Well Yea Forums?
Obvious signs that this game was made in Japan
Other urls found in this thread:
A shit story that falls apart 2 hours in.
>main character is a young androgynous man with an impractical weapon
attractive females
it says "made in japan" on the cover
was about to post exactly that
its really bright and happy
Peadophilia s a central storyline element.
No blood, but boobs. Similarly, if it has Blood but no boobs, it's American.
It's good.
Big tits.
it's good
People are speaking Japanese.
Top tier soundtrack that makes western games look like fucking shit
Honestly nothing comes close to this everything else is fucking trash.
it's not good
no religious sensitivity
It has stiff controls but gets praised for being "quirky"
Huge boobs
Boobs bigger than D cup
It sucks
Incels flock to it
It’s good and doesn’t have social justice virtue signaling.
>Dialogue is stilted as fuck
>Characters respond to villain murdering the population of an entire village with "I'LL NEVER FORGIVE YOU!"
without even listening to it
The music is either good or synthshit
Cutscenes aren't animated and are just character portraits overlaying the game with some voice acting
You probably should have listened to it.
sad but true
fun gameplay
damn youre right
Trash compared to the master piece i put listen to it and tell me you don't love it and ill eat my own complete breakfast meal.
Keep your low tones little drum beat and creeking doors
It good
the real villian was aliens all along
It knows what we want.
>attractive females
Is that code for lazy same face anime dolls but it's okay because the character artist wasted weeks given them all individualized panties?
>he doesn't spam v at least 6 times per day with the same bait thread
>....."that" person
>... you mean "that" ?
I hate it when they do this shit.
edgy villain's motives are straight out of a high school neet's manifesto unironically about being in a society
westerners do this too. but god damn the nips take the edge to a whole 'nother level
v praises it for no real reason
Weird UI
>1080p max
>60 fps cap
>have to unplug every peripheral and controller except the one you use for the game or else the game freaks out
>$60 and never on sale despite being a Vita port
>$500+ of total DLC that adds no content but different costumes or P2W overpowered items
>game name is in ALL CAPS on Steam
gay and cringe
church is evil
god is final boss
Extra effort on story and monetization, extreme effort on generic visuals
Extra effort on game design, feel, and hot girls
Extra effort on generic but shiny visuals, feel, hot girls, and monetization, but game design sucks
Cancerous anime artstyle
I've always felt like China has potential to make a truly great game but they seem incapable of creating original ideas and can't make anything good unless it's some kind of bootleg.
Like, if they took all that talent and creative energy and focused it into something new I bet it'd be strange, crazy and good.
Jokes and humor are horribly mistranslated or just outright replaced with internet memes.
>It can't be helped.
Reach to the moon engine
Game is weirdly janky in odd ways and lacks polish in a lot of important areas: Good examples are Trails of Cold Steel (character models and animations are dog shit) and Caligula effect (with better animations, but with a lot of glitching, even in cutscenes and overall models are crap which is a shame as the art and music in this game is amazing. Jap Games also tend to have bad combat in general, this is fixed mostly if its turn based, but when the game isnt turn based the combat is a fucking mess.
Other than that, they are generally extremely overpriced, being the same price as triple A releases with a ton of polish in areas that the nips are lacking. The storys are definitely a lot more unhinged though, and this is both a positive and a negative.
well op? how much of a faggot are you?
The issue is working in china as a chinese person just fucking sucks. Why would you make an original idea and work overtime on it when you can't even afford to move out on what they pay you?
When the medieval European setting doesn't have and black characters.
Sameface is mostly a myth and a character's face is only a small part of the design. Japan has the best character design in the world.
seethe and cope, weeb
>YOOOOooOoooooooo starts playing
i get that its a custom in japan to be polite, but taking turns attacking? what in the actual fuck? bruce lee wouldn't have sat while someone attacked him
that talk about their big brother non stop
The game is fun
A great soundtrack
It says Japan user.
Incorrect. See FE Three Houses.
Where's the black people in that?
At best there are Mediterranean and Okinawan looking people.
>great soundtrack
Caveat this with horrible music direction, as in you'll hear the best songs for maybe a minute at most throughout the game, but 99% of the time you'll be listening to the same mediocre looping overworld track that will get stuck in your head for months.
Do you only play persona or something?
Last boss is usually the God/Goddess of something, or a Deity, or just, generally speaking, some kind of almighty being.
faces literally don't matter unless you're gay
i only look at womens chests both in games and in real life.
needless pandring to incels and fetishization of women
Fucking finally.
it's shit
Something isn't pandering just because you don't like it, incels don't exist, and what even is "fetishization of women"?
