What's the most Zoomer game and why is it classic wow?
What's the most Zoomer game and why is it classic wow?
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how is it zoomer, zoomers barely have the attention span to read a single quest description
do you understand what zoomer means?
can you please shut the fuck up about this asmongold holy shit you boomers are pathetic
this is the saddest display of internet celebrity cult that I have ever seen in here
Rent. Free.
stop making me think about this guy daily please
People under the age of 28 are fucking insufferable
shut up zoomer
ITT: Zoomers mad
I know exactly what Zoomer means and the only people you see shilling classic are zoomers who are only excited because their streamer told them to be. It's not going to be anything like Vanilla wow was changes or not. When will you home fags accept that
Most of the people playing Classic will be 25+
I'm a zoomer and I'm excited for Classic WoW but mostly because that's what I grew up playing with my dad.
Maybe on private servers but BlizzClassic is gonna be the Zoomer Zone baby
>itt: men with less than two hundred strands of hair left on their head still alone without a wife or children concerned about video games from his time
Chill nigger
Lmao, I wish
Everyone I know who's returning for Classic is 22+
Wish granted
In your circle sure but the broader demographic is mostly Zoomer streamer fans
Do people actually change their behaviour or opinions based on teenager Yea Forumsermin screeching?
They tried but the LFG tool addon they made is getting destroyed
Why did the huge /r/wowclassic poll show
Probably, there are many sheep in this world who will just copy others to have a sense of beloning.
Doing this on Yea Forums of all places is just beyond pathetic however, because not only is this place (mostly) anonymous, you are also trying to gain approval of people on 4channel which are the scum of society.
I'm so fucking tired of wojak variants. Can't you guys use something else beside that and pepe?
Who's looking forward to the 7 hour login queues?
Because people lie about their age and a reddit poll means nothing. Mark my words Classic will not be the boomer paradise you homefags like to think it is. Wow was never that good why cant you accept that
The 1.8% of kids playing Classic live rent free in the minds of retailfags.
he's right you know
Do people still not realise that there's a streamer containment server and anyone talking about streamers on other servers is gonna get told to fuck off there?
Hello kind Anons give me a good horde speed leveling guide thank you
Dude how would you know???? We're going home
Just play the game
zoomers aren't actually going to play WoW, they'll think it's the most boring fucking game in the world and go back to auto chess
I don't disagree, but also disagree.
Asmongold has said a lot about this and it's the number one reason he enjoys streaming WoW over games like Dark Souls and why he doesn't like streaming raids or pvp. He considers WoW a good game to stream because of how little action there is and how little he needs to pay attention and it allows him to interact with chat instead, go off on rants or watch videos on Youtube instead. Basically he considers his stream a radio show that just happens to have WoW in the background.
And I know, half of the people here hate him, I get it. He's still the most popular WoW streamer so it's worth bringing up when we're talking about how interesting WoW is to stream.
It's going to be up to the streamer to make that 5 hour queue interesting.
Also this is a big difference between nu-WoW and old WoW content in that all the videos of vanilla WoW were highly edited clips taken from hundreds of hours of gameplay. A video would take a good amount of time to produce. Now it's just endless hours of raw streams and compilation channels on Youtube that make highlight clips. Times change.
That's a lot of assumptions there pardner.
Are you autistic by any chance?
Use Joanas and make sure to give him lots of money.
No, because I don't play wow
I turned 32 a week ago and will be playing classic.
Speed leveling? What for? That's not what classic is all about. Classic is all about taking it in and enjoying it. Speed leveling and guides and all that shit is what ruin the fun. Back when most people started back in 2004 and 2005 they didn't know what they were doing which added the the mystery and the excitement. Who are you racing to level up? Just chill out bro.
Seething zoomer mad he'll never get the feeling, fuck off back to your dota trash you projecting little shitter
>twitch streamers
zoom zoom zooooom
>zoomer doesnt realize what vanilla starts at level 1 and not max level like bfa
Boomers are so bad that gifs they can't even draw the dance properly
I know this is just a WoW bait thread.
