So when does this game start playing more like a game and less like dogshit?
So when does this game start playing more like a game and less like dogshit?
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Never really. The only good thing about it is the soundtrack. If you enjoy worst combat system in history of mankind and wikipedia like dialogues where every NPC has exactly same wall of text to tell you then this is the game for you.
Play Gothic instead senpai if you want actual good RPG
>wikipedia like dialogues
actually this is why I did buy it, for novel length dialogue and lore. I wanted something like planescape in the Elder scrolls universe.
I am up to pic related, which is second quest, going across a bridge to some dwarf ruin and this buy smashes me everytime. I am a mage and my fire spell does literally fuck all.
I don't even know if it is connecting. Just get some twinkly animation around me?
>actually this is why I did buy it, for novel length dialogue and lore
I don't have the problem with the length of the dialogues. The problem is it's all copy and paste. Every dialogue is the same.
zoom zoom
I wouldn't know, I'm literally on the second quest so I haven't seen any duplicates yet. The combat is easily the worst I have ever experienced. Is there a preferred class to play as for not getting shit on by enemies?
Nigger I'm 31
Your starting Fire Bite spell is fire damage on touch. It's a melee range spell.
>It's a melee range spell
>melee range
I tried going for a dagger route but he's to handy with those lightning spells.
28 here nigger, played plenty of older titles, this is among the worst for combat.
Keep your Stamina high, lower stamina = lower accuracy.
melee combat is, in basic terms, hand to hand combat. Melee range is within range to hit someone with a weapon in hand such as a hammer or axe.
When you actually learn how to build a character.
what's the problem? Melee is a range, it's just a range of zero.
When you stop thinking fucking FPS RPGLite bullshit like Skyrimjob is good.
>frogposter is a total retard
wow what a surprise
Shadows in openmw when?
>when you actually learn how to exploit and break the game so you character can jump continents and levitate and kill everything just by looking at it
Great game
>break the game so you character can jump continents and levitate and kill everything just by looking at it
and why is this bad
You fucking nigger gothic 1 and 2 came out in 2001 and 2002 and these games have better combat system than your shitty morowind.
>Keep your Stamina high, lower stamina = lower accuracy.
oh brilliant, I've been running everywhere, so my stamina is fucking zero. What bullshit.
>When you actually learn how to build a character.
and what build would that be? I rolled a mage and it is summarily shit.
I haven't I am a high INT mage
Because RPG games are about exploration so why would you want to break the game by jumping like a hulk? Only retards try to do this.
what exploration is there in morrowind besides towns? everything looks the same
>so why would you
Because he wants to.
Just as you are free to not.
Rolling any other class than redguard warrior with 2h sword is a suicide. Mages suck.
So install mods.
>t. Jamal the 87IQ American genius
Literally everything in the game is not only viable but fucking OP as fuck.
like what
Honestly I think I would have a vastly different opinion of the game if I didn't get the Blinding Boots of speed and managed to put them on without the Blinding curse. 100 of Speed is when you get a comfortable speed in this game, add to it a 100 jump 1 second spell and you have finally some freedom, without these going around Vivec is a chore and exploring is highly discouraged since going down a path is a huge time commitment.
what the fuck do I even believe anymore? There is so much fighting over this game and whether it is or isn't shit.
Of course everything will be good in the game which has progression system. Even the worst build will be op when you reach 100 level in every skill.
The entire world is hand crafted and there are dungeons everywhere. There's plenty of things to explore.
>hand crafted
Yeah, every dungeon is copy paste but with different enemies. Bethesda do this in their every game. Skyrim is the biggest copy paste shit ever created.
yeah i know man
wow killing draugr sure is fun
even in the fucking bards college you have to go kill draugr
like fucking what
>bards college
Think that's the mage's college but yeah you are right.
no i specifically remember in the bards college they had you go in a cave to kill draugr to retrieve some text or a flute or something
pretty sure that was the thieve's guild
Actually there's a quest where you have to find Rjorn's Drum and you go to Halldir's Cairn where there are draugs so yeah, draugs everywhere. Every skyrim quest is about going to a fucking cave and finding something or killing someone.
Playing the game without any guidance (wikis, walkthroughs, etc) and not trying to play the game just to say you beat it. Morrowind is a game you explore and take your time with. If you find combat is annoying, as it always is at the very start, do some experimentation. A bow is always an easy bandaid but you could test a bunch of weapons (I always liked the dai katanas) or spells. The most important thing with that game is just not getting in a rush. It's a relaxed game. Find a spot on the map you haven't been and start walking.
>Is there a preferred class to play as for not getting shit on by enemies?
