This guys looks like big boss

This guys looks like big boss

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this guy looks like big boss

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Too bad he's a literal shill


looks like a pudgy balding goober who lost his eye for israel

This guy looks like Krang.

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Big Boss was not a Neocon Zionist

He's seen the world, what have you done?

he's literally mccain 2.0 don't get excited
he's nothing but a cocksleeve for israel

Damn that’s so sad

I get turning mudbut taliban Bacha Bazi terrorist hiding Afghanistan deservedly into a glass parking lot but why did dubya have to do Iraq dirty like that? Was Israeli money really worth it?

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This guys looks like Senator Armstrong

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This guy looks like raiden

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What the fuck

Big Boss isn't a conservacuck

Hes just another boring run of the mill neocon Republican. No idea why the media pretends he is anymore than than a shill that tugs on AOC's pig tails for attention. He will serve his masters in Israel well.

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Even if he ever felt hesitant after all the money it wouldn't matter
Mossad has dirt on probably his whole dynasty so he would have no choice

Big Boss is FOR SURE not a leftist discord tranny either so you shouldn’t identify with him

Probably did some fucked up faggot shit with those hands.
Glad god still punishes sodomy though

I saw it with two eyes.

He wanted paws, I think you can piece together the rest from there. He completely misses the irony that he continued to retweet other furries after doing it, and apparently it's also lost on the thousands of other furfags who replied.

Serious question: how do we defeat Israel?

I mean it’s unethical to nuke tel aviv but America is literally the sword Israel uses to smash its neighbors and scare Iran with. Israel must be stopped if America (parts of Europe) have any hope of being saved and I just want to know how we would go about stopping the Zionist conspiracy

>He wanted paws
I fail to understand

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Big Boss explicitly does not discriminate against race, gender or ideology so he would probably be more inviting to a Discord tranny than your average Trumptard

Just take away the cash Israel is built from billions of American and German dollars it would fall apart without gibs, they would be fucked if everyone boycotted them for the apartheid.

He should wear a cool metal mask, he has an excuse to do it without being an edgy tryhard

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>practisiing bacha bazi

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What a brave mentally divergent individual.

Stop giving Isreal attention, but Republicunts would scream bloody murder about finally not doing shit for Isreal.

Also not video games.

He's a furfag user, don't try to make sense of it.
Just realize that we hate them for a reason. Suffer not a furfag to live.

I doubt that honestly but I also don’t care enough about this either to debate you, you’re still some weird faggot

He fell asleep with dry ice on his hands that he has to do because he wants to wear furry paws with arthritis
That means he wouldn't turn away either, retard. Though trannies are doing just about as much as they can to not be suited for military service

Start with BDS. There is a reason why they ban anyone from entering the country that advocates for it. They know it will be extremely effective just like it was in South Africa.

Unfortunately, Israel is in control of 89% of the Democrats and 100% of the Republicans. It will literally never happen with a boomer congress.

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Didn't the young turks say the insurgent who blinded this guy was a brave soldier?


>those blisters
How the FUCK does this happen? How long would you have to cut off circulation for things to become this irreparable?

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You’re losing me user as I don’t give a shit about the muslims, I just want Israel to stop sending our boys into meat grinders. Isn’t there some other way to defeat international zionists without wearing gay little keffiyas and not buying certain grocery items?

No. This is the future you chose.

Yeah he got kicked off twitch too for it

This is what happens when you tell people to just be themselves.

6 hours, apparently

His personality is nowhere near as cool

I ain't clicking that shit, nigger.

>what is 4chanX
>what is embed

>goes on joe rogan to talk about how politicians actually cannot be corrupted
>immidietly shills for fracking and coal mines
fucking dumbass

That guy is a shill or grade A retard.

its still 30 minutes you fucking mongrel I ain't watching it

I never open mass-reply shit, what is this?

Nice try mr fbi man

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i recognize this posting style
open the file guys, it's harmless. trust me.

no thanks glownigger

>what is a waste of CPU resource due to chrome's shitty extension managment.

ok I opened it and someone banged on my front door 2 minutes later im scared

Yeah, now he’s seeing it with one eye. Also, calling a warzone “seeing the world” is kind of misleading.

He's a fucking faggot

TRUMP 2020

America deserved 9/11

>Though trannies are doing just about as much as they can to not be suited for military service
This statement doesn’t work in reality when transgendered people want to work in the military but are barred from it.