But there is literally no game more zoomer than Fortnite.
Who here elite Asmongold gank squad members?
>implying you need to read quests in wow
there's already 100s quest addons and guides m8, what cave are you from
Go in blind and take your time
Did he ever get the Prot Pally appearance here, aka the easiest tank Mage Tower?
He's scared because he's a retailfag who doesn't want to lose his mogs and cheevos
it gets replies and the mentally ill do love their attention
ecelebs deserve their own board already but hiromoot is a cunt who will never make it happen
Ok you can play casually if you want and ERP and fish in between quests but that's not how I want to play
Joana's is a leveling guide, not a speed leveling guide
He got them all.
the game where a hoverboarding Demogorgon from Stranger Thing(tm) rocket launchers a giant bananaman and a werewolf with a boogie bomb forcing them to do a Carlton and Dab before a Pirate ghost kills them both piloting his giant Mech right as the infinity gauntlet spawns so that he can become Thanos but has to race John Wick to it who using a bunch of balloons and plunger grappling hook for maximum mobility.
A game that plays out like a literal ADHD childs autistic daydream and takes the time to remind you that video games are supposed to be nonsensical and fun
Post bp and I'll give you Joana's updated guide.
What the fuck is up with this guy's face
His eyes are way too big
He has bucked teeth
His facial hairs look glued and fake
The shape of his face looks abnormally slim, like an alien
Shouldn't you be farming gold to give to your favorite streamer zoomie?
First time you've seen a bad looking person?
Holy shit Cuckonic
His teeth are bad because he grew up in poverty and he ate shit and didn't take care of them or get proper dentistry. It bothers him but it's too late to fix it now without major surgery.
I can't tell you why his other features are how they are, that's just what he looks like.
He's growing his facial hair because he's already going bald in his 20s and is unsure about how to handle it.
I remember racing down the tube of a toilet on the back of a rocket while it played soundbytes from various famous movies and proto-memes on UT99.
all the content anti zoomer shit is just mentally ill boomers desperately trying to fit in with the rest of their generation
the real shit is the corporate buttfucking we're all getting right now
>expecting memes to make sense or be consistent
All these "DUDE Z/B/OOMERS BE LIKE" posts are just some fat guy that hates his life trying to make you as miserable as he is
that challenge was fucking hard though, on my guardian drood i got really mad at how much i failed it. it was some of the most challenging content ive done
He just looks British.
>he grew up in poverty and he ate shit and didn't take care of them or get proper dentistry
he literally looks like me irl, I look like a clone of this guy and can confirm it's all this, even my general gaunt face is probably from the pressure of growing up with scarcity all around me. I was too dumb to stop and think to brush my teeth because I was never taught until it suddenly popped into my mind that I didn't look like other people and looked like a walking husk, just suddenly, at around age 19.
thats how it be
>Zoomers still playing after LFG addons got fucked
Ohnononono, how will retail fags recover?
He's Texan.
PUSSY, PUSSY, PUSSY! All pussy must go! At the Lion's Pride in we're slashing pussy in half! This is a pussy blow out! Make us an offer on our vast selection of pussy!
We got Human pussy, Night elf pussy, Gnome pussy, Dwarf pussy, Panda pussy, Horse pussy, Void elf pussy, Dark Iron pussy, Fel pussy!
If we don't have it, you don't want it!
asmondhold reacts :DDD epic wtf how did he do that!? :OOOOO
>This is a pussy blow out!
>Selling damaged goods.
>asmongold gets to fuck this piece of ass every night
It’s not fair bros. I’ve been subbed to her since day 1
who hurt you
Yea its totally legit and not because he's a huge streamer
yikes, this right here folks
oh no, how do i break this to you little boy, could you get your handler maybe?