>incels don't exist
keep telling yourself that
>implying onii-chan ugu i wuv u~ isn't pandering
and fetishization of women is unnecessary fanservice
I will, because it's true.
>implying onii-chan ugu i wuv u~ isn't pandering
This is a typical strawman by someone who doesn't know anything about anime, and again something is not pandering just because you don't like it. You cannot disprove this.
>and fetishization of women is unnecessary fanservice
What is this supposed to mean?
It's not a movie.
Lazy writing where the character vomits exposition (almost) immediately after you, the player, see their plans/motives in action
>>implying onii-chan ugu i wuv u~ isn't pandering
>This is a typical strawman by someone who doesn't know anything about anime, and again something is not pandering just because you don't like it. You cannot disprove this.
>>and fetishization of women is unnecessary fanservice
>What is this supposed to mean?
literally xenoblades 2
This is a non-answer.
just give up weeb
It prioritises gameplay over cinematic cutscenes
Black people are a side note.
People are white but are expected to be asians with asian mannerisms. unless they are chinks, then they look like apes
No FoV slider
I have no reason to "give up," and I never said or implied anything that would suggest I'm a weeb and you can't argue otherwise.
It’s fun and continues to be fun
This is the best wrpg soundtrack period
One of these bad boys on the box
great gameplay
You could have just said "It's a visual novel" instead of saying what it isn't. Although, I am reluctant to call Jap games "novels". I think "speaking picture book", i.e. the thing we traditionally give only to children in the west, is a more accurate name.
Is not a generic Shooter
There's nothing they can do about it.
That's literally how it's written in Japanese.
It's just a tropey way of speaking they use in fiction to keep something secret from the audience. Obviously it sounds more natural in Japanese.
you're defending japanese trash media, you're a weeb
attractive women
I wasn't defending any "trash," and defending something Japanese is not the definition of a weeb. Try again.
Even visual novels are far more interactive than what passes as videogames to the west.
In what way are visual novels meant for children? What do they have to do with children's picture books?
>2-3 times a month
>It’s good and doesn’t have social justice virtue signaling.
We both know that's not true.
Shit writing. More interactive drama than video game. Yea Forums autists defends all it's flaws. Shit graphics.
if you think anime women are attractive you've never gotten laid
jrpgs are trash
If a cumbräin is playing it, its probably made in Wapan.
>invisible walls everywhere
>gorgeous vistas locked behind said invisible walls
>can't jump through windows or over minor obstacles, can only use the door or a context button to vault vaultable objects
>15 hour long tutorial for the 10th game in the series
>actually looks like a previous gen game despite being current gen
>it's a game of chance yet doesn't disclose the odds
>bosses are immune to status
>cell-shaded because since it's Japanese it MUST appeal to otaku faggots
Now not every nip game follows these tenets, and for the ones that break the mold, it is a breath of fresh air, but seek your heart and you will find it to be true that Generic Nip Game will usually stumble through most of these pitfalls.
An utterly incomprehensible title usually consisting of barely used words in English because it's basically some nip name Google translated and the greedy nips couldn't be fucked to make a proper translation.
>not wanting women to work for you in skimpy outfits while you lay back and watch
Gay as fuck .
Whatever helps you cope.
Those are localizations though, which can be and often are all kinds of fucked up. What do the originals say?
Tan-skinned anime characters and trans/trap have nothing to do with social justice and have been around for decades.
>if you think anime women are attractive you've never gotten laid
This doesn't make any sense.
>jrpgs are trash
Then every genre is trash.
>cell-shaded because since it's Japanese it MUST appeal to otaku faggots
What does cell shading have to do with otaku?
>Catherine was Xbox360 game but somehow it's Sony fault that game has tranny
>GR is SJW even though main character has visible nipples, something you won't find in Nintendo games
Asshurt Nincel/PCock detected.
Whenever something silly happens the character's eyes turn white and big and their forehead turns blue
I'm not the one trying to cope her, buddy. By all means, enjoy your pictures books. Masturbate until you a nothing but a dry husk of a boy. Makes no difference to me.
other genres at least have passable gameplay
turn based combat is a relic of the past that still hasn't been buried (just like other japanese habits like casual racism)
Butt fucking retarded dialogue like "It's a Metal Gear!" "Metal Gear?!", tonnes of anime gasps, moon faced blobs, characters expressing exaggerated or totally subdued emotions(generally in ways that don't fit the scene), "anime humour", woosh! sound effects for attacks with a white gust of wind-like visual effect, hit-stop animations to artificially simulate force, child or at least child-looking protagonists swinging massive weapons one handed, i can go on if you want.
