seek help. Children are not being sexualised. Children are not getting surgery or hormones. You are, plainly put, wrong. You have no evidence. You have no logic. You are reduced to calling people names and claiming you were proved right elsewhere.

He's right regardless.

>just ignore it I mean it's not happening cause I said so
Trannies are more mentally ill than I thought.


>Do you seriously not understand that one thing does not equal the other?
I wasn't following this exact chain (I'm different user),can you tell me what doesn't equal what so I can respond?
>Hating on some game that has nothing to do with this 'outrage' serves no purpose and only makes you seem like an impotent rage-baby.
I don't give a shit about what they think of me. I give a shit about where my money goes to. I don't want it to go to anyone in any way associated with child abuse, including people supporting child abuse, their superiors, their employees, their friends, people who happen to have the same last name etc. Call it extreme but I just think it is such a horrible crime that any association with those people and those companies taints you. I don't give a shit if some codemonkey working for a dev who works for 3D Realms does not support child abuse. He didn't quit his job. He should have. That's what I would do the day I learned that the superior of my superior donated to child abuse organisation. You gotta stick to your principles.
>Which is what OP is trying to point out, but you just keep clenching your fists and crying outrage all the more. Not only proving OP's point that you have no idea why you're even doing this, but it has the added benefit of making you look completely fucking insane.
Yeah I guess the insane see normal people as the insane. Big deal. At least I don't support child molestation.
>You're not doing yourself any favors by being a part of this, you just look fucking stupid.
I am doing myself a favor of not tainting my honor by financially supporting people who donate money to child abuse organisations. I mean, why does it bother you so much?

Yeah, okay.

Attached: 1565813060839.jpg (272x185, 15K)

Welcome to every thread that gets raided by resetera discords

>children are not being sexualized
>child dancing for money at an ADULT gay bar
really jogged my nog tranny, now off yourself

It's not happening because it's not happening. You made it up. You are, like I said, delusional. If you could back up your claims in any way you would not be rabidly calling people pedophiles the moment you are challenged. You would not be changing the topic to gay pride or whatever. You have nothing. Nothing at all. Only your gut feelings that tell you to be scared of something you are completely ignorant of.

Just stop, dude. This is getting embarrassing, man. No one is buying your bullshit, bro.

But it does. Why do you think indoctrination of any kind is so effective on kids? Be it political, religious, whatever.
Yes, if they were still little kids and they trusted you unconditionally as they trust a parent, yes, you could. Not after that though.

>I don't want it to go to anyone in any way associated with child abuse, including people supporting child abuse, their superiors, their employees, their friends, people who happen to have the same last name etc.
Okay, well, good. It didn't. Glad to clear that up.

You're really not fooling anyone tranny.

>literally articles on a child in drag dancing for money in a bar not treated as a scandal but as a positive
>children in drag dancing in front of almost naked men at parades
Do you even believe your own bullshit?

good one /pol/
go back to your containment board so we can go back to talking about video games incel

Yeah it is you shit








>you have to be /pol/ to dislike trannies
Even my left wing normalfag co-workers think you guys are freaks and pedos and mentally ill.

back to talking about video games incel


nice try fag lover