Explain to me how tetris inventory management is bad.
Explain to me how tetris inventory management is bad
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Its not.
It's fun though, I loved micromanaging my attache case.
>That much handgun ammo and grenades
>Semi-Auto Rifle instead of bolt-action
>Striker instead of Riot Gun
>Red9 instead of standard handgun
>Having scopes or stocks at all
What a reddit loadout holy shit.
>wanting to spend 5 minutes rearranging your whole fucking inventory every time you pick something up
No thanks. Thankfully games like Deus Ex Human Revolution and Prey that use this inventory system have an auto sort feature.
go outside, man
My only gripe really is that they're all rectangular. Are there games that actually use different shapes for items occupying slots? I know even diablo just use rectangles.
Striker has the ammo upgrade though, which is really nice.
Its the most fun inventory system available
most games that have this inventory have that kind of feature user
I don't particularly care how the game handles inventory management as long as it's not cumbersome. Like as much as I love Terraria, vanilla inventory management is absolute AIDS after a few dozen hours.
It's not
But I only recall RE4 doing it right. STALKER, DX, et al had a useless autosort feature and they started to spaz out when you pick up new items. They basically don't respect the player taking the time to arrange their inventory.
Also one of the key reasons why RE's was more objectively fun was that you could combine an assload of items, allowing you to manage your space more effectively, making you feel like a proto-Marie Kondo
man I want a Marie Kondo game
>anything instead of Red 9
Fuck off with that shit
You think that's bad you need to see KH 368/2 days panel system. Not only do you have to rearrange your skills nut everytime you level up you need to rearrange it in order to actually level up. It was a mess and the main reason the game sucked.
As long as you can rotate items
Forgot pic.
Imagine feeling elitist over a video game lmfao
you're a nigger faggot user
Mine Throwerr + TMP + Magnum is the fun loadout.
>What a reddit loadout holy shit.
I love that system, felt mildly more interesting than a big list
>not having weapons upside down for extra damage
Whats the point of having tetris inventory if it gets auto stacked
not like DE I mean
reddit hates inventory management and real-time with pause
>Riot Gun instead of Shotgun
Dumb fags jerking their pud dicks online
Non-fag replies
>all that empty space between healing herb mixes and around guns
you could fit so much more in there user, try harder next time.
Telling other people how they should play a game its not only autistic but reddit as fuck too
Fuck user, you're making me have flashbacks of avalon code.
It's not.
Trying to play item tetris with items you can't rotate and items you can't get rid of is cancer though.
making a RE4 ripoff,how do i improve the gameplay? should i add coop?
Who said this was bad? When shit would hit the fan real hard, I'd always pause the game, rearange my inventory then get back into action.
ye, coop makes any game fun as long as you implement a proper balance for it and don't fuck over the level design to be coop only, make sure it's playable singleplayer as well
let ppl move while shooting and have non-contextual melee moves
Add costly season passes that add nothing but boring fucking grindy challenges for a chance at getting "cool" and immersion breaking outfits or weapon skins for your character.
Why do you need space for the weapon youre holding?
because where would it go when you unequip it?
you can't place items on the ground in the game, only discard them
seems like a necessary evil
Why is this game so much fun, Yea Forums? I stopped playing this game for good when I completed my knife only run on pro and yet, I still feel the urge to give this game another playthrough every year.
it's just one of those games that are eternally replayable
Its good for a challenge run
not mine, I googled. I never carry much healing items
Wow, how neatly organized.
How severe is your autism?
What irks me is that we never see that suitcase on him.
semi-auto rifle is the best gun in the game besides the TMP you dumb whore
>using the tmp at all
holy shit Yea Forums sucks at this game
Weapons sorted vertically is the way to go. The true patrician's choice.
because if I wanted to play tetris I wouldnt be playing zombie shooter sim
It's bullshit if tiny items occupy entire spaces, but its fine otherwise
it's more like a puzzle
didn't the version of RE4 you played on determine how good the bolt action was (like the final upgrades boost was different for different reigons)
Pointlessly time-consuming. These should always have an auto-sort button.
What I hated the most about all the STALKER games is how you can't stack neat multiples of bullets. I want to bring n times whatever mag capacity my rooty tooty point n' shooty has. Geez
use RE6's combat system as your inspiration
unles you're going more on the horror side, then you should be looking at RE2make's gameplay
all versions are the same except for the original GameCube version. on GC the rifle can only be upgraded to 18 firepower instead of 30.
that was it, I knew I wasn't crazy
Not even at the end of the game, is easy to fully upgrade by virtue of being your first gun. Popping heads one after the other with a single bullet is all kinds of fun, maybe you didn't get good enough.
Reason why also either the Shotgun or the Striker were better options in GC than the Riot Gun, even with max 5.0 power, at least the Shotgun allowed you to keep the same power regardless of distance which was a nice detail. After the GC version they changed the values of Riot Gun and Bolt Action Rifle making them into more acceptable options.
It's not.
Why can't you just bash heads in with that heavy ass case?
>RE6 combat
hell no, that shit sucked
>re2makes combat
even fucking worse
RE4 is the peak horror action gameplay, RE6 and re2make discourage gameplay severly for just running past everything
Literally every gun in OP pic's inventory is better than the one you listed
>Semi Auto does literally everything better than the Bolt-Action, higher DPS because of the rate of fire and rifle headshots OHK everything anyway
>Riot Gun is the worst shotgun
>Red 9 on anything but the Gamecube version is far and away the best handgun, highest base damage and accuracy, it's basically a semi-auto carbine with the stock
Imagine being this much of a fucking scrub