>other genres at least have passable gameplay
No they don't.
>turn based combat is a relic of the past that still hasn't been buried (just like other japanese habits like casual racism)
Enjoy getting replaced by muslims.
read a real book, my personal favourite is the great gatsby, then you'll understand how shallow and primitive visual """novels""" really are
underrated post
oof, a /pol/ack
and yes they do, choosing between attack or skill is not a good gameplay mechanic
What do visual novels have to do with picture books? Why are you bringing up masturbation?
The Great Gatsby is shallow and primitive.
post an example of a deep and thoughtful visual novel
Not wanting to get genocided isn't a /pol/ thing, it's a normal common sense thing.
>and yes they do
No they don't.
Post an example of a deep and thoughtful novel.
I will, thanks. Enjoy mass produced LGBTP propaganda less interactive than picture books.
>muh huwyte genocide
take your pills, schizo
It caters to sexually frustrated Yea Forumsirgins
Cel-shading more easily lends itself to the impression of an anime aesthetic. And of course not all cel-shaded games go for the anime aesthetic either, but it is what it is. It has very defined lined, flat colors, and simpler shadows/shading, as opposed to a realistic approach.
Infinite Jest.
Mass immigration is genocide.
Anime is not just an otaku thing in Japan.
the netcode is awful
not him but you haven't answered the question and he asked first. You are dumb m8.
No, you are dumb.
maybe whites should have kids if they don't want to be genocided
you have one yet? or are you a brave keyboard warrior?
its good
ah yes, the intellect of the average anime brain rot consumer
nope, only if you bring shitskins. Let white men take over Africa and remove niggers and within 100 years it won't be shithole.
There was no cope.
Maybe we shouldn't have to compete against foreigners for birth rates. Maybe we shouldn't have open borders. Maybe we shouldn't be getting blasted with 24/7 anti-white, anti-European, anti-Western propaganda.
Ah yes, the intellect of the average anti-anime subhuman.
>no u
pathetic, as expected from virgin watching shitty japanese cartoons.
It has a nonsensical title
I'm going to skip to the end here and just tell you to dialate tranny.
Make shit posts, get shit replies. This conversation is at exactly the level you wanted it to be at.
>muh virgins
Retarded leftist bogeyman.
>japanese cartoons
Where did I say I watch cartoons?
they've brought them in to fix declining birth rates caused by... whites
so they were commiting white genocide all this time?
>watches anime
>call anyone subhuman
what a virgin.
>Anime is not just an otaku thing in Japan.
I was actually conflicted which word to pick, not one of them that came to mind conveyed the idea appropriately so I just settled on that. I wanted to say weeb but that would also be invested with the implication that it was made for Westerners first, which is obviously untrue. At least there is a social connotation for otaku that didn't necessarily exempt Westerners or Easterners, even if it's not exactly on the head. It felt close enough.
>Maybe we shouldn't have to compete against foreigners for birth rates. Maybe we shouldn't have open borders. Maybe we shouldn't be getting blasted with 24/7 anti-white, anti-European, anti-Western propaganda.
But we should be blasted with anti white anti Western anime!
this has to be the worst i've seen
so having kids is leftist now?
>they've brought them in to fix declining birth rates caused by... whites
Not him but your literally describing replacement.
Hol up did they start translating the old Jake Hunter games or is this a new title?
>Where did I say I watch cartoons?
when you defended anime
They have no effect on white birth rates. They constitute a parallel, competing society that is of no benefit to us. If the elites wanted higher white birth rates they'd be taking measures to increase white birth rates, but instead they want the opposite.
There's that retarded leftist bogeyman again.
I have no idea what you are babbling about and I suspect that neither do you.
No, and I never said it is.
>declining birthrates
Which is fine. Don't have to sacrifice our future to shitskin mobs just because (((THE ECONOMY))) demands it.
I don't keep up with tranny culture much sorry.
Delete tranny
Anime is not cartoons.
Virgins and incels are leftist bogeymen.
should've had kids then
Name these visual novels with amazing writing, you were asked earlier, don't you remember?
really, no one?
I do have kids....
>They constitute a parallel, competing society that is of no benefit to us
Imagine actually believing this. With constantly expanding economies who the fuck do you think is going to do all the low-skill menial jobs? Whites sure as hell aren't.