Just about any build or playstyle is viable in Morrowind but if you're looking for the most ez-mode build (aside from abusing exploits) it would be a redguard or imperial with the Warrior birthsign, combat specialization, and long blade and any armor type as a major skill. There's little to no planning or resource management required with a build like that; just grab a long blade and armor of the appropriate weight from the first shop and you're basically already an expert fighter. Attribute priority for that build would be Endurance > Agility = Strength > Speed > Luck.
Redguards have the edge in combat due to having 5 higher sword skill and a strong racial power, but Imperials will make money quicker and have an easier time in any quests where disposition or persuasion helps.
Conjured weapons do damage on par with Daedric and give bonuses to their corresponding weapon skills, so maybe throw Conjuration in there too.
Playing this type of character is braindead simple and it'll be right at home in the Imperial Legion, Fighters Guild, and house Redoran.
Mages do just fine in Morrowind if you know how to play them, but they have a learning curve compared to warriors.
Some tips for playing a mage:
1. Use the spell maker. You want to make low cost spells that you can cast reliably. Expensive spells with a chance of failure aren't worth the trouble until much later when your skill is high enough to negate that chance.
2. Fire and Frost are the most efficient damage elements. Shock costs more and Magic (i.e. Damage Health) costs even more still, but they are resisted by fewer enemy types to make up for it.
3. Dark Elves are the most abundant race, and they are nearly immune to fire. Use Frost on them.
4. Nords are immune to Frost and resistant to Shock. Use Fire on them.
5. Bretons resist Magic, but not any of the elements damage. Use Frost or Fire on them.
6. High Elves have several weaknesses. Use Fire on them.
7. Spells that spread out their effect over time (e.g. 6 damage for 10 seconds) are cheaper and easier to cast than the same amount all at once (e.g. 60 damage for 1 second)
8. "Drain Health" is a unique effect compared to other damaging spells. It's even cheaper than Fire and Frost, but its damage is temporary. The entire magnitude is applied all at once, and when the duration is up the victim's health is restored by that same amount. Of course if it kills them then they won't get restored. This is the ideal spell to finish off an enemy with due to its low cost: make a Drain Health spell with a high magnitude and minimum duration to use as a kill move. This is "Magic" element so Bretons will take half damage and High Elves will take 150% damage.
9. Spells with multiple effects apply them sequentially. You can make a spell with Weakness to X followed by X damage and the damage will be amplified by the weakness.
10. There's no limit on summons. For example you can make two spells that each summon a Ghost, Skeleton, and Scamp for 20 seconds and cast them both to quickly gain six minions.
there's some skele bois under the mage's college midden for sure, and outside the thieves guild where oyu meet esbern too.
you are right, they are everywhere. I much prefer Skyrim's overground areas and castles.
fair enough, maybe I will leve the main quest for a while and explore and find a playstyle I like. So far though, mage is not to my liking. Maybe I'll roll a Rednigger Warrior.
I've never played a magic character in Morrowind and this post kinda makes me want to.
>Warrior birthsign, combat specialization, and long blade and any armor type as a major skill
Do you think custom builds are better than pre-build? I just picked Dunmer Mage from the character builder, with a mage birthsign.
>Attribute priority for that build would be Endurance > Agility = Strength > Speed > Luck.
Precisely the info I am looking for, cheers user.
>Do you think custom builds are better than pre-build?
The preset classes are absolute garbage, many have multiple weapon and armor skills which simply aren't necessary.
It's easy mode in an easy game.
Nice one, thanks mate. Sounds a lot for a first build though so maybe I will roll a Abdullah MuhDik as per suggestion and then roll a mage from your post when I have got my sea legs.
Custom builds are always better. All the prebuilt classes can be recreated as a custom class. There's nothing special about them besides the fact that the devs put them together. Most or all of them are suboptimal in one way or another.
Suboptimal isn't BAD per se since all you really need to define a playstyle in Morrowind is two or three skills, while a class consists of 10 skills, but fine tuning your class and alginging your specialization/majors/race/birthsign to support your desired playstyle is going to result in a much stronger character out of the gate than any of the premades.
For mages, your maximum magicka is a big limiting factor. If you are a Breton or High Elf then you can get away with the Mage birthsign due to their natural bonuses, but any other race including Dunmer will want Apprentice at least, or even Atronach which comes with an extremely powerful spell absorption effect, but isn't very fun for a first time player since not being able to naturally regenerate magicka can be a chore while you're still figuring everything out.
ok cool, thanks mate
really doesn't sound fucking easy, sounds like you really need to know your stuff regards which elements to spec in and which enemy types need different elements and how to craft custom spells.
This game is all about using your imagination. If you're not that autistic then this game is not for you. Try Oblivion/Skyrim instead
As long as you aren't a drooling retard you will be death incarnate in short order.