>wanting to deal with used goods
>OH MY GOD DUDE!! A game I used to play as a teenager which was the primary reason why I failed my social life, school and puberty!! I can't wait to play it again and overall achieve absolutely nothing
>mfw I never played WoW before Legion because I was too busy playing FFXI
Seething assmon fan
whats honestly your attraction to blown out roasties? i completely get that she's physically attractive but how do you not see what a horrid type of person this is, how are you attracted to this?
I have a couple of coworkers excited for Classic WoW. They're 37 and 45. My 13 year old zoomer nephew doesn't really know much about Wow, all he cares about is Fortnite.
what the fuck is this phone handle meme i keep seeing it and still can't understand why do people use them
I hope he can deal with it well when she eventually dumps him for an actual chad. I'm still jealous tho
iCucks can't change filenames
Because its zoomers pretending to be boomers. The game itself mirrors this by pretending to be old wow, but is swamped with shit like layering, removal of lfg, and streamer culture.
Op is correct.
i don't mean the filename
i mean the thing on her phone
I dont even play the game but I think the absolute off the walls stupidity of Fortnite and the design philosophy of just focusing on "fun" mechanics making it feel like this lucid combination of GMOD,Minecraft,Worms and the Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny.
like how far does your head have to be up your own ass to hate something like that? compared to most modern tacticool shooter 5 the industry is brimming with its actually a fresh take yet 90% of Yea Forums here will despise purely because of its popularity.
women have poor motor control and spatial reasoning skills, they need something to help hold their phones so they don't keep dropping it.
>why is it classic wow?
>Blizzard banned LFG addon
Yes why?
Fortnite is quick and ski oriented.
WoW is a bone chilling slow burn shitfest that requires 0 skill at all.
>removal of lfg
i thought the whole meme was that lfg was zoomer shit and ruined the culture? i dont play wow
>I failed my social life, school and puberty
stop projecting
Lazy cash grab game designed to appeal to the lowest common denominator.
I'm just mad that the discord server I was in for one specific game, some time later about half of them started play shitnite and ignoring the original game we were all playing. And then they post memes about it and discuss it and I don't understand or like any of it, and I occasionally get irritated when they try to invite me to play it like I haven't told them that I refuse to play any battle royale style game.
You're right, people lie about their age. Which is why I don't believe your lies about zoomers playing this.
Way to shoot yourself in the foot.
God I wish I was asmongold
Caked in makeup with bloated fake lips
Clear gold digger as well.
You never say that, not even as a joke.
Holy shit, every time I see his face I cringe. How the fuck can people unironically watch his retarded face?
They're fake dating for the clout
i can honestly say i do not
Gamer dads are fucking based
>World of Warcraft Classic is zoomer repellent
>gets lots of flak on Yea Forums
Yea Forums confirmed for zoomie hidie hole.
They will be the retards that play 3 hours a day 4 times a week.
All the Zoomers are going to be playing 12 hours a day 7 days a week and literally blitzing you. The game is going to feel like zoomer central (and that’s a good thing)
even after doing literally everything she can to make herself look good, she's a 6/10 at best. Not to mention the obvious gold digging
This. This place was never good but keeps getting worse. Infested with zoomers and shit taste.
>implying zoomies browse r*ddit and not just YouTube and twitch
who are you quoting
Hot take
I don't mind most streamers because they don't remotely affect my playing experience.
god i fucking hate bimbo lips holy shit
WoW was just Runescape for s-yboys anyway
am i the only one who thinks she is ugly?
and no, im not a fag
There is nothing worse to happen to modern gaming than streamers.
Surely you meant that Runescape was WoW for poor people
Not even a zoomer but fuck, your post is cringe.
newfag haha
I wanted to give Classic it a try for fun but I completely forgot how long it took to reach max level.
thats the best part. classic endgame is braindead raids or shit pvp. its the journey, not the race thats good
WoW is a boomer game, shut up.
This guy played WoW back in the day and will play Classic WoW.