See Name these novels with amazing writing.
I believe it because it's true. They are here to replace us and our societies.
>anime is not cartoons
I'm not sure. I just remember seeing the title on the Switch eshop and I'm like "Yeah that's a Japanese title alright."
>character creator where black people can only be made by creating some ashy purple/dark orange abomination
Just take your fucking pills and fuck off back to pol.
I only stated a simple fact. What is supposed to be funny about it?
>Name these novels with amazing writing.
I don't have to. You were asked first. You can't answer with answer and moving goalposts in discussion. You are so fucking dumb as expected from person who think japanese cartoons have good writing comparable with books.
Chinese bugman have no souls or imagination so all they can do is try to copy existing properties.
Unlike you, I am completely sane, and I am not the one who brought up this topic.
You are so fucking dumb as expected from a person who thinks anime is cartoons.
THIS! oh yeah i posted it aswell! we are the best.
no, you said dumb retarded thing. How they are not cartoons?
Summer-Colored High School Adolescent Record – A Summer At School On An Island Where I Contemplate How The First Day After I Transferred, I Ran Into A Childhood Friend And Was Forced To Join The Journalism Club Where While My Days As A Paparazzi Kid With Great Scoops Made Me Rather Popular Among The Girls, But Strangely My Camera Is Full Of Panty Shots, And Where My Candid Romance Is Going.
not an argument
Why do black seppo's think any character with a skin color other than alabaster is a west african nigger?
the elites want to stuff their pockets as quicky as possible while applying duct tape to problems to appear good, and as it turns out that tape is brown
How are they cartoons? Protip: nobody on Yea Forums has ever managed to argue that they are.
is it really?
Voice acting for foreigner characters are filled with Engrish, stereotyped as fuck and done by Japs because they're too racist to hire actual foreigners to voice them.
>still can't name good visual novels
>thinks anime are not cartoons
t. retarded weeb virgin
Holy shit
2 FPS. Physics tied to framerate in current year.
Now this is a title
>a film using animation techniques to photograph a sequence of drawings rather than real people or objects.
literally the definition
Japanese racism is mostly a myth.
>still can't name good novels
>thinks anime are cartoons
>thinks virgins and weebs are out to get him
t. retarded leftist fuckface
The women are actually hot
cartoon: a film using animation techniques to photograph a sequence of drawings rather than real people or objects.
Now answer the question.
That's the definition of animation, not cartoons. Try again.
Again, definition of animation.
>muh leftists
how's that 16th birthday? mom bought you that maga hat and pepe shirt you asked for?
>Japanese racism is mostly a myth
Says a literal racist who's scared of the "immigrants coming to replace him".
Every character has a unique hair color, because even they can't tell each other apart
It has cute girls.
It has good gameplay.
The pope is evil.
No gender/identity politics.
>move goalposts afer got btfo
>think anime are not shitty cartoons
>use leftist boogeyman because he's virgin
Actually more leftists watch your shitty cartoons, especially ugu vegan lesbians.
You are projecting your age onto me and I never said or implied anything about any MAGA hat or pepe shirt.
They ARE here to replace us, and it is 100% justified to not want to get replaced by foreigners. You cannot argue against this.
Anime characters are not white.
I swore there was an even longer title but I think this takes the cake. Bravo
user, I..
>move goalposts afer got btfo
Never happened.
>think anime are not shitty cartoons
You can't prove that they are.
>use leftist boogeyman because he's virgin
You are a leftist, and you can't prove that I'm a virgin nor can you argue why it would matter even if I was.
False definition. It's defining animation, not cartoons. Whoever created that entry was incompetent.
no, it's definition of cartoon you idiot. merriam-webster.com
what a retarded defeated weeb.
>animation is definition of animation
A shit story with retarded exposition that starts a thousand toodeep5you substories that are resolved by weird chink pseudo philosophy/mysticism. Bonus point for shitty pretentious shinto references.
See above.
>what a retarded defeated weeb.
I'm not retarded, I was never defeated, and you cannot do anything to demonstrate that I'm a weeb.
>animation is definition of animation
Show me where I said this.
You just moved the goal posts in this post with a no true scottsman falacy.
Nice troll had me going.
not them but shut the fuck up you fucking nerd
>Never happened.
you did. You were asked for good visual novels and moved goalposts instead of answer.
>You can't prove that they are.
You already got definion from multiple anons. You are making laughing stock of yourself now you leftist retarded virgin weeb.
