Why does France love the Switch so much?

Why does France love the Switch so much?

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Low T.

brown people are mesmerized by children's toys

lots of niggers

France has highest population of weebs on the planet.

They don't bathe

Low test nation

France always had fairly good relations with Japan which led into more exportation of their product into France, and the culture of several Generations being rooted & filled with Japanese products. To this day, for example, they're still the 2nd highest consumers of Manga behind Japan.

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Every nation loves the switch brainlet

niggers play ps4

sadly this


t. Suleiman

Because everyone likes it

Niggers are dumb.

Muslims take their women so of course the white male frogs left LOVE Nintendo

What is with Nintendo that causes such irrational hatred and childish posts?

Resetera hates nintendo and anime

ResetERA hates Nintendo because it is a social conservative company that promotes traditional family values

a thread died for this garbage

The degenerate country loves uncensored games.

Good taste

Ils savent s'amuser, c'est tout.
Idiots not understanding that E for everyone games without grey settings & "bang bang you're dead" can be fun.

France's youth has been accustomed to Japanese culture since the 80s

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Fuck off back to r/Yea Forums you memeing piece of shit

What is it with cringe fat fucks that cause them to tag multiple people in a thread?

At least they play video games unlike you lot.