Is Breath Of the Wild the most beautiful game ever created?

Is Breath Of the Wild the most beautiful game ever created?

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yeah one of them
not purely in terms of visuals though, since there are a lot of games that look better than it
a lot of things just come together quite beautifully in that game

No, but it's got a great artstyle and complementary systems that help it stand out against other open world games.

looks worse than skyward sword

Even unmodded skyrim looks better

It could be on different console

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it looks good on pc at least

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Wouldn't say the most but it's pretty nice looking.

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It wasn't even close to Rev, let alone this.

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Not even close

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That's not the witcher 3

Maybe if they fix this shitty washed out color look

>colourful rainbow diarrhoea
Yeah, no.

No it doesn't.
This is the prettiest graphics that exist currently. It's like BOTW, but detailed and with much, much better models, lighting, shading, etc.

>he still think people care about his fifa machine

wtf game is this?


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>those washed out colors
>that resolution and no anti-aliasing

Attached: EA2O91WU4AAigwz.jpg (1280x720, 86K)

That Chinese knockoff looks way better.

When's Guilty?

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What's this graph represent?
Average number of transexuals out of every five users?

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>autistic sonygroes falseflagging

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No, colors are too muted, not much detail in the enviroments, it looks good and I like the artstyle, but it's not in the same league as the others right now

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Based but bluepilled
Cringe but redpilled

its a tie between BOTW and The Witcher 3 for most gorgeous game imo

should be changed to 'Days Since Counter For "Days Since Yea Forums Last Cried Over Breath of The Wild" Was Reset' at this point, there has not been a single day since March 3rd 2017 where snoygroids haven't whined about it, I'm not even kidding, they've literally been shitting on it nonstop since release.

>dem gwafix

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based and kinopilled


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certain PS2 games look better than this, unironically

You're delusional. BotW is the best looking game to date.

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it looks so shitty i played it for 1 hour and then sold my switch

not even memeing

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To me, it is. I feel bad for the people who can't enjoy it desu. best video game experience i've had as an adult.

The game would look much less horrible if the render distance wasn't garbage

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try xbx

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You must be a very young adult then

Yeah and the live action lion king looks better than the cartoon lion king

its absolutely unforgivable that content is locked behind amiibos. id understand if the amiibos let you get them faster, but to have the be exclusive to them is shit



>is our game the greatest ever made?
Sony’s shit, but so is Nintendo. At least ps has bloodborne, switch has nothing. Nada.
t. PC elitist who’s better than you and can play your games whenever I want.



>Searching for posts with the image hash ‘L24xKvOs71QCbR6gbNmqkw==’. 65 results found.


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>that face

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I'm sorry to inform you sir, that you got the gays.

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lmfao absolutely not. Journey looks far better than this.

O yea! Look at all that empty space! Game of the DECADE!

This guy...

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can't wait for the sequel. hoping for a much more challenging game this time around, and actual dungeons, unique items, secrets that aren't just shrines or koroks, etc.

im sorry to inform you but you've got shitty taste and are a brainlet obsessed with titcows

does anybody have any good images of Trap Link? I'm asking for a friend.

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botw fans in a nutshell

I unironically think botw looks worse than wind waker, but that doesn't mean botw is ugly.

goddamn over two years later and people still cry over BoTW being not only the very best open world game of all time, but also one of the greatest videogames of all time

I'm amazed at how many degenerates play Zelda games.

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One korok seed has been deposited in your account


It can look shitty at times, but then it has these moments where it looks incredibly pretty

don't you have trap and tranny cocks to diddle yourself to? lol


Look mom I said it again!

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is there a way to get the hylian shield back?

stay angry lmao

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mudd with a yellow filter lmao


>Switch has nothing
You are lying to yourself if you think you wouldn't want to play Fire Emblem Three Houses and Xenoblade Chronicles 2


i love them all tho

> got so fucking assmad that they made this edit
hahaha holy fucking shit


why do people shit on korok seeds? whats wrong with that mechanic?

guaranteed (you)s

>4 points are just "horses woooow"


All of these games nowadays going for realism in my opinion don't look very good. Technology isn't powerful enough yet to make a setting like Red Dead 2 look good, because Red Dead 2 very much wants to look like the real world. But it can't. People need to learn the difference between realism and a good looking game. Realism is all well and good, but Red Dead 2 can't compare to Breath of the Wild when it comes to style.