Asmongold, the streamer in OP's pic, will go back to retail before the end of the year (I give him a month).
The problem is that i did that journey several times and i don't feel like doing it ever again.
>vanilla PvP
It was much better before arenafags ruined it.
>muh journey
nah dude it'll be a fucking collective speedrun
Zoomer zoomer zoomer zoomer zoomer zoomer zoomer zoomer zoomer zoomer wordfilter when?
click and points are for dumb boomers who don't know how to use a controller
fuck wow classic and fuck boomers
it's modern warfare's time back in the spotlight
this emote made him 100,000 since he implemented it.
Yea Forums is literally making money for him
Same here on demon hunter, never had to time the interrupts i had so precisely on tank spec.
Best content they ever put in though, felt souls like
Same for me.
you're mistaking zoomers for orbiters. Please try being born with a brain in the next life thanks.
>do you understand what zoomer means?
Nobody does because it doesn't mean anything.
What's the most boomer PST server
Because WoW classic was considered babby's first MMO when it came out. And its playerbase was mostly children who never experienced golden age mmos to begin with. So it has a skewed greatness created by tots that didn't know any better.
I started with wow ~1week before patch 2.0 and leveling was overall more a chore than an adventure.
>All these seething trannyfreaks, kikes, retail retards and other animals
Reminder there is only 3 kinds of subhumans who hate the white man's game, WoW Classic AKA WoW Vanilla AKA Pure white pride world wide.
>XIV Trannyfreaks
After removing their cocks and worshipping israel and the jewish menace by shooting he-she hormones until their brain rots, they fear classic as it will exterminate their faggot "game" (ERP and dress up simulator)
>Retail trannies
After removing their cocks and worshipping israel and the jewish menace by shooting he-she hormones until their brain rots, they fear classic as it will exterminate their faggot "game" (ERP and dress up simulator), these also fear that once they play classic they'll give up on their degenerate ways and become part of the holy judenjager.
>The juden untermensch
The kike HATES the white race and hates everything the white race loves, wow classic is the new hitler youth, every player and "zoomer" who plays it will be filled with white pride and ready to hunt and kill the juden.
So which kind of söy guzzling subhuman are you?
Great argument.
Even dolled up she's very average compared to average vegas chick.
For those saying gold digger you should know ghe gets almost as much networth from her instagram alone. Considering that Asmongold is skinny and doesn't give a shit about his appearance I'd say he has an average to huge dick.
The fact that so many people in their 30’s are going to playing WoW classic is a real harsh commentary on the stage of masculinity in 2019.
Dude, I thought so too.
But look up "RichTurpin" in WoW Classic.
His mission is to make streamer's lives miserable.
Aaaaaannnndd.... /thread
this, there are men unironically asking for the week off just so they can spend more time playing
its fucking depressing
zoomers literally don't play ANYTHING else but fortnite and occasionally minecraft, especially not a fucking MMO you dumb fucks
go on WoW right now and find me a single person on your server that's under 18. I fucking dare you.
What makes you think she doesn’t want more money?
Umm, i doubt ANY so called "zoomers" will play WoW Classic. Do you even understand the meaning behind this shitty modern memes?
It really is indefensible.
post yours with timestamp
Based kamerad
I hate asmogold's fucking face and lazy content. Fuck him
Pretty sure you asmon haters are just jealous he'll be making another half a million dollars this year playing the game.
Before you ask yes I'm subscribed with Prime.
>people talking about FF14 as if it's at all relevant
I haven't even seen people talking about it in years. Are they coming out with a classic server, too or something?
Easily the most cringe but also the most based line I've ever heard in a movie
Classic trannys have been s.oy facing for nearly an entire year
I give it less than a year before some NFL dude slides in her dms. I'm sure they get along fine for a fraud relationship but she's too young to know what she wants and when she starts getting dick offers from rich guys who have muscles and aren't long in the tooth at 27 she won't look back
>Classic trannys
You like to throw around the word "tranny" without knowing what it even means. Retailfags are the trannies.
