Why do Japanese games always act like European girls are posh, elegant and beautiful?

Why do Japanese games always act like European girls are posh, elegant and beautiful?

The truth couldn't be farther from this trope.

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>Japanese games/anime
Fuck off, retard.

Because games are escapism.

Because they're the posh european girls, not the roasties you see on the street obvs

>white girls
>anything but the lowest forms of trash

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Compare to Amerimutt (((girls)))?


Her whole route is about how she isn't that at all.


I spy an amerilard

They don‘t like european. They just like pretty girls with huge tits. However huge tits doesn‘t mix well with Asian girl design, and Japs also hate niggers, so they go by blondes in default.

You do realize that in glamorized fiction, every girl is beautiful, right? Unlike 3DPD, in which maybe 10-20% meet that criteria at best. If you think this is somehow specific to Europeans, and that all Japanese girls are cute girls with big dinnerplate eyes and a fit body, you're a fucking idiot. And if that isn't what you think, why aren't you ranting and raving about how the Japanese girls in anime aren't truthful and accurate to what the average Japanese girl looks like?

Paris Syndrome is a very real thing. Same principle for the rest. Does anyone have the webm of the Korean girls meeting their "Swedish" fans?

>They don‘t like european
Japan is crazy about Europe, the fuck you talking about

unironically this they hold whites to a higher standard when in reality they are no better than NIGGERS

Because they aren't trying to emulate real life like retards

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ugly japanese girls still look significantly better than ugly white girls, hell even some plain/borderline-ugly japs look better than so called "pretty" whites

Yes, functioning civilizations are basically the same as mud huts and broken down shacks

>this is what third worlders believe

Some 30+ years or so ago, a lot of European girls used to be like that yes. Now they just want to travel to get exotic dick, party all night and dress slutty. They've lost all manners and elegance. I think it's why a lot of people like jap girls, it's because they still see those ideals in them but that also couldn't be farther from the truth. The truth is women have changed.

It's just a funny meme, just like, for example, portraying a French character as white.

even third worlds have had to deal with whites at one point in their lives

From where does this titty committee hail?


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>they are no better than NIGGERS
I wouldn't go that far, but 3DPD girls are disgusting in general.

I pity that the nips still think that europe is full of blond hair and blue eyes citizens that are prim and proper.

Some nips even treat them as their equals with the whole tea ceremonies, knights and samurai shit.

ya mum's house

>3DPD girls are disgusting in general.

Attached: BASED.jpg (676x1202, 153K)

My sisters look nothing like that, you rapscallion.

When Japan was first discovered, it was by mercenaries and explorers. You have all these uncivilized Japanese farmers and fishermen learning about the outside world through people specialized in travel.

Why do you clueless EOP weeaboos always act like Japan is .....?

Because you're clueless EOP weeaboos that idealize it. Try living here, like me, you'll lose your delusions.

And the same is true for Japanese and Europe. It's easy to idealize it if they never went there.

>stop liking what I don't like REEEEEE

You have never seen average Japanese girls if you think this is true. I swear the stupidity of people like yourself is astounding.

That's not what I'm saying at all. I like living in Japan. I'm just saying that it's not the anime land you think it is.

Japan wants only to represent the best in the world while westerners always represent the worst and often focus on bleak realism.

Someone have that webm of those K-pop chicks having a videochat with 2 somalian "swedes"?

did you ever get assaulted by an insect or found one that you felt repulsed by?

that's how unattractive asian women work, it's fucking scary and gives you goosebumps because they are so shiver inducing

>trying living here IT SUCKS
I think I'll pass

There is nothing worse than people who invade other countries. Go kill yourself, you waste of oxygen.

incorrect, i live there mongoloid

Give me an example, you have got me intrigued.

Lol, you again? Don't worry, I'm white, know Japanese, am used to the local culture and everything. More than you could ever do, weeaboo.

because tropes are fun and cute

who would ever want to fucking be closer to fucking realism in video games

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I live in a first world country surrounded by peers with similar values, buddy. But hey, have fun with your yellow fever adventure.

Knowing Japanese is fine and all, but moving to the country is just pathetic.

>who would ever want to fucking be closer to fucking realism in video games
whoever makes the Sony excusives

Stop lying. To me, or to yourself.

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Thanks, I will

Maybe you shouldn't associate with the unwashed masses.

>who would ever want to fucking be closer to fucking realism in video games
I fully agree with you, unfortunately sòy drinking western companies think the opposite, and are on a rat race to reach "muh perfect realism". Fuck Western games, fuck sjw cuck culture and fuck realism. Keep bringing awesome artstyles and games to us, based Japan.

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back row left and front row left are cute tho. let me guess "STOP HAVING TASTES AND STANDARDS DIFFERENT TO ME REEEEEEEE"

>European girls
It's not just european girls, but european girls who have enough money and time to live in japan + learn the language

I meant to say exclusives but "excusives" works too as an edgy bit of wordplay

They also seem to think all european girls are forever stuck in the 1800s, all live in mansions, have their personal butlers and do nothing but eat cake and drink tea.

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The japanese are such nice people
They are the only group of people left that will display white people in a good light in their media

And they're always blonde with blue/green eyes.

