What 3DS games does Yea Forums recommend? Just hacked my 3DS

What 3DS games does Yea Forums recommend? Just hacked my 3DS.

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Kid Icarus: Uprising
Game is great but hard to control.

one of my favorites

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I played the first two on the Gameboy color but haven't played since, how have they improved?

Why is this getting shilled so much today? I've seen more Dragon Quest threads here in the past 12 hours than have in the past 2 years.

Shin Megami Tensei IV

bravely default/second
all the fire emblems
rune factory 4
zelda link between worlds
metroid 2 remake
story of seasons


One of the worst DQ games.
DQ8 is better by a landslide.

- unlike the gba games, all of your party members have a personality and talk to you
- it has a class system when you can mix classes
- the story is pretty good, but sometimes can drag a bit
- a lot of diferent locations and monsters

Get the fuck out here. DQVII is the best DQ game. DQVIII is great but it is a shallower game.

Art Academy. Learn how to draw and paint and shit. My trees are amazing now.

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Talking about a game isn't shilling, fucking neck yourself

Is DQXI translation project still alive?

Inazuma Eleven

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It's mostly only useful as a GBA emulator.

Show your art

Does that shit actually work. I'd like to be gud at drawing.

is there anywhere i can watch 3d porn and will it work on the 3ds browser

I think you need to download a CIA.

Which CIA? Asking for a friend

I like it too user, but it’s definitely not a good entry to the series

Just one really enthuiast mexican

You need a lot of commitment. Pretty sure that one art board has a mega drive full of learning material. Will see if I can find it if this thread lives long enough

How hard is it to completely remove a custom firmware again?

God, I remember using the DSI to look up “naked girls” in the browser. Phones have made porn boring.

Shin Megami Tensei Strange Journey Redux

Same, 3DS introduced me to hentai.

Christ. How young are you retards?

Project X Zone

>DSi came out 11 years ago
>3DS came out 8 years ago

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Alliance Alive
Legend of Legacy
Bye-Bye BoxBoy
Mighty Switch Force
Mighty Switch Force 2

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If you are anywhere below 30, you need to leave this place. It's not healthy for you.

Uhh, I was like 10 or 12. I'm 19 now. 3DS is old, dude.

You're right. Not him, but I notice that I'm always a little more ornery after being here for awhile. Problem is, this is the only place I know of for general vidya discussion outside of Discord. Know anywhere else I could go to talk about this stuff?

I recommend you to install this so you can transfer games over to your 3DS wirelessly and not fuck up your SD card slot over time: github.com/mtheall/ftpd

I also recommend you to install TwilightMenu++ so you can play DS games (among other systems) from your SD card if you don't have a flashcart yet that covers you on that front.

Finally, get familiar with all the VC Injectors by Asdolo (Asdolo's Ultimate) to inject VC inject (and color correct) Game Gear, GB, GBA, GBC, Genesis, NES, SNES & TurboGrafix-16 straight into your home menu.

AstroTurf, look it up. Dumbcuck.

why would you need to?

Kirby 3DX & Robobot
Sega 3D classics collection 1-3
Senran 1&2
Mario and Luigi games & remakes
Bravely Default

rocket slime 3ds just got translated

This and its sequal are top quality rpgs

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twitter i guess


SMT and EO are huge on the 3DS.
Don't do this one though, unless you're already a huge fan of DQ or have the patience of a saint.

Kirby Triple Deluxe
Kirby Planet Robobot

Both games are some of my favorite Kirby games and likely forever locked to the 3DS given the 3D used in the game

Hyrule Warriors will give you near infinite playtime, it's almost hysterical how much content the game has, even for a grind simulator.

Kirby Triple Deluxe and Robobot are great, but Robobot stands out more as a full fledged game. Triple Deluxe isnt nearly as impressive but still worth playing. Only some continuity is between them.

If you havent played it before, Cave Story (not 3D) is worth trying out, it plays pretty well on handheld, even if you can just play it for free on PC.
Rhythm Heaven Megamix is great too.

If you enjoy the MonHun series, 4U is flippin fantastic. Easily the best.

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Anybody knows safe source for .cia for various games as Mega links?

Retards at 3dsio now use Google Drive, it's like telling everyone around what you download and let it tie with your Google profile of your IP.

All I want is working Mega link for Legend of Legacy .cia

How is that different from 3ds build-in wireless transfer?

lol i had no idea there even was a built-in wireless transfer
you just start the app, you connect via filezilla, you drag the files over and that's it

What's the built-in called? Do you launch it through the homebrew launcher or what?

I think it's this en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/14218/~/how-to-use-microsd-management-to-move-files-between-a-new-nintendo-3ds-xl-and-a

Yes, exactly. Works flawlessly.