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pic not related?

28, but you're technically right. grew up with a snes w/ LTTP and played every zelda game since on release (except skyward sword). not even a nintendofag. Can't really find the time to play games as much as i did growing up but I sunk a shitload of time into it whenever I could because it was """fun""", a refreshing change of pace for me compared to just about every other game released in the last 10 years. I honestly can't recall a game i've been so satisfied with to play since the 90's. Also, for the record i'm not defending the game as there are obviously glaring issues (lack of enemy types, fetch quests, etc). No hard feelings for people who hate it, just wish more people had an experience like mine. To each their own i suppose

Realism is a meme buzzword, anything you experience in """the real world""" is just a collage made of psychic excrements.

>fujobait fire emblem (a franchise with subpar gameplay at best)
>big tiddies gacha xD (Azur Lane has better designs)

lmao seethe and cope harder, snoyboi

Keep lying to yourself

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It’s nice but it isn’t the best

Some of my favorite ones:
>Horizon Zero Dawn
>The Witcher 3
>Red Dead Redemption 2
>Assassin's Creed Origins & Odyssey
>Uncharted 4


*throws it back at you*

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>come to the foot of a huge big ass mountain
>climb to the top of it in a few minutes
What is it with games and this phony senses of scale?

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Everything's got some beauty to it OP, I just prefer designs from, say, Hollow Knight over Breath of the Wild

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Also can't wait for Silksong because god DAMN, does shit look good

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Sometimes it looks really great, usually though its actually pretty ugly

RDR2 isn't a remake of a cartoony style game you fucking brainlet

I ain't even reading this thread, I already know that it is filled with S E E T H E

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I want to replay this but I'm too depressed knowing what happens in the end.

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Genshin Impact looks a hundred times better than Breath of the Muddy.

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ok but wheres the soul?

for me it's

The Witcher 3
Red Dead Redemption 2
Horizon Zero Dawn
Dragon Quest XI
Chrono Cross

this /thread

Not even close to this masterpiece.

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>That constant haze due to hardware limitations.
>inb4 some nintendie says it was a design choice.

I can't wait to try this game, I love how Botw cucks seethe so much about this game.

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Do I need a NASA PC for this? I've a nigerian pc and I don't know if i could run that.

how can 1 man be so based?

>Where's the may may?! XD LMAO

It's been three years and you literally cannot stop thinking about BOTW. Do what you must, for we have already won and keep winning.

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As a game I loved Breath of the Wild a lot more than RDR2, but user, you probably never played RDR2 if you think it lacks style. It is aiming for realism yes, but the art direction is absolutely fantastic.

They just hate the game entirely
I really like it when I accidentally discover a korok seed
>Climb this one face statue while in the rainforest area
>Grab a glowing rock from it’s eye
>*Pooof* YAHAHA!
Genuinely got a smile out of me

If you wanna experience the real world go play Google maps

Are you baiting? I really need to know.

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This. It plays so organically.
>goes toward zora’s domain first time
>’huh, its raining alot, must a be a regional thing or I’m just unlucky’
>its actually revealed to be a plot element later

>see that mountain?
>you can actually climb it

>walking randomly
>stumble upon a memory scene

Etc., etc.

The design has potential but is limited by the hardware.

I’m serious.
Hell I accidentally discovered the corrupted dragon while I was climbing a mountain
That shit came out of nowhere to me

Those 2 moments solidified BOTW as easily one of my favorite games

Guilty Gear 2020, the sequel to Xrd. It's a 2(.5)D fighting game with what I would argue the best graphics of any game right now. Also Xrd is the best fighting game of this gen, and it's not close.

umm, it looks pretty good, still, some of the terrain look really flat, but considering is on switch is probably as good as is gonna look.

Thats some superman 64 levels of fog

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But all of those points don't count as gameplay because.... uh........ they just don't okay?

The basedest of boys

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and by based i mean soi



>that blur and bloom
>those textures

cringe and notripspilled
based and tripspilled

Not surprised Sony haters are low IQ.
PS = 4
Xbox = One
Switch = 0

It looks prehistoric. Yuck