Fanbase gets big mad over not seeing panties
Anime characters are mostly anglo, this isn't up for debate.
An character does that stupid looking Japanese bow.
you not being a virgin stops white genocide
weeb virgin status: BLOWN THE FUCK OUT.
>continuously argues for the great replacement myth
>doesn't understand why being a virgin might be a problem in that case
This is what severe retardation looks like
Shinto is Japan's native religion and no different from Western works referencing Christianity.
So you admit you were wrong and I am right.
Still wrong no matter how many sources you cite. Is this the only argument you have, then?
Still waiting for thos good novels of yours.
>You already got definion from multiple anons.
The wrong one.
>You are making laughing stock of yourself now you leftist retarded virgin weeb.
You are the leftist retard, you can't prove that I'm a virgin nor can you argue why it would matter even if I was, and you can't do anything to show that I'm a weeb. How embarrassing.
Anime characters are not white.
White genocide is the result of foreigners getting imported en masse to replace us.
you have to replace those foreigners sent to replace you
And he's right to be scared. Burgerstan has democrats championing open borders and free health care for illegal immigrants (but not actual citizens because fuck the people who legally live here). And now you have them trying to say we NEED illegal immigrants to do things like mowing our lawns. This country is fucked.
>defending anime so hard and think they have good writing
>not weeb
>say definition that explains what cartoons are somehow don't count
>not defeated retard.
post a good definition then
See It's not a myth.
>doesn't understand why being a virgin might be a problem in that case
Why would it be a problem?
>This is what severe retardation looks like
Yes, your posts certainly are retarded.
They should never have been brought here to begin with, and we shouldn't have to compete against them. You keep shifting blame.
>burger politicians make dumb choices
Stop the fucking presses
war is war buddy ;)
Anime characters are not white.
Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, Flintstones, Tom & Jerry, Betty Boop, Popeye... these are cartoons. They are not synonymous with all animation. They are a certain kind of animation. Nobody has ever proven that they are interchangeable with anime.
Works relying on retarded christian mythology are just as shit. See garbage like evangelion.
Just stop posting, you're doing it wrong.
i said definition, not examples
>Still waiting for thos good novels of yours.
Still waiting for your good visual novels. You were asked first.
>The wrong one.
It's taken from Cambridge dictionary, do you have any proof that they are wrong? Hahahaha what a retard.
Also, I already explained why you are weeb.
what about shit like kaiba or osamu tezuka's works
they are more similiar to cartoons, but people still argue they're anime
Evangelion is not a Western work.
You cannot explain why there would be anything wrong with replying to multiple posts at once.
If you don't know what those works I listed are like then why are you even trying to have this debate?
Still waiting for thos good novels of yours.
>It's taken from Cambridge dictionary
And it's wrong.
>Also, I already explained why you are weeb.
No you didn't.
Anime characters are not white.
no woke factors
>asked for definition
>post examples instead of definition
Hahahaha what a funny retard, more people are laugh at you now.
i said definition shithead
>You cannot explain why there would be anything wrong with replying to multiple posts at once.
lurk more
Neither of those are cartoons.
If you don't know what those works I listed are like then why are you even trying to have this debate, retard? More people are laughing at you now.
Refer to
Exactly my point, its jap garbage relying on christian mythology and shows the same traits I criticized in shinto references.
>It's taken from Cambridge dictionary
>And it's wrong.
but they have a cartoonish style, if you don't provide a definition i will keep arguing they are cartoons because they're more similiar to western cartoons than to anime
See I have been here for many, many years and never have I seen anyone explain or explain convincingly why there would be anything wrong with replying to multiple posts at once.
Anime characters are not white.
Evangelion is not a Western work.
Main character is autistic as fuck
>2-3 threads a month
Do you have any proof that people at Cambridge are wrong and you are right?
Yes, it's wrong. Do you think literally anything a dictionary writes must be right? Well then I guess feminism is now a political movement for equality. The dictionary said so...
Kaiba doesn't look like a cartoon and only Tezuka's character designs were cartoon-based. Whether or not something is a cartoon is not dependent exclusively on character design.
it does though
they are wrong too. I'm right.
Cartoons are a certain kind of animation, and Cambridge defined animation and falsely or erroneously claimed it was the definition of a cartoon. It's equivalent to defining a motorbike by describing motor vehicles.
Anime characters are not white.
