I wasted years of my life on wow and finally quit, but with classic coming out I am feeling the urge to play it...

I wasted years of my life on wow and finally quit, but with classic coming out I am feeling the urge to play it. Even though I know it will ruin my real life as I will end up playing nonstop and neglect everything else. But the urge... The urge keeps growing.

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Game will be dropped like a brick in 2 weeks

You are like a jizzhead, but instead of anime titties, you are a jizzhead for skinnerboxes with shit gameplay. Put that into perspective for a minute.

Yeah I have an addictive personality. Also abuse alcohol and weed.

>wasting another moment of your life on an inferior version of a shitty decade plus old game.

just get it over with and end it mate.

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You're pining for an experience that will never be recreated anyway. Seeing friends I know talk about how they're going to rush to 60 and kill rag in the first week sickens me. It took my casual ass a month just to hit 60 back then. There's no more wonder and exploration to it, all the wikis and databases not to mention cancerous streamer personalities that exist now will make classic a fundamentally different experience.

I played it on a private server the other day and go to level 15. It was fun. People really stuck together and the quests were much harder. I died like 6 times trying to solo the family crypts in tirisfall, as 3 - 4 mobs would get pulled, until some other players came along. The world felt dangerous.

2 days to go, still can't decide if I want to play Warior tank, Shaman or a priest

Many people will level slower. Just because your friends are tryhard doesn’t mean it’s gonna be the norm

I went through something similar when oldschool runescape came out. It was fun for a couple weeks, but eventually all I could think of was the hours I sank into it before, and the realisation that if I continued I was going to end up losing even more hours of my life into it.



Grow the fuck up bucko. It's game designed to make you addicted and you're falling right into their trap.
>knows he doesn't have self control
>goes all in on a meaningless MMO addiction anyways
You don't really have to play it, watch streams or something. Maybe it's just the overall hype that's getting to you. If anything think of all the other games you can enjoy casually instead

The game is out for 10+ years now and they want to try hard, wtf
They propably minmax too

>mfw wasted my entire youth playing this game
>mfw also wasted my adulthood playing shit private servers
>mfw finally starting to get my shit together
Think about it OP. Don't end up like me.

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Just do it. Life comes and goes but epics are soulbound.

Just read a few "home" threads. Do you really want to play with these people?Honestly, I never experienced such loathsome feeling.

>Yes, daddy Kotick, I will do anything for a dose, just bring me back home, please

you should waste your life playing good games instead rtard

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Learn moderation you fucks.

Just don't play it. Do something productive instead like a normal person

i want to play classic but i'd rather give my money to square enix than activision

The urge dies, user...only 3 of my WOW frens (20+) has a job and a lot of money from their work and their family.
If you are so thristy play in phase 3

Vanilla/Classic had much less Skinners than anything that came after. Most of the nudging in pre-2007 days comes when people actually start raiding. That's when the idiotic class-role trinity gets shoe-horned into tank-damage-healers, where there may as well only be 3 classes instead of 9, which is what made the eventual class-homogenisation and normalisation inevitable. When people play Classic, whether for the first time or a long time, the absence of so many Skinner-boxes will make their presence in the Retail version so much more obvious. It could be a big wake-up to Blizzard on where they went wrong and how early it started; when Jeff Kaplan and Tom Chilton were given the reigns.

Not experience; experiences, plural. WoW was many of them and yes, some will not be recreated because they were the result of people either new to MMOs entirely or this level of polish in one. Some aspects of it though are timeless and will be recreated because the Retail version doesn't offer them: the possibilities were eliminated long ago when a single direction of travel was chosen by Blizzard.