>unironically wanting to be a babykilling zogbot military industrial complex shill

only further confirming trannoids are mentally ill

No, they want to not be excluded, but still not do it. If you think anyone left wing enough to chop of their own dick would join the military, then you’re a fucking retard.

holy shit

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Too bad he’s a shallow careerist who got elected on shallow “GOD BLESS THE TROOPS” identity politics.
I thought it was hilarious seeing all the magatards turn on him for his support of gun control, as if he ever gave a flying fuck about you. All these people see is “vet” and “fuck muslims xdxd” and thats enough to convince them he’s their guy

Yeah but it was more of a stupid comedic bit than actual commentary.

He can't wear a mask, he's dead.

>magatards aren't tribalists

>moving goalpost
>ad hom
Oh sweetie!

Cool story, bro. You’re still wrong

Republican snowflakes literally got mega-TRIGGERED by this alpha male who was simply excercising his freedom of speech. Something conservatards repeatedly claim they would die for, yet when it's used against them they get triggered and cry for safe spaces and deplatforming.
Absolutely pathetic.
Shoutout to the brave Mujahideen.

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shill harder MICuck

i'm disgusted by furries & fags alike but honestly this is just sad to see

poor guy

He indirectly called me a loser after Joe Rogan taught him what an incel is so he's lost my vote.

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Seemed like a cool guy until I checked out his IG page & saw him slobbering Israel's cock.

The fuck is up with Republicans bending over for Israel?
There's literally no rational reason to spend innumerable resources on a random Jewish colony out in the Middle East.

I don't understand why these guys act like Israel is a gift from God, it seems irrational to me.

Why be willing to sacrifice so much for some random Jews in the middle of sandland????

Why not spend those billions on the American people? Fucking hell.

America's so fucking cucked, Jesus save us man.

>Marine Sgt. Tyler Ziegel was seriously wounded by a suicide car bomber while serving his second tour in Iraq.
He spent 19 months in surgery and recovery at Brooke Army Medical Center in Texas. He was supported
through this time by his fiancee, Renee Kline and his family. In 2006, Ziegel and Kline married and divorced
shortly thereafter. Ziegel tragically died of heroin and alcohol poisoning in 2012.

isn't he a gun grabber?

Fisting gone wrong

yes and a zionist shill propped up by the israel lobby

fuck him and fuck boomer cons to be quite desu with you, looks nowhere near as rugged/manly as big boss either

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Israel is the only example of democracy in the region, constantly under unjust attack from the terrorist supporting nations surrounding it, an ally, and a bulwark and distraction from terrorists coming or focusing on us. If you're optimistic, you might hope that Israels example will allow the muslim nations to follow suit. If you're cynical, you can at least view Israel as a distant shield or bait to distract bad guys from US.

So they're good because they're a democracy?
They don't seem worth all the money & effort.
Who gives a shit?

Why the fuck would any American EVER care about spending ANY money on the Israelis over in Muzzidland?

America has a billion issues, and we choose to focus our efforts on aiding Israel?
Fucking absurd.

America first, innit?

>I mean it’s unethical to nuke tel aviv
Says who?

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I don't remember Big Boss hiding behind being a soldier willingly and starting to cry when people used their first amendment rights to criticize him for feeding young people into the unemployed/military pipeline.

But maybe voting for arms sales to saudi arabia half a dozen times will do that to a crippled welfare queen, who knows?

>Fuck the Veteran's Association by the way, we can't give them more money.
>But aren't they former soldiers who still deal with the aftermath of the wars we sent them into, just like you once were?
>Yeah, but bolstering the VA would cost too much money.
>Didn't you repeatedly vote in favor of increasing your own salary?

Outer Heaven would be a very different place if that guy was Big Boss, I can tell you that much.

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he looks badass, but he's a cuck irl

>All these people see is “vet” and “fuck muslims xdxd” and thats enough to convince them he’s their guy
Ironic, your entire political ideology is the same crap.

You dont, Israel would nuke the world over if it meant losing power


>muh democracy
Who gives a shit
Not one drop of American blood should ever be spilled in the interests of another nation, democratic or otherwise

Cenk should know better by now than to have people associated with the network he built up
just because they're family.

Israel is the only democracy in the region because of US intervention. The "unjust attack" is because Israel has been a Western pawn since its creation.

