Horizon Zero Dawn gen

Why doesnt this game get mentioned more here?

>kino story
>graphics on par with high spec pc
>kino premise
>absolutely kino gameplay, combat and open world
>fucking robo dinos

If you dont own this game, get it right now and melt into it all weekend. You'll thank me.

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If it was multiplat people would herald it as another Witcher 3.

So many moments to just stop playing and waste half an hour just snapping pictures. Easily the most beautiful open world of the last decade.

And the robo dino combat.... so many cinematic moments to record.

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>Why doesnt this game get mentioned more here?
Because most people forgot about it a few months after it came out. It's a really fun game, but there's really not much to talk about two years later.

Its a good game so naturally Yea Forums will hate it, then forget about it

I keep meaning to go back but the combat didn't grab me.
World is super cool though, looking forward to seeing a sequel if they expand on the combat as well as the hacking of dinobots.

PS4 game, anyone who talks about it is a Snoyboy. It's only allowed to shit on it and nothing else.

I'm only about 8 hours in. The game's a solid 7/10. The monster hunting gameplay is pretty fun but I don't like how scripted a lot of your actions are and how shallow the stealth elements are. Story is intriguing so far. I like the "moral choice" prompts. Definitely worth the tenner I paid for it.

>Kino kino kino kino
Stop the MADNESS

Isnt that leftist game full of "welcome refugees" and the bad guy is "le evil white man against the poor minorities"?

It's also comfy and, dare I say it, wholesome as well.

Its a mind numbingly boring game with ubisoft style sidequest and "exploration" (aka. tower climbing). Interesting setting and enemy design, doesn't save the rest.

>graphics on par with high spec pc
If anything it shows that good console graphics of this scale are only achieveable with lots of draw distance trickery and fog

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>Story was frankly uninteresting and took ages to develop
>Graphics were cool
>Premise was "you were bullied when you were a kid, and now you're the strongest empowered woman" AKA Fable, Naruto, everybody is tired of it
>Game play was insufferable, basically wait for slow-mo before shooting the glowing part on the robot and repeat for all your life while collecting retarded plants
>I didn't really care about dino robots.

I like the game a lot too user but you won't get any good discussion on this fucking board

>kino story
>Aloy walks to 4 places and has hologram flashbacks tell a story then walks to a tower and fights a robot the end


I guess it's boring shit you fucking retard just like any open world game you retard

the games good and worth trying. but it could be better and isnt among the greatest of the greats. a solid 4/5 . for reference (botw 5/5,rdr2 5/5, witcher 3 5/5, farcry 3 and up 4/5, darksouls 3/5)

I returned the game after about two hours of leaving the starting hub. (So maybe six-eight total)

I thought the main character was really unappealing. She was entirely ignored by everyone but three people but she's the most socially tuned person in her entire village. She is good at everything and is a super genius because she was a clone and had a dictionary on her ear.

The whole Ubisoft style of game always feels unnessarly padded with busy work, the climbing was also really shit with the "you can only climb on yellow tape ledges" even though tons of walls looked easier to climb than the "correct" walls.

The game was super buggy and I fell through the earth several times, always being forced to restart every time.

The robo-animals were really cool though, It's just literally everything else I had issues with.

> Easily the most beautiful open world of the last decade.
That would be XCX

its a dead game from sjws so no, no one cares about it

dead game
dead genre
dead console

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No? It's about how all the nation's and tribes just want to be left alone. And the villain is a mutt who wants to murder everyone.

Are there niggers in this game?

>melt into it

Yeah, for some reason the tribes are all strangely racially diverse. Apparently it gets explained later.

It's a good-looking snoregasbord on the BBM

>kino story

Humanity went to shit thanks to a bug.
Well done Guerrilla.

Looks boring and generic

plus all the SJW bullshit shoehorned in

Imagine being so bitter about losing the open world war two years ago, you had to muster one last offence via Iceborne.

So glad that Actual MH got Zelda instead.

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I really hope they improve or completely cut combat vs humans in the next game
Also give me giant sea creature robots

no pc release no buy

Imagine being this insecure.

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>kino story
its what put me off finishing it. all the male characters were pathetic and weak. was really off-putting. i liked Aloy though.

feminist shit is not discussed here for obvious reasons.
>inb4 screeching soigent, roast beef

I played a few hours but it's so boring. I am so fucking sick of hunting and crafting

>Derivative gameplay
>Intriguing premise bogged down by mediocre story
Game is alright but had potential for much more. Hoping there's a sequel and devs/writers get bolder with it.

What? he just showed you what the game actually looks like

>all the male characters were pathetic and weak
Except for Rost, DLC king, Sylens and the main antagonist.

It wasn't just the image. The text as well.
Besides the game didn't look like that to me ;)

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Female main character. Nahhh