It's so engraved in their perception of the world they refuse to acknowledge any other kind of women as "european"

>have their personal butlers and do nothing but eat and drink
TBF this isn't that far from the truth.

After the day of the rope it will be reality.

Who gives a fuck honestly

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Too many whypipo and blondes am i right,we need diversity and shieeet

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Jesus christ that big girl almost annihilated them.
They should have known how this would have ended.

It never ceases to amaze me how anything Japanese triggers these anons. Especially if someone says they actually live in Japan or prefer Asian women.

>it's another weebcel thread

So you got scared of real women and decided to run away to your submissive slant-eyed gooks who will obey you like some dogs. You incel yellow fever faggots are just beyond pathetic. You're never getting a real woman.

>its another discord tranny defense force post

Jealous, weebcel?

What an absolute unit; 10/10 would fight alongside with.

Have sex, incel. Oh wait, you can't and will never get to have sex. Go back to jerking it to your chinks who look like children, you sick pedo fuck.

I'm not the one chasing around some weeb dreams like you are. Get a real woman (white or black) and then come back and try talking to me.

>incels getting BTFO

>Get a real woman (black)

I ain't giving a free you

When will mods ban these threads. I honestly wish hiro would create a japanese vidya board so all the weebs would leave us and we could actually talk about FUCKING VIDEO GAMES

>"get a real woman"
>unironically recommending 3d garbage
off yourself

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>go on twitter
>tons of people shittalking Asians
>no one bats an eye
>say something about black people
>"wtf did you just say?!?!!?!??!"
>everyone flips out and goes apeshit
>say nigger here
>50/50 chance of getting a ban
>say gook, chink, slant eyed fuck, etc.
>never banned
I don't get it.

>>go on twitter
y tho

Have sex.

>western "games" only


European girls that have families that can move to Japan are probably all rich as shit.

Asians don't count as diversity unless it suits the current agenda.

To work, an insult has to come from a position of superiority (a gorgeous person calling someone ugly), that's why "cracker" was never an effective insult while the opposite hurts like a motherfucker.
Asians don't really give a shit for that reason, and liberals don't protect them because they are migrants that made it on their own dime and effort, and they destroy the narrative.

look up paris syndrome
japs literally go into shock when they come to europe and find out it's full of brown criminals

Blacks will beat you up
Muslims will kill your family
Jews will get you fired

Asians and whites will... make angry face at you?

It's all about power

not only that but they're human garbage trust me

This is why I choose tank.

Once I worked at a place where the boss was Chinese and he was like the proverbial Jew but also kinda stupid.

Also, I've heard that generalizations are bad for your health.

It's 2019, you moron, there are no real women anymore, only gynoids, tulpas, alien bodysnatchers, alien mimics and psychic eldritch abominations.

Why do Japanese games always act like Brown girls are super attractive?

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But user, the European girls come in many different varieties, as you have your redneck Duck Dynasty, hypebeast, edgelords or black ghetto subcultures, there are European girls that pursue elegance and beauty and try to be angelic (on the other hand, there are also girls who wear latex and beat men with whips, so I'm happy Japanese developers found the ladies first, they're precious creatures and should be protected).

Europe used to be good, but now its infested by niggers, muslims and liberals.

Because 2D brown girls are the best.

Muslims have been in Europe since 8th century. They have more right to be there than you have to be on your clay.

> Paris
> French
> White
Let me tell you something user. Even before being nigger Town, everyone in a France hated Paris already. Foreigners are just too dumb to listen to us when we arn them. I've been killing the dreams of every Japanese and Chinese girl while I was in Asia and showed them just how shit Paris is and that if one wants to experience France, it's country side or bust

Cause the 2D ones are.

i've heard that women and gays are superstitious

~20 japanese are hospitalized per year because they have panic attacks after realizing Paris isn't the same today as it was in late 1700 or early 1800. Holy shit this can't be a real thing.

Muslims have been invading Europe since the 8th century

Because they are incel

to appease people

I'd fuck a lot of black chicks as long as they never said anything but "massah" and left in the morning


>country side
even the country side isn't safe anymore

I live in a town in the south west and the last 5 years we've been invaded by niggers, there's no escape

My ex was japanese
We went to London one summer and she was scared as hell. She always thought that UK was all white fancy girls and englishmen in private schools drinking tea and shit and she found a strange mix of somalia, india and pakistan. She didnt leave the hotel in a week because some black guy asked us to go to his bar to have a drink and he got mad when I said no the first night.
I wasted all the week visit museums alone. They live in another world.

>japs hate blacks
based I love Japan even more now

BROWN WOMEN IN ANIME ARE 99,9% OF THE TIME NOT AFRICANS,they are tanned anime people or just tanned japs if they have a nationality

Attached: blacks.webm (846x430, 2.99M)

Everyone knows this.

and they were never heard from again

You mean upper class white girls that have the money to travel.

>about Europe
Yes, not the citizens.

who is she

Chinese are knockoff Jews.

upper class white girls are the worst though, they behave like bottom of the barrel subhuman ghetto trash

I don't think you understand how prevalent modern culture is in every strata of society, the so called "elites" are as degenerate as the rest, just richer

Game name?