More like Big Zog.

David Peterson looks like a lanky bug person.

>starting to cry when people used their first amendment rights to criticize him for feeding young people into the unemployed/military pipeline.
When does this happened apart from dems hyper-sensitive mind?

This guy is just as retarded as the dude in OP. both are low IQ mongs.

It's bullshit. Dude had arthritis and treated it with pain killers and reusable packs of dry ice. He fell asleep during one of those episodes, got frostbite and lost his hands. For some reason some mentally ill people in Yea Forums are obsessed with making it seem like it was the result of something naughty. So far they've said it was the result of BDSM gone wrong, an amputation fetish or wanting to have paw-like hands.

>why did dubya have to do Iraq dirty like that?
You can refuse the jewjew cum.

t. PretzelzCollie and HuskyMischief

Did he fall asleep with his hands in his boyfriends ass?

>dry ice
Dangerous shit, what a fucking idiot

Thank you for your service haha

To be fair, your judgment tends to be clouded by chronic, constant agonizing joint pain. I really wouldn't be surprised if a part of him is relieved he's found a permanent solution.

>reusable packs of dry ice.

Too bad he's a big money shill

where can i watch this shakespearian masterpiece

You know those refrigerant packets that you get damp so they get cold? Those.

Sure but in a 1st world nation you go see a doctor who prescribes you medicine and treatment.
This is just another case of a retarded poor 3rd world mutt unable to afford healthcare who fucked himself up the ass through his own stupidity.

Good goyim.

yeah, those fags are so delusional and desperate for power they'll enact Samsara and nuke everyone who ever existed if their existence is threatened in any manner. I don't doubt for a second they won't use it even if they aren't currently being nuked yet if things get bad enough

man, that story was sad I didn't know he killed himself.
I remember a lot of people gave the wife shit because she left him because she couldn't look past his melted exterior.

now he gets to be ridiculed on a chinese videogame website by sociopathic incels

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It still is extremely weird how positive and upbeat he is about losing his fucking hands. He's got some endgame plan here.

He tried to deplatform Nick Fuentes. Now karma is just paying him back.
But fuck the eye hole Zioncon anyway. McCain clone.

What about this bullfighter

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I mean he has a fiance, friends, even people willing to pay his medical bills AND get got rid of his pain. What's he gonna do, cry himself to sleep every hour?

Not everyone is a miserable, perpetually pessimistic cunt like the averaga 4channer, user.

So I've heard, Iraq wanted to bolster their own currency and do oil trades outside of the USD. That's an emergency cause for introducing DEMOCRACY to a country.

He lost his fucking hands. You don't just get over it in less than a week unless something up.

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I would've already killed myself long ago if I was half as fucking retarded as that guy is.

Found the shekel sniffer.

That AND Saddam was stupid enough to go around telling everyone he wanted to build a second Babylon in the Middle East.

Sometimes I feel like democracy itself is used as only a shallow tool to disguise how little a say we actually have in things. That's how it feels in this country a lot of the time.

Could someone explain how the eyepatch he wore on Joe Rogan works? It didn't have straps. It was like the one Odin and Thor wore in the MCU movies.

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Leftists actually talk about policy

same way an anal plug works

>perpetually pessimistic
noone is saying that though? the normal response to an amputation is to have some negative emotion about it, you fucking psychopath.

Haven't seen it but probably some sort of temporary adhesive.

Looks like he's from Dishonored.

Well I would assume it fits into the socket itself. Kind of gruesome but awesome at the same time. Of course I'm not too sure on that extent of damage done to his fucked up eye though.


>Dry ice
How on earth can you put that on even for a minute not to mention fall asleep with it on your hand.

>how do we defeat Israel?
By murdering all brainwashed americans since they're the enablers and are beyond saving anyways. That way you cut off their resources. The surrounding Middle-Eastern countries will take care of the rest.

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The governments of those "terrorist" supporting nations surrounding Israel are the reason why the people of that region hadn't thrown you ungrateful bagel dogs out. You have officials from every royal family leader in the gulf states lining up to suck the blood out of your cock in the open now. Your existence relies on the entire region being ruled by brutal dictators that pay homage to you so you smelly kikes don't have any right to claim that freedom and democracy is something you value.

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He's a conservacuck who woships Israel and the jews, just like every other cowardly republican.