He's 14 and just found /pol/, he saw someone say "discord tranny" and thought it was the funniest shit ever
I don't know, why don't you go back and ask, stay there while you're at it too
Isn't it a bit hypocritical of him to love the TCG mounts so much but hate the in game store mounts that are a fraction of the price?
fucking dabbed on you word filter dodging faggot
Mods are really good at enforcing that one rule in particular for some reason.
have sex
Speed leveling classic is a retarded idea. There is no end game content, just play the game lil zoom
Her face is utterly repulsive though.
Just kill beasts in your level range, grinding is faster without intimate knowledge of quest routes.
>a balding boomer made this image
They don't filter all the ways to dodge it, but instead have an alarm notification go off if any of them appear so they can savor banning the filter dodgers.
you can obtain the tcg mounts yourself without spending any real money
I assume he means buying them ingame with gold, there are usually some on high pop realms' auction houses
How far past strawman can you go before it's just absurd?
>more Zoomer
I mean if WoW is Zoomer then what is FFXIV given its essentially a clone that spawned off it for its "reboot", a shit game copying another shit game.
rent free
>are zoomers who are only excited because their streamer told them to be
just found out I'm a zoomer at 29, cool. also I never watch streamers.
But both games are shit user. So if WoW is Zoomer what is XIV given its a clone?
The majority of those are seasonal events or fan fest rewards that have been readded to the shop after they were attainable for free and some even go back to being attainable in game again. Things like paint can be bought in game. The reason that people don't complain about the cash shop in FFXIV is because the game doesn't lock away real rewards behind the cash shop. Asmongold went over it fairly well.
He was right in this. The WoW store mounts are a blight on the game because they remove development time away from attainable in game rewards. The most detailed mounts are regulated behind the cash shop while the in game rewards consist of lazy reskins that are easy to get. There is no prestige to getting the majority of them and the majority of them them aren't unique. If the cash shop mounts were put in as unique rewards for playing the game it would be far healthier and would incentivize people to actually play the game. That isn't a problem in FFXIV. Yes, the SDS Fenrir can now only be gotten from the cash shop (it was a fan fest reward, like a mount you could get from buying Blizzcon ticket, originally). But its not like unique mounts aren't being added to the game all the time that are difficult to get. Very few people made it to the end of Eureka and got the Ozma mount and basically anyone who starts playing today will never, ever get it without a shit ton of work and coordination. The recently added Bed mount is unique and requires time spent farming treasure maps to get. The only reskins are the mounts that drop from trials and even then, they aren't actually easy to get and require a lot of time and luck and a base line amount of skill in order to get.
Basically, FFXIV, despite having a much larger cash shop manages to avoid the problems with WoW's cash shop simply by being a better game.
>blah blah blah blah blah blah south of Razor Tusk Village blah blah blah blah blah Centaur Raiders
There. I just gave an accurate experience of reading a WoW quest description
>ignoring that 21.3% slice of zoomers
18+1 day doesn't count hahaha
somehow this feels like an improvement.
>Three pre-release month-in-advance subscriptions for me, my wife, and my wife's son for the Activision-Blizzard owned, genre-redefining, layering and sharding-oriented on-rails progression based atmospheric slow-grind MMORPG with classes designed to strictly adhere to the "MMO Holy Trinity" as to not confuse the players with too many abilities, please. We have to reserve our names!
>Yes, I'd like to donate the change to Asmongold.
i hate wow but i hate pepes and wojaks even more. rangeban for wojakposting wheb
>i hate wow but i hate pepes and wojaks even more. rangeban for wojakposting wheb
>holy trinity bad
>Holy trinity good
>1 button rotations good
>Intentionally making any class that can fulfill more than 1 roll bad at everything except healing good
Makes you ponder how certain things are selectively enforced but not others.
I missed it, was it sperm cranium?