>not being able to naturally regenerate magicka can be a chore while you're still figuring everything out.
this is my experience so far, dunmer mage and I am out in a few seconds of combat.
Oblivion is the most underdeveloped of the big three though. there is nothing particular that it excels at to make it a good game.
well maybe once you know the game well, but I didn't even know how to switch POV until I got through 2 hours of the game.
I can be when I fancy it but I am also not going to persevere on an experienced class for dozens of hours just so that I can say I did. I'll get to grips with it first. I can always start a new character later.
Sure, that's a good way to get your feet wet. Morrowind has a lot of items with "Cast on use" enchantments that you'll find while you adventure that let you cast various spells from them without being a mage, so you can get the best of both worlds. They also replenish their charge automatically without even needing to rest/wait. You can use souls to restore them faster but you don't need to.
Not really a spoiler at all but just in case you're the type to want to find everything on your own: one place you can buy the Bound Longsword spell is from the Breton girl in the basement of the Balmora Mages Guild.
Like any game you have to get used to it. The world won't present much of a challenge in fairly short order so all this meta gaming is unnecessary.
One tip though if you go melee don't use a shield it is useless in this game. You will still faceroll enemies but using a shield is a waste.
>So when does this game start playing more like a game and less like dogshit?
when your IQ goes up
cool thanks m8
>t. snob neckbeard
I can get why people think Morrowind is horrible, I however love it.
buy/make stamina potions, they're essential in lower levels. Alchemy and spellmaking are important and if you know what you're doing you can easily be a god-tier mage
well I am gonna go down the route of a warrior for now until I get my sea legs, but I will bear that in mind, cheers.
>I've been running everywhere, so my stamina is fucking zero. What bullshit.
>I rolled a mage and it is summarily shit.
Your beyond help. I'm surprised you were even capable of getting this far. You're just incurably dumb and ignorant, my dude.
just wanna say I like your mentality user
it suits morrowind well since its a game meant to be played with multiple characters
I originally went with a fighter type, then I replayed with a mage, and finally again with a thief/diplomat type.
each character benefitted from stuff I learned playing the previous one, and as a result I had more fun each replay
good luck I hope your experience mirrors mine, if not then oh well no need to force yourself, not liking morrowind doesn't make you a retard. it has its flaws for sure.
>Is there a preferred class to play as for not getting shit on by enemies?
The one with a brain usually works.
They are in the nightly builds.
>Lacking education or knowledge.
I can't play the game well if I have never played it before, now, can I?
Also, what game doesn't let you move across the map with some speed? The walk speed is joke.
cheers user, I shall embark better equipped this time.
Wrong, there are plenty RPGs with unviable skills. You don’t even have to look to another franchise to find them, just look at Magic skills in Skyrim
>Magic skills in Skyrim
I played a fair bit of skyrim on a warrior build so I am not sure what you mean here. Magic in skyrim is pretty effective.
>Magic in skyrim is pretty effective
Until you get to a high enough level and you're fucked because lol no spellcrafting
probably level 20
I find it really difficult to believe that I, as a 9 year old ESL, had no issues whatsoever playing the game and understanding the mechanics even though I had no clue what half the words meant, yet some people can’t understand the basic mechanics as adults.
Dodge his lightning and skeletons until he runs out of Mana.
git gud noob
I'm 29 and cant stand morrowwind.
It's called undiagnosed autism user.
Also, I actually was much more friendly with these kinds of games when I was younger and replaying old favorites actually irritates me now. I am convinced children have a weird and uncanny ability to concentrate on these classic rpgs better than jaded 30 year old boomers like me.
I'll give that a go, cheers user.
It doesn't.It is a bad game mechanics wise.
Touch = must be within arms reach
Target = pretty much any range
Should be able to 2 or 3 shot him with full endurance and a touch spell
Or if you have any short blade skills there are a couple daggers and short swords around early
Play something else then. Don't come crying to Yea Forums about how the game isn't tailored for you. Jesus fuck
>have better combat system than your shitty morowind.
but shit everything else. FFS you can't even jump from continent to continent in Gothic
No, not really. You just need to learn what the stats do instead of randomly picking the wizard class and trying to hit stuff with a 2 handed axe wondering why you're not hitting stuff.
Download Morroblivion with Cinematic ENB (along with any other mods you want) and you've got the best Morrowind experience you can have, faggot.
holy fucking shit, that looks awful
That's because I accidentally uploaded the wrong image. Thats from Skywind. Thought I had a good screenshot from Morroblivion but I don't.
Anyways, Morroblivion is 1000 time better than Morrowind. Download it.
There are 0 things Oblivion does better than Morrowind unless you consider lockpicking to be better as a minigame.
