What's the most Zoomer game and why is it classic wow?

What's the most Zoomer game and why is it classic wow?

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how is it zoomer, zoomers barely have the attention span to read a single quest description

do you understand what zoomer means?

can you please shut the fuck up about this asmongold holy shit you boomers are pathetic
this is the saddest display of internet celebrity cult that I have ever seen in here

Rent. Free.

stop making me think about this guy daily please

People under the age of 28 are fucking insufferable

shut up zoomer

ITT: Zoomers mad

I know exactly what Zoomer means and the only people you see shilling classic are zoomers who are only excited because their streamer told them to be. It's not going to be anything like Vanilla wow was changes or not. When will you home fags accept that

Most of the people playing Classic will be 25+