It doesn't.
sorry, but you're wrong
>I am going to just outright state my stupid opinion with no argument and then double, triple, and quadruple down when called out, going against every provided piece of evidence
>Do you think literally anything a dictionary writes must be right?
Yes, it's based on people who created language.
>I guess feminism is now a political movement for equality
Originally it was.
Post your definition of cartoon. We are waiting.
what kind of animation is a cartoon, try explaining this without naming a single cartoon or anime
I am not wrong.
Anime characters are not white.
Refer to
>Cartoons are a certain kind of animation
what type of animation? Source?
>Cambridge defined animation and falsely or erroneously claimed it was the definition of a cartoon.
Source retard.
neither am i
Source: dude trust me
You didn't provide any evidence.
Yes, it's based on people who created language.
Dictionaries don't create language.
>Originally it was.
Gay originally meant happy, but the dictionary doesn't define it by its original/old meaning.
Look at the animations I listed.
Anime characters are not white.
I already answered this.
>Source retard.
Cambridge dictionary, retard.
Transformers, Lion King, Cindirella.
i am blind, you must define it to me
Anime characters are not white.
You still haven't done anything to dispute the Cambridge dictionary, a source that is a thousand times more valid than your stupid opinion.
Either provide a contrary source or shut the fuck up.
>Dictionaries don't create language.
I never said that you idiot.
>I already answered this.
Where? You posted examples not defintion.
>Cambridge dictionary, retard.
Cambridge dictionary proves you are wrong. Glad we finally agree.
idk, dictionaries are pretty good at listing archaisms
The dictionary is defining animation, not cartoons. Cartoons are a specific kind of animation. We already went over this.
Anime characters are not white.
>I never said that you idiot.
You said:
>Yes, it's based on people who created language.
>Cambridge dictionary proves you are wrong.
You asked me for the source for this:
>Cambridge defined animation and falsely or erroneously claimed it was the definition of a cartoon.
And obviously Cambridge dictionary is the source. How does this mean that I agree with you?
What is your point?
Anime characters are not white.
the fact that dictionaries still define it by its old meaning
Refer to
No they do not. The meaning has changed and so has the dictionary definition.
Anime characters are not white.
No, it's specifically defining cartoons. Even has the older definitions that refer to political caricatures in newspapers. We've been over this.
what kind of animation
what distinguishes a cartoon from an anime?
One of the main characters has amnesia.
>Yes, it's based on people who created language.
Which is completely different from "it creates language". You are really dumb mate.
>You asked me for the source for this:
I asked you for source of cartoon definition (not examples) you idiot. Learn basic english before talking with people.
>recurring b8 thread for 1000th time
>file deleted
>thread still up
the definition of it being happy is still there
It says its defining cartoons but it's actually defining animation.
Practically everything distinguishes a cartoon from an anime as they have very little in common.
It's the differenc between "people who create dictionaries create langugage" and "dictionaries themselves create language." I.e. there's no difference at all since dictionaries can only be made by people.
>I asked you for source of cartoon definition (not examples) you idiot.
That's not what you asked. Learn basic English.
Anime characters are not white.
if there are so many examples then pick one
just one
Pick an example of what?
Anime characters are not white.
>It says its defining cartoons but it's actually defining animation
Source: dude trust me
Or will you finally post a contrary source instead of just saying "it's wrong and I'm right"?
>The dictionary is defining animation
Pretty sure it's written "cartoons" above.
"animation is a film using animation" I just can't stop laughing at you.
an example of a difference between anime and cartoon
Your dad, unsatisfied with mortal women, fucks an angel/demon/beast and you inherit their powers.
Refer to
The line of never forgiving in Japanese has a lot of weight though, since saying that you can’t forgive someone essentially means you must kill them.
>That's not what you asked
yeah, pretty sure you know better what I asked.
Will you finally post definition of cartoon with source or keep making laughing stock of yourself more?
Based dad
The definition is describing animation. That's just what it's doing. Therefore it's definining animation.
It's defining animation, not cartoons, regardless of what it claims to be doing.
>"animation is a film using animation"
Again, show me where this was said.
Character design. Animation. Backgrounds. Sound design. Storyboarding. Direction. Music. Writing. It's everything.
Anime characters are not white.
You are the laughing stock here.
>Character design. Animation. Backgrounds. Sound design. Storyboarding. Direction. Music. Writing
what about them, in what way are they different, those things can differ heavily even between different anime
Anime characters are not white.
If you had actually seen cartoons and anime then it'd be obvious how different they are, but you haven't seen them so why are you trying to have this debate?