No, not even graphics, Oblivion is uglier than Arena.
When you get good taste
Age doesn't exclude being retarded
>Don't come crying to Yea Forums
This isn't your personal forum. I'll give your own advice back to you.
Go somewhere else. Don't come to Yea Forums expecting every thread to be tailored to you. Jesus fuck.
Its a terrible game that people think is good, Only thing worth it in Morrowind is lore nothing else
Never, just finished the main questline the other day and it was as boring and shit as all the other quests in the game (and series in general). Just do yourself a favor a play a vastly superior rpg known as Gothic.
what I came for to be honest, but if I can ge ta babby's first Outlander build, I'll persevere through that.
I hear this a lot on here (see thread) but I know nothing of Gothic. Redpill me on this legend of a game?
>power through the boring tedious thieves guild quests and morag tong quests
>go there steal x, go there kill x, repeat ad nauseam
>right after reach the point of the main quest where you have to convince 800 factions across vvardenfell that you're the nerevarine
fucking hellllllllll
Well long story short, it is the best action rpg out there. Unlike the mediocre elder scrolls games its world is handcrafted, more pragmatic and immersive. Npc's actually behave realistically (go to sleep, get pissed off when u rummage through their houses, hold grudges against you if you fuck them over somehow, to name a few points), the quests aren't generic boring kill monster x in cave x and get some generic copy pasted loot as a reward. Just give Gothic 1 a shot and see for yourself. Though i have to warn you it isn't for the faint hearted sort, and it isn't the type of game where you can start being a hero from day 1 and take on anything in game from the get go. Just take it slow and read the game manual before starting (its pretty short).
Hey i actually finished the main quest the other day and it turns out that you can skip all that ashlander and house dick sucking phase if your over lvl 20 or smth. go look it up if you're interested.
By the time you fuck off back to /r/eddit like the retarded zoomer you are.
He isn't wrong about the dogshit part though.
>Just read the online guide bro!
>people recommending Gothic to a person who thinks Morrowind is clunky
When you stop sucking so much cock.
Gothic's combat may be clunky (especially in the first part) but in fact they are some of the most intuitive combat systems out there when you get used to them.
Also remember to install a patch known as the "systempack" for a more modern and smoothed out version of the game
haha gothic fags are hilarious
>caring how other people play a single player game
>not just appreciating that it's possible and doing your own thing the way you enjoy
user, daggerfall is the epitome of grace and intuition in comparison to gothic.
I’m not calling it a bad game, but you’re an absolute fucking retard if you think it’s more accessible and fluid than morrowind
Quite the endorsement. I am a lore lover and would rather jaunt through a game and learn all of the world rather than get a trophy for slaying every little thing. Is it for me?
dunno been playing morroblivion and it's ok but at the same time I don't like how there's more trees and grass in Vvardenfell
Morrowind's landscape in the base game has a bit more charm
I prefer Oblivion's combat though
>the game where animals can't avoid your swings if they're in range, and humans either parry or actively avoid your attacks instead of arbitrarily missing due to dice rolls
not seeing the problem
Frankly? Yes, although it should be mentioned that the Gothic series is more conservative when it comes to lore and will only divulge its aspects piecemeal at a time (unlike Morrowind).
that's fine with me. so long as I can explore the series rather than just getting smacked down outside of city limits and never be able to go get a new history book.
Sure it is less accessible than mororwind, considering that Morrowinds combat is just a generic D&D style dicerole shit where u just left click and pray that your hit lands, while in gothic you actually have to factor in timing and be in control of your actions if you want to survive.
You sure proved that.
From the very beginning, if not then I'm sorry, you just suck OP.
>durr it’s not clunky, it’s sensical and intuitive
>have to mod the game to get a control scheme resembling something from this century
when you realize how many different guilds there are, and how much insanely valuable loot is laying around in smuggler caves waiting to be sold. when you're taking a shortcut through the water and find a shipwreck or a cave or even ruins. when you realize that you can fly.
Morrowind fags would eat actual feces if they remembered doing it as a child.
The clunkyness only applies to G1 and is practically a none factor in G1 with systempack and G2 vannila. Also the controls are fine unless your a sub 100IQ retard that can't handle being forces to use more than 1 key in combat.
That's only the first one.
The second game has a reasonable control scheme out of the box.
I think the necessary shit to get the games running on modern OSes fixes that anyway so it shouldn't be an issue regardless.
Gothic 1's controls work well despite not being standard anyway, being different doesn't necessarily mean bad.
The controls are actually efficient enough that you can play the entire game with one hand.
Man, fuck the Germans.
That shit is unforgivable.
>Oh shit i have to use 2 keys to do something? 100%unplayable am i right guys?